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Chapter 14

Jon woke up in his room at Winterfell, the dawn's light just beginning to seep through the window. Today marked a month since he had transmigrated into the body of Jon Snow, a month filled with training, strategizing, and preparing for the journey ahead. He had learned a lot about his new world and his role within it, and he felt more ready than ever to face the challenges that lay ahead.

But today was special for another reason: it was Gacha roll time.

He sat up in bed, his mind buzzing with anticipation. He had been thinking a lot about what he might receive this time, and he had a few hopes and wishes. The last roll had given him invaluable assets, and he could only hope this one would be just as fruitful, if not more so.

Jon opened the Gacha interface, his excitement palpable. He checked his stats and saw he had accumulated 1200 Gacha points, enough for 12 rolls. He decided to go for a set of ten for now, saving the remaining 200 points to carry forward. This way, he could roll multiple sets of ten in a single session in the future, maximizing his chances of getting more prizes.

"Alright, Hestia," Jon thought, feeling a surge of adrenaline. "Let's do this. Initiate the Gacha roll for ten items."

The familiar interface appeared before his eyes, the wheel spinning with a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Jon watched intently, his heart pounding with each passing second. The wheel slowed down, the possibilities flashing before him. The first item began to reveal itself, and Jon's breath caught in his throat.

1. Character Card: Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)

Jon's eyes widened in astonishment as the image of Diana appeared before him. The embodiment of strength, justice, and compassion, Wonder Woman was a legendary figure.

"Hestia, is this real?" Jon asked internally, his excitement barely contained.

"Yes, Jon. Diana of Themyscira, also known as Wonder Woman, will now be available to you. She possesses immense strength, combat skills, and wisdom that will greatly aid you on your journey," Hestia replied.

Jon could hardly believe his luck. Having someone as powerful and wise as Diana by his side would be an incredible asset. He knew that her presence could change the course of his mission significantly.

Jon's attention returned to the Gacha interface as the wheel spun once more. The anticipation built up again, and he watched as the second item began to reveal itself.

2. Item: 5 Character Customization Cards

Jon's eyebrows raised in curiosity. "Hestia, what exactly do these Character Customization Cards do?" he asked.

Hestia's voice echoed in his mind, clear and informative. "These Character Customization Cards allow you to create a random backstory for a summoned character, integrating them seamlessly into this world. This ensures they can blend in naturally and have a plausible reason for their presence in Westeros or Essos."

Jon nodded, realizing the potential of these cards. With characters like Diana, Selina, and others, having a believable backstory would make it easier for them to navigate this world without raising suspicion.

"That could be incredibly useful," Jon mused. "Thank you, Hestia."

With Wonder Woman and the customization cards now at his disposal, Jon felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had powerful allies and tools to shape their integration into the world. The future seemed a bit brighter, and Jon was ready to face whatever came next.

"Let's continue with the next roll," Jon instructed, eager to see what other surprises awaited him.

The third roll produced a gleaming object that Jon instantly recognized.

3. Sling Ring (MCU)

Jon picked up the ring, his mind racing with the possibilities. "Hestia, this is incredible," he said aloud, unable to contain his excitement. "This can open portals for instant travel. It could be the key to moving between Westeros and Essos quickly and efficiently."

"Indeed," Hestia replied. "The Sling Ring will allow you to create portals to any location you can visualize clearly. It will be especially useful for bypassing long and dangerous journeys."

Jon slipped the Sling Ring onto his finger, feeling its power resonate with him. With this, he wouldn't need to worry about the treacherous sea voyage or the long trek across the continents. He could simply open a portal and step through to his destination.

"Alright, let's see what else we get," Jon said, his excitement growing with each roll. He focused on the next roll, eager to discover more items that would aid him on his journey.

4. Character Card: Victor Creed/Sabertooth (Marvel Comics)

Jon stared at the card, his mind processing the implications.

"Sabertooth," Jon murmured, "a powerful and ferocious ally, but also unpredictable and potentially dangerous."

Hestia's voice chimed in, "Victor Creed is indeed a formidable combatant with enhanced strength, agility, and regenerative abilities. However, he is also known for his brutality and lack of restraint. You will need to be cautious in how you manage him."

Jon nodded, understanding the weight of this new addition. "I'll have to find a way to harness his strengths while keeping his darker impulses in check," he thought. With Sabertooth's raw power on his side, Jon's team was becoming a formidable force.

"Let's continue," Jon said, focusing on the next roll, curious and cautious about what other surprises awaited him.

The fifth roll produced something unexpected yet intriguing.

5. Newt Scamander's Suitcase (Fantastic Beasts Series)

Jon couldn't help but grin at the sight of it.

"Newt Scamander's Suitcase," Jon mused aloud. "A fascinating artifact with boundless possibilities."

Hestia's voice chimed in, "Indeed, the Suitcase is enchanted with an extension charm, allowing it to contain an entire magical menagerie within its confines. It also has various compartments and habitats tailored to the needs of different creatures."

Jon's mind raced with the potential applications of such a remarkable item. "With this Suitcase," he thought, "we could transport my Warg Bonds with ease."

"An excellent addition to our collection," Jon said with satisfaction, already envisioning the adventures and discoveries that awaited them with Newt Scamander's Suitcase in their possession. He eagerly awaited the results of the next roll, eager to see what other treasures fate had in store for him.

6. Character Card: Slade Wiilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)

Jon studied the card with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Deathstroke," Jon murmured, his mind racing with the implications of having such a formidable figure at his disposal. "A skilled mercenary and tactician, with enhanced strength, speed, and agility."

Hestia's voice broke into his thoughts, "Deathstroke's combat prowess and strategic acumen make him a formidable ally on the battlefield. His expertise in hand-to-hand combat and arsenal of advanced weaponry could prove invaluable in our endeavors."

Jon pondered Hestia's words, considering the potential benefits of assimilating Sabertooth and Deathstroke into his being. Their enhanced physical attributes and combat skills could indeed complement his own abilities, making him an even more formidable force on the battlefield.

"Assimilating Sabertooth and Deathstroke would certainly enhance my combat prowess," Jon mused, weighing the options carefully. "Their strength, speed, and tactical expertise could provide a significant advantage in our fight against the darkness that threatens Westeros."

He made a mental note to explore the possibility further, knowing that assimilating additional characters would not only strengthen him but also broaden his range of abilities and strategies. With Wonder Woman, Sabertooth, and Deathstroke by his side, Jon felt more confident than ever in his ability to face the challenges ahead.

7. 5 vials of Monster DNA (Monster Hunter World)

Jon's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the vials of Monster DNA. He had heard tales of the fearsome creatures that roamed the world of Monster Hunter, and the potential applications of their genetic material intrigued him.

"Hestia, what can I do with these vials of Monster DNA?" Jon inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"These vials contain genetic material extracted from some of the most powerful and exotic creatures in the Monster Hunter world," Hestia explained. "When administered to an animal, they will induce a transformation on a genetic level, transforming the animal into a Monster from the Monster Hunter World. I advise that you use them on your Warg Bonds."

Jon listened intently to Hestia's explanation, considering her words carefully. The idea of enhancing his Warg Bonds with the genetic material from the Monster Hunter world intrigued him greatly.

"It's a risky proposition," Jon acknowledged, "but it could also provide us with a significant advantage in the battles to come. Transforming my Warg Bonds into powerful monsters could turn the tide in our favor."

He paused for a moment, weighing the potential benefits against the potential risks. "I'll proceed cautiously," he decided finally, "but I agree that using the vials on my Warg Bonds could be our best course of action."

With a nod of determination, Jon resolved to utilize the vials of Monster DNA strategically, harnessing their power to strengthen his allies and bolster their defenses against the looming threats that faced them.

8. Wizarding Tent (Harry Potter)

As Jon examined the Wizarding tent from the Harry Potter universe, he couldn't help but marvel at its magical properties. It was much larger on the inside than it appeared from the outside, offering spacious and comfortable accommodation wherever he traveled.

"This will certainly come in handy," Jon remarked, his mind already spinning with possibilities. "With this tent, we'll have a safe and secure place to rest and regroup, no matter where our journey takes us."

He made a mental note to ensure that the Wizarding tent was packed and ready for their departure to Essos. Its enchantments would provide them with a sanctuary amidst the chaos of their adventures, offering a semblance of home in the midst of uncertainty.

9. 5 vials of Wiggenweld Potion (Harry Potter)

As Jon received another set of vials containing Wiggenweld Potion, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. These potions would prove invaluable in their future, offering potent healing properties that could mend even the most grievous of wounds.

"These potions will be a welcome addition to our supplies," Jon remarked, considering their potential applications. "Their healing properties could make all the difference in a dire situation, allowing us to recover quickly and press on with our mission."

He made a mental note to distribute the Wiggenweld Potions among his companions, ensuring that they were readily available when needed most. In a world fraught with danger and uncertainty, having access to such powerful healing remedies could mean the difference between life and death.

10. 5 vials of Pepper-Up Potion (Harry Potter)

As Jon obtained another set of vials containing Pepper-Up Potion, he couldn't help but chuckle at the coincidence. It seemed that fate had decided to gift him with these invigorating potions once again.

"These Pepper-Up Potions will certainly come in handy," Jon remarked, recalling their energizing effects. "Their ability to banish fatigue and revitalize the body could prove invaluable during long journeys or intense battles."

He made a mental note to distribute the Pepper-Up Potions among his companions, ensuring that they had access to the potions' rejuvenating properties whenever needed. In a world fraught with peril and challenges, having such potent remedies at their disposal could mean the difference between success and failure.

With a determined look in his eyes, Jon wasted no time in summoning Diana, the powerful warrior known as Wonder Woman. As she materialized before him, he activated the Character Customization Card, eager to integrate her seamlessly into this world.

"Diana," Jon began, his voice filled with a sense of purpose as he addressed her with a respectful nod. "Welcome to Winterfell. From this day forward, you shall be known as Diana Mormont, twin sister of Dacey Mormont, and wielder of the Valyrian steel sword Longclaw."

Diana stood before him, clad in black and forest green padded leather armor, the colors of House Mormont. The addition of the classic golden bracelets associated with Wonder Woman added a touch of regality to her attire. Longclaw hung at her hips, a symbol of her strength and valor.

"Thank you, Jon," Diana replied, her voice steady and resolute. "I am honored to bear this name and to fight alongside you in the battles to come."

With Diana Mormont now by his side, Jon felt a renewed sense of purpose. Together, they would face the challenges ahead, united in their quest to protect the realm and vanquish its foes.

Jon nodded to himself, satisfied with the progress of the assimilation process for Sabertooth and Deathstroke. Though he felt a momentary discomfort at the merging of their abilities with his own, he knew it was a necessary step in enhancing his strength and capabilities.

He checked his stats, finding both Sabertooth and Deathstroke listed among the characters being assimilated, with their progress at 11% each. It was a promising start, and Jon looked forward to seeing the full extent of their abilities once the process was complete.

Jon nodded to himself, his plan taking shape. With the Sling Ring in hand, he focused his mind on transporting Diana close to Selina and Ser Arthur's location. With a flick of his wrist and a whispered incantation, a portal opened before Diana, leading her to her destination.

"Remember, Diana," Jon said, his voice firm but gentle, "inform Ser Arthur that you will be joining our party. Tell him that I received another 'gift from the Old Gods,' and that I will be arriving shortly."

Diana nodded, a determined expression on her face. "Understood, Jon," she replied, her voice steady. "I will deliver your message."

With that, Diana stepped through the portal, disappearing from sight as it closed behind her. Jon watched her go, a sense of satisfaction settling over him. With Diana on her way, he could focus on preparing for the journey ahead, confident that his message would reach Ser Arthur in due time.

Jon stood before his family, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. He looked at each of them in turn, committing their faces to memory.

"Robb, Arya, Bran," he began, his voice soft but steady. "I want to thank you for everything. You've been my family, my friends, my support. I couldn't have asked for better siblings."

Robb clasped Jon's shoulder, his expression somber. "You'll always be a Stark, Jon," he said firmly. "No matter where you go or what you do, Winterfell will always be your home."

Arya stepped forward, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "Take care of yourself out there, Jon," she said, her voice catching slightly. "And remember, if anyone gives you trouble, just send them my way."

Bran remained silent, but his eyes spoke volumes. Jon met his gaze, a silent understanding passing between them.

Jon turned to Sansa, uncertain of what to expect. He had always felt a distance between them, a barrier erected by the walls of their upbringing and the prejudices of society. But as he looked into Sansa's eyes, he saw something unexpected—a glimmer of understanding, a flicker of warmth.

Before he could speak, Sansa stepped forward and enveloped him in a hesitant but genuine embrace. Jon froze for a moment, surprised by the gesture, before tentatively returning the hug.

"Take care, Jon," Sansa whispered, her voice barely audible. "And... thank you."

Jon nodded, a lump forming in his throat. He didn't know what had prompted Sansa's sudden display of affection, but he felt a surge of gratitude and warmth towards his sister.

As they parted, Jon offered Sansa a small smile, a silent acknowledgment of the newfound bond between them.

Jon turned to Ned and Catelyn, his throat tight with emotion. "Lord Stark, Lady Stark," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for everything you've done for me. I hope to make you proud."

Ned enveloped Jon in a warm embrace, his voice gruff with emotion. "You already have, Jon," he said, his words filled with pride. "You already have."

Catelyn embraced Jon next, her grip firm but gentle. "Take care of yourself, Jon," she said softly. "And remember, you always have a home here."

Jon felt a mixture of surprise and gratitude wash over him. Catelyn's unexpected warmth filled him with a sense of relief and belonging that he hadn't realized he'd been craving. As he pulled back from the embrace, he met her eyes, seeing a genuine sincerity that he had never noticed before. It was as if a weight had been lifted, and Jon couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for their relationship moving forward.

With a final nod to his family, Jon climbed atop his horse Shadow, feeling the familiar weight of his companions, Ghost and Midnight, at his side. With a determined set to his jaw, he urged Shadow forward, the horse breaking into a steady gallop as they rode out of Winterfell. As the castle faded into the distance behind him, Jon's heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and apprehension for the journey ahead. With every step, he felt the weight of his responsibilities pressing down upon him, but he also felt a sense of purpose guiding him forward into the unknown.

Jon's arrival at the campsite brought an unexpected sight. Ser Arthur Dayne and Diana Mormont were engaged in a spirited spar, their movements fluid and precise as they danced around each other, exchanging blows with a grace and skill that spoke of years of training.

As Jon approached, his presence caught their attention, and they both paused, turning to regard him with curiosity.

"Jon!" Ser Arthur greeted, a smile lighting up his features. "It's good to see you. I didn't expect you so soon."

Jon returned the smile, dismounting from Shadow and approaching the pair. "I wanted to join you as soon as possible," he explained, casting a glance at Diana. "And it seems I've arrived just in time to witness an impressive display of skill."

Diana inclined her head in acknowledgment, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Jon," she said, her voice calm and composed. "Ser Arthur has been an excellent sparring partner."

"Where's Vermithor?" Jon inquired, scanning the vicinity for any sign of the dragon.

Ser Arthur gestured towards a nearby clearing. "He's taking a nap," he replied with a chuckle. "He'll be joining us soon enough."

Selina and Diana shared a knowing glance before turning their attention back to Jon, wearing mischievous smiles.

"So, Jon," Selina began, her tone teasing, "care to explain why you never mentioned you have a dragon?"

Diana chimed in, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Yes, Jon," she added, "we thought we were your friends. How could you keep such a magnificent creature a secret from us?"

Jon chuckled, shaking his head at their playful banter. "I suppose I wanted to surprise you," he replied with a grin. "But don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with Vermithor."

Ser Arthur motioned for Jon to follow him a few paces away from Selina and Diana, his expression serious.

"Jon," he began in a low voice, "how much do the girls know?"

Jon glanced back at Selina and Diana, who were still engaged in their playful banter, before turning his attention back to Ser Arthur.

Jon turned back to Ser Arthur, his expression serious.

"Selina and Diana are my oldest friends," he explained quietly. "I've told them everything, including my parentage, my ability to Warg, and commune with the Old Gods. But I kept Vermithor as a surprise."

Ser Arthur's eyebrows raised in surprise, but he nodded slowly, understanding Jon's reasoning.

"I see," he said, his tone thoughtful. "It's good to have allies you can trust, especially in times like these."

Jon nodded, his eyes following Selina's graceful movements as she moved around the campsite.

"Selina is skilled at stealth and infiltration," he explained to Ser Arthur. "She's proven herself to be an invaluable asset in gathering information. With her on our side, we'll have a significant advantage in our endeavors."

Ser Arthur nodded, a hint of pride evident in his expression.

"I can attest to Diana's prowess firsthand," he remarked, casting a glance towards where Diana stood, her posture confident and poised. "Our sparring session earlier was quite enlightening. She's an exceptional fighter, with skills that rival even the most seasoned warriors."

Jon's lips curved into a smile of satisfaction. Having Diana by their side would undoubtedly strengthen their team and bolster their chances of success in the challenges that lay ahead.

Ser Arthur turned back to Jon, a curious expression on his face.

"Diana mentioned something about you receiving another gift from the Old Gods," he remarked, his tone laced with intrigue. "What was it?"

Jon smirked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he responded, "Oh, just a few gifts here and there. Come I'll show them to you."

With a flourish, Jon retrieved the folded cloth from his bag and placed it on the ground. He tapped the top of it with his finger and stepped back. As if by magic, the cloth began to unfold, growing impossibly larger until it transformed into a fully erected tent, standing tall and sturdy before them.

Arthur, Diana, and Selina gazed at the tent with wonder, marveling at its size and grandeur. They exchanged incredulous looks before stepping inside, expecting to find a cramped space. However, as they entered, they were greeted by the sight of a vast interior, spacious enough to rival a small mansion. Their eyes widened in amazement as they explored the luxurious surroundings, realizing that Jon's gifts were truly extraordinary.

Arthur's eyebrows shot up in surprise, a mixture of admiration and disbelief crossing his features. Diana's lips parted in awe, her eyes scanning the interior of the tent with wonder. Selina's expression shifted from curiosity to delight, a grin spreading across her face as she took in the lavish surroundings.

"This is incredible," Arthur exclaimed, his voice tinged with amazement.

Diana nodded in agreement, her gaze sweeping over the tent's interior. "I've never seen anything like it," she remarked, her tone filled with genuine awe.

Selina couldn't suppress her excitement, her eyes sparkling with delight. "I could get used to this," she said with a grin, her fingers trailing over the fine furnishings.

Jon watched their reactions with satisfaction, pleased to have impressed his companions with his gifts. He knew that they would prove invaluable on their journey to Essos, and he was eager to see what other surprises awaited them.


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