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14.28% Sussy Baka in MHA / Chapter 5: Karate Sus

Bab 5: Karate Sus








"Huff... Alright, that's enough for now kids. Rest for a bit"

""Yes, Sensei!""


Hearing those words, I stopped punching the air and sat on a nearby pile of mats to rest a little bit.

While I did that, I looked at the kids around and scoffed slightly when I saw that most of them were already out of breath.

'My body sure has some good genes... They are already hella tired and I barely feel like I have done some light exercise... I wonder who I inherited this from. None of my parents are good at sports or anything...'

Losing myself in my thoughts, I scratched the back of my head in confusion, before soon a loud sigh escaped from my mouth when I noticed that I couldn't find the answer.

'Well, so be it. I'm not going to question the only good quality that I have...'

Shaking my head to shrug my questions aside, I stood up, before then I walked toward the center of the room, and began stretching my limbs a little bit. Much to the surprise of some kids around.

A lot has happened since I got enlightened by my father's words a few months ago. First of all, I finally got to understand what my new path in this new world was going to be.

To become a motherfucking superhero!

Unlike all the other possible careers and paths that I had thought about before, this one was by far the easiest and simplest of them all. After all, most of the other options involved either wasting several years of my life learning several types of knowledge, only to use a tiny part of them in the actual job, or employing thinking and calculating abilities worthy of geniuses that I, unfortunately, did not possess.

Being a hero, however, only required me to beat up bad guys and save innocent people! What was more simple than that?!

So what if the people around me are constantly watching over me, expecting to see even the slightest mistake? I just need to enjoy my fortune and I will not care in the slightest about them or their opinion of me!

So what if the job of a hero is a very dangerous one? I only need to aim for weak villains, and the problem of safety will be solved in an instant.

So what if I have to act like a good guy most of the time to maintain my image as a hero? All I need to do is copy some lines from the superheroes of the movies in my previous world, and I will be all set!

'I can do this all day, with great power comes great responsibility... And uh... I'm inevitable? No, that one was from a villain... Uhh... well, I will come up with something later...'

In summary, the path of a superhero was the perfect one for becoming a rich guy, HAHAHA!!!

Of course, I wasn't foolish enough to think that I could actually become rich and popular by just becoming a hero as my father had thought.

No, I knew that riches and fame were only reserved for the top-tier heroes amongst the hundreds that existed nowadays and that my Glasses Quirk wasn't exactly something that would allow me to reach a level remotely close to that of All Might.

However, top-tier heroes didn't only include crazy strong people... No, they also included famous and acclaimed heroes... And that, my friend, was the key for me to become rich.

When you become famous and liked by the masses, you can use your image as a product. And as a result, acquire lots of money!

My plan was not to become someone like All Might. Who fought with the biggest threats to society.

No, I planned to become a very liked and famous hero, and then sell my image to the TV or the internet and amass hundreds of riches.

That was the plan that I had managed to come up with after a lot of effort by my poor brain.

Of course, there were a few aspects here and there that still lacked some polish. However, since I still had time, I was not worried.

Eventually, I would solve them all, and form a perfect plan! Time was now something that I had plenty of, after all.

For the time being, however, I had to take care of a few things to be ready to take the path of a hero... And the first one of them was...


Even if I was not going to be as strong as All Might, I was still gonna need to be at least a little bit strong. Otherwise, building a reputation was going to be near impossible.

How would I become a famous hero if I wasn't even capable of taking care of thug A or Robber B? Becoming at least capable of dealing with some guys like that was going to be a must if I wanted my plan to work.

Thankfully, I had a certain quality that was going to help me with that, and that made me consider this plan of becoming a hero as plausible enough for me to take it.

My unusually strong body!

Even if my quirk was as shitty as it would be, my unusual strength would surely be enough for taking care of some weak villains with ease if I trained and developed it further.

And all I needed now, was to know how to use it properly.

As such, after a bit of thinking I arrived at the conclusion that I needed something that would help me develop my strength, and also help me gain mastery over it.

Which in the end led me to the path of martial arts!

And since the only martial art that I knew of was karate (because of Karate Kid), I decided to join the class of someone who claimed to be the best karate teacher in the whole city!

As for how my parents reacted to this whole thing... Well, both of them were pretty supportive of my new goal.

Though, more my father than my mother. She, unlike him, kinda looked at me like saying "Ah, he is at that age...". 

Though, even then, both of them seemed pleased with me learning karate.

I guess learning Self Defense at a young age is a good thing even in this world.

My father, on the other hand, hugged me while crying with a moved expression on his face, as he muttered things like "I know you will do it, Suzaku!" or "You will be the biggest hero, I know it!".

He was quite the weird old man.

Since then, 2 months have gone by since I started learning Karate...

... However, I have yet to see any progress.

I didn't know if I had actually learned something and I had simply not noticed, or if I was simply too dumb to learn anything in the first place.

The teacher in this place barely allowed us to fight between ourselves, and when he did, I was simply too strong physically for the kids around me to display their movements properly.

Because of that, I had been unable to see if I had been able to progress.

However, it wasn't as if I could do anything about it. I had also heard that martial arts take a long time to learn properly, so it was probably going to take me a while to see any evident results.

'Let's just hope I'm not untalented, and that's why I haven't been able to feel any change so far...'

Sighing at my uneasy thoughts, I stopped stretching and looked all around me while I waited for the teacher to start again the lesson. Watching what the other kids were doing was the only thing I could do for the time being, after all.


However, it was at that moment that I noticed a certain old man looking at us creepily through the window of the dojo, and frowned in bewilderment at the weird sight.

He had a white bushy beard, his hair was greasy, and most of the clothes he was wearing seemed to be worn out and dirty to the point where you wondered if he had a fight or something.

All in all, he looked much like the typical image of a beggar you would find on the internet. Though I had to say, he had a strange feeling around him.

Maybe it was because of his clothes? They resembled slightly what Chinese people wore in martial arts movies a little bit...

You know, the typical... Er... martial uniform that those guys wear. But well, I couldn't really tell because of how worn out and dirty his clothes were. So there was no point in trying to know.

'What's with that creepy old man? Don't tell me has some illegal plans with the children here...?'

Frowning slightly as I raised an eyebrow, I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed him before I wondered whether I should call the cops or not. After all, he was not doing anything bad...Yet.

However, when I remembered my actual age, I sighed and shook my head slightly.

'I don't have a phone though, my parents say that I'm still too young for one... Maybe I should just tell the teacher and get done with it... If he plans something bad, having the teacher talk with him will probably dissuade him from doing anything bad for the time being... Unless he has some kind of monstrous Quirk...'

Looking at our teacher's office, where he had probably gone off to during the little break that we had, I raised an eyebrow and prepared to go and tell him about the old guy watching us from afar.

However, when I was about to do it, our teacher left his office and walked toward us to tell us to resume our training once again. Making me just leave the matter of the old man for later.

Also, by the time I looked out the window again, the old man had disappeared. Which frightened me.

'I didn't just see a ghost... right?'

Hugging my shoulders as I looked around suspiciously, I walked towards the mat where all the kids were, and began punching the air just like before. Setting my worries aside for the time being.

'Hopefully, it was just some old guy wanting to learn karate...'





|An hour later...|


"Alright, kids. That concludes today's lesson. Remember to tell your parents to pay this month's fee, as there are still a few that haven't paid. That's all, you can go now"

Sighing slightly as I heard our teacher end the lesson, I left the training mat and looked outside the window. More specifically, towards the sky.

'It's pretty late... I wonder if my dad will come to pick me up this time...'

Looking at the hour in a nearby clock that they had on one of the walls, I scratched the back of my head with a troublesome expression, before then I walked towards a chair that they had at the entrance of the dojo and sat there to wait for my parents to come and pick me up.

However, as I waited patiently for them to come, I suddenly looked at my hands with a complex expression before a certain idea passed through my mind.

'I can just ask... Can't I? There's no need to be so reserved when my future as a rich guy is at stake...'

Humming in contemplation, I smiled a little bit while nodding my head before I then stood up and began walking toward the teacher's office.

My objective was to ask his opinion on how I was progressing and to see if it was normal for me to still not see any progress, even after two months of training.

I had not asked until now since I believed that eventually, I would get to notice my growth. However, since two months had already passed and I had yet to feel myself getting stronger, I thought that it would be better to simply ask him and make sure.

It wasn't as if he could refuse to answer me. My parents were paying him to teach me, so of course he had to answer my question.

Yeah, I'm entitled, so what?

'Hopefully, it will be a completely normal thing that it's taking me time to learn, and the reason I feel I'm taking way too long it's simply because I'm too impatient...'

Taking a deep breath and waiting for the best, I opened the door of the teacher's office and moved my eyes across the room looking for the guy.

However, before I had the chance to raise my voice to ask him if he was there, the sound of someone speaking suddenly reached my ears and made me turn around and stare blankly at who had spoken.

"Alright, alright. I will pay you next week, alright? Surely the remaining parents of the little brats will have paid me by then... I have just reminded them, after all"

'Well, that's quite the demeaning way of referring to us... But whatever, it isn't as if I'm any better when talking inside my mind... Surely, he has had a rough week'

Widening slightly my eyes at the unexpected sight of my teacher badmouthing us while talking to someone on his phone, I shook my head in disappointment, before I made myself comfortable and waited for him to finish his call.

When we first met, he looked like a nice guy. You know, smiling at all times and all that. He also often spoke with a very soft tone, which gave him the appearance of someone very amiable.

So, seeing him speak so harshly out of nowhere really surprised me.

But well, everyone in this false society wears a mask to hide their true nature... Or so did say an image with the picture of the Joker that I saw on Reddit.

However, as soon as I was beginning to accept this new side of the teacher who had seemed like a good guy during these two months, he opened his mouth once again and made me stare at his back speechlessly.

"What? You are really surprised that this shit worked? Of course it worked, those kids and their parents don't know shit about karate, so of course they would believe the first guy who moves his body a little bit as a Kung fu master does, and think: ''Ah, this guy is good...''. Hahaha, you should have seen them, I almost burst out laughing when I saw them performing a movie stunt so seriously, thinking that it was real karate!"

'This motherfucker...'

Feeling my head get hot because of anger as I heard his words, I clenched my fists and glared at him with a murderous gaze.

Sure, I had said that I had time to spare. However, that didn't mean that I was willing to lose two fucking months of my life doing something completely pointless.

'And yet... This motherfucker came and made me do it...!!'

Gnashing my teeth against each other because of the anger, I glanced at his unprotected back and squinted my eyes as a certain yet horrifying idea came to my mind.

Something that I never expected I could have to commit... Not in this new life.

A sin that only a few truly evil villains were willing to do...

'... I'm sorry everyone, I must break the unspoken promise...'

Apologizing to every man in the world (Except the one in front of me) for the taboo that I was about to commit, I shook my head as I shrugged off my hesitation before I stealthily approached him from behind and prepared to act.

'You brought this upon yourself…'

Then, after using those words to encourage myself, I launched a kick directly toward his nuts and returned to him the damage that he had caused me by fooling me into taking his classes for two entire months.




'I saw Karate kid, you filthy casual'

Sneering in disdain at his shameful appearance as he fell down on his knees while grabbing his crotch, I flicked my hair to the side before a frown appeared on my face...

Then, sighing deeply in shame at what I had done, I immediately turned around and slowly began walking away from his sorry figure without looking back.

'You took two months from my life... But I took every year of life from your descendants' lives... With this, the debt is paid...'


Closing the door behind me while looking at the horizon with a sorrowful expression, I sighed yet again, as I lamented what I had become.

'The wind is cryi—'

"YOU BRAT!!!!"

However, before I could reflect on myself any longer, the office door opened again, and the furious figure of my teacher emerged from behind it.

His face looked at me with murderous intentions.

'Shit, he recovered so fast!'

Not thinking any longer, I put my legs to good use and ran away as fast as possible. All the while I heard the furious steps of my teacher running after me.

'Why did I not think this thorough?!'


-To be continued-

(A/N: Everywhere)


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