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6.58% Panda Gets EXP By Sleeping?! / Chapter 8: Pandas Should Never Be Unsupervised. Protect the Panda!

Bab 8: Pandas Should Never Be Unsupervised. Protect the Panda!

The morning sun streamed through the kitchen window, casting a warm glow over the dining room where Mr. and Mrs. Arcas sat with their morning coffees, a brief respite in the midst of the ongoing crisis. The air was heavy with the scent of freshly brewed coffee and a faint undercurrent of worry. Pamela stirred her coffee absentmindedly, her gaze lost in the steam rising from her mug.

Bjorn, trying to lighten the mood, took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "You know, with Blakely turned into a bear in the game, maybe she'll finally appreciate the idea of hibernating. Might do her some good to get more sleep than usual, even if it's virtual."

Pamela couldn't help but chuckle, shaking her head. "Only you could find a silver lining in our daughter turning into a bear, Bjorn. But let's hope she doesn't start expecting us to catch fish for her when she wakes up."

"Hey, as long as she stays away from the honey jars, I think we'll manage," Bjorn replied with a grin, earning an amused snort from Pamela.

Their laughter faded as Pamela's expression turned contemplative. "I just worry about her, you know? Even playing a game, she finds a way to exhaust herself. It's that chronic fatigue... I hope those two girls clinging to her are ready for what it takes to keep up with our Blakely."

Bjorn nodded, his tone softening. "They are good kids. And if Blakely decides to keep them around, they'll have to get used to being part of the bear pack. They have been friends since they were five. I think it is a guarantee that they will stick together. "

Pamela smiled, her eyes lighting up with affection as she imagined Blakely surrounded by her caring friends. "They are really cute together, aren't they?"

Finishing their coffees, they stood up, taking their mugs with them as they walked back to sit in Blakely's bedroom. They settled in, watching their daughter lying still with the VR helmet on, Iris and Maven each holding an arm, their presence a silent testament to their dedication.

"They'll make fine wives for her one day if it comes to that," Bjorn joked softly, watching the peaceful scene.

Pamela nodded; her worries eased slightly by the humor. "At least she won't be alone," she murmured, grateful for Blakely's support both in and out of the virtual world.

An Hour later,

The early morning light filtered through the curtains as Iris and Maven slowly awoke in the Blakely's room at the Arcas household. The first thing they did, almost instinctively, was check on Blakely, who was still lying motionless in her bed, the VR helmet firmly in place. The sight was disheartening, yet somehow expected, given the complex situation they were dealing with in the game world of Morphantasia.

After freshening up, Iris and Maven made their way to the dining room, where the scent of fresh coffee and a light breakfast prepared by Mrs. Cullins helped lift their spirits a bit. They found the Arcas siblings already gathered there, each with similar looks of concern and determination on their faces.

Brody, always the de facto leader when it came to family crises, greeted them with a nod. "Morning, did anything change overnight?" he asked, hopeful yet realistic.

Iris shook her head, her expression somber. "No, she's the same. But we're not giving up. We've got a new day ahead of us to figure this out."

As they settled around the dining table with steaming mugs of coffee and plates of toast, the group began to strategize their next steps. The conversation was a mix of technical game talk and emotional support, a balance they had all learned to manage over the past few days. Claire, who had been taking notes on a digital pad, spoke up. "Let's meet up in Dew Lake near the Giant willow tree in the game. It's a central and peaceful location, away from too much Morpher traffic. We can start from there and make our way to Peridot Woods to check on Aergia."

Theo, the youngest but eager to contribute, added, "Yeah, and maybe we can gather some more of those calming herbs along the way. They seemed to help a little last time."

Maven agreed, pulling up a map of the game on her tablet to show the planned route. "The Giant willow tree is a good meeting point. It's also close to several known herb spawns that might be beneficial for Aergia. We can stock up and try to interact with her again, see if we can make more progress in calming her down or even communicating."

Iris, feeling a renewed sense of purpose, smiled slightly. "It's a plan, then. Let's finish up here and log in. The sooner we start, the more we can do today."

The siblings nodded in agreement, their bond strengthened by the shared mission to save their sister and friend. Finishing their breakfast quickly, they cleared the table together—a small act of normalcy and teamwork amid the extraordinary circumstances.

After breakfast, each member of the group retreated to their respective rooms to prepare for a long session in Morphantasia. They equipped their VR gear, checked their in-game inventories, and mentally prepared for the challenges ahead. Logging into the game, they were greeted by the familiar landscapes of Dew Lake, the virtual world that had become even more significant to them.

Meeting under the sprawling branches of the Giant willow tree, the group felt a mix of nostalgia and urgency. This virtual world, once a place of escapism and fun, was now the battleground for their most critical mission yet—bringing Blakely, or Aergia, back to herself. 

In the bustling town of Dew Lake Village, an atmosphere of concern and curiosity had settled over the morphers. Rumors of an aggressive panda monster in the nearby Peridot Woods were spreading like wildfire, captivating the attention of both novice adventurers and seasoned veterans. This wasn't just any ordinary beast; it was said to be consuming vast quantities of herbs, each bite seemingly bolstering its strength and aggression.

Iris and Maven exchanged uneasy glances as they overheard snippets of conversations about the panda. Both were deeply worried, recognizing the descriptions that matched Aergia—Blakely's character—who had undergone a dramatic transformation after consuming a magical herb.

Brody, embodying his robust Grizzly Bear Kin guardian character, Grizz, took it upon himself to gather more concrete information. He approached a group of morphers who were animatedly discussing their failed attempts to complete their herb-gathering quests due to the panda's interference.

"Excuse me," Brody interrupted, his character's authoritative tone silencing the group. "Can you tell me more about this panda? How aggressive is it? Are there specific herbs it's after?"

One of the players, a seasoned ranger, looked up at Grizz, a mix of frustration and awe in his eyes. "It's like nothing we've seen before. The panda guards the herbs as if they hold the secret to ultimate power. Anyone who gets too close is met with a ferocity that's terrifying. It's not just guarding—it's devouring the herbs at an alarming rate."

Thanking the ranger, Brody returned to his group, his expression grave. "It's definitely Aergia," he confirmed. "She's not just wandering around; she's actively consuming these herbs, and it's enhancing her abilities somehow."

Theo's character, Teddy, a puppeteer who specialized in animated teddy bears, and Cleo's character, Circy, a void witch with dark, mystical powers, both looked visibly upset. "We have to do something," Theo voiced out, his virtual teddy bear companion mirroring his worried look.

Claire, as Borealis, a polar bear kin fighter known for her calm demeanor and strategic thinking, nodded in agreement. "We should go to Peridot Woods. See for ourselves what's happening and if there's a way to approach her without provoking an attack."

With a plan in place, the group equipped themselves for what might lie ahead. Iris and Maven provided potions and spells they hoped could calm or subdue Aergia if necessary, while the siblings prepared for a potential confrontation.

The journey to Peridot Woods was tense, and each member of the group was lost in thought. The woods themselves were as beautiful as they were ominous, the trees whispering secrets of the ages as the sun filtered through the dense canopy. As they neared the reported location of the panda monster, the signs of disturbance were evident—flattened bushes, upturned soil, and a trail of half-eaten, glowing herbs.

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, stopping them in their tracks. There, in a small clearing, was Aergia. The panda was indeed larger and more formidable than any ordinary bear, her fur shimmering with a strange luminescence. The remnants of various herbs surrounded her, her eyes flashing with a wild, almost unnatural light.

Maven stepped forward cautiously. "Aergia, it's us. We're not here to hurt you," she called out softly, her voice laced with concern.

The panda's response was immediate and aggressive—a deep, threatening growl as she positioned herself protectively over the remaining herbs. It was clear that the transformation had altered her perception, and she now viewed them not as friends but as threats.

As they cautiously watched Aergia from a safe distance, they saw her approach a cluster of herbs shimmering with a soft, blue hue. These were known amongst the players as Aqua Capillaris, herbs renowned for their water properties. After consuming them, Aergia demonstrated an ability to manipulate water, conjuring small orbs of liquid that floated around her, bobbing gently in the air before dissipating. The Water Ball spell was a basic but visually stunning skill usually accessible only to high-level mages.

Maven, documenting each observation, noted, "She's learning and adapting at an unprecedented rate. It's as if the herbs are rewriting her abilities directly."

Next, they witnessed Aergia interact with a gust of Zephyr's Breath, a rare herb that fluttered lightly in the wind despite the still air. After ingesting it, Aergia seemed to harness the wind itself, slicing through the air with her paws to create thin, sharp gusts of wind—evidently, the Wind Blade skill. This ability allowed her to easily cut through thick underbrush, clearing pathways or fending off imagined threats.

The third incident involved Earth Soul Clovers, herbs that pulsed with a deep green glow, rooted firmly to the ground with an almost gravitational pull. Upon consumption, Aergia's steps became heavier, more deliberate, and she gained the ability to make the ground tremble slightly—a manifestation of the Earth Step skill, enabling her to cause minor tremors.

The group, piecing together these observations, realized the gravity of the situation. "Each herb she consumes modifies her somehow, giving her abilities tied to the herb's essence. It's as though she's becoming a living conduit for these elemental forces," Iris theorized, a mix of awe and concern in her voice.

After pondering the implications, Brody added, "If she continues on this path, there's no telling how powerful she could become or how the game's environment might react to such an anomaly. We need to find a way to either curb her consumption or use this knowledge to our advantage to bring her back."

Claire, always the strategist, suggested, "Perhaps we can guide her to herbs that might induce calmness or clarity—something to dampen the aggression and enhance her recognition of us."

Theo, looking worried, murmured, "But how do we guide her without provoking her? She's almost like a different entity now."

"That's our next challenge," Sionna responded, her eyes scanning the woods for such herbs.

"We need to experiment with combinations, maybe even create a controlled environment where we can introduce these herbs safely."

As they discussed their strategy, they continued to observe Aergia from a distance, marveling at the transformation yet determined to restore their friend. The plan was to gather herbs called the Serenity Blossom that might reverse or mitigate the transformation effects while avoiding any that could enhance her aggressive instincts.

Each step was taken cautiously as they navigated the fine line between intervening to help Blakely and respecting the powerful forces at play within her virtual form. The task was daunting, but the group's unity and resolve provided a strong foundation for their efforts.

Each member committed to bringing Aergia—and Blakely—back safely.

Their hopes were lifted as they noticed Aergia's demeanor gradually softening with each gentle nudge closer to the flowers. The transformation from aggressiveness to a more placid state seemed promising, a testament to their strategy and deep understanding of their friend's plight.

However, the fragile peace was abruptly shattered when five morphers, known in-game as bounty hunters, burst through the underbrush, weapons drawn and eyes fixed on Aergia. They were notorious for hunting what they considered dangerous monsters, driven by rewards and the thrill of the hunt.

The bounty hunters charged into the clearing, brandishing a variety of weapons—from gleaming broadswords to intricate crossbows—all humming with magical enhancements. Their leader, a tall, imposing figure with a scar running down his cheek, shouted orders, coordinating their attack with practiced precision.

Sionna, stepping forward, tried to defuse the situation with words, her voice projecting through the woods. "Please, she's not what you think! It's a glitch! She's actually one of us, caught in this form!" Her plea hung in the air, desperate and earnest.

Wadjet's wide eyes, filled with fear for Aergia's safety, echoed Sionna's entreaties. However, their words were drowned out by the clash of metal and the snarls from Aergia, who, feeling threatened, began to react more out of instinct than reason.

The confrontation escalated quickly as the hunters disregarded the explanations and initiated their attack. The leader launched the first strike, sending a bolt of enchanted energy towards Aergia, which grazed her side. The pain seemed to awaken a primal fury in Aergia, who roared and swiped with massive paws, her actions defensive but terrifying in their power.

Grizz reacted instantly. Transforming into his bear form, he roared and barreled into the nearest attacker, his massive body knocking the hunter off his feet. His actions were protective but inadvertently brutal, driven by the raw instinct to defend his transformed sister.

Claire, Borealis, drew her ice blade, a shimmering sword that frosted the air around it. With calculated strikes, she aimed to disarm rather than to harm. Her swings were precise and aimed at the weapons of their assailants to prevent them from causing real damage to Aergia.

Teddy controlled his puppeteer magic to animate his teddy bears to control nearby vines and branches, attempting to entangle the hunters and restrict their movements without inflicting pain. His efforts slowed down two attackers, but the vines could not hold them for long against their enchanted blades that sliced through the natural bindings.

Sionna, usually reserved and focused on support, found herself casting protective barriers around Aergia, trying to deflect the incoming magical assaults. Her shields flickered with energy, absorbing impacts but weakening under the relentless barrage.

As the fight continued, the scene grew chaotic. Aergia, confused and pained by the assault, fought back with increasing ferocity. Her strikes were not lethal but served to push the hunters back, her immense strength clear with every move. Despite their intentions to subdue, not kill, the situation took a grim turn when one particularly aggressive hunter, undeterred by the barriers and vines, lunged at Aergia with a lethal strike aimed at her throat.

In a split-second reaction, Brody shifted his weight and charged, tackling the hunter to the ground. The impact was more severe than he intended, and the hunter lay motionless, a grave silence falling over the clearing. The realization of what happened dawned on everyone—what was meant to be a defense had turned deadly.

The remaining hunters, seeing one of their own downed fatally, retreated hastily, their views of the panda now mixed with fear and vengeance. The group of friends stood amidst the aftermath, their breaths heavy, hearts pounding with the shock of the violent encounter. They had come to protect Aergia, but the red tags now flashing above their heads in the game labeled them as something they never intended to become—player killers.

The reality of their situation settled in—a quest to save their friend had escalated into a desperate fight for survival and redemption within the virtual world they once considered a place of escape and adventure.

As the dust settled in the clearing of Peridot Woods, and the remaining bounty hunters retreated, the Arcas siblings and their friends, now marked as player killers, were left to contend with the consequences of their actions. Amidst the turmoil and heavy silence, a new notification suddenly materialized in their game interfaces, an unexpected twist that momentarily shifted their focus.

Quest Notification:

Congratulations. Your group has defended Panda XXXX. This panda is under the protection of Asphodel, the Goddess of Spring. She wishes for you to continue to defend her Blessed.

The message, highlighted against a backdrop of glowing, ethereal script, brought a mix of confusion and awe. Iris was the first to speak, her voice tinged with incredulity, "What does this mean? Who is Asphodel?"

Wadjet, always quick to seek answers, accessed her in-game lore database. "Asphodel... she's one of the well-known deities in Morphantasia. Associated with rest and relaxation, especially in the spring. It seems she's taken an interest in Aergia's situation."

Brody, still reeling from the events, frowned as he processed the information. "So, a goddess is involved now? Are we supposed to see this as a good sign?"

Claire, ever the strategist, tried to piece together their next move. "It sounds like we've been given a divine mandate to protect Aergia. This could work in our favor, especially now with these red tags. If we're seen as fulfilling a goddess's will, maybe other players will hesitate before attacking."

Theo, looking towards where Aergia had settled, her form still that of a large panda, pondered aloud, "Maybe Asphodel's protection can help us appeal the player killer status? If we're doing a goddess's bidding, there has to be some way to communicate that to the other players and the devs."

Sionna, thoughtful, added, "We should reach out to the temple of Asphodel in-game. Perhaps there's a priest or a quest line that can give us more guidance or even a way to channel this divine favor to help Aergia return to her original form."

Agreeing with a nod, Iris quickly organized the group. "Let's head to Asphodel's temple then. We need all the help we can get, divine or otherwise. And keeping Aergia safe is our top priority, no matter what it takes."

"Who should stay here to protect Aergia?" Borealis asked.

Ever the group planner, Wadjet suggested, "Grizz, Teddy, and I will stay here to defend Aergia since we are more combat-focused and Teddy because his magic class will be useful here. Sionna, Borealis, and Circy will head to the Temple of Asphodel." 

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