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39.65% I am reborn in Akame ga KILL / Chapter 69: Earth Magic

Bab 69: Earth Magic

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Korra and Toph's first training session lasted until nightfall. For Toph, the darkness didn't bother her, because she was already blind, but for Korra, the lack of daylight clearly hindered her, moreover, the sky was covered with clouds, so the moon wasn't visible. The only sources of light were the fire, where I was roasting saber-toothed moose meat. A couple of these aggressive animals were roaming near the town, so I decided to invite them to our dinner as the main course.

- Come on, Avatar, move that rock! Harder! - With some joy in her voice yelled at Korra Toph, and the result of their training was, Korra was able to move a huge boulder for a couple of metres only with the help of Earth Magic, but to push it away as well, as Toph had recently demonstrated, Korra now can't do that, - Until you get the desired result, you won't sleep or eat! I'll make you a true Earth Mage! Wow, teaching the Avatar turned out to be quite interesting... Come on, Avatar! Do your best! - Toph threw a small pebble at Korra to stimulate her magic.

- It seems that Master Yu's meditations weren't so bad. - Corra said quietly, rubbing her bottom where the pebble had hit.

- Hey, I'm blind, not deaf, and I heard everything perfectly. - Toph threw another pebble at Korra.

- All right, Toph, stop torturing the Avatar, that's enough class for today, you both did a good job. - I walked over to the two girls as I prepared dinner for everyone.

- But I did a better job than Avatar, didn't I, Lava Boy? - Tof came up to me with a smile.

- My name is Hela, and yes, you did good, Toph, today you deserve the most delicious part of loselv today. - I petted the girl and took her to dinner.

- And I'm not a good girl? - Korra asked, -I too want the most delicious part of loselv. - The girl said, creating water for herself and washing herself from excess dirt.

- Korra, you are good too, but better tell me, how do you like Toph as a teacher? - I asked the girl.

- Yes, answer me, how do you like me as a teacher? - Toph asked, and stomped her foot and created a few projectiles from the ground, which she obviously wanted to throw at Korra in case of a negative comment about her abilities as a teacher of Earth Magic.

- She's just great. - Korra replied, and Toph's projectiles fell to the ground, 'But...' and then the stones rose slightly again, ready to rush at the ungrateful student again.

- But, Toph is too strict and demanding, but that's good. - The sooner I learn Earth Magic, the better. - We sat down around the fire to eat dinner.

Toph sat down on a stone stool she had created and began to eat roast meat with her hands, and when she had eaten, she burped.

- Thank you for dinner, Lava Boy. - she wiped her hands on her clothes.

- So you say Toph is from a wealthy family of Beifong? - Katara asked sceptically.

- Well, yes, so what of it? You don't like that I don't observe etiquette? So we're not at a dinner party now... princess. - replied Toph with a sneer.

- Katara and Korra are the daughters of the chief of the Southern Water Tribe, so they can really be considered princesses. - I said, and after finishing my meal, I sat behind Toph to start treating her.

- Hela wanted to say something, but her lips were frozen together.

- And that's information you shouldn't tell Toph. - I warned, restoring Katara's ability to speak.

- Lava Boy, do you have some secret you don't want to tell? - Toph asked as I placed my hands over her eyes.

- It's not really a secret, it's just information about my background, Korra and Katara know who I am, but when someone finds out the truth about me we always have a bad relationship and I have to prove that I'm good and can be trusted, even with Korra and Katara it happened. Then maybe I'll tell you who I am. - I replied, pouring my life energy into Toph's eyes and using it to fix all the defects in her eyes that prevented her from seeing.

- All right, later. But let's at least get to know each other. - suggested Toph, - So, Korra, Katara, do you like Hela? - Toph asked.

- Erm... can we ask less personal questions? - Katara asked.

- You can't, and answer them, and most importantly don't lie, I recognise lies with Earth Magic. - said Toph.

- He has a wife. - replied Korra.

- What? You're married? - With indignation and jealousy in her voice asked Toph.

- Yeah, but my wife Suyuki recently suggested that I get a second wife, because it is difficult for her to satisfy me, and I'm looking for a possible future second wife ... well, and just in case, the third and fourth. - I replied.

- Hmm... well, I'm going to bed. - Toph got up and went to the nearest abandoned house.

- How about while you sleep, I'll treat you? - I suggested.

- And you won't sleep? - Toph asked.

- I sleep in that place between worlds, there time flows differently, and there I need only twenty minutes to sleep, so I can heal your eyesight at night, so that you can see the world with your beautiful eyes. - I replied.

- All right, Lava Boy, go ahead. - Toph waved her hand, allowing me to follow her.

The girl in the abandoned house found a room with a bed, and laid down on this bunk, I settled down behind the bed, and putting my hands on Toph's eyes, continued the treatment. About an hour later, Toph suddenly asked a question:

- Listen, Lava Boy, am I beautiful at all? I've never seen myself, my mum and dad said that I'm beautiful, but you know, my parents would hardly call me ugly, even if it was true. - touched Toph's face.

- Your parents weren't lying, you're a pretty little thing, you'll soon see for yourself. By the way, how old are you? - I asked.

- Twelve. - replied Toph.

- Oh, that's another four years to wait before you can be married, quite a long time. - I said, and Toph continued to be silent, only after another ten minutes, she asked again:

- Lava Boy, and because of what you ran away from home as a child? I was overprotected by my parents, what about you?

- I wanted freedom too, but in my case there was no overprotection, so I didn't hesitate to run away... I never got along with my father and grandfather, but it was a pity to leave my mother and sister, but I met my mother a couple of weeks ago, and I saw my sister recently... and Korra and I are going to visit my father soon.

- I see. Can you teach me Lava Magic? - the girl asked.

- I think so. I'm a Fire Mage, not an Earth Mage, so to create Lava I melt stone directly with Fire Magic, but there is a way to create Lava with Earth Magic. When the stones rub against each other they get hot, you need to Earth Magic to make the stones rub against each other quickly and they will turn into Lava.

- Hmm... we'll have to try that. - replied Toph.

- I can control not only molten stones, but also molten metal, there is a difference between these materials, but not critical, since even the Fire Mage could control them on the same principle. So, metal is, in fact, purified earth, in ordinary stone about a tenth of it is metal, in some rocks of stones, so in general, about a third.

- Good advice... by the way, Lava Boy, how did you meet the Avatar, and why are you helping her at all? - Toph asked a question.

- I'm her Fire Magic teacher, and I've known her for a few years now, so I'm helping her out. Try to get some sleep, Toph, you have to teach Korra tomorrow.

- I'm just not used to sleeping with someone sitting next to me with their hands on my face... but it's necessary for the case, so I'll try to sleep. - said the girl, but it took her another hour to fall asleep.

I have quite a bit of experience in healing, in the past world, I was constantly getting hurt and injured and my other self was always healing me, eventually all the experience in this magic was transferred to me. With the help of life energy I can heal any damage of my own or other people's body, but the fastest and the easiest way of treatment is to provide the organism with a huge amount of life energy and it will heal itself, but Toph has her blindness since birth, and it is normal for her organism, so such a simple method doesn't work on her, here it is necessary to fix everything manually, directing the flows of life energy to the right places, and with its help to change the cells and tissues of other people's organism, and it is not so easy, human organism is obvious

All night and part of the morning I continued to treat Toph, and when she woke up she asked:

- How's it going with my eyesight?

- Two more sessions like that and you'll be able to see. - I replied, and yawned, 'Let's have breakfast, and while you teach Korra, I'll just take a quick nap. - I petted the girl and left the house, the young lady had to do her morning chores.

Toph was responsible for Korra's training... although with some sadism, on the second lesson Toph made Korra carry huge stones to make the Avatar feel the elements better, and began to learn to lift these stones in the air. Every hour, Toph increased the size of the boulder, so that Korra had to either work harder physically or spend more effort to lighten her load. By the end of the lesson, Korra was able to lift a hundred kilos above the ground. Now, before pushing the stone, Korra would lighten it, making it fly a lot further, and it was more like Toph's demonstration from yesterday.

By dinner time Korra was very tired, and Toph was very happy that she was able to torture and shout at the Avatar, when I went to heal Toph, Katara decided to help her sister and heal her with Water Magic. Katara herself didn't forget to train as well, she and I even have practice fights away from Korra and Toph who are training.

After the second treatment session, Toph said the morning after:

- I think I'm starting to see... if I close my eyes, everything is like it always was... black, and if I open my eyes, everything is... white?

- I've repaired the optic nerve, and the retinal vessels, so you can see the light passing through your eyes, but the lens is still cloudy, and it should be transparent, so that the image passes through it to the retina, and the retina sends the image through the optic nerve to the brain. In general, all the most difficult I have already done, the easiest task I left for last, tomorrow morning, you will already see. - I stroked the girl again before leaving.

Toph was even more enthusiastic about her training today, today she decided to throw a huge round stone from the mountain at Korra, and Korra had to stop it. As this rock rolled straight at Korra at a tremendous speed, the Avatar panicked a bit and simply jumped out of the projectile's trajectory.

- Wrong! You're supposed to be unshakable! Like a rock! One more time! - Toph shouted and stomped her foot to create a boulder twice the size of the previous one.

- Toph, be careful, I don't need to kill the Avatar, let her stop this rock when it rolls past her. - I advised.

- Stay out of this, Lava Boy, I'm the teacher here and I know best. Get in position, Avatar! - shouted Toph.

- Well, Korra, I promise to heal you if you do get crushed by that rock. - I looked at Korra sympathetically.

- You can't jump back now. - And don't you dare use any magic other than Earth Magic,' Tof shouted, and Korra's legs were enveloped in rocks, preventing her from moving. - Toph shouted and threw a stone from the mountain straight at Korra, and she immediately started trying to stop it, the closer the stone was, the harder she tried, and a few metres away from Korra, the stone began to slow down noticeably, until it stopped ten centimetres away from the Avatar.

- Wooh...I made it. - Korra exhaled with relief.

- Well, you've learnt the basics of Earth Magic. - Tof stomped her foot and sent a stone the size of a human head at Korra, who was able to stop the projectile and send it back to Tof, - Now that you know how to do something, you need practice fighting an Earth Mage, and that's what we'll do next. From now on the boring part of training ends and the fun part begins, now I can not only yell at you, but also beat you up! - said Toph excitedly.

- Okay, I've learnt Earth Magic, now I'll be honing it, but there's still Air Magic, and it's impossible to find a teacher for it, because all the Air Nomads have been exterminated. - Korra said sadly, glancing at me.

- While you're practising Earth Magic, we'll look for information on Air Magic. Tomorrow we'll head further east, there's an Eastern Temple of Air Nomads nearby, maybe we'll find something useful there, and then I'll fly for Bing, and she and I will go to the Spirit of Knowledge - Wang Shi Tong, in his library in the middle of the Shi Wong Desert there must have been scrolls on Air Magic.

- A library... is that where there are lots of books? - I can't read or write,' Toph asked. - the girl turned towards me.

- Well, if you continue travelling with us, I can teach you. - I replied.

- Thank you, Lava Boy... hmm... - said Toph, and then turned to the west, - There are some vibrations coming from there, as if something huge, heavy and loud is approaching here. - Toph pointed in the exact direction.

- It's your se-' Korra wanted to say, but I froze her lips for a moment.

- Looks like it's Princess Azula coming for the Avatar's head, probably in some kind of Fire Nation steam tank. So be it, I'll play with them again. - I said with a smile on my face.

- Avatar, so much for partners in Earth Magic training. - Toph said.

- We need to get ready for the meeting then. - Korra replied.

While I was putting on my armour and mask, Toph and Korra were creating more earth stones from the ground, which can be quickly used in the combat Earth Magic, in the end they got a lot of shells and a huge pit in the ground, which Korra and Katara quickly filled with water from the nearest stream. A dozen minutes later, on the horizon appeared something noisy and puffing steam, I would call it a steam train, but there were no rails... However, this something turned out to be a tank train, ahead of the train was a powerful tracked tank, which dragged two cars on the caterpillar. This tank train was going at a speed of about sixty kilometres, in general, as a transport it was quite good.

Korra and Toph began to pelt the tank train with stone shells, which didn't hurt it much, and it continued to rush straight at us, but I created a shallow lake of lava in front of the train, in which it quickly faded away. When the tracks melted, I cooled the lava back down to a rocky state, which left the train stuck and the entire undercarriage needed to be replaced to fix it.

- Princess Azula, come out and play! - I shouted, and Toph and Korra launched stone projectiles at the train, while Katara threw ice blocks at the train.

When the shelling stopped, the iron doors of the first carriage opened, and lightning struck at once.

- Kill them all! - Azula shouted, shooting lightning at me. Next to Azula was Mei, who immediately started throwing knives and darts, as well as Tai Li, who dodged the projectiles of Toph, Katara and Korra and engaged the girls in close combat.

- My magic! - shouted Katara, whose arms went numb after a few hits from Tai Li, and after a couple more hits, Katara fell to the ground paralysed.

- Katara! - Shouted Korra, and rushed to help her sister, but Tai Li quickly disarmed her, and was about to attack Toph, but she plunged under the ground, and pulled under the ground immobilised Korra and Katara.

- Oh, Tai Li, you did well, you defeated the Avatar in just a couple of blows, I admire, I did not think that your technique is so effective. - I said while fighting Azula with plasma blades, my sister realised that I could be injured with this technique.

- Thank you, take off your armour, I will use this technique on you too. - Tai Li said, and together with Mei and Azula began to attack me again, but after just a few seconds of fighting, Toph plunged Mei neck deep into the ground, after a couple of seconds, was able to also disarm Tai Li. Azula wanted to jump off the ground onto the metal train, but I froze Azula's shoes to the ground, so Toph was able to pull her under the ground as well, resulting in three heads of three beautiful girls now sticking in the ground.

- Feel the power of the earth! - shouted Toph, getting out of the ground with Korra and Katara, who had recovered a little, but could not move their arms or use magic.

- My beautiful Princess Azula, it was nice to see you. - I sat down next to Azula's head, and she spewed blue flames from her mouth at me, -You must not have been so pleasant, well, see you soon, we'll go, and good luck to all of you to get out of the earth shackles and do not delay with it too much, there are Loselvos roaming around.

- Aren't we going to kill them? - Toph asked, pointing at Azula, Mei and Tai Li who had been neutralised.

- No, you'll see why later. Girls, let's go to Ba Sing Sho, there Avatar can safely learn Earth Magic, and she will not be interrupted by all sorts of evil princesses. - I misinformed you, we're not going to Ba Sing Seo.

- I agree. - Korra replied, still without magic.

- Then let's get out of here as fast as we can. - I began to help Korra and Katara to go, - By the way, Toph, you're clever, you defeated three evil beautiful maidens almost alone.

- Yes, I am. - replied Toph with a smile.

- Hey, set us free! We'll be good! Honestly! - Tai Li shouted as the girls and I walked away from the battle site, but Azula shouted curses and threats after us.

Once we were out of Azula's sight and she definitely didn't see us, I moved Toph, Katara, and Korra into the domain and flew north to Ba Sing Sho, then changed direction to the east. So that Azula definitely couldn't bother us anytime soon, I flew towards the Eastern Air Temple.

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