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44.44% May You Find Your Worth In The Waking World, Good Hunter. / Chapter 4: Chapter 3 - Waking World Part 2

Bab 4: Chapter 3 - Waking World Part 2

When the Hunter learned that the Hunter's Dream is attached to himself, he couldn't be any happier, which is weird for him because he had hated it for the longest after forcing him to go through the horrific Hunt.

But now, The Dream is no longer a curse for him. Inside, it's a blessing.

While the Hunt, the Dream and Yharnam are real. The Dream is a sort of plane in The Land Between. It was not a real world in some sense. Thus, when the Hunter woke up in the waking world, he worried that he may never be able to reunite with Doll and Violet again because they were forever stuck in the Dream and Yharnam. However, the worry seems to be unfounded now that he learned from the Doll that he had inherited the Hunter's Dream. Becoming its owner and caretaker simultaneously.


"Good Hunter, do you not wish to return to the waking world?" The Doll wonders as it has been almost three days worth of time passed since The Hunter returned to the Dream. Since there is no day and night cycle, they can only count manually and assume how much time had passed since they didn't have something like an electronic timepiece to tell the time and day either.

To her question, The Hunter shook his head and looked at her eyes as if both of them were having a silent conversation. Which is correct. The Hunter and the Doll are connected as the Doll is a creation accompanying the Dream and the Dream being a part of himself. But the curious third wheeler doesn't.

"What are the two of you talking about in secret? Let me in with the secret too! I wanna know!" Little Violet protested in her outrage for being left out.

The Doll smiled warmly and invited Little Violet to her lap which she accepted and eagerly jumped up the Doll's lap before leaning on her as if it was story time.

"Well, Little One. The Hunter is talking about his brief adventure in the waking world." The Doll said, starting with a positive tone which quickly turned into the opposite. "The world outside apparently had been stricken by a disease that turns and reanimates living beings into something akin to The Beast."

"The Beast?!" Little Violet gasped and her posture shrunken onto the Doll, seeking safety from her figure as The Beast still instilled fear in her.

The Doll giggled softly at Little Violet's reaction and embraced her, giving her the sense of safety and protection she sought.

"Worry not, Little One. As long as you remain in the confine of The Dream, you will be safe." The Doll said while comforting the Little Violet.

Then The Doll looked at The Hunter again, sensing he was trying to speak again.

"Hmn. I understand, Good Hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world." She said before The Hunter stood up, offering her a bow before walking to the tombstone where a group of Messengers popped out, they are the small skeletal shaped little helpers that reside in the Dream and worshiped the Hunters for some reason.

He kneels before the tombstone and places his hand on it before imagining the place he wanted to go and the Messengers will bring him there.


Opening his eyes, The Hunter once again greeted with a bright daytime sky. He looked around and verified he was still on the same roof. Then he stood up and looked down at the town since last night he couldn't as the town had already gone dark.

He could immediately identify where the market was. East side of the town is a row of buildings with high numbers of traffic. Vendors promoted their goods to attract customers while people filled the busy street with eyes wandering on the merchandise offered by the vendors.

The Hunter agilely jumped down the roof and into the back alley before emerging and walking towards the market but he sensed something strange with the atmosphere. Not an ambush which is quite common in Yharnam. But it's the people looking and pointing at him while whispering something or talking with awe and shock in their face.

The Hunter ignores it and walks up to a shop that sells some raw materials he needs.

"Welcome, Sir Hero, is there anything I can help?" The vendor excitedly greeted the confused Hunter.

"Hero…?" The Hunter lifted his head slightly and narrowed his pale red eyes at the vendor that turned nervous and gulped after feeling an dangerous aura radiating from the Hunter.

"Y-Yes… You are the hero of this town. If not for you taking care of the bandits, the purification tower completion will keep getting delayed and our home will inevitably turn into a yellow zone too, forcing us to abandon our home for a safer place to live." The vendor explained excitedly with a few nearby bystanders also nodding along. "That's why, I will give you a discount for everything you buy as gratitude from me."

The Hunter wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. To exterminate Beasts and Vermins is simply a duty and payment for the Healing Blood. So, it does feel strange that his effort is even being appreciated. He had hunted for neither one's gratitude, praise or reward. It's nothing more than his obligation.

Not holding back, The Hunter buys all necessary materials to craft his tools such as Molotov Cocktails, Quicksilver Bullets, Throwing Knife, etc.

While not all materials are available like Blood and Poison Herbs. He is already grateful for what he can get as it's way better compared to having to scavenge through each and every building back in Yharnam while praying to the Great One that one of the shelves or drawers contain the unused stash of the deceased homeowner or pilfering through the dead for supplies.

"It 600k Rubles." The vendor said while wiping his drenched forehead after counting everything and basically packed up nearly everything in his shop because The Hunter swept his shop clean. "Are you trying to manufacture ammunition for an entire army?" The Vendor jokes. But unexpectedly The Hunter replied to his question with a baffling answer. "No. But I am preparing in case I ever need to fight one myself."

If this were anyone else, the Vendor might have laughed. But with The Hunter's recent achievement taking down an elite mercenary group disguised as bandits, the Vendor didn't think The Hunter was joking at all.

"Hmn, do you need help to transport them?" The Vendor asked, already preparing to close his shop for the day because his merchandise was swept clean by someone.

The Hunter didn't reply and instead just casually lifted up the entire crate like it's nothing. When it should weigh at least half a ton. He quickly left the scene, entering a secluded alley before asking the Messengers to send this crate into his workshop.

'Right, maybe I should buy some food for Little Violet to cheer her up.' The Hunter thought when he smelled the scent of freshly baked goods.

While he and Doll do not require sustenance, they could enjoy the food. But Little Violet, she needs those foods to grow properly. Eating sweets only will cause her to lack other essential nutrients and vitamins to grow up properly which he read from a book before in the workshop regarding the topic of biology.

Thus, the Hunter returned to the market from another alley and walked up to the vendors that sell food from fresh bread, fruits to smoked ham and sausages. He bought a large variety of them, especially the preserved meat as much as possible before sending them all to the Dream, stocking up food for Little Violet since she is quite the glutton when it comes to good and delicious food he rarely discovered that is still edible on few of his scavenging trips.

Also, the Hunter didn't miss out on looking through the extensive numbers of tools and devices much more advanced than Yharnam had. Especially the contraption called the phone that can allow him to do many things basically and very important for a mercenary like him to have to contact people with much more ease.

Imagine the expression of one of the Vendors when the Hunter said he was still sending physical letters using courier birds like raven to send letters. He was later persuaded to buy a smartphone from the vendor.

In the end, he spent over two hours visiting each and every vendor and spent over 3 Million Rubles of his 50 Million reward money.

Among some of the other stuff he bought is parts and materials he can use to improve his weapon since he no longer has material constraints like during the Hunt. With so much abundance of materials, he wanted to improve or rather, modernize his arsenal which is why he also bought a few firearms for the purpose of studying. Although it's a shame he couldn't find books that can aid his understanding of modern firearms.

Besides those, the Hunter also bought some equipment. Mainly armors. Unlike armor he saw in Yharnam that is bulky and heavy which is incompatible with Hunter's fast paced fighting style that favors dexterity and agility more. The armors he introduced were all rather light. At least lighter compared to plate armor or steel breastplate. Most of them aren't even made of metal and made of specific materials that fit the needed type of protection as the vendor explained the type of armors he sells. There are those that stop bullets, resist slashing, resist stabbing, explosion, etc.

It amazes the Hunter how a very high protection armor made of these weird named and very lightweight materials like graphene, carbon fiber and titanium ceramic alloy offer better protection than steel armor but a lot lighter and can be worn under his clothes while feeling little to no discomfort at all. Safe to say, the armor might be his best investment yet and cost over a million Rubles alone.

Since his trip to the market is done, The Hunter is on his way to the tavern when he is suddenly interrupted by sound of gunshots and then a panicked atmosphere in the town as an alarm of some sort has been sounded.

With the townsmen hiding inside their home while the protector of the town scrambles to its defense. The Hunter follows the group heading to the gate.

"Tch! It's the bandits! They are probably here for revenge." Someone said as eyes set on the Hunter.

To be honest, The Hunter is expecting they would start to shun him because trouble had finally arrived. But, he didn't expect their response.

"Sir Hero. We are indebted to you. But it's best if you leave immediately. We can stall for some time before you leave."

The decision didn't come as surprise as last time it's possible for the Hunter to win because he had the advantages on his side. But this time, it is a frontal confrontation with the enemies prepared to fight and can't be caught off guard that easily. However, to the Hunter. So what if they brought hundreds of people? It didn't make any change as numbers alone cannot bridge the gap between the Bandits and the Hunter. He survived fights with overwhelming disadvantage before and he doubts these bandits are any stronger than a normal human can get unlike the maddened mobs that filled the streets that were at the verge of descending into Beasthood. Hi Jim is kill Hymn

The Hunter shook his head at the gathered crowd and stepped forward to the gate despite the people around him discouraging him from doing so.

"Sir, it's best to stay behind the wall. We cannot protect you otherwise." A familiar face, SIG-510, said while holding her imprinted firearm ready to fight along with her group of four others girls and the volunteering defenders despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them

The Hunter looks at the girl who expresses worry for him and actually treats him as if he is weak. Not that he could blame them because they do not know the feats he had achieved. Had they known, their response may be different. After all, Hunters are killers. There's no other description that fits them better.

Standing on the mounted turret seat of the armored truck is one of the bandits in full tactical armor and gear covering his body. He was holding a loudspeaker and held it before his mouth.

"I know the mercenaries that took out our people are hiding in this town. Surrender them and we will spare the rest of you. Resist and we will flatten this town. We give you time to make your decision but remember that our patience is limited."

While most express their disgust to the bandit's threat. Some weaker willed are already cowering and staring at the Hunter as if this is his fault.

"Everyone please do not worry. The commander already dispatched all the T-Dolls to defend the town and requested help from the nearby Griffin commanders." One of the girls said to reassure the crowd. But What interests the Hunter is the term T-Doll which they used to refer to themselves. It makes sense now as those girls do not feel human despite how they look and act which is exactly like human.

But the Hunter ignored the request of the T-Doll girls to stay put behind the wall and he aimed Evelyn at the Bandit that made the threat previously, still arrogantly sitting in the open as if it's not afraid that there will be anyone brave enough to challenge his authority. Tough luck for him because the Hunter does not fear him at all and instead looks at him like he is a joke.


A bloody hole suddenly appeared on the bandit's face, landed between his brow and left a hole large enough to fit a finger in. The bandit probably died immediately but the Hunter couldn't confirm as the body fell back into the armored truck. The Hunter immediately threw a Molotov Cocktail and a vial of Poison Gas into the hole on the mounted turret seat, causing a gout of fire burst out from the hole briefly before sound of agonizing scream followed. That's one armored truck down and three more to go.

While the first one is lucky because they are caught off guard by the Molotov and poison gas while still in their armored truck. The bandits in the other three trucks disembarked immediately and used their armored truck and the surrounding ruins as cover while they started attacking the T-Dolls and defenders fighting on the makeshift wall.

The Hunter leaked down the wall, showing his incredible agility and evasive skills as he dodged all the shots aimed at him before he landed on the ground and sped behind cover. Then he jumped out his cover again and moved forward, getting closer and closer to the bandits while avoiding all shots which caused both sides to almost pause and stared at him in disbelief.

"Is he even human?" Someone wondered as they all watched the Hunter movie with inhuman grace and agility before he leaped past the last broken wall in his path and then pounced on a group of three bandits that was stunned and shocked by his sudden appearance in front of their cover.

The Hunter was like a wolf amongst the pack of sheeps. The moment he arrived within range with the bandits, his Saw Cleaver snapped out from its folded form and bisected one as his cleaver slashed horizontally on one of their waists. The cleaver was thick and they thought it may be dull, but they didn't know that it was actually so sharp that even the slash resistance suit was slashed through as if nothing and a part of the brick wall cleanly.





The bandits screamed but their voice fell on a deaf ears. He cleave, he slash, he rips their flesh apart without batting an eye. After all this is something very normal for him. As blood, flesh and guts splattered all over his coat, he relentlessly pursued each and every one of them.

"NO! NO! WAIT! LET'S TALK! LET ME TALK!" The leader pleaded as all of his men were now lying on the street and ruined without an intact corpse while his executioner slowly approaching with his cleaver was dripping with blood, coming for him next.

The Hunter paused when the leader pleaded and entered a relaxed stance while waiting for him to talk. The leader, after seeing the opportunity given, he immediately pleaded for his life.

"I give and tell you everything and anything you want. Even where the boss is hiding his money. Just please let me go!" The leader grovels on the ground, begging to exchange for his life.

But while he is showing a fearful exterior while groveling, his face underneath is smiling.

'After he let me go. I will find another opportunity to take revenge. Just you wait for me! No one can walk away after humiliating me like this. Not even god!' The bandit leader said in his mind.

After getting no reply after he waited for some while, the leader lifted his head and looked at his executioner. He saw the man lower his mask and take out a roll of handmade cigarette and light it up with a snap of his fingers. After he took a long drag and exhaled, the Hunter looked at the bandit leader.

"Is that all you can offer? Information?"

"H-How about money? How much do you want? 100 Million? 200? 300? What about 600 Million? That's all I have." The bandit leader smiled while making an offer, already imagining how he will take revenge once he is free later.

But what the bandit leader didn't know is that… "Your money is worthless to me and I can tell that Vermin like you do not deserve to be released lest you bring me more trouble."



The Hunter shot the bandit leader dead with Evelyn before he turned around and saw the T-Doll girls and townsmen already gathered behind him and their eyes basically looking like they were worshiping him.

Also, he forgot that he took off his mask so his face is now in full display.

"He looks so young! Younger than my son."

"Oi, Ivan. You got a daughter right? This kind of man is rare. Having him is a great boon for your family and our town!" An old elderly man said to his son.

The response of the T-Doll girls is quite similar.

"Wow! I thought he would look way older. I didn't expect he would look so young and handsome too!"

To be honest, the Hunter didn't know how he looked. He never bothered to check and he also never bothered about his age. To be honest, if they never said it. He might assume he is a man in his 40's too.

Suddenly the Griffin Commander squeezed out from the crowd and walked up to him.

"You… Thank you very much for saving the town. It is my fault that this happened and I should have expected a retaliation." The commander showed a genuinely shameful expression as he apologized to the Hunter who simply stared at the bowing man and took another drag before finishing the sedating cigarette roll made of a special blend of herbs.

"It's alright." The Hunter replied and put back on his mask which caused the crowd to turn disappointed.

"I am grateful for your forgiveness." The commander said with a relieved look as he blanched and almost gagged after looking at the brutalized corpse of the bandits scattered around the battlefield.

The commander now knows that the Hunter is a very dangerous man and he didn't dare to accidentally offend him. Thus his present attitude and mannerisms when interacting with the Hunter. But to him, the Hunter is also an incredible opportunity and ally to have.

"How about following me to the outpost. I feel that I must prepare something as a reward for your effort." The commander sighed and insisted even after the Hunter first declined it. Then the Hunter reluctantly agreed because he remembers he needed help which someone like the Griffin Commander could aid him.


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