Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 14: Leo's and Akira's child?

"Arg!" A throbbing ache pulsed in his head, and a weight pressed down on his chest. Groaning, Leo cracked open his eyes to find a tiny face glaring down at him.

The girl sported a choppy orange bowl cut and possessed wide, innocent green eyes. No matter the angle, she couldn't look older than preschool.

"Aaaaare youuu awake?!" she boomed in a voice that, while loud, lacked the usual childish cadence. Leo felt his head swim. The last thing he remembered was drowning his sorrows with Akari and then... something. He wasn't exactly a lightweight, but his memory was a gaping chasm. He did, however, recall leaving with Akari.

Suddenly, a jolt of realization struck the blond-haired man. He scrambled to his feet and scooped the little girl into his arms.

"Who are you?" he rasped, his mind scrambling to identify the child.

"Me?! I'm Momo!" the little girl chirped, her cheerfulness infectious.

Akari entered the room then, her smile radiating its usual warmth and comfort. For a fleeting moment, she resembled a wife greeting her returning husband.

"Ryu-chan, you're awake?" Akari chuckled, "Fufu~ Sorry about Momo. I couldn't keep her away from you."

Still foggy-headed, Leo's gaze darted between Momo, Akari, and Momo again. He gently placed Momo down before dropping to a full dogeza in front of Akari.

"Akari-nee-chan, no – Akari-san," he declared, his voice thick with misplaced seriousness. "I will take full responsibility for you and Momo!"

Akari's cheeks flushed crimson at his sudden declaration. "Eh?! What are you talking about, Ryu-chan?" she stammered, completely bewildered.


"You heard me exactly!" Leo's eyes trembled. "I was drunk, and since I am an asshole who thinks with his lower body, I might have forced you and swelled up your belly. Since you are such an angel, you probably didn't want me to know."

Leo had a gut feeling that he might have made some women pregnant, and it turned out that Akari was the first victim of his negligence.

"Therefore, I will take full responsibility for you and my daughter, Momo." He flashed a grin at Momo and patted her head playfully. "Momo-chan, call me papa from now on."

"Um! Papa!" Momo echoed cheerfully, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

Akari, however, wasn't quite sharing Momo's enthusiasm. A blush crept up her neck, staining her cheeks a rosy pink. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took a deep breath, willing the steam practically billowing from her ears to subside.

"Ryu-chan," she began, her voice strained but patient, "nothing happened last night. Momo isn't your daughter. She's my little sister." Akari offered a reassuring smile. "You were clearly hammered last night. Take a few deep breaths, and I'll bring you some breakfast."

Leo's bluster immediately fizzled. A sheepish grin replaced his bravado. "Oh. Right. Haha. I knew I didn't have any kids..." he mumbled, scratching the back of his head.

For some reason, a pang of disappointment shot through him. The image of Akari as his wife and Momo as his daughter – it wasn't a bad picture. In fact, it was kind of...perfect.

He spent the next hour enjoying breakfast while playing with Momo. By the time he ventured into the main room, his head was clear and his conscience was pricking him. Akari's house wasn't exactly spacious – just two rooms for the family of four. He felt terrible for imposing on their hospitality. He'd definitely pay them back for the trouble.

The main room bustled with activity. Akari and Momo were joined by a kindly-looking older gentleman, presumably Akari's grandfather, and another young girl, likely a middle schooler by the look of her uniform. She sported a name tag that read "Hinata Kawamoto."

After exchanging greetings with Akari's family, Leo's gaze fell upon another young man. The boy slumped in a chair, his posture radiating tension and despair.

"H-hello..." the boy stammered, offering a hesitant greeting.

Now that his mind was clear, Leo instantly recognized him. Rei Kiriyama, the series protagonist and a shogi prodigy. After his family's tragic demise, he'd been adopted by his father's friend and initiated into the world of shogi. Yet, burdened by depression and isolation, he'd found solace in the warmth of the Kawamoto family. Much like Leo himself, Rei had been inebriated the night before and ended up being taken in by Akari.

"Oh, hey there," Leo greeted Rei with a friendly smile. Unfortunately, his attempt at camaraderie seemed to have the opposite effect. Rei visibly flinched, his eyes widening in what appeared to be genuine fear.

"Ano..." Akari interjected, her voice laced with amusement, "you might want to relax your expression a little, Ryu-chan."

Curiosity piqued, Leo glanced at a nearby mirror and nearly choked. Reflected back at him was a visage that could only be described as menacing, the very picture of a ruthless killer. It dawned on him that he'd unintentionally adopted a murderous glint in his eyes.

"I apologize for the misunderstanding," Leo bowed deeply, his posture regaining its usual grace. "Please, put me at ease. I am Leonidas Stellafarius, but you can call me Leo or Ryu. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I-I'm Rei Kiriyama," the boy stammered, his voice finding a sliver of confidence. "A shogi player. I... sometimes come here because..." He trailed off, unable to articulate the unspoken truth: because the Kawamoto family offered a warmth he desperately craved.

Unlike Leo, who had a legitimate connection to Akari, Rei lacked that justification.

"There's no need to be so tense, Kiriyama-san," Leo said with a reassuring smile towards Akari. "Just how much of an angel Akari-nee-san truly is... I'm guessing she found you lost and inebriated, just like me, and brought you home. In my case, I'm just directionally challenged."

There was no malice in Leo's teasing. He genuinely loved the anime, and every character within it held a special place in his heart. It had been a source of comfort in his darkest times, a refuge he'd sought in his previous life during his hospital stays. The warmth and solace the anime provided translated into a deep appreciation for Rei and Akari, even if they weren't fictional characters.

Rei's posture softened a fraction, and soon, a conversation bloomed between them. Leo, with his experience navigating business relationships, knew how to approach a withdrawn and self-conscious person like Rei.

"Speaking of which," Leo interjected, "I'm a bit of a shogi enthusiast myself. Fancy a game?"

The hint of a smile graced Rei's lips. "Sure," he replied, promptly retrieving a shogi board from his backpack.

The room settled into a comfortable rhythm. Leo and Rei became engrossed in their game, punctuated by Leo's playful interactions with Momo. Akari had gone grocery shopping, while her grandfather took off for his shop. Hinata, unfazed by the competition, retreated into the world of her book.

The game itself took an unexpected turn. Initially lighthearted, it appeared Rei would emerge victorious. However, he'd underestimated Leo.

"Checkmate," Leo declared, placing the final piece with a flourish.

Rei stared at the board, then at Leo, bewilderment etched on his face. "But how?"

Leo chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Seems you were a bit too tense, little guy. Shogi requires a cool head and consideration of every variable." He gestured towards Momo, now fast asleep nestled in his lap. Realization dawned on Rei. He understood now. Leo had subtly used Momo as a tool to disrupt his focus. The tension had clouded his judgment, leading to a critical mistake that Leo had capitalized on to snatch victory.

"Rei-san," Leo began, his tone turning serious, "we just met, but consider this – if you truly love shogi, then play for yourself, not for the expectations of others." The advice rolled off his tongue naturally, a phrase he distinctly remembered murmuring at the screen countless times while watching the anime. Despite knowing Rei would eventually find his own path, Leo felt compelled to offer the guidance anyway.

"I understand," Rei replied, a flicker of newfound determination in his eyes.

Akari returned just then, bags laden with groceries. Her eyes widened at the sight of Momo nestled peacefully in Leo's arms, a soft snore escaping her tiny lips. "Fufu," she chuckled, "it seems Momo's taken quite a shine to you."

Leo smiled warmly, gently stroking Momo's hair. Back in his previous life, he'd spent countless hours caring for children at the hospital daycare. He'd also interacted with many young patients before their surgeries, some who bravely fought on, while others...well, life dealt a cruel hand sometimes. These experiences instilled in him a natural ease with children, a quality that endeared him to Momo.

Placing Momo back in Akari's arms, Leo offered, "How about I make lunch for everyone? I can whip up some-"

His sentence was cut short as an unsettling chill pierced the air. The previously lively sounds of rustling leaves and a gentle breeze seemed to vanish into an eerie silence. An instinctive dread washed over the entire household. Leo, with his heightened awareness honed from countless close calls, recognized the signature presence of a killer nearby. Whoever this predator was, their murderous intent was potent enough to suffocate the very air.

He didn't have to wait long to identify the source. Standing menacingly at the gate, bathed in the golden afternoon sunlight, was a figure that sent shivers down his spine. A maid, impeccably dressed with a steely gaze that locked directly onto him – Roberta, his personal terminator maid, and by the looks of it, she was definitely gonna kill Leo.


So MC is having nightmares that he is the father of some children. Who do you think is the victim of his lower body?

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