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88.46% Harry Potter: Drakor / Chapter 21: Chapter 20

Bab 21: Chapter 20

Before embarking on their respective tasks, a solemn meeting had convened at the Bones Family Estate. Bill, Sirius, Remus, Amelia, Harry, Susan and Drakor gathered around the dining table, their faces etched with determination and concern. The flickering candlelight cast shadows on the aged tapestries that adorned the walls, creating an atmosphere tinged with urgency.

"It's settled then," Sirius declared, his voice firm yet tinged with weariness. "We'll focus on preparing for the Diadem Horcrux at Hogwarts during the Christmas break. It's risky, but we can't afford to delay any longer."

Amelia nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting the weight of their mission. "Agreed. We'll use the time wisely to plan our approach and gather any additional resources we may need."

Drakor, his milky eyes fixed on each member of the group in turn, spoke quietly yet resolutely. "Harry and I will guide you to the Room of Requirements. The Horcrux must be destroyed."

Remus placed a reassuring hand on Sirius's shoulder, her gaze unwavering. "While you focus on that, Sirius, we'll make sure everything is set for your candy business. Diagon Alley awaits."

Amelia, ever the strategist, interjected with a note of caution. "Remember, once we retrieve the Diadem, we must act swiftly. Voldemort's forces won't remain idle."

With a collective nod, the group dispersed, each member tasked with their part in the intricate plan against Voldemort.

Bill Weasley sat at a sturdy wooden table in the dimly lit room of Grimmauld Place, surrounded by ancient tomes and scrolls. His wand, a finely crafted piece of oak, hovered over the Resurrection Stone embedded in the cursed ring. The stone, a shimmering grey hue with faint hints of opalescence, seemed almost alive under Bill's scrutiny. His brow furrowed in concentration as he delicately probed the magical bonds that intertwined the stone with the ring.

Careful not to disturb the delicate balance of magic, Bill muttered incantations under his breath, testing the resilience of the enchantments. Years of experience as a curse breaker for Gringotts had honed his skills in handling delicate magical artifacts. The Resurrection Stone was no ordinary gem; it held the power to summon shades of the deceased from beyond the Veil. But now, it was also a crucial part of Voldemort's twisted quest for immortality.

As he worked, Bill's thoughts drifted to the implications of separating the Stone from the Horcrux. If successful, they could destroy one of Voldemort's anchors to mortality without losing the valuable artifact itself. However, any misstep could unleash dangerous consequences. The responsibility weighed heavily on him, knowing that failure could mean not only losing the Stone but also jeopardizing their entire strategy against the Dark Lord.

Meanwhile, in Diagon Alley, Sirius Black, his cousin Andromeda Tonks, and Remus Lupin walked briskly along the cobbled streets. The bustling marketplace was alive with activity as witches and wizards hurried about their daily business. Sirius, his once shaggy hair now neatly trimmed, exuded an air of determination mixed with excitement. This venture into the candy business wasn't just a distraction from the looming threat of Voldemort; it was a chance to rebuild, to create something positive in a world tainted by darkness.

Andromeda, her expression thoughtful yet supportive, pointed out various storefronts that might suit their needs. Her knowledge of the wizarding economy and knack for spotting hidden gems proved invaluable. Remus, his scholarly demeanor softened by a rare smile, added practical insights about foot traffic and customer appeal. Together, they formed a determined trio, united not only by their friendship but also by their shared commitment to Sirius's newfound entrepreneurial endeavor.

Discussions flowed freely as they debated the merits of each potential location. Sirius envisioned shelves filled with colorful candies, from Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans to Fizzing Whizbees and Chocolate Frogs, along with a range of his own line of Candy. The shop would be more than a business; it would be a haven, a place where families could gather and share moments of joy amidst troubled times. Each step closer to finding the perfect storefront fueled their optimism, reinforcing their belief that even in the face of darkness, there was always room for sweetness and light.

Sirius, Andromeda, and Remus stood outside a quaint, yet promising storefront in Diagon Alley. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the cobblestones as they peered through the large display window, imagining shelves filled with colorful confections.

"Andromeda, what do you think of 'Sirius Sweets'?" Sirius suggested, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Andromeda considered the name thoughtfully. "It's catchy and straightforward. It immediately tells customers what to expect."

Remus nodded in agreement. "I like it. It's memorable and aligns perfectly with your vision, Sirius."

Sirius grinned, pleased with their response. "Excellent! Sirius Sweets it is, then." He turned to face the storefront once more, picturing the sign that would soon hang proudly above the door.

Andromeda placed a hand on Sirius's arm, her expression proud yet contemplative. "This place will be more than just a candy shop, Sirius. It will be a sanctuary—a place where people can find comfort and happiness, even during these uncertain times."

Remus chimed in, his voice soft but earnest. "It's important to remind people that amidst darkness, there's always room for sweetness and light."

The trio exchanged a knowing glance, united in their belief that Sirius' venture would not only bring joy to the community but also serve as a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. With renewed determination, they stepped into the shop, ready to turn their vision into reality, one sweet treat at a time.

In a corner of the cozy Leaky Cauldron, Harry and Susan were surrounded by their friends, each engrossed in lively conversation and laughter. Luna Lovegood, her dreamy eyes alight with curiosity, leaned forward as Ginny Weasley animatedly recounted her latest Quidditch practice.

"I swear, Luna, I almost caught the Snitch today! It was just a hair's breadth away," Ginny exclaimed, her freckles dancing across her cheeks as she gestured enthusiastically.

Luna nodded sagely, her blonde hair falling over her shoulders. "I'm sure you'll catch it next time, Ginny. You have such skill with the broomstick."

Neville Longbottom, sitting next to Luna, smiled warmly. "I've been practicing too," he said, his voice filled with determination. "I want to make the Gryffindor team someday."

Ron Weasley, leaning back in his chair with a mischievous grin, interjected, "Just make sure you don't crash into any Whomping Willows!"

Padma and Parvati Patil, their identical faces beaming with amusement, giggled as they recounted their recent visit to the Magical Menagerie. "You should've seen the Kneazle we found! It was trying to chase its own tail," Padma chuckled, her dark eyes sparkling with mirth.

Across from them, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, the youngest in the group, whispered excitedly about their plans for Hogwarts. Astoria, her blonde hair tied in a neat braid, leaned forward, her eyes wide with anticipation. "I can't wait to see the Sorting Hat!"

Daphne nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "I wonder which house we'll be in."

Hannah Abbott, her cheerful demeanor filling the space between them, shared tales of her summer adventures in the countryside. "We went exploring the caves nearby. It was scary, but also kind of thrilling!"

As the conversations ebbed and flowed, the clinking of butterbeer mugs and the occasional burst of laughter filled the air, creating a warm, comforting atmosphere. Amidst the bustling tavern, their bond as friends and fellow witches and wizards grew stronger, a testament to the enduring camaraderie that defined their shared experiences.

For Harry and Susan, watching their friends interact with such ease and joy brought a sense of reassurance amidst the challenges that awaited them. In these moments, surrounded by laughter and friendship, they found solace in the knowledge that together, they could face whatever the future held in the magical world they called home.

Amidst the cheerful atmosphere at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. The chatter slowly died down as all eyes turned to him and Susan, who exchanged a quick glance before speaking up.

"Hey everyone," Susan began with a warm smile, "Harry and I were thinking of having a get-together at my place tomorrow. We'd love for all of you to come."

Luna, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, tilted her head slightly. "Oh? What's the occasion, Susan?"

Susan glanced at Harry briefly before continuing, "Sirius and Andromeda are planning to conduct a taste test for their new line of magical candies, and we thought it would be fun to have all of you over to try them out."

Ginny's eyes lit up with excitement. "Magical candies? Count me in! I can't wait to see what flavors they've come up with."

Neville nodded eagerly. "That sounds brilliant. I'm always up for trying new sweets."

Ron grinned broadly. "As long as there's chocolate involved, I'm definitely coming."

Padma and Parvati exchanged a look of shared enthusiasm. "It'll be like a mini feast," Parvati remarked with a grin.

Daphne and Astoria leaned forward, their curiosity piqued. "What kind of candies are they?" Astoria asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Hannah Abbott, always up for a gathering, nodded enthusiastically. "I'll bring some homemade pumpkin pasties!"

Amidst the excited chatter and nods of agreement, Sirius and Andromeda exchanged a pleased glance. Sirius leaned in and whispered to Andromeda, "Looks like we'll have a full house tomorrow."

Andromeda nodded, a glint of anticipation in her eyes. "It will be wonderful to see everyone together, especially to share our new creations."

Harry, pleased with the positive response, nodded to Susan with a grin. "Great! We'll see you all at Susan's tomorrow afternoon then. Get ready for a taste adventure!"

With plans set and anticipation high, their group continued to enjoy the remainder of their time at the Leaky Cauldron, looking forward to the upcoming gathering filled with friendship, laughter, and, of course, magical candies.

In the cozy living room of the Bones Family Estate, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement as Sirius and Andromeda meticulously prepared for their magical candy tasting event. The tables, draped in vibrant cloths, showcased an array of trays adorned with enchanting confections. Sirius, usually known for his disheveled appearance, had his hair neatly combed back, radiating an infectious energy as he arranged Chocolate Charms that shimmered with a subtle golden sparkle. Beside them, Everlasting Gobstoppers glinted in various hues, changing colors with every lick, captivating the eye with their magical allure.

Andromeda, standing beside a bubbling cauldron, stirred a cauldron filled with Fiery Fizzballs. The room echoed with the crackling sounds of these spicy candies taking shape, promising an exhilarating taste experience to those bold enough to try them.

On a plush couch nearby, Remus, Harry, and Susan observed the bustling activity with warm amusement. Remus savored his tea, a gentle smile playing on his lips as he watched Sirius' animated gestures. "They've truly outdone themselves," he remarked with a chuckle. "I haven't seen Sirius this excited since... well, probably since our Hogwarts days."

Harry nodded enthusiastically, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "It's amazing to witness their passion for these creations. Our friends are going to love it."

Susan, sitting close to Harry, beamed with pride. "Absolutely. These candies aren't just magical in flavor but in the joy they bring to everyone here."

Amelia Bones, dressed in her dignified Ministry robes, joined them at the table with a relaxed demeanor and cheerful disposition. "This is quite a delightful change of pace," she commented with a smile. "It's refreshing to see such happiness amidst the usual chaos of our world."

As the clock inched closer to the appointed time, the room filled with laughter and excitement as the children began to arrive. Luna, Ginny, Neville, Ron, the Patil twins, Daphne, Astoria, and Hannah entered with bright eyes and eager smiles, each greeted warmly by Sirius and Andromeda.

Sirius, his voice filled with enthusiasm, encouraged the children to sample the magical treats. "Come try the Chocolate Charms," he urged with a grin, "They're sure to bring a smile to your face!"

Andromeda, her eyes twinkling mischievously, added, "And do be careful with the Fiery Fizzballs; they pack quite a spicy surprise!"

The room soon filled with laughter and exclamations as the children indulged in the candies. Some marveled at the shimmering effects of the Chocolate Charms, while others giggled at the whimsical transformations of the Everlasting Gobstoppers. The Fiery Fizzballs elicited a range of reactions from surprised gasps to delighted cheers as they fizzed and crackled with spicy zest. Each candy brought a touch of magic to the gathering, igniting a sense of wonder and joy that filled the air.

Harry watched with a heartwarming sense of satisfaction, grateful for these moments of happiness amidst the challenges they faced in their world. Remus raised his teacup in a toast, his voice filled with genuine affection. "To Sirius and Andromeda," he toasted warmly, "May their original creations bring joy and sweetness wherever they go."

Amidst the clinking of teacups and the delighted exclamations of the children, Sirius and Andromeda exchanged a proud and satisfied glance. They had not only crafted delicious treats but had also created an atmosphere of camaraderie and happiness. In that cozy living room, they had forged connections and spread joy, embodying their dream to bring sweetness and light into a world too often overshadowed by darkness.

Meanwhile, at Grimmauld Place, a serene yet intense atmosphere pervaded the secluded room where Bill Weasley focused his efforts.

With steady hands and a focused mind, Bill began the delicate process of untangling the magical bonds that fused the Stone to the Horcrux. Incantations flowed softly from his lips, each spell carefully chosen to test the resilience of the enchantments without risking the Stone's integrity. Hours passed in a meticulous dance of wand movements and whispered commands, each moment bringing Bill closer to his goal.

As dawn approached, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the quiet determination that filled the room. The soft hues of morning light filtered through the windows of Grimmauld Place, casting a gentle glow upon Bill's efforts. And then, with a final, precise incantation, the magical bonds yielded to Bill's expertise.

A faint shimmer passed through the air as the Resurrection Stone detached from the Horcrux, resting in Bill's palm with a newfound clarity. Its surface, once clouded with the darkness of Voldemort's malevolent magic, now glowed with a serene light that spoke of liberation. Bill's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and triumph, knowing that he had achieved what many deemed impossible.

Carefully, Bill secured the Resurrection Stone, preparing it for its crucial role in the destruction of the Horcrux. This victory was not just a personal triumph but a significant milestone in the ongoing battle against Voldemort and his reign of terror. As he gazed at the Stone, now free from its dark imprisonment, Bill felt a renewed sense of purpose. The next steps in their mission awaited, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of quiet satisfaction—a testament to his skill, resolve, and unwavering commitment to the cause of light against the forces of darkness.

The next day, after successfully separating the Resurrection Stone from the cursed ring at Grimmauld Place, Bill Weasley carefully transported both artifacts to the Bones Family Estate. The estate, nestled amidst sprawling gardens and ancient oaks, provided a serene backdrop for their next crucial steps in the battle against Voldemort.

Upon arrival, Bill was greeted by Amelia Bones, who welcomed him into the estate's study—a room adorned with shelves of dusty books and magical artifacts. Drakor, who had accompanied them, hovered nearby, his presence a reminder of the mystical forces at play.

With solemn determination, Bill presented the Resurrection Stone and the now-empty ring to Amelia. "I've succeeded in separating the Stone from the Horcrux," he explained, his voice carrying the weight of their recent triumph.

Amelia nodded gravely, her eyes flickering with both relief and resolve. "Excellent work, Bill. This is a significant step forward."

As they discussed the next steps, Drakor, sensing the lingering dark magic within the ring, approached cautiously. With a swift movement, he enveloped the ring within his ethereal form, his milky eyes glowing with an intense light as he absorbed the remnants of the Horcrux. A ripple of arcane energy spread through the room, dissipating as Drakor completed his task, leaving behind a sense of purging and cleansing.

Meanwhile, in a quieter corner of the study, Sirius Black turned to Harry Potter, his voice gentle yet earnest. "Harry," he began, his expression softening with empathy, "would you like to use the Resurrection Stone to talk to your parents?"

Harry, who had never seen his parents—James and Lily Potter, who perished protecting him from Voldemort—paused, his thoughts racing. The idea of hearing their voices, even through the veil between life and death, stirred a mix of longing and apprehension within him. His hand hovered over the small, smooth surface of the Stone, contemplating its power and the emotional weight it carried.

Remus Lupin, standing nearby, offered a supportive nod. "It's your decision, Harry," he said quietly, his own memories of James and Lily mingling with the present moment. "No one would blame you either way."

Amelia, observing the scene with a compassionate gaze, added, "Using the Stone is a deeply personal choice. Take your time, Harry."

After a moment of contemplation, Harry nodded, his decision made. With a steady breath, he held the Resurrection Stone in his palm, closing his eyes to focus. His mind filled with memories and unspoken words, he whispered, "I want to speak to them."

The room seemed to hold its breath as Harry's request echoed softly in the air. The Resurrection Stone responded, its surface shimmering with a faint, ethereal light. A hushed stillness enveloped them as the magic of the Stone bridged the gap between the living and the departed.

As the voices of his parents, James and Lily Potter, softly filled the room through the ethereal connection of the Resurrection Stone, Harry's breath caught in his throat. Their presence, though intangible, carried a tangible warmth that enveloped him in a cocoon of familiarity and love.

"Harry," Lily's voice began, her tone gentle yet vibrant with an unmistakable motherly warmth, "we're so proud of you, darling. You've grown into such a strong and brave young man."

James's voice followed, strong and reassuring as ever. "That's right, Harry. You've got a lot of us in you, you know. Brave, just like your old man."

Tears welled in Harry's eyes as he listened, his heart overflowing with emotions long suppressed. He had heard stories and seen glimpses through others' memories, but this was different. This was a direct connection, a conversation where he could speak and hear responses, however brief.

"I... I miss you," Harry managed to choke out, his voice thick with emotion. "I wish you were here."

"We know, sweetheart," Lily's voice responded softly, a hint of sadness tempered by love. "We're always with you, Harry. In your heart, in your courage."

"And we're so proud of the man you've become," James added, his voice filled with fatherly pride. "You've faced more than anyone should, but you've kept going. That's our boy."

Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Amelia Bones watched with quiet reverence, their own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. They understood the significance of this moment—Harry, connecting with his parents in a way that transcended the barriers of life and death. It was a moment of closure, of solace amidst turmoil, and of reaffirmation of the bonds that tied Harry to his past and his future.

Around them, the study seemed to resonate with the weight of the emotions shared. The magical artifacts and ancient books stood as silent witnesses to the intimate exchange, honoring the profound love between a son and his departed parents.

As the conversation continued, fleeting yet poignant, Harry found himself asking questions he had long carried in his heart. He spoke of his own struggles and victories, of friendships forged and losses endured. In return, James and Lily offered words of wisdom, encouragement, and unconditional love, their voices a steady anchor in the storm that had shaped Harry's life.

"You've faced challenges that no young wizard should have to face, Harry," James said, his voice filled with paternal concern. "But you've always had a way of turning adversity into strength. It's something I've always admired about you."

"And your friendships, Harry," Lily added, her voice gentle yet firm, "they're your greatest asset. Never underestimate the power of loyalty and camaraderie. They will see you through the darkest of times."

As the conversation continued, a gentle shift in the atmosphere signaled the presence of another listener. Drakor, who had been silently observing the exchange, now found himself addressed by James and Lily.

"Drakor," James began warmly, his tone sincere, "we want to thank you for everything you've done for Harry. For protecting him, guiding him, and for the sacrifices you've made."

Lily nodded in agreement, her voice filled with gratitude. "You've been a steadfast ally to Harry, Drakor. We see your loyalty and your dedication. It hasn't gone unnoticed."

Drakor, though usually reserved, felt a swell of emotion at their words. "I... I only wish to help," he replied quietly, his deep voice echoing in the room. "Harry is... important."

"You are important too, Drakor," Lily assured him gently. "Your role in Harry's life is significant, and we are grateful for your presence."

James nodded, his expression reflecting respect and admiration. "You've become part of our family's story, Drakor. And for that, we are thankful."

The conversation continued, weaving together threads of love, understanding, and gratitude. For Harry, hearing his parents acknowledge Drakor's contribution brought a new layer of appreciation for the dragon who had become an unexpected but cherished companion in his journey.

As the connection with James and Lily slowly began to fade, leaving Harry with a profound sense of peace and clarity, he turned to Drakor with renewed appreciation. "Thank you, Drakor," Harry said sincerely, his voice carrying the weight of all he had experienced and all that lay ahead. "For everything."

Drakor inclined his head in acknowledgment, a rare glint of emotion in his milky eyes. "You are... welcome, Harry."

In that moment, amidst the echoes of a conversation that bridged life and beyond, Harry knew that he was surrounded by love—both from his parents who watched over him from afar and from the loyal friends and allies who stood beside him in the ongoing battle against darkness.

The night draped over the English Channel in a cloak of ominous silence, broken only by the soft lapping of waves against the sides of a weathered wooden boat. Fenrir Greyback stood at the prow, his tall figure silhouetted against the faint moonlight that struggled to pierce through the thick blanket of clouds.

Behind him, his pack of werewolves crouched low, their eyes gleaming with feral hunger and anticipation as they rode the choppy waters with an eerie calmness. The wind carried a salty tang, mingling with the primal musk of their presence, marking their passage towards the British shore.

As the boat neared the rugged cliffs and jagged coastline of southern England, Greyback's gaze scanned the shoreline with predatory intensity. His arrival in Britain signified the beginning of a grim campaign, driven by a thirst for vengeance and a desire to exploit the chaos left in the wake of recent Death Eater arrests.

A gust of wind swept through the boat, stirring the salty spray and carrying the distant echoes of howls and growls from Greyback's pack. The lights of coastal villages flickered faintly in the distance, oblivious to the impending danger creeping towards their shores.

Greyback's lips curled into a chilling smile, revealing sharp, predatory teeth as he issued a low, guttural command to his pack. They understood without words, their instincts finely tuned to the hunt that awaited them on unfamiliar soil.

With stealthy grace, they disembarked onto the rocky shore, their forms blending seamlessly with the shadows cast by looming cliffs. The night seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the malevolent presence that had breached its sanctity.

In the heart of southern England, Fenrir Greyback and his pack prowled with a primal purpose, their arrival signaling a new chapter of fear and unrest in the wizarding world.


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