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25% Harry Potter: A New Battlefield / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Web Slinger Part Two

Bab 13: Chapter 13: Web Slinger Part Two

Harry stood outside, and took a long look around. So far so good, at least from what he saw. Perhaps his paranoid suspicion was off the mark, perhaps there was no threat. He had burned up about an hour just hanging around. Yet, Harry needed to be completely sure that there was nothing around. He turned to Kitty, with a smile.

"It's been great hanging around with you guys, really it has," Harry said, with an honest expression on his face and Peter and Gwen nodded.

"Yeah, it was nice meeting you for the first time," Peter replied, trying to be rather polite.

"We should really do this again sometime, if you're ever in the neighborhood," Gwen answered, looking at them with an honest smile. It was oddly refreshing not to get attacked by Doom Bots, or whatever when they were out.

"So, if it's alright with you, we'll be heading on to enjoy the last few minutes before we have to head back," Harry told Kitty, offering her an encouraging squeeze of her hand.

Kitty nodded, even though she had a shrewd suspicion that Harry might be trying to lure out whatever he had seen earlier. The brunette mutant locked arms with Harry, and they waved goodbye to Peter and Gwen. Suddenly, there was a buzzing in the air that had caused Harry to be on his toes, and look straight up into the sky.

That was not the only thing that was buzzing. When there was danger nearby, Peter had an early warning. The problem was being warned about the danger was not nearly as good enough compared to what the danger was. However, it was something useful, and Peter had dubbed it his spider sense.

Peter stood on his toes, with his spider sense going wild. A rocket shot through the air, immediately impacting the ground, and the civilians scattered. He could see Harry stand rigid, with his eyes on Peter. Peter found this to be rather annoying, given the fact that he could not change into Spider-Man.

Harry wished Peter would just run off already, and some of the people would go with him, so it would be a lot easier. He tried to scan for someone, and a dagger flew through the air. With expert reflexes, Harry diverted it harmlessly away from any targets. The hunter was spotted high above the roof tops, and continued to stalk his prey. Everything was becoming rather tense, and the entire situation was hard to deal with, given the fact that there were still witnesses.

Gwen spotted Kraven out of the corner of her eyes, stalking in the shadows.

"Alright, the game is up, one of your cowards is Spider-Man, I can smell you, and I can track you!"

Gwen had to take drastic action, to get Peter some time to change. So she reached over, and pulled the fire alarm, to lead to the necessary distraction.

Funnily enough, the crazed hunter throwing daggers and explosives was not enough to get everyone packing. The fire alarm on the other hand, got everyone running quick enough. Harry had slipped by, and Kitty with him. Peter had moved to the other direction.

Kraven stepped forward, ready for the attack. His voice was menacing, as was his stance. "I know you're here Spider-Man, I have tracked you."

Spider-Man knocked the much larger hunter down from behind. Kraven landed on his hand, and skillfully landed on his feet. He pulled out two discs and threw them at Spider-Man. His reflexes dodged the attacks.

"Yes, yes, this is the ultimate thrill," Kraven declared, his eyes glassed over with pleasure when he continued to stalk his prey. "You are the ultimate prey, Spider-Man, it's such a shame that we have to reach a climax tonight. You will be stuffed and mounted on my wall."

Spider-Man continued to dodge the attacks from Kraven.

"Um, that's just sick and wrong on so many levels," Spider-Man added, and he tried to ensnare Kraven with his webbing. His webbing latched onto the soda machine, and Spider-Man gave it a tug. Kraven dodged the flying machine, and rolled around on the ground, before throwing daggers. Spider-Man dodged them immediately. "Seriously, do you think you need to get a room before you act out these sick fantasies?"

While the mighty hunter had been fighting Spider-Man, Harry was ready. He had disabled the security cameras. All of the civilians had been evacuated from the premises, and were safely out. Spider-Man and Kraven continued to fight.

Shadowcat and Arcane exchanged an expression with each other.

"Standard attack ploy, distract him from the front, while I get him from the back," Arcane told her, eyes focused with a determined expression in them.

"Gotcha," Shadowcat said, and she tucked her head, before doing a roll.

Kraven knocked Spider-Man down to the ground. The web slinger crashed with a thud, and Kraven stood above him, twirling his spear in his hand. He moved in for the kill. Before Kraven could plunge down onto Spider-Man's chest, Shadowcat stood in front of him, arms folded with a determined expression crossed over her face.

"Get out of my way, little one," Kraven growled, not in the mood for games.

"Why don't you make me?" Shadowcat challenged. "Unless you don't think you can beat one teenage girl."

Kraven just laughed. "Please, teenage girls are the least intimidating of beasts."

"You've obviously never been at a mall then, have you?" Shadowcat asked, rolling her eyes at the hunter.

Kraven was not about to be baited by one little girl.

"I'll say this one last time, get out of the way, before I move you out," Kraven growled.

Shadowcat stood tall and proud, and saw Arcane move into position. Kraven rushed forward, to try and ram a spear into her. At the precise moment, Shadowcat went intangible, and dropped through the ground. Kraven's eyes widened, and he was knocked from behind, tripped up. His balance, normally precise, had caused him to fall forward, and land on his spear.

The spear of which impaled him, straight into his heart. Kraven rolled over, and blood gushed from his chest. Everyone could not believe what had happened.

Spider-Man was numb in shock. Gwen stepped forward, and the web slinger seemed to be unable to articulate anything. She opened her mouth, but Spider-Man got there first.

"You…you…just killed him!" Spider-Man said, barely able to string together a coherent sentence.

"Last I checked, he impaled himself on his own spear," Arcane replied coolly.

Technically while that was true, Spider-Man was in too much of a numb shock to really comprehend all that had happened around him.

"Arcane just did save your life, you know," Shadowcat answered, and she winced at all of the blood. That was a messy way to go, especially impaled on one's own spear. Arcane placed an arm around her, and looked into her bright eyes.

"Are you okay?" Arcane asked her.

"Piece of cake," Shadowcat replied, but the sirens had indicated the arrival of New York's finest.

Arcane stood to look at Spider-Man, who was partially rattled form the battle, and completely rattled by the fact that he just saw someone kill one of his enemies. There was a conflict of emotions running through the web slingers head at this point in time.

Captain George Stacy walked onto the latest crime scene. After twenty years of distinguished service, there was really nothing that surprised him anymore. One could tell when the cops on the force were rookies. They were among those who had been a bit squeamish and unable to handle the insanity that came with the territory.

"There was this hunter, and he was screaming for Spider-Man."

'I should have known,' Captain Stacy thought, and he fixed his face into a stoic and businesslike expression.

The truth was that Captain Stacy was following the exploits of Spider-Man, along with the rest of the world, ever since he came onto the scene nearly a year ago. Some had accused Spider-Man being a threat and a menace. Many accused Spider-Man of being the cause to the growth of super powered criminals. Captain Stacy took a different tact to the matter.

He felt that many of these people would be committing crimes, regardless of whether or not Spider-Man existed. A few of them had been on the scene, and perhaps many of them would still be on the streets, racking up the casualties and the body count would be more than the NYPD could handle. Stacy thought that Spider-Man was something that the city needed, even though as long as that mask was on, people would wonder about him.

He also understood the necessity of wearing the mask. Everyone had loved ones and Spider-Man was no exception. All of the dangerous enemies who went after Spider-Man, would go after his loved ones with extreme prejudice.

Captain Stacy had been greeted to quite the grisly scene. Spider-Man stood there in numb shock, and Kraven was down on the ground, dead with a nasty wound in his chest. There were two other people standing there that Captain Stacy did not recognize. Being the no-nonsense man he was, he decided to get the answers he needed.

"Would anyone explain what is going on?" Captain Stacy asked in a crisp and calm voice.

It was Gwen who had piped up, looking at her father, with pure conviction in her eyes when she spoke. "It was Kraven, Dad. He attacked Spider-Man, and tried to attack me and…Arcane and Shadowcat here."

Gwen pointed out the two heroes in mind, who stood there, with unreadable expressions on their faces. Captain Stacy saw that the girl looked a bit more scared than the boy, who seemed to be the type where nothing could really faze him.

"Arcane and Shadowcat?" Captain Stacy asked, raising an eyebrow when he looked at them. He just mentally filed that away, there were two more super powered heroes, add them to the growing number. New York did seem to be overflowing with both super powered heroes and villains. "Continue, Gwen."

"He tried to attack Shadowcat with his spear," Gwen continued, trying to remain clam, and Spider-Man slumped against the wall, nodding. "Arcane had to defend her, and one thing lead to another, and Kraven tripped, and got impaled with his own spear."

Captain Stacy saw this Arcane having his arm around Shadowcat's waist, and held her tight to him.

"It was an accident then?" Captain Stacy answered in a cool voice, trying to get the facts of the situation.

"Yes, it was an accident, self-defense," Gwen said firmly.

Arcane really agreed that it was an accident. He was intending to take care of Kraven, but not that messily. Something clean and painful, to compensate for the fact that he put innocent people in danger.

There was a moment where Captain Stacy looked over the scene. There was no clear evidence that Arcane had acted in pre-meditation. He understood as a veteran police officer that there were times where deaths happened in the heat of the moment. Sometimes, when protecting others, people could not think of a way to bring in the prep alive. While this was not technically that situation, he looked down at Kraven, and then looked at the group.

"I know this must be a shock, but there was nothing that you could have done, given the circumstances," Captain Stacy replied. The veteran cop had his eyes on both Shadowcat and Arcane. "I would tell you to endeavor to keep more careful in the future."

Arcane and Shadowcat both nodded. Captain Stacy walked away to check out the crime scene with his officers. Arcane and Shadowcat stepped forward.

'I better go talk to him,' Harry thought, when he looked at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man stood in the background; he still could hardly believe what happened.

"For the record, I didn't mean for it to happen like that," Harry told him.

Spider-Man's head snapped around, and he looked at Harry. There was a moment before he found his voice.

"You really can't just go around and killing everyone, he would have been captured by the police…"

"For how long?" Harry asked, and Spider-Man just stopped.

Spider-Man really had no answer to that one.

"It'd make us as bad as them," Spider-Man said, and everything he stood for was shaken to the core. "We have great power, and with great power there must also come great responsibility"

"That's a nice sentiment, but great responsibility could be exercised in a number of ways," Harry replied in a crisp manner, and Spider-Man stood rigid. "What if one of your costumed enemies breaks free, and in their attempt to kill you, kills a group of school children?"

Spider-Man winced at that thought and honestly, that was a fear that he had. Yet, he had to do things the right way.

"They could still be rehabilitated," Spider-man argued.

"Some still could, but others are beyond hope," Arcane replied, not really paying much attention to what Spider-Man said. "You must ask yourself after about the third or fourth go around with some of these people, if they are really worth trying to save, or if you're just sacrificing the needs of many to protect a few."

Spider-Man looked at Arcane, trying to reconcile what he said.

"I would prefer that we didn't have to kill anyone," Shadowcat replied, her expression gentle and her voice calm. She would really have preferred that she did not get blood on her hands. Sometimes, it was sadly necessary. Especially when the situation was either kill or be killed.

Logan had a long talk with all of them, telling that while killing was not something that he preferred, there were sometimes where it was unavoidable, and only they could know when it was necessary. Xavier seemed to want peace, but Logan had tried to give them a nasty dose of reality, that sometimes peace was not an option and there was a need for blood on their hands. It should be avoided if possible, but at times it was impossible.

"Kraven would have broken free, and attacked you, maybe even hurting innocents in the process," Arcane explained, his gaze fixed and determined on Spider-Man.

Spider-Man nodded grimly.

'He's right…but why does it have to feel so wrong that he's right?' Spider-Man thought to himself.

"Um, yeah, I don't…see you around, I guess."

Spider-Man spun around, and took the buildings, swinging off.

"You didn't really want to do that, did you?" Shadowcat asked.

"If a person really wants to kill and gets pleasure out of it, then they have something wrong with them," Arcane told her. "If a person avoids killing beyond all reason, then there might be something wrong with them too. When someone admits that it's necessary, and not relish it, that's the most balanced at all."

That was Harry's story, and he was sticking to it. Any plans of a happy evening had been ruined, and they were about to head home. Hopefully they would try again at another time.

Despite the night that was, Harry and Kitty found themselves returning to the Xavier Institute, in rather good spirits, or at least as good spirits as they could be given the situation. The two had their arms interlocked, when they walked up the drive, and smiles were on their face. The moon was out tonight, and there was a slight winter chill in the air. Harry offered Kitty a warming spell, and the girl was rather pleased with this turn of events.

"You know, call me crazy, but that was fun," Kitty told Harry, a grin on her face.

Harry fired back with a smile, and tightened his grip around her waist. "You know, I'm sure no one would call you crazy, at least to your face."

"But you can't deny that you haven't thought about it," Kitty answered, and the two stood next to each other, bright smiles on their face. Harry just smiled back at her.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Harry asked to Kitty, and he playfully nudged her. "Actually, I thought that despite everything, it was a fairly decent night. No innocent people died."

"That's always a good thing," Kitty answered to him, and the two took a step forward towards the front door of the Xavier Institute. Harry reached forward, and the door opened with a click. Kitty smiled, and walked in. "Good in bed, and a gentleman, what did I do to deserve you?"

"I think I have other qualities that balance out, the entire finding trouble no matter where it goes thing is one of them."

"I don't think you find trouble just as much as it seems to stalk you around every single corner," Kitty argued, and she stood on her tip toes, and brushed her lips against Harry's for a light kiss. She pulled back. "Maybe you should get a restraining order on it."

Harry laughed at the joke, and the two of them entered inside. They spotted Logan sitting in the chair, and his eyes were on the both of them. Harry wondered if this was a good thing, or a bad thing.

"I guess you two couldn't stay out of trouble for one night, could you?" Logan asked, looking at them.

"Given some of the things that you get up to, I don't think you have any room to talk," Kitty replied, not really in the mood to deal with a reprimand right now.

Logan would have to agree.

"Not criticizing, just making a point. Your little escapades made the news, and I see you've run into the web head. I've met him before, once. Kid won't shut his yap, but he has a good heart, and he won't ever give up."

Harry and Kitty both nodded, but they remained careful. Every single step they took inside, and they heard the wheeling of a wheelchair before them. Professor Xavier arrived, and Jean and Scott stood by him.

"For a normal night out, it seems like you two had a lot of excitement," Scott said, trying to keep his voice even and neutral. "Although I do wonder if it was such a good idea for you to get involved."

"People noticed Shadowcat and Arcane, but they couldn't tie it back to us," Harry answered, having a sinking feeling where this conversation was going to go.

Jean was the next one who stepped in. "We're not blaming you, either of you. It's just that there's a certain temptation to use your powers, and it can get harder."

"I do hope from here on out, both of you will be more careful," Xavier replied.

"No one got hurt," Harry persisted.

Xavier had sensed some thoughts from Harry, and did suspect that the harsher life had hardened his approach to many people. "Sergei Kravinoff's death might have been no accident, and if it was an accident, then I will have to ask you to be careful."

"Crazed hunter with a spear, who tries to attack people so he can stuff them as trophies is not something I'm going to play nice with," Harry answered, his eyes flickering in warning. If people's lives were in danger, then Harry vowed to take corrective action. "We're thrown in that Danger Room every single day, and for what?"

"I understand that it is hard to look the other way…"

"No, it's not hard to look the other way," Kitty replied quietly. "It is the easiest thing in the world to do."

Jean decided to best pacify the situation, and the somewhat bitter thoughts that were coming off gave her a headache. "Why don't we all just calm down, and take five."

"That's a good idea actually," Xavier replied, deciding that emotions ran too high to get any logic done. "With the adrenaline pumping after the battle, and the shock of hearing what happened, none of us are in sound mind to discuss what has occurred. Do remember that the aim is to train up your powers so that you can use them for good, and use them safely."

Harry just nodded, and Kitty placed her hand on his. The two of them thought they were doing that. Again, Kraven was not supposed to die that messily, but Harry was going to take any situation where everyone got out in one piece to be one where he considered it to be a victory.

"I believe all of us can learn much from what has transpired tonight," Xavier added.

Harry would have to agree, everyone could learn something from any battle. That was one thing that he had tried to take to heart. Granted, there was always a chance that a lesson could be learned, and it was the wrong lesson. Logan stood, and watched them.

"I ain't blamin' either of you for what happened," Logan told both of them. "It's battle out there, and someone like Kraven, well never met the guy, but I heard enough about him to know he's nuts. He would have taken both of you out, like you were nothing."

Harry recalled that Kraven had tried to drill a spear into Kitty, so really anyone who attacked his girlfriend was going to be high on his list of people that he would not sympathize with their deaths.

"Let's see what the news is saying about us," Kitty replied in a bright voice.

"I'm not sure if I want to know," Harry replied.

"It would so totally be fun," Kitty added to him.

"No, it so totally wouldn't," Harry replied to her dully.

Kitty opened her mouth to protest, but Harry caught her open mouth with a kiss. Rogue walked out at that moment.

"You two could get a room," Rogue said, shaking her head, in a half of daze.

"Well the only available one would be with you in it," Kitty fired back.

Rogue shook her head, and walked down the hallway to use the bathroom. The truth was that she was now thinking about Harry pinning her against that wall, and having his way with her.

Why did not being able to touch anyone make sexual fantasies so vivid?

"Remember our conversation from earlier, Harry," Kitty told him.

Harry was immediately alert, and Kitty looked at him.

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking about?"

"Maybe," Kitty told him in a mischievous voice.

Harry placed a hand on her waist, and Logan walked by, just turning away. As long as Harry treated her right, and it did not interfere with their training, Logan found himself uncaring about the romantic drama. He knew better than anyone else about how annoying it was for someone to stick their nose in someone else's relationship.

Plus he had better things to do with his time than worry about who was dating who.

Obsession was a virtue that had driven the greatest of all men. It did not matter what walk of life they stood in. Some people would be obsessed to obtain any amount of greatness. Among those who could get the most obsessive would be athletes, scientists, businessmen, and writers. This was a few of the people who had obtained this level of obsession. On the streets and in many fields there were people who had dove directly into this obsession.

One such man was Norman Osborn, and another such man was Otto Octavius. A scientist, and a businessman, and very different in many ways, but they were driven by one thing and one thing only. That was their mutual obsession, an element that drove the both of them. Norman Osborn had tried to puzzle together one key question, and that was, who was Spider-Man?

Osborn had many things that had driven him, and had demanded his time. Everything in his life kept coming back to that one single moment of time, where Spider-Man had gone the scene. It could only come from his research, and if he could prove that, then he would be able to keep Oscorp in his hands where it belonged.

There was one other burning question that had entered his mind, based on revenge events. The beady little eyes of the New York businessman looked at the screen, and there was a huge question that also echoed out. This only very nearly snuffed out the question of who is Spider-Man, and that was, who was Arcane?

One grainy image was in front of Osborn's face, and he had seen a flash of something. Was he some government experiment who had escaped? Was he some traveler from a long distant planet, or just something else entirely?

Many people feared the unknown, and Osborn could see it in front of his eyes, the biggest unknown of them all. SHIELD would likely have wanted a piece of him, every single government in the world, and every single business would have seen this Arcane as a potential resource. The strange energy disturbance and the arrival of the mysterious stranger was also not lost on Norman Osborn.

'Those who wait can find their opportunity,' Osborn mused to himself, and he continued to look at the one grainy photograph.

Behind him, bubbled several containers of a green fluid. This formula was a performance enhancer that would increase the stamina, strength, and durability of anyone who had been doused in it. It was unfortunate that Osborn lacked enough test subjects for it. The formula would not be able to be picked up on any standardized drug tests, which made it a perfect source of revenue for professional athletes.

"The fool doesn't understand what he's doing,' Otto murmured to himself, eyes fixed on what was in front of him.

He twisted a few knobs, and had found one little bit of DNA. It was a hair, but it was better than nothing. He analyzed everything, while Osborn had gone on one of his latest flights of fancy. There would come a time where Otto would unlock the secrets of the universe. He continued to keep up the experimentations.

While others waited, and chased spiders, Otto was prepared to unlock the genetic curiosities that had eluded men for quite some time. At least that was what his intention was.

His equipment had a short circuit, and everything had failed. For many, this would be frustration, but for Otto this represented something else. This represented something that would be considered opportunity. This opportunity would be his key to scientific potential, and a twisted grin spread across the scientist's face when he had thought about what could be done.

First he had to unlock the secrets of that DNA, and that was where he hit a snag.

"Inconclusive," Otto whispered to himself.

This little reading did not deter him. In fact, it caused him to be even more curious about the secrets locked in this one strand of hair. Osborn continued his obsessions, and walked by to check the progress of his precious formula. The formula had power, but the potential within this one being, this Arcane could be more powerful.

Yet there were more like him, Otto had heard rumors, and whispers about a higher evolution of people. He found it well worth his while to keep up with his studies, and ensure that he unlocked everything.

Power would be in his hands, and the scientist knew that something like this would take months to barely scratch the surface. Working for a control freak like Osborn had taught Otto many virtues, one of them would be patience. Once he had uncovered these secrets, it would be Osborn who would grovel before him.

The very thought sent a sinister smile to the face of the scientist, and he continued to plug away at his experiments. Information was at the tips of his fingers, and it would be his to digest when the time was right.

As for Spider-Man, well Otto would prove his worth by capturing him. He would prove his value to Osborn. All Otto needed was some help, a few bad men so to speak.

Six did seem like a perfect number for some reason.

Plans formed in the mind of the demented scientist, using his robotic arms to allow him to do his work four times as quickly.

Obsession was a most powerful motivator, and that was what drove this scientist.

Rogue pulled herself from her room, and stood at the edge of the hallway. The fact of the matter was she had no idea how late it was, although she had a good taste of what happened. She saw Kitty and Harry make their way towards Harry's room. Rogue took a step forward, and looked at the two of them.

"So, did you two have a nice date?" Rogue asked them, for lack of anything better to say. Her eyes fixed on both of them.

Kitty snickered, and looked at Rogue. "Yeah, it was very eventful. A bit of it might have hit the news."

"Oh, did it?" Rogue inquired, and Kitty responded with a crisp nod. Rogue placed a hand on the hair and ran her hand over it. It took a moment, before Rogue had decided to look at her. "So, aren't you going to give me a hint?"

"Well, let's just say we ran into Spider-Man, and bailed him out of trouble," Kitty told Rogue, and Rogue looked at her, as if inviting her to give more information. "And it was so totally awesome."

"I'm sure it was," Rogue answered barely suppressing a smile.

"Seems like you missed out on something, by not joining us, Rogue," Harry told the girl, a slight smile appearing on his face.

Rogue just fired back at this moment. "Well, I might have just weighed the two of you down. Although are you going to try and outing where you don't run into any trouble?"

"It's hard not to run into trouble, when it keeps following me," Kitty answered at that moment, and she nudged Harry, with a smile spreading his face. "It doesn't matter; it's some good practical training. Really makes us think on our feet, and it really makes the Danger Room training worth it in a way."

Rogue pondered, and would have to agree with that. The fact of the matter was that there were many times where she did hope for a more practical application of the training done in the Danger Room. She took a deep breath, and proceeded to cross her arms. On Harry's advice, she worked on her reflexes, and dodging, along with using her opponent's momentum against them. While her powers could potentially be useful if harnessed, Rogue felt a desire to not use them, as it left echoes of her "victims" in her head

"And we need to talk about something, the three of us," Kitty chimed in, and Rogue just looked at Harry. "I can see you looking at Harry all of the time, Rogue."

Harry did notice that as well, even if he was not about to bring it up. Besides, he was in a relationship with Kitty, and did not really offer any hope that it would expand beyond that, until the moment where Kitty had hinted that she would be open to experimentation. Rogue just took a step back, and put her hands up.

"Kitty, I wasn't…you're just imagining things," Rogue responded, her voice completely reeking of someone who had gotten defensive. Kitty just smiled, and shook her head. Rogue was taking things the wrong way, and she took a step forward, a smile crossing her face.

"I'm not mad, it was just an observation I made," Kitty told Rogue, a smile crossing her face. "And Harry is the only person who could touch you, without any complications. Wouldn't you like to see how far that would go?"

Rogue just shook her head; this had to be a joke. Kitty just smiled.

"Rogue, we're all friends here, aren't we?" Kitty asked, and an innocent expression flicked through the brunette's eyes

"Yeah, we're friends," Rogue agreed, blinking her eyes. There was no doubt in her mind that they were friends.

"So, why don't we try something daring?" Kitty asked her, and Rogue leaned forward, completely curious about Kitty's proposition, even if it was morbidly so. "The two of us, we both like Harry, and I think it's safe to say that Harry likes both of us."

"What are you trying to say?" Rogue asked, before Harry could even say one word.

"Well, we could try some kind of arrangement," Kitty said to Rogue, and Rogue crossed her arms, thinking.

She really did ponder this matter, nice and long, carefully and hard. The fact of the matter was she was intrigued, but at the same time a bit suspicious. Harry reached forward, and grabbed Rogue's hand.

"Rogue, if you want to do this, it's fine, but just think about the possibilities it would offer," Harry told her, a smile crossing his face, and Harry was nearly up towards her.

'Oh my God, is he going to kiss me?' Rogue thought, but Harry stepped back at that moment.

Rogue took a step forward, froze a little bit. She took a deep breath, heart fluttering and eyes blinking.

"This is a big thing to get into, and what will people say?" Rogue asked.

Kitty was the one who chimed in with an absolutely logical statement. "When this entire mutant thing gets out, I don't think people are going to be too concerned about some guy being involved in a relationship with two girls or more."

"Or more?" Rogue asked, and she blinked.

"Hey, you never know," Kitty answered, shrugging her shoulders, and she stepped forward. Harry stood on the other side of Rogue.

"Yeah, the two of you, you're extremely pretty, and any guy would be lucky to have you," Harry replied.

Rogue just looked at her, and Harry placed a hand on her hair.

"Can….can I think about it a little bit?" Rogue asked, and Harry and Kitty nodded.

"Take all of the time you need, we'll be ready," Harry replied to her, and he pulled Rogue into a hug. Rogue stiffened, and felt Harry's body against hers.

This was more contact that she was used to having, and the girl's skin felt like it was burning for even more. Rogue turned around in a daze. She wanted to be sure this was something that she wanted because it was wanted, and not out of desperation. Harry turned to Kitty, and Kitty grabbed Harry by the jacket, before backing him off.

"She's about in, I think," Kitty replied, and Harry just blinked, looking at her. "You can't tell me that you never thought about this."

"I thought about it, but I never thought it would happen," Harry admitted, with a playful smile, and Kitty was steered onto his bed. The contraceptive charms were second nature, and Harry applied them immediately to Kitty.

Kitty felt the tell-tale sign of the shivers down her spine, and pulled Harry into her. Harry pinned her down on the bed, and kissed her. Kitty returned the kiss, working her tongue. Harry pulled her hair down, and Kitty ran her hands all over Harry's body. The two continued their kissing, before Kitty nudged Harry. Harry pulled himself up, looking at the brunette girl beneath him, and a smile spread across his face.

"So, do you know any binding spells?" Kitty asked, mischief dancing in her eyes. "You know spells that can be used to tie people up."

Harry immediately got Kitty's meaning. A shifty grin spread across his face, and he answered with, "A few"

Kitty immediately got excited, and Harry pushed her back on the bed. The brunette's legs wrapped around Harry, and Kitty stopped, unable to phase.

"It's a charm I found that stops your powers," Harry replied, and Kitty responded with a grin.

"Well, I guess I'm at your mercy," Kitty told him, and with those words, a grin spread over her face, and she was excited about what was going to happen.

Harry ran his fingers through her hair, and the fun was just going to begin.

Smut/Lemon Begins.

Harry and Kitty wrapped their arms around each other. His hands felt underneath her clothes, and Harry stroked her exposed flesh on her back. Kitty swung over, straddling Harry's lap, and Harry cupped his hands around her cute rear. She sighed deeply, feeling the bliss, when Harry continued to kiss her.

Kitty grinded her crotch up and down against Harry's, and Harry tilted her back on the bed. Harry touched her body, and stroked her hair, before kissing her. Kitty sighed immediately, and Harry stroked her neck, pressing his lips to the side of it.

"Oh, Harry," Kitty breathed heavily, and she felt Harry's mouth working over her neck. He was sucking on it, and it felt so good. He had a magical mouth, for lack of a better term.

Harry pulled her up, and slowly pulled her shirt off of her body. He took a good look at her upper body, and continued to run his hands over her. Kitty pulled Harry's shirt over his head, and caused his hair to get messy. Kitty ran her hands over Harry's chest and abs, and appreciated the feel of the muscles underneath her hands. Harry appreciated the motions of Kitty, tracing around his abs, and chest.

Harry reached around and removed her bra. Kitty's breasts stood perky, and Harry pressed a mouth to her right tit. Harry sucked on it, and Kitty was pushed back onto the bed. She arched her hips up, and Harry pulled her skirt down. Harry kissed down her body, as Kitty rested on the bed, with a soaking pair of black panties.

Reaching over, Harry skimmed the edge of her panties, which were damp. A smile crossed his face as he looked at Kitty. "You're so wet."

"Yeah, you did that to me, with all of the teasing," Kitty retorted, and Kitty immediately spun around.

Harry groaned, as Kitty squeezed his balls tightly in her small hand. She ran her hand up the shaft, and flicked her little tongue over the head.

"Feels good, suck my cock, Kitty," Harry ordered.

Kitty obliged him, and slowly shoved Harry's cock into her mouth. It felt good, it tasted good. Harry grabbed her hair, and pumped his cock into her little mouth. Kitty enveloped it tightly around her mouth, and Harry pushed into her. She hummed, and managed to experiment, using her tongue and mouth to stimulate Harry.

Harry thought that there was no better feeling. It felt great to have her suck his cock. Kitty played with his balls, causing pleasure to course through his body. Harry spotted Kitty stroking her pussy, and the cock was pulled out of Kitty's mouth.

Kitty was pushed down onto the bed. Harry used his thumb, and rubbed her clit in circular motions. Kitty moaned, and felt good.

"Like that, like me to keep doing that," Harry whispered , blowing on her pussy, which got Kitty excited, and he began to suck on her clit. Kitty nearly lost it, and she felt the juices roll down her thighs.

"Yeah, that feels so good," Kitty moaned, and Harry switched.

Harry tasted the sweet juices between her legs. His tongue licked her out, and Harry offered a few slight hints of a hiss. It was a hiss done every about thirty seconds, as he licked Kitty's pussy. Kitty bucked her hips up, offering Harry.

"Harry, use that Parseltongue on me, please," Kitty begged. She needed this, and wanted this.

Harry obliged her, and his tongue rattled on the inside of her pussy. Kitty's eyes glazed over, looking heavily lidded, and she began to breath heavily. Harry licked out her pussy, and Kitty grabbed Harry's hair, to encourage him to go down on her, deeper, and deeper.

Kitty's pussy convulsed around him, and her body deflated in pleasure. The next thing she knew, once she had come down from her orgasm, she was flipped over onto her front. Kitty's hands, and feet had been bound, and her rear and pussy had been presented to Harry. Harry hovered above her, placing his hands on her hips.

"You asked if I knew any binding charms," Harry retorted to her.

Kitty just looked over her shoulder at him, and Harry cupped her ass, and played with her pussy as well. She needed Harry's cock inside her badly.

"Stick it in me, please, I can't take it," Kitty replied. "Please don't make me beg for it."

Harry offered a smile to her. "You look so cute when you beg."

Kitty bit her lip in frustration, and gave a surprised yelp when Harry smacked her ass. He was getting daring, and Kitty loved it. Harry alternated between playing with her breasts, ass, and pussy, offering her pleasure, teasing her and riling it up. Kitty felt herself burn in desire.

"I'm going to fuck you from behind," Harry whispered in her ear.

Kitty felt herself clench, and Harry grabbed her hair. She closed her eye, and Harry stuck his cock inside her from behind. He slid into her pussy with practiced ease, and Kitty felt pleasure. Harry impaled himself in and out of her tight core, and hammered into her. He felt her pussy hug his cock, her walls squeezed him in a magnificent way.

"Such a tight pussy," Harry breathed.

"Tight for you," Kitty told him, and Harry pounded into her. "Yes, that's it Harry, fuck me hard."

"Oh, I'll fuck you hard alright," Harry said, and he sped up, banging into Kitty from behind.

Kitty clutched the bed sheets. Harry continued to go into her pussy from behind. Her eyes flickered shut, and she moaned. Harry made her feel so good, and his balls slapped against her thighs. The large cock inside her, almost splitting her in half, made her body feel absolute pleasure. Girls would line up, and pay admission if they knew what Harry had, and he would only be getting better.

Harry enjoyed having her wetness hug him, and he drove her to several mind blowing orgasms. His balls throbbed with the desire. He pushed into her.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard," Harry whispered to her.

"Keep doing it," Kitty managed.

Harry pounded into her from behind, and Harry just reached around, playing with her breasts, and rubbing his fingers across her nipples. They were really sensitive and responsive, and Harry felt more pleasure when he pounded into her.

The fucking continued throughout the hour, and Kitty tried to use her pussy muscles to squeeze him.

"Are you getting tired already?" Harry asked her.

"So, am not, " Kitty managed, and Harry continued to speed up, pleasuring her pussy with his cock.

"You're going to have a big one, and then, I'm going to have the big one," Harry replied, and Kitty's breathing got more and more.

Kitty thought it felt so good, and soon Harry would cum in her. The fact that he was practically having his wicked way with her, as he pounded her pussy made her gush over and over again. Kitty thought of even more possibilities, perhaps involving straps and wall, but right now all she was really focused on is making Harry cum.

"Give me your seed Harry," Kitty encouraged, wiggling her ass a little bit. "I know you want to."

Harry did in fact unload his seed into Kitty. Several ropes of cum splattered into her, and Harry continued to pump into her from behind. Kitty could not believe Harry had so much cum in him, and for some realize, she always felt refreshed and stronger after it. Harry unloaded into her, making sure he was drained dry, and Kitty collapsed on the bed, absolutely content, about an hour after they started.

Smut/Lemon Ends.

Kitty draped herself in Harry's arms after Harry had untied her, with the love making session having concluded. The two lovers looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you, so very much," Kitty murmured, snuggling her head into his shoulder.

Harry was taken off guard by these words, but those words flowed so naturally.

"I love you too," Harry replied, and he pulled Kitty into her, embracing her.

Kitty was visited by a naughty suggestion. "So, I wonder if the Danger Room has any uses other than training?"

Harry just blinked, and smiled at her. If that was the case, the real danger would be when Logan had found out what they were doing in there.

Then again, wasn't that part of the fun?

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