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Bab 25: 23. Meanwhile The Others

After finishing breakfast, I could see that it was now 10 in the morning, perhaps this was the perfect time to go on a date with Sturm.

"Hey Sturm, do you want to go on the date now or later in the afternoon?" I asked Sturm, who was sipping her tea.

"Now is fine, but where are we going?"

Hmm, where to go... I didn't have a specific destination in mind, so I thought about creating a portal to a random place.

"Well... how about we go to a random place?"

"Hmm, I'm fine with going anywhere," Sturm nodded then set down her glass and stood up.

"I'll change my clothes first, Rei. You can wait in front of the house," Sturm told me before heading to her room.

Now I just need to wait for Sturm to change her clothes while relaxing.... Except there was someone staring sharply at me in front of me right now...

I was currently lying on the couch in the living room watching TV with Koneko and Ingvild who seemed to be talking to each other, although Koneko occasionally glanced to my direction... more precisely, towards someone sitting on my stomach and staring at me.

"Rei... are you going to leave me again?" Ophis sitting on my stomach and looking at me with her emotionless stare asked me.

After living here for a few weeks, Ophis had started talking more than before. Previously, she would only speak if someone asked her something, but now she would speak freely with anyone in the house.

She often talked to Fenrir too because she was curious about Fenrir's God Killer powers, so every day they would test their strengths against each other.

Because of this, every day I had to fix the destruction they caused, as almost half of the Zinkenstill Island would be completely destroyed every time they fought.

"Yes, Ophis, Sturm and I are going on a date, so you have to wait here," I said while patting Ophis's head.

"A date?" Ophis tilted her head, looking confused by my words.

Hmm, she doesn't know what a date is? "A date is when someone wants to do something with someone they are interested in, usually done by couples or someone who wants to get closer to someone else," I explained to Ophis.

"A date..." Ophis still seemed confused by what I told her.

"Hahh, it's okay, Ophis, if you still don't understand. If you're curious, you can ask Grisella when she returns," I stroked Ophis's pointed ear.

As I did that, I could see that Ophis felt a little ticklish, but she didn't stop me and just let me do it.

"Rei, I'm ready," I heard Sturm's voice.

After hearing that, I picked up Ophis and stood up from the sofa, then placed Ophis back on the sofa and patting her head. "Alright, Ophis, I'm going now. Be good and take care of the house, and don't fight with Fenrir while I'm not here."

"Umm..." Ophis just mumbled, then stood up and walked off, probably looking for Fenrir.

"I'm going now, Koneko, Ingvild... Koneko, once you're done talking with Ingvild, I suggest you rest because tomorrow you have to train with Grace," I said to both of them before walking out of the house.

I then waited for Sturm to come out of the house so we could start our date, and I didn't have to wait too long because I could hear the sound of the door opening, making me turn towards it.

And wow, even though I have been engaged to Sturm for several years and have gone on dates with her often, every time I see her in beautiful clothes, it always widens my eyes.

"You look very beautiful, Sturm," I praised Sturm with a smile.

"Hmm, you always say that whenever I wear clothes like this," Sturm replied in a tone as if she was already tired of hearing me say that all the time... except I could see her smiling happily and her cheeks slightly blushing after hearing my compliment.

Sturm then walked and stood next to me, waiting for me to do something. I just smiled and reached out my hand to her while saying, "Let's go Sturm."

Sturm then took my hand, and the two of us held hands as we walked towards the portal I created to a random place to start our date.

While Rei and Sturm were happily starting their date, in the occult club room where Rias was, the mood in the room is completely different from what Rei and Sturm were feeling.

The room is filled with a very depressing and sad mood, especially after Rias telling her peerage members, as well as Sona and Tsubaki who were also there, about what had happened while she was away.

[That's a story I really didn't expect... Are you sure about what you saw Gremory?] Ddraig said to Rias after listening to what would happen in the future.

"Yes, when I saw the vision that Rei showed me I could feel everything felt very real. I even still remember the feeling of depression I felt after my brother sacrificed himself to seal Trihexa," Rias answered Ddraig while looking down and rubbing her ring.

"And my older sister will also sacrifice her life to seal Trihexa!? And my father is also affected by Sleep disease??" Sona felt shocked when she heard what would happen to her older sister and father.

While the others remained silent processing what Rias had told them.... Even Issei was silent, thinking about the safety of his parents if the world were to descend into chaos.

"I also never expected that all that would happen in the future," Suddenly they heard the voice of a person who suddenly appeared, making them turn towards the sound.

They then saw someone who wore a knee-length dark blue blazer with a lighter blue dress shirt, a black waistcoat, a red tie, faded-purple slacks, and black dress shoes sitting in Rias's chair.

"Teacher Azazel? Since when have you been here?" Asia asked Azazel, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"It's not important, Asia. What's more important now is the story from Rias... I know this world will eventually descend into chaos like it did hundreds of years ago, especially with the Khaos Brigade, but I didn't expect it to be as chaotic as that," Azazel said while holding his chin with one hand.

Unlike in the anime, Azazel didn't lose one of his hands because he didn't fight Katarea when they attacked the Peace Conference before.

"Trihexa huh.... Unfortunately, from your explanation, it seems you didn't see everything, did you?" Azazel asked Rias.

"No, unfortunately I stopped after seeing my brother sacrifice himself to seal Trihexa...." Rias felt disappointed because she couldn't see what happened after that as she couldn't handle the depression she felt from her future self.

"It's okay, at least you know what will happen in the future... So, what about the reaction from Luci-Rei? Did he say anything to you?"

Rias just shook her head when she heard Azazel's question. "He's not interested in the matters of this world at all... And he also already destroyed a universe where ExE was located as Great Red told me before."

"Great Red said the reason for destroying the ExE world was because they were going to kill Great Red in the future, so Rei decided to destroy them all...."

They fell silent again after hearing Rias's words, especially about how the ExE could kill Great Red. They truly did not expect a being that could easily kill Great Red, only to then be easily killed by the person who claimed to be Lucifer before.

The problem was that this person not only killed a being that could easily kill Great Red but also destroyed an entire universe filled with such powerful beings with ease...

"Hahh... listening to all of this is giving me a headache..." Azazel seemed to be massaging his head, not even remembering the last time he felt this way.

"So... What are we going to do, Buchou?" Issei asked Rias while clenching his fists tightly. He realized that he is really weak at the moment and he is really worried about his parents because both of his parents just ordinary humans.

"I don't know Issei... all I can do is continue training with Rei and hope I can become strong enough to prevent all of this from happening," Rias said to Issei with a sad expression.

Sona after hearing Rias's words, seemed to snap out of her thoughts and quickly asked Rias, "Can Rei train all of us?"

Everyone who heard Sona's question looked at Rias, waiting tensely for her answer.

"I don't know Sona... but it seems unlikely because the reason he trained me was out of curiosity about my power of destruction, and training Koneko perhaps because of her Senjutsu," Rias replied.

"But..." Sona looked disappointed upon hearing Rias's answer, then Tsubaki was seen gently rubbing her King's back trying to console her.

[What I can suggest to all of you is to train, train until you become strong enough to prevent all of that from happening. If you remain weak like this, it will all happen, and you will lose someone you love, especially you my partner] Ddraig said to everyone loudly so they could hear his words.

"Of course, I will train harder! I won't let all of this happen," Xenovia said with a determined voice while clenching her fists tightly.

Meanwhile, back to Rei and Sturm who were coming out of the portal and seeing where they emerged.

"Huh... This is Kyoto? Isn't this the territory of Yasaka and her Youkai race? Pretty convenient the portal took us here."

I noticed that both of us came out onto a quiet street, so no one saw us and I didn't need to erase their memories... pretty convenient too.

"It seems we emerged in Kyoto, Sturm. There are many great places to visit here, especially places like Kyoto Tower and the Shrine nearby," I said to Sturm.

"Well then, let's go, I want to see the scenery from this world," Sturm then pulled me out of the empty street and onto the main road where many people were walking and vehicles bustling.

First, we would head to Kyoto Tower to see the entire city from there and decide our next destination. Also, Sturm and I already used magic to hide our auras.

Although Sturm and I are not at all suited to use magic, using magic to conceal our aura was quite easy for us to use, so no one would be able to sense our auras... unless someone is very sensitive to auras but what a chance there is somene like that near here.

Meanwhile, at Yasaka Shrine, a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with matching eyes was seen. She had delicate facial features and short, round eyebrows as a traditional symbol of nobility. Her hair was tied in a loose ponytail, reaching down to her legs in a spiral with taut bandages to keep it in place. She wore traditional shrine maiden attire, and over that she wore a white coat held closed by a red ribbon and a golden crown.

The woman seemed to be working on a document alone in a room, but as she was performing her tasks, suddenly her nine tails appeared behind her which surprising her.

"!? What happened?" The woman named Yasaka immediately stood up and observed her suddenly appearing tails.

Not long she suddenly sensed something... something very dreadful... a feeling as if there is someone that could destroy the entire world if they desired, and do whatever they pleased without anyone being able to stop them.

All of Yasaka's fur stood up, even the fox ears on her head appeared. She didn't know what was happening... all she knew was that she had to find the source of the feeling she was experiencing.

IamReallySalad IamReallySalad


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