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Dungeon's End

The offer he gave came as a surprise to both the archer and the mage. It was a perfect opportunity in the eyes of the man who was transported to the world of magic. He knew he had the ability to use magecraft, though didn't have a clear path to learn it. 

"Right here? Right now?" Vivian asked, slowly reaching for the scrumptious serving of food. 

Blake kept it away from her hand as he clarified, "Just give me the basics here. Enough to get started."

"But learning even just the fundamentals of magic takes–" Vivian began to say. 

"Trust me, I'm a fast learner–at least, I think I am," Blake assured her. 

While the clumsy mage seemed hesitant about the idea, she swallowed her doubts as her stomach growled, "...Alright, but I specialize in the element of fire, so you'll have to take what you can get."

"Fine by me," Blake said with enthusiasm as he finally gave the sausage link over. 

Emma took a serving of the cured meat for herself and sat down on the edge of the fountain, not seeming to have much interest in the teachings of magic. 

After the mage finished up having her first meal in over a day, she let out a satisfied sigh before turning her attention to the swordsman, "Alright, are you ready?" 

As he nodded his head, he whispered to himself, "Become a genius student capable of learning the teachings of magic."

[Hypnosis successful.] 

The impromptu lesson began with Vivian carefully explaining, losing the nasally tone to her voice as it became more smooth on the topic of magecraft. 

"Gather your mana in the center of your stomach, and let it expand up to your chest like a rising flame, flowing into your limbs," the mage guided him. 

Each word spoken to him resonated through his mind, finding himself deciphering its true meaning and embodying it completely with utter focus. It became a simple process for him to replicate, letting that internal energy flow through his body. 

'...Like a rising flame,' he repeated the thought. 

"You'll have to practice that feeling for months, but once you get the hang of it, to conjure fire, you'll have to visualize it. For most people, even tenured mages who've studied for decades, you'll need chants to help you manifest your ideal magic–" Vivian explained. 

As she spoke, the knowledge granted to the focused learner was immediately given manifestation as Blake held his hand up, conjuring a small, healthy flame in his palm. 

"Wha–huh?!" Vivian reacted. 

"That's–?!" Emma shared the same reaction. 

Blake didn't seem all too surprised, moving his hand and the conjuration of fire above it, "So, that's how it's done?" 

"That's…this is your first time using magic, right?" Vivian asked again to make sure. 

"Yeah, it is," Blake confirmed, waving his hand as the flame dispersed itself. 

The mage let out an exasperated breath, "You must be some kind of natural savant! Are you of noble blood? You must be!"

"I was wondering that, too. You are dressed all fancy-smancy," Emma remarked with a raised eyebrow. 

Blake answered, "I'm a Mather. Happy?"

"Wait, seriously?!" Emma reacted. "This whole time, I've been acting like–ah, I'm sorry if I did anything to offend you!"

"Cut it out, would you? Don't start treating me any different," he requested, feeling a bit odd about it considering the circumstances. 

It was already clear to him why he was blessed by natural talent, if it wasn't by proxy of his system itself. Of course, it was the fact he was well aware of the idea of being transported into another world–at least from other stories he'd read. 

With some rest and simple learning, the basics of mana control and fire manifestation were obtained by the studious mind of the rookie adventurer. It made him all the more impressed by his own system as he conjured a sphere of condensed flames in his hand. 

"Careful with that. I don't need to remind you what sort of destruction just one fireball can cause," Vivian urged him. 

"I know, I know," he said, casting it away before looking at his hand. 

'That self-hypnosis I used…It felt like I opened my mind into being able to adapt to any information. I feel like my potential is limitless with this,' he thought. 

The echoes of unknown fiends dwelling within the reach of the labyrinth made sitting idly not much of a choice. Given proper rest and the opportunity to fill up on food and water, the mage was left brimming with energy. 

"You're coming along, right?" Emma asked, looking back at the mage. 

Vivian nodded her head as her large hat flopped around, "O-of course! If you'll have me!"

"Just don't hit me with a fireball and we're good," Blake said. 

"I won't!" Vivian assured. 

The advice of the nymph continued to be followed as the left passage was taken once more, not yet leading them astray. He was already more than tired of the monotonous exploration, only wanting to find the insignia as quickly as he could. 

Through following the philosophy of "always left", avoiding unnecessary confrontation, a chamber was happened upon; one that resembled a cathedral built of grime-covered stone. 

"There's only one passage," Emma observed, looking around. 

At the other end of the enigmatic room was a set of tall, metal doors, presented by a door knocker of copper. It was carved in the shape of a faceless man, bringing Blake to stop just in front of it. 

"This has to be the true path, right? We have to be near the end?" Vivian asked like a shivering puppy, clutching to her staff as she looked around at the dreary room. 

"I have to assume so," Blake said, pressing his hand against the door. "Or, at least I hope." 

It didn't budge in the slightest as he pushed, as if rendered completely immovable like a wall not meant to be opened. 

"Is it locked?" Emma curiously asked, leaning beside him. 

"Maybe try knocking?" Vivian suggested. 

"I was going to," Blake said, grasping the knocker. 

There was an uneasiness swirling in his gut as he gripped onto the copper object, pulling it up before hitting it against the door–THUD. Though he only used it lightly, the impact echoed through the entirety of the isolated chamber, like the ring of a church bell. 

A rumbling caused the group to step back as the massive set of doors slowly began to part in accordance to the knock. 

"This is giving me the creeps," Emma remarked. 

"Same here," Vivian added with a quiet mumble. 

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