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37.5% Ben 10: In Pokemon World with Different Omnitrix / Chapter 6: 6.HighTrix

Bab 6: 6.HighTrix


There was a roar. A roar pure and true. A roar primal and righteous. A roar that made the sky move and his surroundings shudder. A powerful sound wave swept through the forest, shaking the ground. The trees shook like fragile twigs in the wind, and small stones bounced with the deafening force of the roar.

Even the sky itself reacted to this primal cry. The majestic clouds seemed to disperse, allowing the sun's rays to shine through their puffy bodies. Nature itself seemed to recognize the power of the sound that came from the womb of the earth.

The broad crowns of the age-old trees bowed respectfully, and the undergrowth stirred, responding with a monstrous shudder. The roar grew louder and louder, vibrating through the very air, filling the space with primal energy.

The flocks of Pokémon hovering in the air froze for a moment, catching their breath. The swooping Pidgeys changed course in an instant, and the free-spirited Butterfrees swiftly changed their flight direction.

Mundibazz, accustomed to the deafening sounds, nevertheless flinched and clamped their huge jaws to their heads. Even Dragonite, soaring aloft, froze, forgetting his graceful dance in the sky.

Nature seemed to shrink, gripped by an unaccountable fear. It was not until the roar subsided that the creatures frozen in the air regained the ability to move. Swiftly, almost in panic, they hurried away from the source of that primal sound, sowing confusion in the ranks of the smaller flyers.

The owner of that roar was here. In the middle of the forest strands. Towering at five meters tall, its formidable frame cast a shadow over the surrounding foliage.

With scales the color of rich earth, the creature stood proudly on two mighty legs, its massive form exuding an aura of ancient strength. Its head, adorned with what appeared to be a living crown of horns, commanded attention and instilled fear in equal measure. Two sharp and sleek horns jutted forward from its brow, gleaming with a deadly sheen.

As if plucked from the pages of prehistory, the creature bore a resemblance to the mighty Triceratops, yet it was far more imposing and upright in stature. Its muzzle was razor-sharp, the tip reinforced with a formidable coating that spoke of countless battles and untold resilience. In the presence of this majestic yet terrifying creature, one couldn't help but feel the weight of its primordial majesty.

"WHAT A POWER!" it roared again, the sound reverberating through the dense jungle like a primal symphony of strength.

Slapping its hand against its colossal chest with a force that seemed to crack the air itself, the creature unleashed another booming tremor that echoed through the surrounding landscape.

The ground trembled beneath its mighty form as it struck the earth with its enormous tail, the action more instinctive than calculated.

A tail. At its tip, where most tails would end in mere appendages, this beast boasted a living weapon. Like a mace forged in the fires of ancient fury, the tail was adorned with large spikes, each gleaming with the promise of devastation.

The beast appeared here after a bright green flash.

And this giant looked around. He raised his scaly arms. And he blinked and lowered his gaze to his chest. There was a green dial there.


"It worked!" the creature murmured to itself, a note of wonder in its rumbling voice as it glanced down at the dial on its chest.

Overflowing with newfound power, an exhilarating rush surged through its veins, igniting a primal fire within its massive form. With each beat of its heart, it felt as though it could move mountains with nothing but its bare hands, a sensation both intoxicating and electrifying.

Yet, amidst the surge of power, there was something else stirring within the creature, something wild and untamed. It was a primal instinct, a connection to a deeper, more primal aspect of its being that it had never experienced as a human.

He turned around. The branches of the trees bent from the sound wave he produced. He turned around again. He looked down. And she wasn't there.

It was even a good thing Beatrice wasn't around him right now, it would be good if she went back to the Pokécenter, because... He couldn't control himself for a while. It was wrong. It was weak, inept. It shouldn't happen again.

On another note... It's all real.

"This feeling, I've never felt like this before. Look at these hands. " he clenched his hands into fists and tensing them, he turned his head back, "And that tail! " he twitched his new limb, it was incredibly strange and yet so natural at the same time. Plus it had become incredibly large, at least two meters, " Almost reaching the tips of trees, and knowing the ability of the Humungousaur to get bigger.... " he pondered aloud, not really caring about his surroundings.

Yes, that huge Triceratops-like creature was Thomas Andre. (A/N I'll explain in the end why "Triceratops-like")

And since he was alone with himself, he allowed himself to be a little childish. It's not every day that what's happening now happens... Well, it never would have happened if he hadn't died. And right now he was too busy enjoying the moment for his head to start flooding with bad thoughts.

"Let us test it. " he thought.

Eager to put his newfound strength to the test, the Andre's gaze settled upon the towering trees that loomed overhead. More old ones, whose bigger than him.

With a determined stride, it approached the nearest tree, its massive form casting a shadow over the forest floor.

Reaching out with hands that could easily crush boulders, and wrapped its colossal fingers around the trunk of the tree. With a careful yet firm grip, it began to pull, testing the limits of its newfound power.

To its astonishment, the tree yielded to its strength with surprising ease. With a gentle tug, the massive trunk began to shift, the earth around its roots giving way under the relentless force exerted by the beast.


Then, the tree uprooted itself from the ground, torn from its centuries-old anchorage by the raw power of the creature.

"HOLY SHIT! " he screamed in his head, flapping his little eyes like a fool. He was holding an entire tree in one hand, and its weight was barely felt at all. It felt like he was holding sushi sticks in his hand.... And it was incredible. " What if... " came to his mind, and he rather made it a reality. Thomas clenched his hand slightly, raising it into a fist.

And the tree split in two as his hand clenched into a fist.


The debris fell behind him. "Unbelievable. " that's what it was all about.

He raised his head, wanting to look at the sun. Determining the time. And it was almost over the horizon. It was already evening, and he had a lot of things to do. And to do that, he would have to return to his past form. If he's not mistaken. "Need to Hit it and I'll transform back. "

Leaving behind a trail of devastation in his wake, Thomas surveyed the chaos with a mixture of awe and satisfaction. Yet, beneath the veneer of triumph, a flicker of uncertainty lingered. Would there be consequences for his display of power? Maybe something worse?

With a heavy exhale through flared nostrils, the Andre's breath billowed, The flow of air was strong enough to make it seem like he had steam coming out of his nose. Despite the lingering doubts, there was a sense of confidence in the Andre's bearing as it approached the dial on its chest.

Without hesitation, he pressed the dial with a steady.


"And we back. "

As Andre's human form settled back into place, a wave of relief washed over him, mingling with the lingering echoes of power that still resonated within his being. Despite the return to his familiar form, there was a sense of transformation that lingered, a reminder of the primal force that had surged through him just moments before.

Taking a moment to collect himself, Andre found a fallen log amidst the debris of his display of strength and lowered himself onto it with a heavy sigh. The wood creaked beneath his weight, a stark reminder of the sheer force he possessed in his other form.

Reaching to his chest , Andre's fingers brushed against the smooth surface of the dial. He pressed it instantly and the familiar screen popped up.


Models and Functions


More info[...]


First he wanted to learn about the different models, and go through each one from the beginning.

So he clicked on "Models and Functions" and the list immediately popped up.


Selection mode

Active mode

DNA Scanner

Self Destructive Mode

Third Party DNA changer

Hybrid Mode

Universal Translator

Master Control [√]

Voice call and Command

Slide Off Function


First in line was "Selection Mode" and since he had already selected it before, Thomas went on to the next one. Namely DNA Scanner. Clicking on this line, the digital screen began to print.


HighTrix is a biometric sequencer for genomic profiling of samples. The process is initiated by activating the touchpad on the dial of the device.

The genomic scanning module is currently deactivated.

User, activate genomic scan protocol?



If he was collecting DNA, didn't that mean he would also start collecting Pokémon DNA as well? "Damn... This is pretty cool. " and then he'll be able to understand Beatrice and the other Pokémon. Yes, he'll definitely make that function active. " However... Since my size will adjust to the transformations, that means that as a Pokémon, I'll be bigger than the others.... Hmm, not a problem to me. " and he made that function active.

He switched the menu back to the models and function sheet. Next was "Self-Dectruction Mode" and the name spoke for itself, but more intriguing was the next function, "Third Party DNA Changer."


After receiving the command, HighTrix is able to initiate the process of genetic modification of the selected biological object. Successful transgenesis procedure requires the target organism to be within 10 meters of the device.

User, confirm intent to activate the genetic engineering protocol of the target organism. [Y/N]


"That means... If I have Clemont next to me for example, I can turn him into an alien or some pokémon on my list after my command? Wow... This could also be used against some violent people. Very useful stuff. " he nodded to himself, already imagining Ash as Pikachu with his partner bouncing around him like lightning. He chuckled a little at that.

He hurriedly returned to the sheet and clicked on "HybridMode".


After receiving the mental command, HighTrix is able to initiate the procedure of hybridization and recombination of genomes from the available database. Care should be taken when selecting genomes to combine to avoid unintended consequences.

User, confirm intent to activate the gene hybridization protocol and run Hybrid Mode?



Thomas pressed N beforehand to think it over better. " Combine a Humungousaur and Four Arms? Have no words... " and there weren't any so he went to "Universal Translator" although it was already clear what it was about, so he didn't click on it, so he turned on "Master Control" which already had a check mark next to it. But what does that mean?


Master Control represents full and unrestricted access to genetic transformation protocols. This mode allows freely switch and unlock more advanced genetic profiles of members of a given species.

Master Control is currently activated by default. User, confirm intent to deactivate this administrative mode?




The last two choices on the list, but "Slide Off Function" interested him a lot more. He had a rough idea of what that mode might be, namely the ability to slide off the HighTrix. While the vest didn't make it uncomfortable for him, it drew attention that he wouldn't need in the future. Suddenly, because of something, he would have to hide from the public, like that time in Italy.... " It's better remember, to don't meet with this kind of fans... "

Thomas clicked on the last icon.


At the user's initiative, HighTrix can be moved to another area of the host body, or produce a morphological transformation of the mass and decrease in size. Complete separation of HighTrix from the biological host is impossible, as the device is integrated with the host genome at the molecular level.


"What do you mean Integrated?

What does it mean in the genome?

Doesn't that mean this thing will be with me for the rest of my life? "

" Am I sort of... cyborg? Reverse cyborg? Because I'm not machine and can transform into living beings... What if, over time, this HighTrix starts affecting me, changing something in me? What if it's dangerous to my health? Or it turns out to be defective? It can't be removed?"

Question after question. Thomas went back to the very back.


Models and Functions


More info[...]


He clicked "Transportation".


In the current reality designated as Earth-011927, with user initiative, the HighTrix device is capable of providing a list of alternate universes that can be accessed and traveled in the space-time continuum.

Does the Bearer wish to see the list?



"I can leave this universe? To where I wish to go? God, please let there be my home ... " a ray of hope came to him in the form of this message. He didn't hope for much, but it was worth a try. But first of all, he would like to take a look at the last menu in the past.

Going through the "More Info" attachment he was greeted by the old message that his transformation would be larger than the standard members of this race. It wasn't until he looked again that he saw the " [ -▶]" icon in the corner of the screen

"There's a second page? Hmmm... it makes sense that there would be a second page. My rush to get to the aliens distracted me." and he clicked on that icon.


Your question, wielder?

[Use voice commands to task the question.]


"So it's like tech support? And by voice commands you mean asking out loud, I guess. Well, I have a lot of questions. Let's start with the most important one."

"How I got here."

Let's try it another way. "Am I dead? "


Information not available.


"Fuck." frowned Andre angrily clenching his hand into a fist. "Who sent me here? "


Information not available.


Thomas clenched his jaw, "Why is it called HighTrix? "


HighTrix has more function at its disposal than the original. The HighTrix also has more power than the original as It able to open more powerful forms.


"Is there any side effect of HighTrix in my body? "


Due to the HighTrix's connection to the Wielder on a genetic level, there is no harm to the Wielder. Because of the link, the characteristics of the Bearer are higher and can be higher if desired. Use mental commands to increase the Bearer's body power.


"Yeah, so it makes me feel a lot stronger, and I can be even stronger, and plus Hybrid Mode, I can grow myself some limbs while in my form. Not bad. However, I've long been interested in these "Commands."

"What is 'Mental Command' means? "


Commands spoken in your head. Because of the connection to the HighTrix. The device reads brain activity and reproduces the command. Does the Wielder wish to download the basic commands and race names from the list? [Y/N]


He'll do it later, now the final question. An incredibly important one. "Who resurrected me?" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━




(A/N) I will use redesigns from fans that I find really cool, and if course in comment section would be art of it. Andre transformation are lot older than OG Ben 10's, it's one of the reason why they are not the same

Just_Moron Just_Moron

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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