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100% Ice Release: I Become the New God of Shinobi / Chapter 41: Moryo's Wrath

Bab 41: Moryo's Wrath

"Shion-san, you ready?".

'Mm. Please... go slow'.

"I will be go slow Shion-san, no worry. It's your first time after all".

Watatsumi in the subconscious spat his tea out. He felt like he heard something weird.

Shou smiled as he pick up Shion in a princess hold. Shion is wrapped in a blanket to avoid direct contact since both of them are a little shy after all. It's a little embarrassing...

"I am going".

Shou molded Watatsumi's chakra, growing a white translucent chakra wings on his back. His whole body is covered with wind attribute nature chakra, his aura elevated as the surrounding grasses sways from the force coming from him.

Take-off! With a powerful stroke of his wings, Shou take off to the sky!

'Iyaaaa!'. Shion had to close her eyes feelings the powerful strong wind blowing onto her face and body. After what feels like an eternity, finally she felt the blow lessens and becomes a gentle breeze constantly blowing onto her skins instead.

"Open your eyes".

Shion opened her teary eyes and sees she really is in the sky. Clouds decorated the blue background, gentle breeze accompanies her as she is struck in awe. It doesn't feel shaky with how Shou move at a constant speed towards the Land of Swamp.

Shion turned her head to see far below. The trees, mountains, rivers, houses, its constantly moving making feel a little dizzy and felt a sense of falling down. Shion tighten the hold onto Shou, afraid of falling.

"Shion-san, want me to go slower? We can explore around first...".

'U-up to you'. Shion said in a low voice, still feeling its unreal she's experiencing this for the first time.

Shou decides to explore the surrounding as he lowers his body down and move slower. The trees, mountains and rivers are beautiful in his sight.

"Look Shion, beautiful wasn't it".

Shion opened her eyes to see the sceneries in front of her.

'Wow... It's really beautiful'.

Looking at the settlements; tiny people like ants going about, the greeneries serving as the background, its all breathtaking. Passing the settlement into the forest area, the vastness of the land is presented clearly to Shion. She no longer feels afraid and opens her eyes clearly to see everything.

Some birds which are curious decides to come closer, wondering what birds are they.

After in a daze looking around, Shion realized something as she see's people down below.

'Wait Shou-san, what if people see us'.

"No worry. We are camouflaged right now".

'Huh... I see....'.


"At this speed we should reach in 2 hours I think. Should I go faster?". Shou wanted to speed up a little since it's kinda boring and its embarrassing to hold Shion for too long.

'Up to you Shou-san'.

"Alright. Hold on tight. I will go 4 times faster...".

Shou exploded in 4 times speed, the white translucent chakra trailed the sky at the power causing Shion to scream a little. But after the initial acceleration she don't really feel the movement much; much like she's in a modern flight.

She opened her eyes and sees the cloud and the trees below move at fast speed, dizzying her. She had to close her eyes, otherwise she would have to look at Shou's face instead.

Finally in just 30 minutes, they arrived at the Land of Swamp.

'I can't believe we arrived so fast'.

"I could go faster actually. But I might wobble a little". Shou stroke the back of his head saying it.

'I wouldn't able to handle it if you go too fast Shou-san'. Shion just smile, she would feel her soul leaving if its any faster.

With Shion guidance they arrived at the place where Moryo's body is sealed. It's located far away from the populace in a ravine; away from anyone. Strangely there's no trees or any greeneries around. They come close to the entrance where a shimenawa, a rope with zigzag shaped paper attached along it; dangling over the entrance.

Shou use fire release from his hand, making a small fire with no hand seal; thanks to Watatsumi's use of his body he figured out a little from observation to make simple things like small fire. 

They both entered the cave entrance, walking along the natural hallway.

Shou start to feel a little hot as they get deeper and deeper. He sees orange light at the end of the hallway and intense heat.

At the end Shou sees this place is in fact a huge underground space, with molten magma in between the stone floor. It's really hot in here. 

Shou make hand seals and used Ice Release: Frost Mist to cool this place down a little. Shion is quite impressed that he would use some jutsu just to cool them down and appreciated it.

"Shion-san, why his body is sealed here?". Shou asked casually as they carefully walk on the hot stone floors; avoiding falling down the orange pool beneath.

'The energy in here can maintain the seal mostly. And to prevent people entering'.

Shou nods. He did feel this place especially rich in energy. He didn't feel it before but maybe this is natural energy? He can feel it but can't take it in... yet. He just had a feeling that his body is a little changed since Watatsumi lives in him. He put that aside at first and continue straight to the strange half-buried sideward doors.

'Moryo's body is in here. I will open it up first'. 

She take a deep breath in. Taking steps onto the ritual ground, she make some hand seals.

The 5 spherical stones and the ritual ground glows in pinkish light as the spheres move. The half buried sideway doors began to shake and slowly move out of the ground, revealing the stone doorway to where Moryo's body is.

Shion take a deep breather.

It's an empty body so its fine she suppose, she convinced herself. With some more hand seals, she pointed her palm to the building.

Kai! The stone doors opens!

'Go ahead. His body is inside...'. Shion said so a little hesitatingly. She keeps saying in her heart its fine since it's just a husk but she just had a bad feeling about this.

Shou nods and climbed the building a little and look inside the door. Inside the meters cubic space, a purplish dragon-like skeletal head is wrapped in ropes with more papers.


Shou don't remember his body is like this. Wasn't it like... multiple heads, a little slimy looking or something?


Shou compared it to 10 tails husk - the Gedo Statue does not look like Juubi and only when it gets his energy back it turns to its true form. The same should be true for this thing probably, Shou thought.

"Watatsumi-san, what do you think".

Get closer. Let me test it first.


I will get out of your body temporarily.

"Won't I die...?". After all, having a tailed beast extracted out of a jinchuriki means death.

Hmph. I will leave some of my chakra in you. You won't die that fast. Not to mention, the Dragon Blade could separate them safely technically; it's just painful for Watatsumi so of course he don't want to use that and he never intended to be separated from Shou permanently to keep his promise.

"Ah... alright. Shion-san. Watatsumi-san wants to test it".

Shion thought for a moment. It's the whole purpose here anyways so she nods and take a step back. She had seen Moryo's complete form in her childhood and expects the same this thing once Watatsumi take over it and move further away.

Shou take a deep breather. This is Moryo's body... this is a crazy thing to do definitely. Has anyone ever anything this crazy? Actually Orochimaru did, switching body here and there. It's the same thing wasn't it with how Watatsumi wanted to test it.

As he place his hand on the purple skeletal head, he remembers the Gedo Statue itself is a husk and maybe Watatsumi can take over it too... Shou put that thought aside. The thought of Watatsumi hijacking bodies seems a little funny. He even hijacked my body already...

Watatsumi chakra burst burst out of Shou into the skeletal head, causing it to float start floating above the ground and out of the building. White bubbles of chakra starts to leaks out of the skeletal head and forms slimy looking white substance around the head and starts to grow.

Shou winced a little, feeling like he was sucked out of all his energy when Watatsumi left. He fell to his knees, feeling weak as he look up above. But at least he knows the energy left in him allows him to survive for days at least.

"It succeed...". Shou concludes seeing how the skeletal head is growing some things. Shou climbed out of the space after recovered to see more clearly. 

The purplish skeletal head turned a little lighter in colour. White translucent slimy like limbs is produced out of it. Watatsumi's power exploded, his chakra is completely liberated giving birth to white version of Moryo. Multiple white dragon shaped heads with gold eyes sways about menacingly. The whole area rumbles as Watatsumi succeeded in overtaking the body of Moryo.

Shion is startled and felt her legs shaking. She is reminded of the time Moryo confronted her mother seeing how big Watatsumi is. She take a big gulp of saliva and take a step forward to look closer.

"Amazing Watatsumi-san!". Shou cried out seeing how large he is and having multiple heads.

Hmph. Not bad I guess... But what being is this exactly. Why it's so slimy.

Watatsumi speaks with one of the heads clearly asking Shion.

'No one really knows. Moryo is from another world...'. Shion replied shortly.

"It's an alien from another planet or dimension I think". Shou added.

Watatsumi starts to 'walk' around. Rather his base is some fluid looking stuff covered with white membrane - much like a slime so he basically drags himself. He tried some things and manage to make sort of translucent membranous silver scales on the body.

Hmph! It looks are far cry from my original majestic-self. But I suppose I could settle for this if I can't find my body.

Watatsumi honestly don't find this slimy body good looking, and it feels sticky all over. He dislikes it. But he already went through acceptance stage if there's really no other choice. At least he can move freely out of Shou with it someday and he feels he can use more of his power with it. He moved his new limbs around, causing the ground to slightly shakes and rumbles due to his large size.

The multiple heads suddenly stops and look at Shion, feeling a sense of strangeness.

You... why it feels like you are a part of this body?

The heads all looked at Shion, questioning.

'H-huh...? I don't understand what that means...'. Shion is taken aback but the sudden question. She don't get it. A part of Moryo's body? Her brain is a little short-circuited.

Shou heard the question and he remembers the details once Watatsumi mentioned it.

"Shion-san... if I remember correctly, Moryo and you; or your priestess power, all priestess before you as well; were once one thing".

'W-what? That can't be!'. She don't want to believe her power and her predecessors were once a part of Moryo. That evil thing, there's no way...

That makes sense. No wonder. Woman, it's the truth. This body craves you and wants to devour you. You are a part of it in some way.

'No... but...'. Shion felt her heart shaken. She never have imagined her power, and her predecessors were once a part of Moryo. She don't want to believe the origin is from the evil being... that her power were in fact evil. It felt like her world view is crumbling thinking she's righteous.

Shou sees how startled Shion is.

"Shion-san... Its fine even if its true. Even Sage of Six path power comes from the Otsutsuki who wanted to destroy this planet. Maybe Moryo is evil, but you are not. How you use your power defines you as a person not the source".

Shion felt her heart a little at ease hearing it. It does make sense but it still a big revelation and she needs to process it.

Watatsumi agreed with Shou's conjecture and keep testing his body. He needs some time to get used to it. But suddenly he felt like there's an annoying thing inside him; a small little foreign energy. It feels like a small stone is rolling in your shoes in his point of view.

Watatsumi just throws it out in a second, causing the little energy to burst out in a wave.

'Moryo?!'. Shion is startled and warily looks at Watatsumi feeling the evil in a second.

Hmph. It's just some annoying little thing left inside this body. It's nothing.

'O-oh... I see...'. Shion felt the bad feeling growing suddenly but try not to think too much of it.


My body... I can feel it unsealed... 

Moryo sealed in the Land of Demons felt the connection to his body. He grinned and laughed upon discovering it.

Hahaha. Who unsealed it? Was it a descendant of my followers? Muahaha. It's time for my revival! My followers; hear me!

Moryo use his soul power that's barely connected to body to resonate with his energy - that is, a part of his energy was passed onto an ancient shinobi clan, the Yami clan and therefore their descendant should hear his call!

Why is my chakra left inside it does not react. It's like... someone...

Moryo struggled and squirmed a little forcing the energy left to react through the thin connection. Finally he manage to move it but it's still blocked by something! And... this feeling... his body is... no freaking way!

What...WHAT?! HOW?! MY... MY BODY!!! WHO DARES STEALS IT!! Moryo is dumbfounded, flabbergasted, shocked, and all words he could use.

Moryo struggles to move his chakra through that connection, and at this time Watatsumi felt that little thing rolling around in his shoes and just throws it out. 

GRRR. My message should at least reach those descendants. Just you wait! I WILL COME FOR YOU AND TAKE BACK WHAT'S MINE!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU RAAAHHHHH!!!

Watatsumi for the first time sneezed with one of his head, quite confused since its his first time sneezing. Shou felt its a little funny that he could sneeze to begin with.

Yomi who is studying Dark Medical Ninjutsu; wanting to make sure his plan to revive Moryo succeed with no hitch - feel his soul trembled. He felt a call, deep inside his soul after a sudden wave of signal passes.

"Moryo-sama... is calling!". Yomi closed the scroll he's reading. He grinned and calls one of his students who he had trained; the Gang of Four.

"The plan is pulled back earlier. Moryo-sama had called for us. It's time for us to move". He planned to take a few more years to prepare well but to think Moryo-sama called for them at this time... he feels happy at this unexpected call.

He received the message to unseal his soul first at the Land of Demons; and that he should do it ASAP.

After preparations, he heads out to the shrine where Moryo's soul with his underlings. He had an evil grin, unable to hold his excitement at ruling the entire world and creating 1000 years kingdom.


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