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[Back at Hogwarts]

Dumbledore interrogated Peter Pettigrew using Veritaserum. The rat bastard spewed out everything starting from his jealousy for James and Lily, how he changed sides with Voldemort and became his insider in the Order. James and Sirius, who were also present, were devastated by the fact that they trusted someone like him.

"How could you?" Sirius took out his wand and pressed it on Peter's neck, "So many of our friends and family died because of you."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, Sirius." Peter sobbed.

"Screw you!" Sirius shouted as he used a non-verbal spell to slam Peter on the wall.

"Gaaahh! I'm sorry, please forgive me! Please, please..."

"That's enough, Sirius. Let him go," James put a hand on his shoulder. "We need him alive to gain more information on Voldemort. Considering he is a spy, he must have a way to contact them, which means, he must know where he is hiding, right?"

Sirius clenched his fists in anger.

"James is right," Dumbledore said. "Now, tell us everything. How much information you have sent to the other side and everything you know about Voldemort." He grabbed Peter by his collar and pushed him back on the chair.

Peter hesitated. "B-but if they find out I told you..."

"You betrayed everyone, so shut up and spill the beans. That's the least you can do," James shouted angrily.

Peter tried to resist, but the potion's effect was too strong for him to resist. "Everything I know about Voldemort's whereabouts. I have no idea where he is now, but he's planning something big. Something that will involve a lot of people and a huge sacrifice."

"Location, time, anything..." Dumbledore demanded.

Peter shook his head, "I don't know. All I know is that they are going to attack the ministry and free Bellatrix."

"Bellatrix?!" Sirius exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, I don't know why, but he is desperate to rescue Bellatrix," Peter's words shocked everyone in the room.

"Or more like desperate to kill her before she spills the beans," Sirius retorted.

"How much does he know about our plan?" Dumbledore asked.

Peter looked down in fear, "Everything. He already knows about your strategies and strengths and safehouse locations. I'm afraid, the hunt has already begun. I am sorry... I couldn't help it. He is too strong and majestic. There's no way you will win this war."

He paused for a moment as his expression changed. His eyes were filled with hatred and anger.

He continued, "At least that's how it was supposed to be. By now, Hogwarts should've been under the Death Eater's control, and the dark lord would've been on his way here. He was supposed to pass through Godric Hollows. Yes, I'm the one who whispered that information into our informer's ears. You all were supposed to be waiting there for an ambush, and the dark lord was supposed to kill you all there. But that guy... HE SPOILED EVERYTHING! HE'LL BE THE FIRST ONE TO DIE A PAINFUL DEATH! RYAN LANCE WILL DIE A PAINFUL DEATH, YOU GET IT!"

Sirius was about to punch him again, but Dumbledore stopped him.

Peter continued, "My lord is coming, and he will kill Ryan Lance! The dark lord will kill Ryan Lance, I swear on my life!"

"It would seem that Ryan's timely arrival to defend Hogwarts foiled Voldemort's plan, for now at least. We bought some time. James and Sirius, leave for our northern safehouse and send Moody and Hagrid to the eastern one. Save our friends and come back. You are not to engage them in a battle. Saving lives is the top priority. Leave the rest to us. Prof. McGonagall, Lily, and I'll go to the ministry. Longbottom, Bones, and Lupin are already there in disguise. We will meet here again, soon. Don't die. Good luck to all of us." Dumbledore instructed.

James and Sirius left the room.

"You are no use to us anymore, Peter. What shall I do with a traitor like you? So many good people died thanks to you, should I just end your life?" Dumbledore pointed his wand at the coward traitor who was shivering in fear.

Peter's face was covered in tears and snot, "Please, spare me." He went on his knees and joined his hands together as if he were praying to a god. "I couldn't resist his power. He's too strong. And you know this war is as good as lost. Please, let me live. I promise I'll be useful to you. I'll give them false information, yes, I'll tell them whatever you want me to tell them. I beg you, please!"

Dumbledore, after contemplating for a while, lowered his wand for a moment and turned back, walking up to the door. He stopped and quickly turned around, swishing his wand at Peter, using a non-verbal spell. A bolt of red light struck Peter, turning him into a rat. He swished his wand again, pulling the little rat toward himself.

"You'll live as a rat till the last breath of your life."

Dumbledore took out a small jar from the little bag, hanging around his waist and put the rat inside, closing the lid. Then he left the room and was on his way to find the team. As he walked through the hallways, an owl dropped a letter near his feet. He picked it up and opened it. His eyes widened for a moment.

"So, they have already started attacking the ministry..."



Dumbledore found the team sitting in the main hall, eating lunch. He informed them about the situation and that they were going to leave for the Ministry of Magic.

"We don't need this many people just to take care of some Death Eaters and dark wizards," Ryan stood up after chugging down the glass of beer, "It'll leave Hogwarts open for an attack. I foiled Voldemort's attempt to capture the school, so all he needs to do is create another big distraction, like attacking the Ministry and killing or taking the important ones hostage and you'll go running to save them because if the Ministry falls, then it's only a matter of time before Hogwarts fall. Also, it'll be a piece of cake for Voldemort to take over Hogwarts if he gets the school's headmaster to come running to their aid."

"So, what do you suggest?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'll go," Ryan replied, "That way Hogwarts will be safe and you can stay here to protect the students."

"You alone?!" McGonagall exclaimed in surprise.

Ryan nodded, "You do know that I defeated more than hundreds of dark wizards and three or maybe more Death Eaters alone, right? Alone, I'm enough to deal with this problem. Besides, Voldemort will not be there. It's just a few dark wizards, maybe one or two death eaters, so it shouldn't be too hard for me to handle."

"But..." Lily stood up with a worried expression. She wanted to say something, but Ryan interrupted her.

"I'll be fine. Trust me, I'll be back before you realize I was gone."

Lily clenched her fist tightly, and so did Madam Puddifoot, who was there along with the other refugees. They didn't want Ryan to leave. It scared them to think about losing someone else dear to them.

"Ryan," Madam Puddifoot called out to him, "Be careful out there." She wanted to stop him, but she knew that there wasn't any way that man would listen to her and leave those people to die. She thought that Ryan was doing this out of his heart because he was a good person. She was proud to see her man fighting for the greater good. But she was also afraid of losing him. The war had already taken so many good people, she didn't want to lose Ryan too.

Ryan smiled at her, "Don't worry. I'll be back soon. Wait for me, okay?" He caressed her cheek and turned toward Dumbledore.

"Voldemort might be there, you know that, right?" Dumbledore warned him.

Ryan nodded, "Yeah, more fun for me, then." He chuckled, "I don't think he's not that stupid to show up in such a chaotic battle. He'll probably be coming to Hogwarts soon, so move the refugees to somewhere safer for now and prepare for battle. I'll wrap up this matter with the Ministry. So, how do I go there?"

"Albus, you can't possibly?!" McGonagall couldn't believe that Dumbledore was sending Ryan to fight alone. She looked at the Headmaster, waiting for an answer, but deep down she knew that he wasn't going to stop Ryan even if she protested and she knew how strong Ryan was. Still, how could she not be worried? Sending a single man as a reinforcement... it was a suicide mission. She took out a locket from her pocket and held it before Ryan.

He took it.

"This artifact will deflect the killing curse once. Only once, so, be careful out there. There are a few members of our Order in there, resisting the dark wizards, but they won't last long. Please save them," She took Ryan's hands and looked into his eyes, "Come back alive." she whispered.



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