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Chapter 4: First Umbral

Noticing Sana rising and heading in his direction, Ken quietly slipped from their and walk toward the restaurant which is a few steps ahead of him.

When Sana's parents, who are Ken's bosses at work, see him, they ask if he is fine to work or if he is pushing himself. He convinces them that he is perfectly fine, which he absolutely is.

But damn, Ken have to admit that while Sana is undeniably beautiful, her mother is on another level. She is like a mature version of Sana's allure, with her ample chest and hips. There's a captivating blend of sexiness and maternal warmth around her, igniting a desire in Ken to be pampered by her.

Ken acknowledges the temptation he feels towards Lisa, Sana's mother. However, he refuses to act on it, he isn't asshole enough to betray the kindness of those who have supported him. Aware of the genuine goodness within Sana's family, Ken has no intention of causing harm to them.

"What's wrong, Ken? Why are you staring at me?"

Noticing his gaze fixed on her, Lisa asks with a confused expression, catching Ken off guard.

Ken quickly made some sort of excuses.

"It's nothing, I just couldn't help but notice the resemblance between Sana and Aunt Lisa, And, well, you're undeniably beautiful. It just made me think about how Sana will grow up to be as stunning as you."

Those who overheard, including some regular customers, started to laugh and tease Ken about finally taking an interest in girls now that he is "grown up." Feeling 'embarrassed', Ken also joined in their laughter.

After a few minutes, Sana returns, and the attention of the regular customers shifts to her. Everyone seems to forget about Ken's earlier embarrassment as they engage with her. Sana, being the amiable person she is, laughs at some of their jokes, but upon closer observation, it's evident that her laughter is forced. She eventually makes an excuse about not feeling well and retreats upstairs to her room.

No one seems to think much of it as they bid Sana to take care when she mentions not feeling well. As the clock strikes 9 p.m., Ken's shift comes to an end. Throughout the evening, Sana remains sequestered in her room, not even emerging when Lisa calls her for dinner.

During dinner with Smith and Lisa, Ken told them that he won't be able to come to work starting from tomorrow. Naturally, they inquire about the reason behind his decision.

"I'm actually thinking of taking this year's entrance exam to join the Arcane Academy."

More than three centuries ago, demons invaded our realm. In response, mortal, mythical, spirit, beast, and elemental realm united their forces to combat the threat from the demon realm. The war raged on for several months until victory was ultimately achieved by our side. After the conflict, heroes from each race that had joined the alliance established their own nations or served under someone. Those who ascended to rulership signed a peace treaty to ensure harmony and stability in the aftermath of the war.

The treaty forbade any signatory race from engaging in conflict with other signatory races, but a notable loophole that allows any race to fight their own kind. With the treaty finalized, the heroes who fought in the war embarked on a new endeavor: the establishment of an academy. This academy would serve as a bastion for nurturing future heroes, ensuring that if another threat like the demon invasion were to arise, they would be well-prepared to defend themselves.

However, the truth behind that narrative is far from complete. The current generation is unaware that their victory in the war was not as decisive as portrayed, and that the demon realm still exists.

while it's true that the force of their alliance managed to decimate over 80% of the demon army, the cost was immense, with the majority of their force falling in battle. Faced with the realization that complete annihilation of the demons was beyond our reach with the remaining few soldiers, the Hero of Dragons and the Hero of Fairies made a decision. They used a forbidden spell to seal the demon realm, sacrificing their own life force to strengthen the seal. However, all these heroes were well aware that this seal was not everlasting. They knew that one day, the seal would weaken, and those creatures of greed and chaos would invade them once again. The true purpose of the Arcane Academy is to prepare for the inevitable disaster that will come when the seal eventually breaks.

Realizing the gravity of what Ken said, Smith and Lisa are visibly shocked, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and concern as they look at him.

"Ken, even though anyone can take the entrance exam, you know how challenging it is to pass, don't you?"

Smith interjects, attempting to remind Ken of the formidable challenge associated with the goal he is trying to achieve.

"Yes ken, i agree with my husband, and it may upset you to hear but you aren't strong like others."

From the earnest expression in their eyes, it's evident that their concern isn't rooted in mockery but rather in genuine worry. They fear for Ken's well-being, worried that he may get hurt or experience heartbreak if he fail the exam.

In response to their worries, Ken meet their gaze with determined eyes and a confident smile, silently conveying his resolve to pursue this path despite the challenges ahead.

"Don't worry," Ken reassure them, his voice steady and resolute. "I am well aware of my shortcomings. That's precisely why I've decided to leave in three days, giving myself nearly two months before the entrance exam. During that time, I intend to travel across the nation to train and prepare myself."

Lisa, aware of the danger inherent in Ken's decision, attempts to stop him from proceeding with his plans.

"Ken, no way, that's even more denge-"

Before she could complete her sentence, Smith places a hand on her shoulder, silently signaling her to refrain from further protest.

"Give up Lisa, it doesn't look like he will listen to us, he is already determined to do what he said."

Lisa still isn't convinced.

"But, Smith."

"Listen dear, in our life every men have something we must do, and it seems Ken realized what he wants to do. If we stop him now it means we are insulting his dream."

Hearing Smith Lisa became silent, though with reluctance.

Observing his wife's tacit understanding, Smith turns his attention towards Ken. Meeting his determined gaze, he speaks in a serious tone, conveying the weight of his words.

"I was once an adventurer, so I know this, and you need to understand it too, In the outside world, monsters aren't your only enemy. You must also guard yourself against humans as well, for they can be more terrifying than any creature you may encounter."

As they continue to eat, Smith shares the wisdom he has accumulated over his lifetime. The serious atmosphere gradually shifts, and Lisa begins to laugh at her husband's playful boasting. Before they finish their meal, Smith offers Ken one last piece of advice.

"And lastly, always remember that we are here to always welcome you."

Lisa also agreed with her husband, hearing them Ken felt so glad that he talk about this with them. After finishing dinner he was about to take his leave, then he remember something.

"Oh i forgot to mention, please don't tell Sana anything about it. I will tell her myself."

Getting their confirmation, Ken make his way back home. As he lie on the bed, still not quite accustomed to its discomfort, he begin to brainstorm strategies for hunting monsters without engaging them directly. Satisfied with some promising ideas, he eventually drift off to sleep.

Just a distance away from the Lemin village, lies the Ternary Forest, serving as a natural border between the Lenia and Agustus kingdom. True to its name, the forest is divided into three distinct layers from both side: the outer, inner, and deep layers.

The outer layer of the Ternary Forest is considered relatively safe for travelers, if they avoid provoking any monsters or encroaching upon their territories that is. Villagers often venture into this area to hunt edible monsters, gather fruits and herbs, or simply to enjoy the bounty of the forest. Additionally, it serves as a popular training ground for novice adventurers looking to hone their skills in combatting monsters.

The inner layer presents a significantly greater danger though, as the monsters inhabiting this layer are notably more intelligent than those in the outer layer. Many of these creatures operate in cohesive groups and some even employ cunning traps to ensnare their prey. While individually they may not pose a significant threat, their collective intelligence and organized behavior make them a formidable enemy. As a result, only experienced adventurer groups venture into this perilous territory.

As for the monsters inhabiting the deep layer are considered disaster in their own right. In this world, a monster ranking system categorizes creatures according to the level of threat they pose. For instance, the outer layer monsters typically fall within the F to E rank, while the inner layer monsters range from D to C rank. However, the monsters dwelling in the deep layer are classified as B to A rank, signifying their immense power and danger. Fortunately, these creatures rarely venture beyond the confines of their domain, as their emergence into populated areas could result in catastrophic damage and significant casualties. Only high-ranking adventurers and well-trained knights from noble families dare to venture into this treacherous territory.

As the morning light filters through the horizon, illuminating the surroundings, a small creature cautiously emerges from its burrow in the outer layer of the Ternary Forest. As it fully emerges, its features become apparent—a creature resembling a rabbit, yet with a long horn protruding from its head. This creature is commonly known as the horn rabbit among locals. Despite its classification as an E rank monster, it would be unwise to underestimate its capabilities. A single off guard blow from its sharp horn could result in your death.

As usual, the horn rabbit makes its way to its familiar feeding ground near the pond, where an abundance of berries and other edible plants grow. However, upon arrival, it senses that something is amiss. The usually bustling area is eerily quiet and devoid of its usual inhabitants.

Unperturbed by the unusual quietness, the horn rabbit continues its journey towards a nearby berry bush. As it nears the bush, its survival instinct suddenly kicks in, sensing danger. However, before it can react, the ground beneath collapse, and the horn rabbit tumbles into a concealed pit.

The pit itself isn't deep and the horn rabbit could easily get out of there with just a jump. If only those sharp wooden spears didn't pierce it, that is. As the numbing sensation spreads through its body, the horn rabbit's gaze falls upon the lifeless bodies of its kins. In that chilling moment, it dawns on the horn rabbit that like others, it has also become the prey to some unknown predator lurking in the shadows.

Ken descend from a nearby tree to see his new prey that fall in his trap and also to reset it. Seeing a few horn rabbits have gathered, he carefully got down in the pit. Cautiously avoiding the wooden spears that is covered by a potent poison that he made with his knowledge of the game.

Ken efficiently stores the dead bodies of the horn rabbits in his inventory, ensuring they are concealed from sight. He then sprays some kind of liquid to mask the scent of the dead horn rabbits, preventing other potential preys from being alerted to the presence of danger. With the task completed, he climbs out of the pit and meticulously covers it with branches and grass, camouflaging the trap once again.

While waiting for his next prey, ken ask the system.

"Hey system, just to be sure, how many of horn rabbits do you think would be suffice for the offering?"

Despite the trap's effectiveness, it has it's drawbacks—it demands considerable time and patience for each reset. Every time a prey falls into the trap, the process of resetting it becomes a necessity, consuming valuable time and energy.

[They are low rank monster, so you will need at least 50 of them.]

Hearing the number, Ken already started to feel tired.

"Sigh, i think i will have to set more traps and stay here the whole day."

As Ken manages to catch a single horn rabbit without resorting to poisoning, he decides to indulge in it for lunch, opting to grill the meat. While horn rabbits are a common source of sustenance for many, this marks Ken's first time consuming monster meat, a significant moment for him. Grateful for having brought along salt and spices for preparation, he savors the meal with newfound appreciation.

Despite never having eaten rabbit meat in his previous life, Ken finds the taste oddly reminiscent of chicken. Delighted by the delicious and tender flavor, he quickly devours the meal, savoring every bite with satisfaction.

With relief, Ken completes his goal of capturing 50 horn rabbits before nightfall descends upon the forest. As darkness settles, smaller creatures retreat to the safety of their burrows while nocturnal predators emerge to begin their hunt. Ken recognizes the importance of leaving the forest before nightfall to avoid encountering these dangerous predators.

With 50 horn rabbits stored safely in his inventory, Ken ventures to a secluded area, a safe distance from the village. After finding what he deems to be the perfect spot, he lights the lanterns he bought with him, his excitement palpable. With anticipation coursing through him, he eagerly addresses the system.

"System, now tell me how to perform that umbral ritual."

Following the guidance of the system step by step, Ken proceeds with careful attention to detail. Each instruction is followed diligently as he eagerly awaits the outcome of his efforts.

The system begins by displaying a magic circle and instructs Ken to replicate it. To facilitate the process, the system projects a hologram onto the ground, making it easier for Ken to trace and draw the intricate design.

Ken carefully studies the magic circle displayed by the system. It comprises seven concentric circles, each containing distinct elements. The second circle contains rune texts, likely imbued with magical significance. In the fourth circle, small stars and dots are scattered across the circumference. Lastly, a prominent octagram extends from the fourth to the seventh circles, serving as a focal point within the intricate design. With keen attention to detail, Ken thoroughly replicate the magic circle as instructed.

With the magic circle drawn using the blood of the horn rabbits, Ken meticulously arranges all the dead bodies of the horn rabbits in the center as instructed by the system. As he begins to chant the incantation provided by the system, he focuses his intent and channels his energy into the ritual, eager to witness the results of his efforts.

"From depths unseen and realms untold,

Where shadows dance and darkness hold,

I call upon thee, creature of night,

To emerge from the abyss, reveal your might.

By the whispers of shadows, by the moon's dark gaze,

Come forth, O being, from the shadowy maze.

In the cloak of darkness, in the shroud of gloom,

Answer my call, emerge from the tomb.

From the veiled realm where shadows reign,

I summon thee, creature of dark domain.

By pact and promise, our fates entwined,

Come forth now, accept the sacrifice i provide."

As the incantation concludes without any discernible results, frustration and panic grip Ken. The thought of the ritual failing hits him hard, compounded by the fact that he dedicated an entire day to capturing the horn rabbits. He becomes angry at the wasted effort, lamenting the lost opportunity to grow his stats instead. Had he engaged in direct combat with the horn rabbits instead of relying on traps, his stats could have potentially increased by few numbers.

"What should I do? I wasted a whole day and now i only have one day to complete Sana's quest."

As panic surges through him, Ken clutches his head in distress, desperately searching for any useful ideas to salvage the situation. However, his attention is abruptly drawn to the dead bodies of the horn rabbits as he observes them slowly being engulfed by the magic circle.

As the last of the horn rabbit bodies vanish within the magic circle, a sudden burst of wind, fueled by the release of magical energy, erupts from it. The force is so powerful that it extinguishes all of Ken's lanterns in an instant. Following the wind, ominous black smoke billows forth, enveloping the area and amplifying the darkness in the absence of the moonlight in the sky. Ken finds himself surrounded by an eerie and foreboding atmosphere.

Within the swirling black smoke, Ken's senses sharpen as he notice a pair of glowing dark blue eyes fixated upon him. The intensity of the creature's gaze penetrates deep into his soul, sending shivers down his spine. Caught in its gaze, Ken feels an overwhelming sense of unease and apprehension, uncertain of the intentions behind those haunting eyes.

As the smoke begins to dissipate, the figure of a creature gradually emerges, resembling a wolf in shape. Its form lacks detailed features, appearing as a silhouette shrouded in darkness, except for its piercing dark blue glowing eyes. Dark mists emanate from its entire body, enveloping it in an eerie aura. Despite its lack of distinct features, the creature exudes an intimidating presence, its gaze unwavering as it fixes upon Ken.

Ken's realization dawns upon him as he stands face to face with an Umbral. Its formidable presence and imposing aura confirm the system's claims. Ken understands now that those Umbral are no joke.


[Ding! Inspect is cancelled duo to the deference of power between the host and target being too huge.]

"As i thought."

With uncertainty surrounding his first encounter with an Umbral, Ken remains cautious, keeping his guard up despite realizing his own vulnerability.

Suppressing his nervousness outwardly, Ken maintains a composed exterior as he silently locks eyes with the Umbral wolf. In return, the creature scrutinizes him from head to toe, its gaze unwavering. Unexpectedly, the Umbral takes a step forward, closing the distance between them, it did something Ken didn't expected.

"I ask you, are you the one who seek my Power?"

It fucking spoke!

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C4
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Stabilitas Pembaruan
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

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Stone -- Batu Daya
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