Unduh Aplikasi


The Death Eaters and the dark wizards apparated in the middle of Hogsmeade. They began to set everything on fire and blast curses everywhere. The evacuation was still in process and it was a bloody mess. Ryan grabbed Madam's hand and ran toward the floo platform as the guards tried their best to defend the place.

"Go," He pushed her onto the platform. "I'll be right behind you."

Madam was not willing, but his powerful and domineering aura told her that she would only be a hindrance if she tried to stay, "I'll be waiting for you," She finally said as she used the floo powder and was transported away.

Ryan wanted to go to Hogwarts and let Dumbledore's Order of Phoenix take care of the dark wizards, but seeing how the guards were being pushed back and the evacuation was still ongoing, plus to make things worse, the reinforcements were yet to arrive, his body moved on its own. Without thinking much, he began to walk toward the frontline with his wand in his grasp.

A stray bolt of magic flew toward a kid running toward his dad.

Ryan swished his wand, "Accio!" He used it on that kid's clothes to pull the kid toward him before the curse could hurt the kid.

[Crackle!] The curse hit the ground creating a small crater, crackling with lightning.

"You alright?" He asked the kid in his arms as he let him down on the ground.

"Yes. Thank you, mister," The kid thanked him before running toward his dad. His dad gave Ryan a little bow before running toward the floo platform.

Ryan looked at the incoming dark wizards and death eaters' army as he walked toward the front line.

"Ryan!" The guards looked at him. Since he had been living in the village for quite a time now, everyone knew him and his furniture shop was also pretty famous. "What are you doing here?" One of them asked.

The guards were ducking behind houses as they held the barrier spell, but there were multiple cracks in the barrier, causing a few spells to leak through and injuring many people.

"You guys focus on the evacuation and leave these bastards to me," He replied as he stepped out of the barrier.

'How dare these bastards spoil my morning fun and destroy my peaceful life!' Ryan thought as he pointed his wand at the incoming death eaters and dark wizards.

"Confringo!" One of the dark wizards fired a curse at Ryan, but he nonchalantly flicked his wand and a little green light emerged from his wand. The curse bounced back at that dark wizard and blasted his head off, killing him instantaneously.

Noticing Ryan walking toward them, the dark wizards began to rain down an endless barrage of curses on Ryan.

"Fiendfyre!" Ryan raised his wand and pointed it at the incoming curses. Immediately, a huge flaming snake emerged from his wand and rushed toward the enemy group. A couple of spells stuck his body but were deflected easily.

"FIENDFIRE?!" The dark wizards screamed as they tried to run away.

The unstoppable flame snake chased after them, burning anything in its path to ashes. A couple of dark wizards got caught in it and were turned to ashes before they could even scream.

The Death Eaters came forward and began to throw 'Glacius' at the fiendfyre to stop it from advancing any further. The freezing charm somewhat slowed down the advancement of the fiendfyre but did not stop it completely. Seeing the futility of the action, one group began to conjure 'Aquamenti.'

[Aguamenti: This spell conjures a jet of water from the caster's wand. While primarily used for extinguishing fires, it can also be used to produce water for other purposes.]

While the other group began to use 'Engorgio Aqua'.

[Engorgio Aqua: This spell causes water to swell or increase in volume. While not directly creating water, it can be used to manipulate existing water sources.]

Both spells combined created a giant wave that tried to swallow the dark fire, but it was useless. The water turned to vapor almost instantly. Yet, they kept on the pressure.



The ones using Glacius began to use the counterspell. The fiendfyre seems to dwindle a little. Considering the number of wizards, it was too much even for an nearly unstoppable spell like fiendfyre,

Ryan immediately stopped channeling fiendfyre and waved his wand at that wave.

"Incendio Maxima!" A giant flame emerged from his wand and swallowed the wave whole. The entire area was steaming with heat. The massive wave of water evaporated within seconds.

"Are you from the Order of the Phoenix?" One of the Death Eaters yelled at Ryan.

They were afraid to see a single man tearing apart their spells as if it were mere child play especially when those spells were cast by Death Eaters themselves who were considered some of the strongest wizards out there.

"It doesn't matter since you all are going to die here today," Ryan answered coldly as he pointed his wand at that Death Eater. "So, try harder. Use some forbidden curses... Use some destructive spells... Entertain me, you motherfuckers!"

"Avada Kedavra!" Multiple green lights rushed toward Ryan.

"Yes! That's how it should be," Ryan swished his wand. "Accio!" The house on his right... Well, there was just one wall left. He pulled the wall before him, shielding himself from the killing curses. He knew the killing curse could be blocked using inanimate objects like this wall. The wall shattered instantly due to the impact.

"Sectumsempra!" Ryan targeted one of the Death Eaters instantly after the wall shattered.

[Sectumsempra: Causes deep gashes and wounds on the target as if they have been slashed by an invisible sword.]

The spell slashed the Death Eater's robes open before cutting his stomach open. Blood gushed out of his stomach as that Death Eater fell on his knees.

"Expulso!" Ryan didn't give them a chance to defend as he unleashed another spell. Countless blue bolts shot toward the Death Eaters from his wand, "Hahahaha! What's wrong? Try harder or just die. How dare you motherfuckers spoil my morning fun? You all shall pay for it dearly!" He laughed crazily as he sent spell after spell.

[Expulso: This spell causes the target to explode, potentially causing collateral damage to surrounding objects or individuals.]

The magic bolts began to explode everywhere as they hit something. Some Death Eaters erected barriers while others dodged quickly, but Ryan was relentless. The Expulso bolts hounded them, exploding one after another continuously.

One of the Death Eaters tried to counter-attack Ryan with Avada Kedavra but before he could utter the spell, Ryan slammed his palm on the ground using his wandless magic.

"Vincula Umbra!"

Multiple spectral chains burst out from the ground, binding their bodies. Almost instantly, all the twenty remaining dark wizards were restrained. Ryan manipulated the chains to twist their arms to make them drop their wands. Although this spell can't cause any damage and is only for restrains, it is even better for Ryan, since he'll be able to kill them personally one by one.

"Who are you?!" One of the Death Eaters struggled against the chain but failed.

"As I said, dead men don't need names," Ryan walked toward the Death Eater who asked the question as he twirled his wand between his fingers.

"Wait! Wait!" That Death Eater panicked as he saw Ryan approaching him.

"Crucio!" Ryan pointed his wand at that Death Eater.

The Death Eater began to scream in agony as if someone was pulling all of his insides out. Ryan tortured him for five minutes straight before moving on to the next person.

"Now, that guy bit his tongue and killed himself. What about you? Humm... Looking at you, I'm pretty sure, you are a tough guy, yeah? I wonder, how long will you last under Crucio..." Ryan approached the next Death Eater with a devilish grin.

"No! Please! Wait a moment!" The Death Eater begged Ryan.

"Oh, really? Why should I wait for you?" Ryan tilted his head slightly as he stared into that Death Eater's eyes. "You are no fun. I expected some kind of loyalty or resistance, but you are begging like a coward already... Just die." He pointed his wand at that Death Eater.

"Please! I know the name of the traitor hiding among Dumbledore's army," He begged as sweat rolled down his forehead.

Ryan sighed as he shook his head, "Peter Pettigrew, I know. So, goodbye." He placed his wand on the Death Eater's head, "Sectumsempra!"

Blood splattered all over Ryan's face as that Death Eater died instantly as his head split into two halves vertically.

Ryan wiped that blood off his face as he moved on to the next Death Eater.

"I would have captured you all, but the ministry is filled with traitors. So, die and send my regards to that fucking gatekeeper..."

Ryan walked back, creating a safe distance between them and then he unleashed a barrage of 'Bombarda' at the bound Death Eaters.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion reverberated throughout Hogsmeade as the Death Eaters died miserably.

"Phew! That was fucking exhausting," He muttered as he took a deep breath to calm his mind. "Finally, some fucking peace."

However, his peace was short-lived as...

"Expelliarmus!" A red bolt flew toward Ryan from an apparate as it landed on the ground, followed by two others.

Ryan simply deflected it with a swish of his wand without even bothering to look back.



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Next Ch: 15: The perfect Necromancy

Ch: 16: Pushing to the limits 

Ch: 17: Ryan and Lily 

Ch: 18: War causes desperation

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