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Bab 21: Chapter 21: Hidden Quest 6

Jett's eyes widened as he processed the gravity of his situation. "Oh right, I forgot about that penalty," he muttered, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips as he glanced away.

"You forgot something that important?" Finn's voice sliced through the tense air, his anger palpable as he jabbed a finger accusingly at Jett. "How am I supposed to support you or myself?" he lamented, the weight of their situation evident in his defeated tone.

Jett merely shrugged, a sarcastic smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Hey, it slipped my mind," he replied casually, though inwardly he acknowledged the gravity of his mistake. He glanced at his status information, seeking solace in any advantage he could find.

As he scanned the data, relief flooded him as he spotted a helpful skill. With a breath of relief, he turned his attention back to Finn. "So, how confident are you in your combat power right now?" he inquired, his tone betraying a hint of amusement.

Finn shook his head despondently. "Not good," he admitted ruefully. "I'm practically defenseless without my skills."

Jett couldn't help but smirk at Finn's plight. "Looks like you're even lazier than I thought," he teased. "But don't worry, I've got your back. I can give you a stat boost for about ten minutes while I provide support from the rear."

Finn regarded him skeptically, his gaze searching Jett's face for reassurance. "And after that?" he pressed, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jett's expression hardened, determination flashing in his eyes as he pointed toward the looming undead army. "After that, I'll take care of the rest," he declared firmly. "Just focus on them."

With the countdown timer ticking away ominously in the background, the two companions steeled themselves for the battle ahead, their resolve unyielding despite the odds stacked against them.

[Time Remaining: 00:26:58]

[Divine Insight]

- 100% debuff on all enemies

- 30% critical hit chances.

- 300% buff for all stats for all allies

- Exposes enemies weak spots to the user and his allies.

- Holy attribute.]

[Duration: 10 minutes]

[Cooldown: 10 minutes]

"You have an area buff skill? What else are you hiding?" Finn's astonishment was evident as he felt the surge of increased stats coursing through him, surpassing even his previous levels.

Jett flashed a grin. "Area buff skill? Yeah, a few," he replied vaguely, masking the true extent of his abilities. 'Better to keep it simple,' he mused internally, opting not to disclose the full extent of his powers, particularly his unique skill akin to that of a priestess.

As Finn launched into the fray, he noticed a newfound clarity in his vision, highlighted targets standing out amidst the chaos. "I can even see highlights on them, why is that?" he queried, seeking guidance from Jett.

"They'll go down easier if you target those spots!" Jett's voice echoed from behind, his strategic insight proving invaluable in their fight against the undead horde.

With Jett's magical support bolstering his efforts, Finn became a force to be reckoned with, effortlessly dispatching their foes one by one. Unaware of the true origin of Jett's abilities, he pressed on, his confidence unwavering amidst the chaos of battle.

Unbeknownst to Finn, the [Divine Insight] was the skill he had copied from Jean during their first meeting, a rare and coveted ability reserved for a chosen few among the priesthood. Yet here he stood, a Magic Swordsman harnessing its power, although imperfect. The implications of such a revelation weighed heavily on Jett's mind, knowing the potential consequences of being exposed as a heretic or worse.

He couldn't afford the scrutiny or the danger it posed to his family. With each swing of his blade, he fought not only to survive but to safeguard his secrets from prying eyes.

[Time Remaining: 00:16:58]

"Now for my finishing move!" Finn's battle cry rang out as he leaped towards the horde of undead, his spear poised to strike. But as the buff dissipated, his weapon felt as light as feathers to the monsters. "Uh-oh..." he muttered, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach.

The undead closed in, overwhelming him with their relentless onslaught. With nowhere to turn, Finn resigned himself to his fate, until he caught sight of Jett sliding through the hoard stopping next to him, his palm stretched upwards.

"Get down," Jett yell, his voice cutting through the tension. Acting on instinct, Finn crouched low to the ground as Jett unleashed his devastating combination attack.

[Tactical Mirage]


"Burn," Jett intoned, and in an instant, the entire area erupted in flames, reducing their enemies to ash. "Alright, dead weight, just make sure not to get killed," he quipped, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Finn narrowed his eyes, suspicion tingeing his words. "You don't look so tired. What were you doing back there this whole time?" he questioned, sensing that Jett's earlier fatigue may have been a ruse.

"Taking it easy, watching you play the role of a self-entitled anime protagonist," Jett retorted, a smirk playing at his lips.

"Don't you ever tell anyone about that," Finn warned, but his face was red with embarrassment.

"My lips are sealed," Jett assured him, before enveloping himself in his Aura and swiftly clearing the remaining undead with effortless precision.

To Finn's amazement, monsters that had once taken him multiple strikes to defeat fell before Jett's blade with ease, leaving him both envious and awestruck.

[Time Remaining: 00:9:38]

[Ricochet Strike]

Before Finn could fully comprehend what was happening, Jett had already vanished from his sight. His movements were a blur, too swift for Finn to track. All he could discern were the gusts of wind left in Jett's wake as he darted from angle to angle, his sword striking true and monsters shattering upon impact.

Finn found himself relegated to the role of a mere spectator, watching in awe as someone his age accomplished feats he had only ever dreamed of. The realization dawned upon him, widening the distance between their abilities.

[Time Remaining: 00:02:43]

Jett reveled in the thrill of battle, freed from the burden of protecting Finn as before. With each swing of his sword, he harvested free experience points, his enjoyment palpable as he effortlessly dispatched their enemies.

The quest drew ever closer to its conclusion, time ticking away as they neared their goal.

[Time Remaining: 00:00:00]

[Quest Complete]

[Both participants have earned the title Undead Slayer]

[Contribution: 70%]

[Rewards are being calculated]

[You will be sent back to the CURSED SHOP]

Notifications began to pop up, signaling their successful completion of the quest. Both Jett and Finn received a title for surpassing expectations and annihilating the undead menace.

[Undead Slayer]

[Obtained this title for slaying and purifying more than a thousand undead]

[10% bonus damage against all undead monsters]

With a flash of light, they found themselves back in the familiar confines of the CURSED SHOP, their bodies weary but spirits soaring with victory.

"We made it. I never thought I'd be so relieved to see this place again," Finn exclaimed, his relief palpable as he embraced the nearest shelf for support.

[Rewards have been calculated]

[Force Contract Knowledge]

[Additional Reward]

[Skill: Clone D]

[2000 Soul Gems]

[Skill: Auto Spell A]

As the rewards materialized before them, anticipation filled the air. Jett grinned at Finn's reaction, amused by his sudden outburst. "What did you get?" he inquired, curiosity dancing in his eyes as he leaned against the wall.

Finn shrugged nonchalantly, still caught up in the euphoria of their victory. "Got a new title, 200 Soul Gems, some return scrolls, and a new skill," he replied, listing off his rewards. "But no Force Contract Knowledge like it mentioned before the quest."

Jett's smile faltered slightly at the mention of the missing reward. "We got totally different rewards," he muttered under his breath, making a mental note to keep Finn in the dark about the disparity in their gains. 'Best if he doesn't know.'

Silent for a moment, Jett observed Finn, his mind whirring with thoughts. Sensing Jett's gaze, Finn grew defensive. "What?" he demanded, a hint of suspicion coloring his tone. "You're not planning on starting the next quest right now, right?"

"Hehe, you seem to be able to read my thoughts," Jett quipped, sidestepping Finn's question with a playful retort.

"There's no door to open, dumbass," Finn remarked, gesturing around the shop. The only two doors that had been present before were now nowhere to be seen.

Ignoring Finn's comment, Jett approached the counter, his demeanor focused as he produced the ink and quill from their earlier quest. With a whisper, he uttered, "Force Contract Knowledge."

Instantly, the quill sprang to life, hovering in mid-air as though guided by an unseen hand. It began to write on the paper of its own accord, tracing out intricate symbols and lines.

"A g… g… ghost!" Finn exclaimed in alarm at the sight of the quill's autonomous movement.

"Just calm down," Jett reassured him, his voice steady as he maintained control over the quill. "Think of it as my new skill."

Both Jett and the shopkeeper remained calm, their understanding of the situation evident as they watched the quill continue its mysterious task.

The quill's movements ceased as Jett carefully signed his name on the paper, followed by the old man. With a deliberate motion, Jett pierced his finger with the quill, allowing a drop of his blood to fall upon the spot where he had signed.

As the blood made contact with the paper, the shopkeeper's body began to glow, particles of dust swirling around his legs as if caught in a whirlwind.

"Hu hu hu… I'm free, I'm finally free," the old man exclaimed with joy, his form dissipating into the air. "You have my thanks, the final rewards are yours."

With a sense of gratitude, he passed a golden key to Jett before vanishing completely, leaving only Jett and Finn standing in the now empty shop.

"What just happened?" Finn questioned, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern.

"Quest complete," Jett responded calmly, his gaze meeting Finn's as he processed the events that had unfolded.

"If that's the case, why are we still here, and what does the key open?" Finn pressed for answers, his curiosity piqued.

Jett tossed the key to Finn, a wry smile playing at his lips. "The Shop," he declared simply, his tone tinged with significance. "I was originally going to give it to you when I cleared the quest myself and got back, but here you go."

Finn barely managed to catch the key, his mind racing with the implications of their newfound possession. As the key made contact with his hand, a new screen materialized before them, presenting a choice.

[The shop no longer holds a curse and requires an owner.]

[Who should claim ownership? Jett/Finn]

"The shop is yours. I was never the merchant type," Jett offered generously, relinquishing his claim to the reward without hesitation.

"Really? This is..." Finn's initial elation faltered as he considered everything that had transpired. "You deserve this more than I do," he insisted, attempting to return the key to Jett.

Jett observed Finn's reluctance to accept the key, knowing that he wouldn't simply take it without feeling a sense of guilt. "Who said I'm giving it to you for free?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Just know I'll come to collect my payment one day," he added, refusing to take back the key.

"Alright then, thank you. I'll accept," Finn replied, his gratitude evident in the subtle smile that graced his lips.

[Finn has accepted ownership of the Shop]


[Skill: Shop Domain]

[Named Weapon: Midas Spear EX]

[x1 Red Rune Stone]

[x1 Yellow Rune Stone]

"Wow, I got an EX class weapon. Don't go back on your word and start getting jealous now," Finn quipped, his excitement palpable as he examined his newfound treasures.

[Jett has rejected ownership of the Shop]


[Force Contract Knowledge will now be updated to suit the user]

[Skill: Forced Contract S]

[x3 Red Rune Stone]

[x3 Green Rune Stone]

[x3 Yellow Rune Stone]

[x3 Dark Rune Stone]

[x1 White Rune Stone]

Jett couldn't help but smile as he examined the compensation for forgoing the main reward. "I've got what I originally came here to do. You're actually best suited for the reward for this quest," he explained, his tone genuine as he acknowledged Finn's prowess. "Even if I had that weapon, it would never be as effective as when you use it."

Finn's face lit up with excitement, misinterpreting Jett's intentions. "So you intentionally brought me here to claim the reward?" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm evident.

Jett chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "No, not really. I was planning on bagging all the rewards and selling you the ones I wasn't compatible with," he confessed, waving his hands to dispel Finn's misunderstanding.

As a golden door materialized where they had originally entered the shop, Finn's expression shifted to one of realization. "Sneaky bastard, I knew you were up to no good," he muttered, though there was a hint of admiration in his voice as he unlocked the door.

As they stepped back into the deserted alley, their eyes met, a silent agreement passing between them.

"We never speak of this to anyone," Finn declared firmly.

"Agreed. Now let's go have some fun," Jett agreed, a grin spreading across his face as they made their way back to where the fair had been held, ready to embrace whatever adventures awaited them next.




I think I went overboard and made the chapter too long

My bad

Dark_Eyez Dark_Eyez

I really appreciate the support

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