Unduh Aplikasi
100% Essence of Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 3: She's not the one

Bab 3: She's not the one



"Hmm… What a great piece of meat. Oops that came out wrong" 

Sitting on the top of the palace, I enjoyed the vulture drumstick seasoned with various spices. Agra being the port city it is, has various kinds of spices and food due to the constant trade between many countries.

This has been an excellent trip, not only did I get 3 powers which makes my life easy. I also got to know the taste of stuff like camels, crocodiles and vultures. I tried some insects but they just tasted awful.

Crocodile and Vulture tastes like chicken but better and Camel is just beef which feels like rubber.

*Shatter* *Shatter*

My peaceful night was interrupted by the sound of some glass shattering from the palace. Normally I wouldn't care but I could hear the sound of the princess's muffled cries.

Almost all of the things in the princess's room was scattered around, the tiger nowhere to be seen, all of the lamps and candles put out, mirrors broken and in the middle of all of this was the princess whom name I still don't remember, sitting on her bed with tears rolling down her eyes as she slowly slit her own wrist.

She screamed in pain but the pillow on her mouth muffled the sound.

"What the fuck?" I immediately rushed to her and used heal to well, heal her bleeding wrist.

By the time I finished it she was slowly blacking out.

".... angel" She muttered.

"Well not exactly lady but you aren't wrong in this case" I finished up healing her wrist, it took a bit longer since the lost blood took a while to regenerate using heal. I should note this.

She fully blacked out in tiredness, healing others burns up their stamina too, just not as much as mine. If a normal human burned as much stamina as I just did he'd be dead by now.

Though I wonder why the princess was pushed to do this? This world was different from the movie but this is much more than I thought.

Did messing with the canon change the timeline to such a level? This was a good lesson. I should keep an eye on stuff like this.

"All my clothes got bloody…" I looked at my bloodied clothes and sighed, I have no other way than to destroy this dress.

I looked back at the princess whose clothes were also bloody, and now that I notice, some parts of it are torn too. 

"Ehhh…" Suddenly she started shivering from the cold. The shivering didn't stop even after I covered her with blankets and lit a fire using the curtains beside her.

She just wouldn't stop.

"Is the blood the problem?' I thought for a good minute, I felt bad for taking advantage of a girl at her lowest.

I tried my best to not look at her private parts while I stripped her wet clothes off. Who am I lying to? I didn't even try to not look at her.

While my heart may be for Jenifer Lawrence and aunt cass, my dick is an unfaithful piece of shit which takes control of my mind sometimes.

But I didn't molest her, that's criminal. I just saw her and not gonna lie, if I had more time I'd be willing to have a good date with her.

Her huge heart won me over, If you know what I mean. And I'm a sucker for brown skinned girls.

But the tear in her dress bothered me, it made me feel something wrong was going on.

I didn't bother to wait and immediately walked out of the princess's room.

"YOUU! STOPP! What are you doing in the Princess's room!?" A guard immediately stopped me, pointing his spear at me.

I didn't waste my time and just chopped the back of his head, giving him a concussion.

I just ran past the remaining guards and finally stopped in the throne room and just as I expected, Jafar was sitting on the throne.

"It's him, Jafar! He was the one!" The parrot immediately shouted after recognising me.

"Get him guards! He killed our sultan!! Look at him, the blood of our sultan is still fresh on his clothes!" He shouted at the guards.

Ohh… I see.

Shouldn't have let this bastard go. Before this I thought Jafar would honestly be a good ruler of this country, but I genuinely forgot that this guy literally assaulted this princess.

Another mistake on my part.

"For the Sultan!!" A guard rushed from behind me, but him shouting made the ambush pretty much useless.

I just stepped to the side and tripped him with my leg.

"Restrain him!!" Jafar shouted from the back.

Thinking for a moment, I just went into super speed. The flow of time changed as everything around me slowed down, this is me pushing my powers. Dash can't do this usually unless he tries really hard cause this mode puts a heavy load on my brain.

Even I, who experienced about 100 years of collective memory, can barely handle it.

I moved towards Jafar, being extra careful to not touch any guards because at the speed I'm moving, even a slight touch of mine will send them into shreds. 

It stopped just before Jafar.

"Euh- AHH!" He flew across with the throne because of the sheer amount of wind I pushed to him.

Now that I notice, is that the princess's tiger skinned and put on the throne?

"This cunt…" Killing someone's pet is like killing their child, no wonder she did that.

"What! Is he a Shaman?" The guards looked at me, with fear and caution.

I stared at them for a bit and said "Stay out of this."

"A kid?" One of them muttered.

I should also change my voice huh? Well even if the ones here knew I won't care.

I walked close to him and noticed the torn piece of the princess's dress near the place Jafar fell.

I can put together what could've happened.

And almost all of it is my fault.

"Did you kill the sultan?" I walked towards him, he was trying to run towards his sceptre.

"Get away Demon! I also know magic!! I'll avenge my lord!" He yelled and pointed his snake-like sceptre at me. It glowed red and I saw the magnetic field change around the red eyes.

It would've worked, if I didn't wish to get immunity to any and every skill.

"I noticed, do you only know that spell? I thought you're a great sorcerer?" I chucked at his shocked expression, like what did he even expect? I literally used him just a few hours ago.

"Let me guess? Your sorry ass thought you'd get the genie and become powerful" I mocked him while slowly getting closer.


*Thud* *Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud**Thud*

I knocked each of them out cold.

"Ehh…" After seeing each of 'his' guards defeated before he could even blink, he ran. Like a spineless snake he is.

He ran out of the room and stopped at his room in the dungeon, heaving for breath.

"Haaaa…. Haaaa…. A demon…." He clenched his fist while drool fell out of his mouth because of exhaustion. I'm a bit surprised, he ran about 600 metres in just 40 seconds.

"You made me wait for 39 seconds Mr. Jafar" I surprised him from the behind, in the time I waited here I read some of his books about the genie.

"What!?" He stepped back in shock.

"Time's up" I appeared directly in front of him. With my eyes glowing in green, with the penetrative rays in existence, pure, uninterrupted, gamma rays hotter than the surface of the sun, I fired them at his legs, cutting them both clean.

"AAHHHHHH!!" He fell down.

"Good riddance Jafar!!" The parrot tried to fly away, the key word being 'tried'.

I caught the little shit, "Did you think I'll let you go? I don't care if you're an animal, you seem sentient enough to be considered a criminal."

I threw him at Jafar who was trying to crawl away.


"Please!! I'll do anything!" He begged, after realising there was no escape for him.

"Anything?" I slowly walked towards him, making my footsteps as loud and slow as possible to make him as scared as possible. I wanted him to panic, knowing that he'd die at any moment. "Eat that parrot."


"Eat it" I pointed at the parrot whose wings were broken.


"EAT IT!!" I yelled, charging my eyes with deadly gamma rays.

"Yes!- yes!" He nodded. 

"Jafar! Jafar!! No!!" The parrot shouted, but Jafar, being the spineless coward he is, took the parrot's head off in a single bite, he spat it out soon.

"Urgggg…. Ahhh… pease… I can't…" He puked, and continued to beg. The parrot was long dead.

I stared at his bleeding legs, he'll die soon after losing too much blood.

For a moment I thought of healing him so he won't die quickly, but decided not to. Sex offenders like him deserve no mercy. No matter the age or gender.

"Too bad.." I grabbed him by the skin on his back and lifted him up.

I heated up the nearby wall with my flames and pressed his bleeding leg against it, stopping the bleeding.

"Pleassss! It hurts! Ahhhhhhaaawww!" Jafar suffered, but it wasn't done.

I didn't move a muscle and just stared at him holding my legs, begging me to save him. Even now I can do that, with heal. 

"Good riddance bastard" I spat on his face and lit his whole, at least what's left on his body on fire.

"AHhhhhHHHAAAA!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!! AAAAAA!!!" She shouted, hugging my leg tightly. As a pyrokinetic the flame didn't hurt me a bit.

But knowing what happened because I let him off makes me feel sick in guilt. A girl, probably underaged, got assaulted, lost her dad and pushed to commiting suicide.

All because of him. I let this guy off after using him to get what I needed. I knew he was a bad guy, I just didn't care. 

If the time limit for the travel card was shorter than this and I left this world leaving him be, she'd be dead or worse.

All because of me.

"AHHHhhhhhhh…. Aaaaa…. Aaa…" His voice got quieter along with his breath.

He died.


I killed him. After torturing for a good while.

My first kill.

"Fucking incel" I kicked him off my legs. His charred and unrecognisable body flew off and his skin which was stuck to the floor and my pants was still there. I just tore off that part of my pants.

I think this pants was made by the same manufacturer who made hulk's pants, this shit didn't get destroyed after all that.

Do I feel bad? Nauseous? Scared? Afraid? For killing him.

Not a bit. In fact, I regret not killing him more painfully. Anyone who forced themself on a girl is better off dead.

As I walked out of the dungeon, numerous guards stood outside the door with various weapons.

Not wanting them to meddle, I lit up a line of fire separating the guards and me. They'd be busy putting out the fire.

I jumped high, creating a sonic boom and landed far in the desert. I jumped a few more times just to be sure that no one would be after me.

"Can't believe I killed someone…" I lay down flat on the surface of the sand. It was warm, but the air was cold.

Why don't I feel any kind of bad emotions after killing someone? Maybe I'm a born killer?

Well that works for me.

After all, with a power like this and living in a world like that I'd rather kill and live than to not kill and die. 

Am I developing a hero complex?

No, I killed him because I wanted to. Nothing else.

There is nothing such as good or bad, especially in marvel.

I'm no hero, all I'm going to do is for my own happiness. 

If saving someone makes me happy, I'd do it. The same way, if killing someone makes me happy, I'd happily do it too. 

After all, at the end of the day, this is my life.

And it ends when I die. There's no point in anything after death.

So why even bother making sense of stuff? 

I'll just have to live and enjoy it.

That's my aim.

And who or whatever stands in the way of my happiness, I'll gladly kill them.

Be it normal people, the villains, or even the so-called 'heroes'. After all, in the grand scale of things it doesn't matter.

Even at this same moment, another version may have chosen to be a hero, while another would've become the villain of their story.

And I don't blame them, I just don't care. After all, if we met in any case, the one who got the better pull wins. And I can only hope that's me.

So… that's my aim, to live. Not just exist.

"Phew… that was a good quote." I muttered about my own, noting it down in case I write a book in the future.

"Urgh… how long is left till I go back?" I yawned and looked at my watch.

I still had about 6 hours left. Honestly, I lost all the initial excitement to explore.

Considering this is the disney world… or at least a similar world, shouldn't the other stories also be taking place here?

Should I go and have a look? But how long will it take? It's not like I can fly… fuck I should've picked up the magic carpet! I totally forgot about that!

Well… not that it would've been useful, after all I can't take stuff back to my world. If so I'd loot all the treasury. Wait with my portals I can do that anytime! Fuck yeah, I don't need to ask mom money anymore.

"What to do?" I wondered while looking down at my bloodied dress. It reminded me of the princess, knowing what she will be through I sighed.

She's gonna have a hard time… her dad and pet died.

Fuck… maybe I should see if she's ok…

Feeling bad for her, I decided to pay her a visit.

I used the second ability that I wished for, the ability to open portals at any point in space and time that I want. 

A hole opened up before me, unlike the ones shown in the movies, this one didn't have any borders, just a hole, beyond which was another point in space time.

It was trippy to look at, I would've spent more time observing it but since I was concerned about the princess, I stepped through it.

The sudden change in temperature was weird.

The princess wasn't up and was still sleeping, but she had sweat running down all over her body, seemingly having a bad nightmare. 

Well that's to be expected, especially after almost dying… losing her father, pet. Her whole world is destroyed. 

"What can I do?" Thinking about ways to help her, I tried something out.

The description of 'heal' said it can heal any damage, so it can also heal emotional damage right?

Deciding to try it out, I placed my hand on her shoulder and started to heal her. Shifting my focus from ;physical damage' to 'mental damage' was a bit complicated, but I easily got the hang of it.

Her breathing slowly calmed down and she soon even smiled a bit.

Either I'm talented or this is just too easy… or after assimilating with talented folks like Dick and Benimaru my talent is sky high.

Probably that's the reason.

I didn't stop and kept healing her, as a small redemption for my sin which cost her almost everything. This is the least I can do for her, a final good night's sleep.

She slept peacefully for about an hour.


"Ummm… baba…. RAJA!!" She woke up faster than I expected with a fearful expression, frantically looking around in fear.

My instant thought was to run, but thinking about it deeper, I chose not to.

"Heyyy… it's not morning yet, you can sleep" I tried calming her down.

"AHHHH!!" She shouted and quickly stumbled back after seeing me.

But that was a bad idea, since I just covered her up with blankets, they fell down revealing her naked form.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" She shouted even louder, covering her private parts with her hands as much as she could.

"What are you doing!? Give me something to cover me up!" 

"Oh, here" I stopped gawking at her and threw her a dress I took from What can I say? My dick took over again.

"Don't look!" 

Sheesh…. Her voice is really sharp. 

She didn't say anything and I could 'feel' her staring daggers at my back.

"Can I turn back?" I asked after not hearing any moment for a while.

After getting no reply, I turned back just to see her running out of the room.

"GUA-!" I closed up the distance and covered her mouth before she could shout.

"MMMM!!! MMMM!!" She kept shouting and hitting me while I slowly pulled her back to her room. 

She kept biting my hand but it didn't do shit.

"Is this what I get for saving you?" I asked her while struggling to not crush her with my full strength.

"Hm?" She stopped.

"Mmm mm!" She stopped struggling and said something.

"I'll take my hand off if you promise me that you won't shout."

"Hmm" She nodded.

I slowly took my hand away from her mouth which was a mess of saliva now, I just wiped it off.

"You really did hold back on my arm huh?" I chuckled.

"What do you mean by 'Saving you'? And would you release me?" She said she calmed down quite easily than I expected.

She forgot? 

"Did you really forget? I literally saved you from bleeding out and dying" I said without thinking much.

"Wha- angel?" She was about to ask, but stopped and continued to stare… slowly her eyes got teary along with her lips quivering.

Why the fuck would you say that to her Victor? She already committed suicide once what the fuck were you thinking?

"Baba…. Raja…." She muttered while slowly kneeling down weeping.

I was awkwardly standing next to her, not knowing what to do. I've never been in a position like this, the only time I had to console someone was when a child was crying after getting lost in a carnival.

So easily, this was new to me.

"Hey… your dad wouldn't want you to cry like this…" I tried saying.

"MY FATHER'S DEAD!!" She yelled and threw a small jar at me.

I caught it and kept it aside.

"Well… death is natural, you… just have to get over it."

I don't know what offended her so much in the words I said, but she gave me a literal death stare.

"SHUT UP!! *Sniff* you- you know nothing!! I LOST EVERYTHING!! EVERYTHING!! MY FATHER!! MY FRIEND!! EVERYTHING!!" She yelled, hitting the floor.

"You still have your life, trust me many don't have that." I walked closer and caught both her arms before she hurt them too much.

"You saved me right? Are you an angel?" She asked me, her eyes slowly becoming hopeful. "Can you save them too?"

Sigh… why the fuck did I not kill Jafar before?

"Sorry… I really can't" I shook my head.

Seeing the hope in her eyes turn into despair was really painful.

"But- But you saved me!" 

"That's because you weren't dead, I can only heal when they're alive." I told her how my power works.

"Then why did you save me!? I should've died!!" She tried struggling, but I didn't let her hand go and held in in place.

"Because you should live, both your father and Raja would've wanted that. Would you want one of them to kill themself if you died? Think of all the happy moments you had with them, don't let their deaths ruin your memories of them." I tried to make her remember her happy memories with them.

"But Jafar won't let me!! He'll do anything to become the Sultan! I'm sure he killed my father instead of this imaginary assassin who showed up out of nowhere!" She cried, it made me even more angry at Jafar.

At least she wasn't stupid enough to believe Jafar's lies.

"Don't worry, I killed him." I said to her calmly, hugging her for comfort.

In reality I was using heal to make her less sad and depressed. 

"Really?" She asked, her weeping slowly calming down.

"Yeah" I nodded. Thank gacha for giving me heal, it's solo carrying me.

"Did he suffer?" She asked.

"Very much. I cut his legs off at first and made him eat his own parrot, he did but puked it out, then I put him bleeding legs against a red hot stone wall to stop the bleeding, but he already lost too much blood so I lit him on fire to make sure he suffered one last time." I told her what I did with him.

Only when I said it out loud, I realised how cruel I was, and it came like a second nature to me. Should I be concerned?

She didn't reply and just rested her head on my chest, seemingly on some thought. I expected her to be sacred, but she literally smiled in genuine happiness.

"Thanks." She replied honestly.

No normal people would react like this… maybe this world's different?

"I didn't do it for you, but you're welcome anyway" I chuckled, to lighten up the mood.

"Then why?" She asked, for the first time looking up at me in the eye.

"I figured out what he did and hated him, so I killed him." I answered honestly.

"So you did it for me." She smiled.

"No." I denied, "It's fully personal. The only one I did it for is myself." 

"Liar. So where are you from, angel?" She asked curiously.

"For the last time, I'm not an angel." I pushed her off, "And now that you're all smiley, get off me. My hugs aren't free."

"Aww… no. Hugging you feels good." She didn't go and clinged on to me.

What in the hentai development is this shit? Ain't no way I'm letting this happen.

"Please let me go princess, my time here is very limited. I have places to visit." I stood up in hopes she'd let go, but she was stubborn and still held on.

"No! Take me with you! I hate this place!!" 

What the hell is going on!? 

The alarms in my head rang. 

"No way." I denied. "Your people need you! You should be the next sultan" I tried playing the sultan card.

"Fuck them, they are a bunch of misogynist morons! Take me to heaven angel!" She insisted.

Did she go crazy?

"I'm not an angel princess, my name is Victor and please leave me, I'll call the guards here." I tried pushing her off.

"Noo.. I hate it here, this place feels like a prison… they'll make me the next sultana, but I'll be forced to marry some sultan or a prince… I absolutely hate this." She muttered, making me a bit sad about her situation.

"Well… to be honest that's not my problem princess." I said.

"But I am! You saved me when I wanted to die, take responsibility Victor! And call me Jasmine, that's my name" 

Fuck…. That settles it, This is a full blown anime world.

"Nice name but no. Fuck off."'


"So you won't let go?"

"Not unless you agree."

"Remember this was your wish." I didn't care anymore and jumped straight out of the window. Falling down head first.

"AHHHH!!! What's wrong with you!?" She shouted, hugging me even tighter.

"You said your life is mine right? Then die" I smirked at the sight of her scared face.

*BOOOM* The floor cracked as I twisted my body at the last moment, landing on my feet. Props to perfect balance.

"Tell me, do you still wanna come?" I looked at her, she was still closing her eyes tightly.

"Hmm" But still nodded, though the rest of her whole body was telling otherwise.

"You give me no choice girl…" I played my trump card.

I grabbed her tight and jumped as highly as possible, but made sure to heal her body continuously so that she doesn't die due to pressure difference.

"AHHHHH!!!" She shouted as we fell, I didn't make the fall better either, I did all sorts of spinning and Jojo posing in the air as she held on to me for dear life.

This continued for a while, I kinda lost my sense of time and distance cause it was really fun, no wonder spiderman loves this shit. I can't wait to get flight ability.

I stopped after a while, since she stopped screaming.

*BOOM* I landed down like usual to check on her.

"Hey.." I moved her but she didn't react, "Oi Princess!"

"THAT WAS FUCKING FUN!!" She yelled, surprising me. I was scared there for a moment.

"Fun? Wait, you curse?" I was more shocked that she's cursing.

"Yeah? Thought I was a pretty princess? I drank alcohol at 10." She said proudly.

"That's not a flex, it's just unhealthy" I said, "can you get down now at least?"

"Fine. But promise me that you won't leave." 

"Yeah.. yeah…" I shrugged and just laid down on the chilly sand.

"So where are you from Victor?" She asked, lying down next to me, closer than I would like.

"I'm not from this world… this is… or at least was supposed to be my vacation" I told her some of the truth.

"I knew it! There was life outside our world! The books were wrong like always." She cheered like a small girl, not even resembling the weeping and sad girl I saw a while ago. This is good, she's moving on.

Though I fear my own feelings now… I'm getting too close to her… honestly I'm acting like I have no choice but to stick with her… but I'm honestly coping here.

I'm starting to like her… and I don't know if that's good or bad.

"Yeah…" I'm surprised there's books here.

"How is your world?" She asked.

"It's modern compared to your world. Normal people can easily go from one corner of the world to another in just a day. With money ofcourse" I told her a bit about my world.

"Woah… really? Then again, with how far you jumped I can easily believe that." She said, getting a bit closer to me. Now our arms were touching.

"Not everyone in my world can do that, only a few special people like me could. And I'm the only one who came to this world, at least to my knowledge." I told her, contemplating on what to do with her.

"I see… you are special.." She turned to look at me. "My mom used to say I was special too, until she died. Back then baba was there… but now…"

She started to weep again. Is she on her periods? Her mood swings are extreme.

"Hey, have this." I took out the sand-sand fruit.

I was never planning on using it anyway and it only fetched up 5 GP on selling so this will be fine.

"What's that?" She asked, looking at the cactus shaped fruit with two arm like appendages.

"This is a mystical fruit from a world filled with water." I gave it to her, "It'll taste like shit, but eating even a bit of it will give you the ability to become and control sand."

"Really?" She asked with excitement, "I'll have powers like you?"

"Yeah. But the powers will be different. Entirely" I thought of upgrading it with a power upgrading card, but decided not to, after all who even is she to me?

She didn't hesitate even a bit and took a bite, she gagged almost instantly but managed to swallow it.

"Ewww… why does it taste like vomit?" She spat out her saliva.

"I don't know." I shrugged, One Piece world is weird like that. I wonder if I'll visit that one day. "So do you feel any different?"

"Yes…. My body feels weird.. Almost as if I'm holding it together." She said, touching her body with a weird expression. "And I feel… something about the sand around us, like it's an extension of myself."

"I see…" I nodded. Mentally noting what it would feel like eating a devil fruit. 

"Well, try to control that feeling, it shouldn't be that hard." I advised her, thinking if this was a smart decision.

"Urghh… I don't know about that, feels hard to do it." She strained, but nothing happened.

"Are you really even trying?" I tried to gaslight her.

"I am!" She shouted, and continued to strain, but collapsed to the ground with a bleeding nose.

"Maybe you need some time…" I patted her shoulder and healed her a bit to stop the nose bleeding.

"Argh… I can't … I'm tired" She fainted in exhaustion. 

"Sheesh, she's weak as fuck." I chuckled and carried her to put her back in the palace, but the moment I turned back I realised what she did.

Like Moses split the sea, the sand in front of me was separated into two, the hard ground in the middle was visible from the top. She just separated tons of sand, up to a long distance, farther than I can see.

"Maybe she's not so weak." 

I jumped with her on my shoulder, to check how long the separation was, it was long. About 3 miles, I wonder why she did this though?

After landing at the end of the separation, I opened a portal to her room and put her on her bed. She at least was smiling at the end.

I didn't plan to stay any longer and left. The longer I stay with her the more things will go bad for me, after all I don't plan to come here again.

"I'll give you my last gift," I said and portaled my way back to the cave to get the flying carpet. 

"Hey there buddy." I greeted the carpet.

'?' It looked at me in curiosity and soon started to play with me. 

I portaled back to her room and told the carpet, "Protect her."

They seemed to understand my speech and nodded.

"Farewell princess, we probably won't meet again." I bid her my final goodbye.

No point in dwelling on possibilities, I liked her, but our worlds are too far apart, while I can portal myself to her the moment I left her, I'll still age and lose my interest in her.

In all honesty, there are millions of her in the multiverse. And I don't think she's the one for me. The feelings I'm feeling will probably go after I jacked off once or twice.

I know what true love feels like, while I haven't felt it myself, I know about it from the memories of Dick.

She's definitely not the one for me. At least not now.


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Bab baru akan segera rilis Tulis ulasan

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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Opsi Tampilan

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Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C3
Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
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  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • Latar Belakang Dunia

Skor total 0.0

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Rank NO.-- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Batu Daya
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