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23.8% In a New World as a Shinobi God / Chapter 5: Chapter 5- Training and Mission

Bab 5: Chapter 5- Training and Mission


-"Person Talking"-

-(Person thinking)-

-<Mental Conversation>-


(JC: Author's Notes)


Let us begin


Silence, was what was presented in Naruto's subconscious.

Naruto, after having asked that, not at all, calm question, was looking seriously and nervously at one of the guests of his subconscious, which was one of the strongest enemies he had ever faced, who was the legendary Madara Uchiha.

While the newly appointed one, he only looked at Naruto with a stoic look.

Naruto was prepared to attack, but at the same time confused, because the rest of his guests were calm, including the Bijūs, only they seemed a little nervous and angry.

Naruto was brought out of his confusion when he saw Madara inhale a large amount of air, causing Naruto to believe that he would start attacking, but what Madara did in reality left him and everyone present including the Bijūs with eyes wide and jaw on the floor.

-"I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING I CAUSED IN THE WAR!!!" - Madara shouted on the floor, prostrating himself before Naruto's feet, where he was still in shock at what one of the most powerful and proud people said. of his world. -"PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!"-

A few seconds passed, until Naruto could react.


-"I regret everything I did during the war"- Madara said with a tone that showed regret and nervousness. -"So please, FORGIVE ME!!!"-

Naruto couldn't formulate any words. He could tell Madara's regret, but he couldn't trust him just as much.

But he was brought out of his thoughts when someone spoke.

-"Don't worry, Naruto, you can trust him"- Hashirama said. -"Believe it or not, Madara was one of the ninjas who always protected people from him and the weak"-Then he frowned with anger. -"But because of the council because of his lust for power, he made Madara and the Uchiha clan look bad by deceiving them, which provoked Madara's thirst for revenge"-

As he named the council, Hashirama could see the anger in his voice. As he was also disappointed by the village that he and his clan helped the Uchiha clan found.

Hearing that, Naruto was surprised that the person he thought was a monster with no feelings, was actually a person who deserved to be called Ninja. Now Naruto only felt respect, since he knew what it was like to be treated like a monster in his own home.

-"I see, but don't worry Madara, I always think that if a person regrets his actions they deserve a second chance" -Naruto said with a smile as he knows how to do them, to offer his hand to Madara to get up. -"In short, he forgave you"-

Madara was surprised by the words he said. But then he changed it with a small smile and grabbed Naruto's hand, so he could stand up to present himself better by shaking hands.

After separating, Naruto spoke.

-"So..."- Naruto looked at everyone with a smile.-"When do we start?"-

The others just smiled at his determination.

-"Well, since we do not have a defined time for when you will be taken to the new world, and here time passes faster, we will take advantage of the situation for your training"-

Kurama told him, giving him his typical ghoulish smile.

Naruto just nods, but he got a chill from seeing his friend's smile.

-"Well, listen son, technically we are not alive, but we can go out and have a physical body with all our abilities to help you with your training"-Minato explained to his son, and then put on a serious expression. -"But our souls are still sealed in you, do you understand?"-

Naruto nods his head affirming that he understood.

-"Well"- Hashirama spoke. -"I understand everything, let's start with your training, Naruto"-

Naruto got a chill when he saw all of his new Senseis look at him with a malicious gleam in their eyes.

After that chilling moment for Naruto, he emerged from his subconscious with his new Senseis, to begin the training of the person who in the future would be called the Shinobi God.

(JC: Here I will put the years of training, like every training explanation)





In the first year, Naruto trained his physique and his abnormal strength. At first it was easy but then it became more difficult and more difficult with Mito's weight stamps, where he started with 10kg stamps on his arms, legs, back and torso and increased them by 10kg more each month.

His Senseis ordered Naruto to wear these at all times, whether during training or even doing everyday things.





In the second year he began to train his literally infinite Chakra reserves with the help of Sasori and the shadow clones, where he helped them faster by doing exercises such as climbing trees, walking on water, and swinging a senbon over a waterfall.

While the original continued with the physical exercises, now supervised by A and Dai. Where Naruto suffered the most and carried 120kg seals on his arms, legs, back and torso.





In the third year, Naruto's clones began to train their elemental and sub-elemental Jutsu and other techniques. For example, the [Hiraishin no Jutsu], which trained him to use it without the need to use Kunais, where Minato and Tobirama helped him.

He also set out to train the [Rasengan], to create it faster and create versions of it with the elements. The ability to move through shadows was also included in the training.

Meanwhile, the original continued with physical exercises and also began practicing Taijutsu with everyone's help. to learn all the styles like that of A, Dai and Minato, where the latter had a style called [Hachidori no Hane], which was characterized by fast and precise strikes.

By the end of the year I already had great control of his affinities, both with his [Suiton], that I could use him like Tobirama, his [Mokuton] like Hashirama, and his [Raiton] could surpass A.

He was able to use the [Hiraishin no Jutsu] without the need for Kunai and created the derivations of the [Rasengan], which to define them in one word would be destructive. And with the help of Minato, Naruto was able to learn the [Chidori], and with a lot of effort he was also able to learn or copy the techniques of his friend Sasuke, such as the [Kirin]. He also had great control with the elements that the Gods gave him.

Also during that time, Naruto decided to also take his father's last name; to be able to honor both surnames. Minato really liked that decision.





In the fourth year, Naruto continued with the Jutsus to make them with few hand seals and also invent some new ones.

He also began practicing Kenjutsu and Boujutsu with the previous Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Ryu and Hiruzen, practicing with copies of the original swords of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist that were created by Shinigami so that Naruto learned to use them perfectly.

Something that seemed strange for Naruto during this year is that the previous Seven Swordsmen of the Mist also had their respective copies of swords. The strange thing was why they needed the swords if they were dead. When he asked about that topic he always said the same thing "it's a surprise."

By the end of the year, Naruto was already a master of the Uzumaki style and that of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.





In the fifth year, Naruto began training his Dõjutsu.

At first he had to start with three-bladed [Sharingan] to get used to it and then he was able to train its evolutions with the help of the four Uchihas.

He trained the [Rinnegan] with the help of Nagato and was able to control the roads perfectly.

Finally the [Byakugan] with the help of Neji, he was able to get used to it and during that training time he awakened the [Tenseigan]. He also began training the Taijutsu styles of the Uchiha, Senju, and Hyuga clans.

By the end of the year, Naruto had the perfect [Susanoo] and also combined it with his Kurama chakra form. He could control [Amaterasu] just like his friend Sasuke, so much so that he created the same element called [Enton]. His [Tsukuyomi] and [Kotoamatsukami] Genjutsus were, from the point of view of the four Uchihas, hell. He could control his [Kamui] like Obito and had great control of his [Rinnegan] ways.

He could also control the powers of the [Tenseigan], which would be gravity control and use his Chakra mode which was similar and just as strong as his [Rikudō Sennin Mōdo], only pale blue in color.





In sixth year, Naruto trained his Uzumaki and Kaguya clan Kekkei Genkai, as well as their respective Taijutsu styles.

He also trained the styles of Taijutsu and Kenjutsu given to him by the Gods, as well as controlling the power of the Yamamoto sword, given to him by Susanoo.

At the end of the year Naruto could perfectly control the Kekkei Genkai of the Uzumaki and Kaguya clans and was also able to perfectly learn the Taijutsu styles of the Gods who called it [Kami no Ken] and that of Kenjutsu, which he called [Tentai Saibansho]. And he was able to control 75% of the power of the Yamamoto sword.





During the seventh year, at Sasori's request, Naruto began training with puppets and not just any puppet, but another copy of Sasori's previous body.

He also returned to training with the Toad Senjutsu, the Wood Senjutsu with the help of Hashirama, and the other summoning contracts that the gods gave him, where I can meet each one for half of this year.





Naruto stood in a flat valley looking at the six summoning contracts that the Gods gave them. Behind him, a little further away, were his Senseis and the Bijūs in chibi forms watching what was happening.

Naruto sat on the grass and signed the six contracts. At the end, the contracts disappeared in a burst of smoke, and within two seconds there were six large explosions of smoke. Six different creatures appeared there.

One is a large red-winged bird, which appeared to be on fire. Then a large black lizard appeared, with purple details and had two large wings on its back. Then a gigantic white tiger appeared, with black stripes. A large brown-furred gorilla followed. Then a large wolf with snow-white fur came out. And finally, a large white fox appeared, which was characterized by having eight tails.

Naruto, his Senseis and the Bijūs were surprised by the enormous beasts they saw in front of them. The Bijūs could see and admit that the beasts had the power to rival the power of even the seven tails.

When the smoke dispersed completely, the beasts began to look everywhere to see who summoned them; until they stopped and saw Naruto, and were surprised by his great power. There they assumed that he was the one who summoned them.

-"Whoa, whoa"- The great bird on fire spoke with a calm voice. -"It seems we have a would-be summoner"-

-"You are not wrong and it seems to be strong"- The great lizard spoke with an imposing voice. -"But what am I saying, it's exaggeratedly strong"-

-"You are very right"- The great white tiger spoke with a funny tone. -"He's ridiculously strong. Hahahahahaha"-

-"Hey boy"- The big gorilla spoke, looking at Naruto. -"You were the one who summoned us?"-

The other summons also paid attention to his response.

-"Ehh?, ahh yes I was the one who summoned them"- Naruto spoke, still surprised but he composed himself so he could introduce himself. -"Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze called me, it's a pleasure"-

-"I see. So young but with enormous power"- Said the great White Wolf with a tone of intrigue. -"Interesting"-

-(This boy exudes a very familiar power)- The huge fox thought doubtfully. -(But from who?)-

-"I understand, then Naruto, right? To get our consent to use our contract, we first have to give you a test and it doesn't matter if you have already signed our contract"- The gigantic bird looked seriously at Naruto. -"If you fail the test, we will delete your name from our contract and you will not have another chance"-

Naruto just nodded and spoke.

-"Okay"- Naruto said with determination. -"I will take the test"-

The summons were a little surprised by the boy's determination. Then they approached Naruto, staring into his eyes, and then seeing his memories. They were surprised by the whole story he lived, from the sad and painful beginning and a happy ending and also by the purity of his heart.

(JC: Here Naruto suffered much more than in the canon)

-"Interesting, you suffered a lot but you never wanted to take revenge, in fact, you wanted to be recognized, that is honorable"- The gigantic bird nodded with approval. -"I don't know what the others' decision is, but I accept that you are the one who has our contract" -Then she bowed to Naruto. -"In short, I Ronan, the Holy Phoenix, give you permission to use the Phoenix contract. It will be a pleasure to serve you, Naruto-sama"-

Naruto was surprised but composed himself when a red bracelet appeared on his right arm.

-"And you're not the only one, Ronan-dono"- spoke the lizard, who also bowed to Naruto. -"Because I, Onix, the Black Emperor Dragon, give you permission to use the Dragon contract. It will be a pleasure to serve you, Naruto-sama"-

Naruto was surprised again, but he composed himself when another bracelet appeared on his right arm, only this one was black.

(JC: Who can see the spoilers in the Onix presentation)

-"Not only are you strong, but also pure of heart. I have already made my decision"- The tiger then bowed before Naruto. -"I Yakko, the Mountain Tiger, give you permission to use the contract of the White Tigers. It will be an honor to fight alongside you, Naruto-sama"-

Naruto for some reason saw his right arm where a White bracelet appeared.

-"Ha. You're not the only one Yakko-dono"- The gorilla said with a smile, then bowing to Naruto. -"Because I Rira, the Mountain Breaker, give you permission to use the Gorillas contract. We will not disappoint you, Naruto-sama"-

At that moment a brown bracelet appeared on Naruto's right arm.

-"Hehehehehe. It seems that we all saw something unique in this boy; there is no doubt" - Said the White Wolf, and then bowed. -"I Shiroi, the Blizzard Wolf, give you permission to use the contract of the Snow Wolves. We will be at your service, Naruto-sama"-

At that moment another bracelet appeared on Naruto's right arm, only this one was blue.

-"I see; that's why I felt that familiar energy, since you are the bearer of our father" - The great fox spoke, and then bowed. -"And if so, I Hitomi, the Fox of Hell, give you permission to use the Fox contract. We will be at his service, Naruto-sama"-

Another bracelet appeared on Naruto's arm, but it was orange, while he wondered what Hitomi was referring to, until someone approached from behind him.

-"Wow, wow. Long time, Hitomi" -Kurama spoke with the typical smile of him looking at Hitomi. She noticed Kurama's presence and bowed to him. -"I hope everything goes well on Fox Hill"-

-"It's a pleasure to see you again, Kurama-sama"- Hitomi said calmly, still bowing before Kurama, while he only nodded his head. -"And yes, everything is going well on the Mount of Foxes"-

Naruto still had doubts, but he would ask Kurama later.

-"Well, now that we're done, we'll leave"- Ronan spoke. -"But first, if you want, summon a Phoenix with a little Chakra on the red bracelet and then you do the jutsu and also the same with the other contracts, only that the one for the Dragons you will do it with the black bracelet, the one for the Tigers white with the white bracelet, the Gorillas' one with the brown one, the White Wolves' one with the blue one and the Foxes' one with the orange one. Ahh and don't worry about the toad contract, you just have to do the normal jutsu without touching any bracelet. , ready now we say goodbye."-

Before disappearing, they made a final bow, and then disappeared in an explosion of smoke.





During the training of the [Senjutsu] of the contracts, Naruto could see the difference of each one.

Like that of the Phoenixes; that when he used it, wings of fire grew, and his whole body was surrounded by fire. His abilities were great regeneration and great control with fire, and obviously flying with his wings.

The one of the Dragons grew Dragon wings, fangs and claws. And his abilities were great use of fire and lightning, and a lot of strength and speed.

The one from the White Tigers made him have feline characteristics; How to make his mustache more noticeable, his nails grew longer, and his white Tiger ears and tail grew. His abilities would be great handling with water and wind, and increased agility and speed.

The Gorillas made his muscles become more toned. And his abilities would be great ground handling, along with enormous strength and agility.

The one from the Snow Wolves grew white Wolf ears and a tail. And his abilities would be great handling of water and ice, with great speed and agility.

And finally, the one about the Foxes, where fox ears and nine tails grew. And his abilities would be great strength, agility and speed.





In the eighth year, Naruto trained the [Rikudō Sennin Mōdo] and the Bijū Chakras separately, to have complete control of each chakra.

By mastering the [Rikudō Sennin Mōdo] and the chakra of the Bijūs he was able to see a great change that surprised Naruto, his Senseis and the Bijūs.

The change was made up of two different forms. The first form, which would be the Incomplete Form, would be that Naruto was enveloped in a reddish chakra giving him a humanoid form with ten Chakra tails. When using this form, he had the same power as the Jubi. And the first time he transformed he was able to awaken the [Rinne-Sharingan] to everyone's surprises.

And the last form, which would be the Final Form, which gave him a power equal to or greater than that of bad Kaguya and also gave him a great change such as his hair growing to his waist, horns growing on his head and where He was wearing the same kimono as Hagoromo's. And he was surrounded by fourteen [Gudōdama].





In the ninth year, it was pure study, from Fuinjutsu that had thirty levels, which he trained with the help of Mito and the scrolls that Hagoromo gave to Naruto.

He also set out to study medical Jutsu with the help of Hashirama and the scrolls of the Senju Clan. He also trained the [Hachimon Tonkō] with the help of Dai.

By the end of the year, Naruto was a genius in Fuinjutsu, so much so that he created more levels until he reached level thirty-five, much to the surprise of the 3 Uzumaki. And in medical jutsu he was equal to or superior to Hashirama. And with the [Hachimon Tonkō] he was able to reach the eighth gate and thanks to the Chakra of the Bijūs and those of Ashura and Indra there was no risk of dying, but if he spent a large amount of Chakra.

It should be noted that during the first years of training Naruto's Senseis also trained, something strange in Naruto's opinion. When I asked why they did it they always said "it's a surprise" so I just let it go.





Currently, in a flat valley, a small friendly fight or rather a battle of titans was taking place.

Those who faced each other were the four Uchiha: Itachi, Shisui, Obito and Madara, each with his [Susanoo] complete with him, against Naruto, who was also with his [Susanoo] complete with him.

One could say that Naruto was winning since he was hurting or rather massacring the poor Uchiha. And although Naruto did not have much experience with the technique like the four Uchihas, he won by differences, since his could be said to be a divine [Susanoo], that is, it was a thousand times stronger than the normal ones. So much so that not even the arrows, spears or even the fists of the four Uchiha did not make a scratch on him. Far from them were the other Naruto Senseis along with the Bijūs in their chibi forms watching the fight in amazement.

Naruto was about to hit Madara, until she stopped because she sensed a Chakra that was very familiar to him. This confused the four Uchiha, the six, and the Bijūs, until they felt that chakra making the Bijūs smile.

The four Uchiha and Naruto quickly deactivated their [Susanoo], while the others approached, looking at a fixed point where a light could be seen that temporarily cut off those present. Where the light was, you could see an old man floating in the lotus position that many knew.

-"Wow, you have become strong Naruto"-Hagoromo spoke with a smile that made it obvious that he was happy. Naruto just nods with a smile. -"I would say that you have surpassed me by a lot, that makes me happy"-

-"Of course, I said it would make me strong"- Naruto told him, and then looked at him curiously. -"But changing the subject, if you are here, does it mean that I will be taken to the new world?"-

-"You could say so"-Hagoromo said, changing his gaze to look seriously at Naruto. -"But rather it is a mission that the Gods and the Supreme God are asking you to do in the other world"-

Naruto became serious. -"And what would that mission be?"-

-"Before telling you your mission, I will tell you a small summary of the world you will go to, so don't interrupt me because I won't repeat it"-

Then Hagoromo began to explain to Naruto about the world he was going to.

Since the creation of that world, the supernatural existed and humans did not use Chakra, the only exception was a small group or rather faction, which would be the Yokai Faction.

During the beginning, there were three factions that would be the Biblical Factions, one of them is the Angel Faction, a group made up of angels who live in the heavens, use [Sacred Magic] and are governed by their leader and creator, the God. Biblical.

With the help of their first children, the Seraphim, who are characterized by having six pairs of wings, they would be the strongest angels in heaven.

Another would be the Demon Faction, which was made up of 74 pillars or races that lived in hell. They were divided into classes: Low, Middle, High and Supreme, the latter would be the heads of each pillar. They are ruled by the Four Maou: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Leviathan and Asmodeus.

For them the [Sacred Magic] is a powerful poison, and they use [Elemental Magic] and are characterized by having bat wings.

And finally there is the Faction of the Fallen Angels, who were Angels who fell from grace and expelled from Heaven for having committed a sin. They live in a base in Hell called Grigori, who are governed by their leader Azazel, although he was the weakest of the leaders of the other Factions, he was a genius in all kinds of things and was helped by the Cadres, who were angels. fallen with six pairs of wings.

They are like Angels, they can use [Sacred Magic], they had superior technology and are characterized by having angel wings, only they were black.

For millions of years, the three factions hated each other, so much so that they started a great war, which ended the lives of the Four Original Maou, as well as the Biblical God and heavy casualties for the Fallen Angels.

Because of those losses, the three factions made a treaty to end the war. As time passed, many things changed, such as the Angel Michael becoming the new leader of the Angel Faction.

But in Hell he was or is carrying something that would change a lot in the demon faction. Since after the death of Four Great Original Maou in the Great War, their descendants attempted to continue their legacy by gathering their most loyal supporters and finishing what they started, the Great War, to realize the ambition of world domination that the Original Maou desired. 

His intention, however, was rejected by a certain group of Demons, the Anti-Maou Faction, who wanted to ensure the survival of the Demons as a species, thus disapproving of the continuation of the Great War.

This conflict eventually caused a civil war to break out among the Demons.

-"And that's what your mission is about"- Hagoromo said, after the story. -"You will go to Hell to help the Anti-Maou Faction win the war, since that faction has a better chance of creating peace with the other Bible Factions" -Then he looked at Naruto. -"Did you understand everything, Naruto?"-

Naruto is surprised, along with the others, because they never believed a world like this existed.

-"Yes, I understand"-Naruto said, after getting out of his astonishment. -"Is that all I need to know?"-

-"Well, there are also sacred weapons called Sacred Gear"- Hagoromo said with disinterest. -"But that does not matter now"-

Naruto just nods and then looked away from Hagoromo, to see the people who helped him in training.

-"Well"- Naruto said sadly. -"I think this is goodbye"-

He enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, but he still didn't want them to leave.

-"What are you talking about, gaki?" -Zabuza spoke with a smile that was visible under his bandages. -"We are not going anywhere"-

-"That's right son"- Minato said. -"We will be sealed inside you, since Shinigami-sama told us to stay with you for a while in that world until we leave"-

-"We can also give you advice when you are there"- Hashirama said with a smile, while the others nodded. -"Although you have already been in a war, we have already experienced that. In short, we will be of help to you"-

Naruto was glad since he could have more time with them, Naruto then went back to see Hagoromo.

-"I'm ready, old Rikudō"-

Naruto declared with determination, and then noticed how his Senseis, along with the Bijūs, returned inside him.

-"Good"- Hagoromo nodded with a smile, and then lowered himself to Naruto's height and created a portal. -"Listen Naruto, this portal will take you near the base of the Anti-Maou Faction when it arrives you have to look for a red-haired man named Sirzechs Gremory, he would be one of the heads of the Anti-Maou Faction, you tell him that you will help them And don't worry, he'll believe you." He gave her one last smile as a farewell. -"Good luck"-

Naruto just made his famous smile and then went through the portal, which then closed, leaving Hagoromo alone.

-"Today your story begins, Naruto"- Hagoromo said into the air with a smile looking at where the portal was. -"A story of how an entire world changes for the better, through the action of a person or people"-

He then disappeared into the same light with which he appeared.

And Hagoromo was not wrong, since what was going to happen in hell would make everyone know the name of the Hero of Hell, who was called The Sun of the Underworld.



Author's Notes


[Hiraishin no Jutsu] Literally means: [Flying Thunder God Jutsu].

[Rasengan] Literally means: [Spiral Sphere].

[Hachidori no Hane] Literally means [Hummingbird Wings].

[Chidori] Literally means: [Thousand of Birds].

[Kirin] Literally means: [Giraffe].

[Sharingan] Literally means: [Rotating Copying Eye].

[Rinnegan] Literally means: [Eye of Saṃsāra].

[Susanoo] is the Name of the Shinto God of the Sea, Storms and Battles.

[Amaterasu] is the Name of the Shinto God of the Sun.

[Enton] Literally means: [Flame Element].

[Tsukuyomi] is the Name of the Shinto God of the Moon.

[Kotoamatsukami] Literally means: [Distinguished Heavenly Gods].

[Kamui] is the Word of a Divine Being in Anui Mythology.

[Rikudō Sennin Mōdo] Literally means: [Six Paths Sage Mode].

[Kami no Ken] Literally means: [Divine Fist].

[Tentai Saibansho] Literally means: [Heavenly Court].

[Gudōdama] Literally means: [Ball of Seeking Truth].

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