Unduh Aplikasi

Chapter 16

After exiting the suitcase, Jon and his companions regrouped. With Rhea, Oberyn, Selina, Diana, Arthur, and Jon now united, they made their way through the bustling streets of Braavos towards the manse where the Martells were staying.

The manse was an impressive structure, a blend of Dornish and Braavosi architecture that exuded both opulence and warmth. As they approached, Jon couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. This was another step in their journey, another piece of the puzzle falling into place.

Oberyn led the way, his demeanor confident and commanding. The guards at the entrance greeted him with respectful nods, their eyes widening slightly at the sight of the unexpected company.

Once inside, they were led to a spacious courtyard filled with the vibrant colors and rich scents of Dornish flora. A sense of calm and luxury permeated the air, a stark contrast to the chaos of the streets outside.

Oberyn turned to the group, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Welcome to our temporary home in Braavos. Make yourselves comfortable. We have much to discuss and plans to make."

Jon nodded, feeling a similar sense of belonging. "Thank you, Oberyn. We have a lot to do, but it's good to have a place to start from."

Arthur, always the vigilant knight, positioned himself near the entrance, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. Diana and Selina exchanged a look, both clearly impressed by the grandeur of the manse.

As they settled in, a door opened, and Ellaria Sand stepped into the courtyard, her presence commanding yet graceful. Behind her followed the Sand Snakes: Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene, each exuding their own unique strength and intensity.

Ellaria's eyes lit up as she saw Oberyn, a smile breaking across her face. "You've returned," she said warmly, moving to embrace him. Her gaze then shifted to the new arrivals, her curiosity piqued.

Oberyn poured them all a glass of Dornish red wine, raising his glass in a toast. "To new alliances and the road ahead. May we find victory and vengeance in equal measure."

The group raised their glasses, the sound of the toast echoing through the courtyard. They drank, each of them silently vowing to see their journey through, no matter the cost.

Ellaria approached Jon, her eyes studying him with a mixture of curiosity and warmth. "Welcome to our home," she said, her voice rich and inviting. "It seems you bring interesting company, Oberyn."

Rhea, who was really Rhaenys Targaryen posing as one of Oberyn's daughters, stepped forward with a composed demeanor. "Ellaria, this is my half-brother, Daemon Targaryen," she introduced, her voice steady and filled with a subtle pride.

Ellaria's eyes widened slightly in surprise as she looked at Jon. "Daemon Targaryen?" she repeated, her tone curious. "So, you are the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen?"

Oberyn, sensing potential for tension, stepped forward and added, "Even if Rhaegar and Lyanna might have betrayed my dear sister Elia, we Dornish do not blame the children for the crimes of their parents. You are welcome here, Daemon, as family."

Jon nodded, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you, Oberyn. And thank you, Ellaria. I appreciate your acceptance and understanding. My goal is to honor both my Stark and Targaryen heritage and to forge a new path forward for all of us."

The Sand Snakes, along with Ellaria, exchanged knowing glances, their eyes twinkling with mischief.

Nymeria leaned in first, a playful smirk on her lips. "You know, Daemon, you certainly inherited the Targaryen good looks," she purred, her voice dripping with flirtation. "It's not just dragons that are legendary, it seems."

Tyene giggled, sidling closer to Jon. "Yes, those striking features and strong build... you must turn quite a few heads. I wouldn't mind being one of them."

Obara, more direct and bold, gave Jon an appraising look. "Handsome and strong. Quite the combination. Makes me wonder what other talents you have."

Ellaria chuckled softly, her gaze warm but suggestive. "It's not every day we meet a Targaryen prince with such a charming demeanor. You must have quite the effect on the ladies. I can see why."

Jon felt his cheeks flush with color, the unexpected and suggestive compliments leaving him momentarily speechless. He managed a sheepish smile, shifting uncomfortably under their admiring and lustful gazes. "Thank you," he finally said, his voice tinged with embarrassment. "Your... attention is appreciated."

Rhea stepped forward, a playful yet possessive gleam in her eyes. "Alright, sisters, that's enough," she declared, her tone firm but teasing. "Back off, I have first claim on our dear Daemon."

The Sand Snakes exchanged amused glances, but there was a hint of respect in their demeanor. Nymeria raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Oh, do you now?"

Tyene giggled again, nudging Rhea. "Claim away, sister. Just don't keep him all to yourself."

Obara chuckled, crossing her arms. "Fair enough. We'll let you have your fun for now."

Ellaria smiled indulgently, her gaze lingering on Jon and Rhea. "It seems our Rhea knows what she wants. Daemon, it appears you have quite the admirer."

Jon, still blushing, looked at Rhea with a mixture of surprise and admiration. "I didn't realize I had such a... dedicated supporter," he said, his voice softening as he met her gaze.

Rhea smiled warmly at him, her eyes filled with a mix of affection and determination. "You do now, Daemon," she replied, her voice gentle yet unwavering. "And I intend to make the most of it."

Oberyn, ever the connoisseur of debauchery, encourages the pairing, citing the Targaryen traditions of marrying within the family.

"Ah, the Targaryen way," he remarked, his tone laced with amusement. "It seems fate has brought you together, Daemon and Rhea. Embrace it, revel in it. After all, what is life without a little excitement?"

Jon and Rhea exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them. While Jon felt a surge of exhilaration at the prospect, Rhea's expression remained composed yet intrigued, her eyes sparkling with newfound possibilities.

Diana and Selina, sensing the tension in the air, interjected to steer the conversation back to their plans. 

"Perhaps we should focus on our immediate goals for now," Diana suggested, her tone diplomatic yet firm. "After all, we have much to accomplish before we can indulge in matters of the heart."

Selina nodded in agreement, her gaze shifting between Jon and Rhea with a hint of jealousy. "And let's not forget, he prefers to be called Jon," she added, her voice tinged with subtle insistence. "We're still trying to keep his Targaryen heritage under wraps, just like Rhaenys is hiding as Rhea."

Jon and Rhea exchanged a knowing look, acknowledging the need to maintain their facade for the time being. Despite the allure of their budding connection, they understood that their priority lay in fulfilling their mission and navigating the complexities of their newfound alliance. With a shared nod, they turned their attention back to the task at hand, their hearts silently yearning for the day when they could embrace their true identities without fear or hesitation.

Oberyn, though reluctantly, acquiesced to the wisdom of the girls' suggestion. Deep down, he knew that their mission took precedence over personal desires, even if it meant setting aside his own penchant for indulgence.

"Very well," he conceded, his tone tinged with a hint of disappointment. "Let us focus on our objectives for now. There will be time for such matters later."

"Agreed," Jon affirmed, his voice carrying a note of determination. "Our priority is to locate Viserys and Daenerys, and ensure their safety. Once we've reunited the last remaining Targaryens, we can assess our next steps."

His gaze swept over the group, a sense of purpose guiding his words. "Let's not waste any more time. We have a mission to fulfill, and the sooner we embark on it, the better."

"Jon," Rhea began, her voice steady as she relayed the crucial information, "the last we heard, Viserys and Daenerys were in Pentos, residing in the Manse of Magister Ilyrio Mopatis."

Jon nodded, absorbing the details with a thoughtful expression. "Thank you, Rhea. That gives us a starting point."

Oberyn interjected, his tone confident. "I've dispatched my spies to confirm this information. We should have word by tonight."

Jon glanced at Oberyn, gratitude evident in his gaze. "Let's wait for the confirmation before making any moves. In the meantime, we'll need to prepare ourselves for the journey ahead."

"In the meanwhile," Rhea suggested, "How about you show my sisters the 'gifts'  you received from the Old Gods?"

Jon nodded in agreement. "Good idea, Rhea. Let's show them what we've got."

With a nod of agreement, Jon began the showcase, his movements deliberate as he unveiled each item one by one.

"Behold," he proclaimed, holding aloft Dawnbreaker, its blade shimmering in the light. "This is Dawnbreaker, a sword forged from the heart of a fallen star. With its power, we can vanquish our enemies and bring light to the darkest of places."

Next, he displayed his shield, its surface gleaming with an otherworldly sheen. "And here we have my shield," he continued, his voice brimming with pride. "Fashioned from the rarest of metals, it offers unparalleled protection in battle."

Finally, he turned his attention to the suitcase, a hint of mystery in his expression. "But perhaps the most extraordinary of all," he declared, "is this humble-looking suitcase." With a flick of his wrist, he opened it, revealing its vast interior. "Inside lies a realm of endless possibilities, where anything is possible and nothing is beyond our reach."

The Sand Snakes watched in awe as Jon showcased his treasures, their eyes alight with excitement and anticipation. With each item, they grew more eager to join him on his quest, eager to wield such formidable power in the battles to come.

As the Sand Snakes stepped into the depths of the suitcase, their eyes widened in wonder at the sight before them. Ghost, with his piercing gaze and majestic stature, commanded attention, his presence evoking a sense of primal strength and loyalty.

Beside him, Midnight, the shadowcat, exuded an aura of mystery, her sleek form blending seamlessly into the darkness of the suitcase's interior. With a graceful flick of her tail, she acknowledged their presence, her eyes glinting with intelligence and cunning.

But it was Vermithor, the Night Fury, who truly stole their breath away. As he emerged from the shadows, his iridescent scales shimmering in the dim light, the Sand Snakes could scarcely believe their eyes. With a powerful flap of his wings, he soared into the air, his presence filling the space with an undeniable sense of awe and wonder.

For a moment, the Sand Snakes were speechless, their minds struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what they had just witnessed. But as the reality of the situation sank in, their expressions transformed into ones of excitement and determination, eager to embark on this adventure alongside their newfound companions.

Once they had stepped out of the suitcase, Oberyn had shown Jon and Arthur to their rooms. While Ellaria and the girls, take Diana and Selina, to the large bathhouse situated inside their manse. 

As the Dornish ladies began to disrobe with casual confidence, Selina and Diana remained unfazed, their expressions composed and nonchalant. Having lived lives filled with adventure and intrigue, they were no strangers to unconventional situations and bold displays of confidence.

Selina, with her years of experience as a seductress and thief, met the scene with a sly grin, her gaze lingering on the Dornish women with a hint of appreciation. Meanwhile, Diana, raised on an island of formidable Amazon warriors, regarded the spectacle with a sense of curiosity and admiration for the Dornish women's unabashed confidence.

Together, Selina and Diana exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the strength and resilience of the women before them. In this moment, they found themselves united by a shared understanding of the power that comes from embracing one's true self, regardless of societal norms or expectations.

As Selina and Diana settled into the warm embrace of the bath, surrounded by the luxurious opulence of the Dornish manse's bathhouse, the Dornish ladies wasted no time in initiating them into their world of uninhibited conversation.

"Have you seen his eyes?" one of the Sand Snakes, Obara, quipped with a knowing smirk, her tone dripping with suggestive insinuation.

"Oh, I've seen more than just his eyes," Nymeria chimed in playfully, her gaze flickering mischievously between Selina and Diana. "And let me tell you, they're as captivating as they say."

Selina responded with a knowing chuckle, her lips curling into a sly grin. "Oh, I'm well aware of the effect his eyes can have," she teased, her voice laced with playful flirtation. "But there's so much more to him than meets the eye, wouldn't you agree, Diana?"

Diana, her curiosity piqued by the tantalizing conversation, nodded in agreement, her expression a blend of intrigue and amusement. "Indeed," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief. "His... gifts seem to extend far beyond his eyes."

The Dornish women erupted into laughter, their voices echoing off the tiled walls of the bathhouse as they exchanged knowing glances and suggestive remarks. In this intimate setting, surrounded by steam and scented oils, Selina and Diana found themselves swept up in the heady atmosphere of camaraderie and indulgence, their own contributions adding to the playful banter and risqué gossip that filled the air.

Oberyn's voice carried through the room, his tales of Essos painting vivid images in Jon's mind. 

"You wouldn't believe the sights I've seen," Oberyn said, a hint of excitement in his tone. "From the sprawling cities of Slaver's Bay to the mystical forests of Yi Ti, Essos is a land of wonders."

Jon leaned in, captivated by Oberyn's stories. "Tell me more," he urged, eager to hear every detail.

Oberyn grinned, leaning back in his chair. "There was the time I fought alongside the Second Sons in the Disputed Lands," he began. "We were hired as mercenaries by a wealthy merchant to protect his caravan from bandits. The battles were fierce, but the pay was good."

Jon nodded, imagining the chaos of battle in the foreign lands of Essos. "And what about the Free Cities?" he asked. "Are they as magnificent as they say?"

Oberyn's eyes sparkled with memories. "Indeed they are," he replied. "Each city has its own unique culture and customs. From the grandeur of Volantis to the mystery of Braavos, there's something for everyone in the Free Cities."

As the night wore on, Jon found himself enthralled by Oberyn's tales. The allure of Essos beckoned to him, promising adventure and excitement beyond the Wall. With Oberyn as his guide, Jon felt ready to embark on a journey that would take him to the far reaches of the known world.

"Have you ever explored the ruins of Old Valyria?" Jon inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Oberyn shook his head. "Not yet," he admitted. "But it's on my list of places to visit. The ruins are said to hold many secrets and dangers, but the allure of uncovering ancient mysteries is irresistible."

Jon nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps we could plan an expedition there someday," he suggested. "It would be a risky endeavor, but the rewards could be worth it."

Oberyn's eyes gleamed with excitement. "I like the way you think, Jon," he said with a grin. "An expedition to Old Valyria would be an adventure unlike any other."

The moon cast a soft glow through the window, bathing Jon's room in silver light as he lay in bed, his thoughts restless. He tossed and turned, unable to find peace in sleep, the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him like a heavy blanket.

As he lay there, lost in the darkness, the door creaked open, and Jon's heart skipped a beat. He tensed, his senses alert as he strained to listen for any intruders. But then he saw her silhouette in the doorway, illuminated by the moonlight, and his breath caught in his throat.

Rhea entered the room with a graceful stride, her movements fluid and purposeful. Her attire left little to the imagination, the fabric clinging to her curves in all the right places. Jon's eyes widened in surprise, his heart racing at the sight of her.

She moved closer, her steps silent on the floor, until she stood beside his bed, her figure bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. Jon's pulse quickened, his senses heightened as he drank in her presence, his mind whirling with a thousand questions and desires.

"Rhea..." he began, his voice catching in his throat as he struggled to find the right words.

Rhea approached him with a seductive smile, her movements graceful and confident. "I couldn't resist," she whispered, her voice husky with desire. "The night is young, and so are we."

Jon's pulse quickened as he met Rhea's seductive gaze. "I couldn't agree more," he replied, his voice laced with anticipation.

With a playful smile, Rhea climbed onto the bed, settling beside Jon with a casual ease that made his heart race. "Mind if I join you?" she asked, her voice low and sultry.

Jon's breath caught in his throat as he met her gaze, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting desires and uncertainties. "I... I don't know," he stammered, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Rhea chuckled softly, reaching out to brush her fingers against his cheek in a gentle caress. "Relax, Jon," she whispered, her touch sending a shiver down his spine. "I just thought we could... talk."

Jon swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest as he tried to steady his racing thoughts. "Sure, yeah, talking sounds... good," he managed to reply, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I've never been with a man before," Rhea admitted casually, catching Jon off guard.

Jon blinked in surprise, his mind struggling to reconcile Rhea's confession with the reputation of the Sand Snakes he knew from his previous life. "You... you're a virgin?" he echoed, his voice betraying his astonishment.

Rhea chuckled softly at Jon's reaction, a playful glint in her eyes. "Surprised?" she teased, her tone light and carefree. "Guess I'm not your typical Sand Snake."

Jon couldn't help but laugh nervously, the tension in his chest easing slightly at Rhea's easy demeanor. "I suppose not," he admitted, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "But it's... refreshing, in a way."

As they shared a moment of lighthearted banter, Jon felt a sense of warmth blossoming between them.

"I haven't been with a woman either," Jon confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability as he reached out to hold her face in his hands.

Rhea teased him, a playful glint in her eyes. "Have you never even been to a brothel?" she asked, her tone teasing.

Jon hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words. "Once," he said, a faint blush coloring his cheeks to sell the story. "Theon and Robb took me to one in Wintertown. They... they paid for a whore to spend the night with me." He tried to sound embarrassed, hoping to maintain the facade of being Jon Snow, the inexperienced bastard of Winterfell.

Rhea's playful demeanor softened as she noticed the tension in Jon's shoulders, her expression growing more gentle. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," she reassured him, her voice soft and understanding. "We all have our experiences, but what matters is how we navigate through them."

Jon's gaze flickered downwards for a brief moment before meeting Rhea's eyes again. "It was awkward," he said, trying to channel Jon's discomfort. A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I didn't really know what to do, and... it just didn't feel right."

Jon's voice trailed off, his gaze distant as he recounted the memories. "Until recently, I was Jon Snow, the Bastard of Winterfell," he continued, trying to embody Jon's vulnerability. "The idea of being with a woman, of her possibly getting with child because of me, of fathering another Bastard... It was too much to bear." He paused, a shadow passing over his features. "So I froze, and then I ran."

Rhea's expression softened with understanding as she listened to Jon's confession. She reached out, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, a gesture of comfort and support. "It's okay, Jon," she said softly, her voice infused with warmth. "You were just a boy then, trying to navigate a world that wasn't always kind. But now, you're different. You're stronger, wiser. You've faced challenges that would break lesser men." She paused, her thumb brushing lightly against his cheek. "And you've shown me that you have a heart capable of great compassion and courage."

Rhea's voice, soft yet resolute, cut through the silence like a blade, her words carrying the weight of truth and conviction. "You are not Jon Snow, the Bastard of Winterfell," she declared, her gaze unwavering as she met Jon's eyes. "You are Daemon Targaryen, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, a Dragon of House Targaryen."

Jon, feeling the weight of her words, struggled to fully embrace the identity she was affirming. He met her gaze, attempting to show the gratitude and reverence that she expected. As she spoke of his journey from Jon Snow to Daemon Targaryen, he nodded, absorbing the new role she was assigning him.

Her words echoed in his mind, sparking a fire within him and a drive to embody this new persona. He wanted to believe in the empowerment she described, to feel the confidence of being a Dragon of House Targaryen.

Before he could fully process it, Rhea's lips captured his in a passionate kiss, surprising him with its intensity. As she straddled him, Jon's heart raced with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. He focused on the primal connection between them, trying to align his own feelings with the expectations placed upon him.

In that moment, Jon realized they were bound not just by blood, but by a bond that transcended his understanding. He pushed aside the lingering doubts of his true origin, embracing the powerful connection with Rhea and the identity she had affirmed for him, as if it was his own.

As they lay together in the aftermath, the room filled with the soft glow of the moonlight, Jon turned to Rhea with a wry smile. "I thought you said you were a virgin," he teased gently, his voice filled with both amusement and curiosity.

Rhea, still catching her breath, looked at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "I said I've never been with a man," she replied, her tone equally teasing. "I didn't say anything about the women I've been with."

Jon chuckled softly, shaking his head in wonder. "You're full of surprises, Rhea. Or should I say, Rhaenys?" 

She smiled, leaning in to place a gentle kiss on his lips. "How about this," she suggested playfully. "When we're in bed, we're Daemon and Rhaenys. Outside of it, we're Jon and Rhea."

Jon chuckled softly, returning her kiss. "I think I can live with that," he murmured, his eyes twinkling with affection. "Daemon and Rhaenys in here, Jon and Rhea out there. It sounds perfect."

Jon's fingers traced light patterns along Rhea's spine as she lay on her stomach, her curves enticingly displayed before him. With a playful grin, he gently nudged her side. "You know, we never did discuss how you managed to survive the Sack of King's Landing," he remarked, his tone laced with curiosity.

Rhaenys turned to face Jon, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of solemnity and vulnerability. "I was never there for the Sack," she confessed, her voice carrying the weight of her past. "My mother, Elia, gave me to Oberyn in the aftermath of the Tourney of Harrenhal." She paused, a pained expression flitting across her features. "She suspected that the realm would descend into chaos the moment Rhaegar crowned Lyanna Stark as the 'Queen of Love and Beauty'."

Rhea's voice trembled slightly as she recounted the events of her past, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "My mother made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our safety," she began, her tone heavy with emotion. "She entrusted me to Oberyn, knowing that he would protect me at all costs. Oberyn had managed to procure a Dornish orphan who had features similar enough to mine that she could be passed of as Princess Rhaenys at court."

Jon listened intently, his heart aching with empathy for the young princess who had endured so much. "Your mother was incredibly brave," he murmured softly, reaching out to gently squeeze Rhea's hand in reassurance.

Rhea offered him a faint smile, her expression a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. "Oberyn raised me as his own, alongside his other daughters," she continued, her voice steady now as she recounted the years of deception and secrecy. "When the time came for the decoy plan for Aegon... it was too late. The chaos of the Usurper's Rebellion shattered any hope of executing our plan."

Jon's gaze softened, his admiration for Rhea growing with each passing moment. "You've been through so much, Rhaenys," he said softly, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "But you've emerged stronger and more resilient than ever."

Rhea's voice carried a hint of bitterness as she spoke, her words heavy with the weight of her family's tragedy. "I could blame you for the actions of Rhaegar and Lyanna," she admitted, meeting Jon's gaze without faltering. "For the price my mother and brother paid because of it." Pausing, a conflicted expression shadowed her features. "But Oberyn is right. We can't hold the child responsible for the sins of the parents."

Yet, when she looked at Jon again, determination flickered in her eyes, reflecting the fire of her Targaryen heritage. "You too lost everything that day," she continued, her voice steady. "But we still have each other. Together, we will reclaim what is rightfully ours."

Jon's demeanor softened as he absorbed Rhea's words, her determination stirring something within him. "Thank you, Rhea," he replied genuinely, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "I appreciate your support. With you at my side, I feel like we can tackle anything that comes our way, just like true dragons of House Targaryen."

Rhea then turned to press her naked body against Jon's side, in a clear attempt to divert the conversation and lighten the mood. Her tone was playful as she asked, "Would my sweet brother like her sister dearest to teach him how to perform the 'Lord's Kiss'?"

Jon chuckled softly at Rhea's playful remark, grateful for the shift in tone. "Absolutely, sister dearest!" He replied with a smirk. "I'm all ears for your... lessons."

Their laughter faded into smoldering gazes, their eyes locked in an intense exchange of desire. Jon's touch sent shivers down Rhea's spine, her body arching with anticipation as his hands traced every curve, igniting flames of pleasure with each caress. In the dim candlelight, they surrendered to the primal dance of passion, their breaths mingling in the sultry air thick with longing.

With whispered promises of ecstasy, they succumbed to the irresistible pull of desire, their lips meeting in a fervent kiss that set their souls ablaze with yearning. Lost in the heat of the moment, they explored each other with hungry abandon, their bodies moving in a seductive rhythm that echoed the pounding of their hearts.

As they melted into each other's embrace, time seemed to stand still, their senses consumed by the intoxicating rush of pleasure. In that forbidden embrace, they found solace and ecstasy, their passion igniting a fire that burned brighter with every breathless sigh and passionate caress.

As Rhea succumbed to sleep, her breaths soft and steady, Jon found himself alone with his thoughts, the silence of the night enveloping him like a comforting cloak. Turning inward, he reached out to Hestia, the enigmatic presence residing within the depths of his mind.

"Hestia," Jon whispered into the darkness of his thoughts, his voice a mere echo in the vast expanse of his consciousness. "What news do you bring?"

In response, Hestia materialized before him in his minds space, her ethereal form radiating with an otherworldly glow. With a gentle smile, she conveyed to him the fruits of his labor, the rewards earned through the trials and tribulations of the day.

"You have performed admirably, Jon," Hestia intoned, her voice a soothing melody in the silence of his mind. "Your actions have garnered you significant Gacha Points."

Jon's brows furrowed in disbelief as Hestia revealed that he had earned a staggering 500 Gacha Points, particularly for his encounter with Rhaenys. His cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he mentally tallied the points, a total of 750 points, his mind still reeling at the implications.

Jon's incredulous tone echoed in the recesses of his mind as he addressed Hestia, questioning her motives with a hint of suspicion. "Hestia," he began, "Are you... a pervert?"

Hestia's reply came swiftly, her voice tinged with indignation. "Of course not, Jon!" she exclaimed, her ethereal form shimmering with offense. "I am merely an impartial observer, rewarding your actions based on the parameters of the Gacha system."

Despite her protestations, Jon couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease. Hestia's vehement denial only served to reinforce his suspicions, leaving him to wonder just how much of a role his enigmatic companion played in the unfolding events of his journey.


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