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Shadows of the Past


As Caleb led me to my room, my mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The council meeting had been overwhelming, and I felt a mix of fear, uncertainty, and something new—something warm and thrilling that I couldn't quite put into words. When we reached my door, I felt a pang of anxiety at the thought of him leaving.

"Here we are," he said softly, stopping in front of my room. His eyes met mine, and I saw the concern and care reflected in them. As he turned to leave, my grip on his arm tightened instinctively, pulling him back to me.

He smirked, and my heart skipped a beat. Gently, he cupped my face in his hands, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. "Goodnight, Ava," he whispered, leaning in to kiss me. The kiss was slow and deep, sending waves of warmth through my entire body. I melted into him, feeling safe and cherished in his arms.

When he finally pulled away, his forehead rested against mine for a moment, and I savored the closeness. "Sleep well," he murmured before stepping back and heading across the hall to his own room.

I stood there in my doorway, stunned and hot. My heart raced, and I touched my lips, still tingling from the kiss. The evening had been intense, but that kiss left me feeling a mixture of hope and longing. This felt like a dream. That man was gorgeous without trying and he wanted me? Am I really this lucky?

As I closed the door to my room, I couldn't help but smile. Despite the uncertainties and the challenges ahead, I felt a sense of excitement for what was to come. Caleb and I had a chemistry that I couldn't denied, and I was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead with him by my side.

I walked over to the window, looking out at the moonlit grounds. The night was peaceful, but my mind was buzzing with thoughts of Caleb. How could someone who carried such a heavy burden still manage to make me feel so safe and cherished? I found myself wondering what his past was like, what had shaped him into the man he was today.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I replayed the events of the evening in my mind. The council meeting, the tension, and the way Caleb had defended me. It was clear that he was fighting more than just the pack's expectations—he was battling something within himself. I wanted to help him, to be there for him in any way I could.

With a sigh, I lay back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. My thoughts drifted to our kiss, the warmth of his lips against mine. I touched my lips again, smiling softly. Despite everything, I felt a sense of hope.


After bidding Ava goodnight, I walked into my room, closing the door behind me and locking it. The moment I was alone, a sharp pain shot through my chest, causing me to clutch at my heart. The curse was going to show its ass tonight, I thought grimly.

I made my way to the bathroom, each step a struggle as the pain intensified. Opening the medicine cabinet, I grabbed a vial of odd-colored liquid. Without hesitation, I drank it down, the bitter taste making me grimace. The liquid would numb the pain, but the nasty trade-off was vivid, terrifying nightmares.

As the numbness slowly spread through my body, I sank to the floor, leaning against the cool tiles. My breathing was ragged, and sweat beaded on my forehead. The curse's grip on me was stronger tonight, reminding me of the ever-looming threat it posed.

Despite the pain and the dread of the coming nightmares, a small smile played on my lips as I thought of Ava. She was different from any other woman I had ever met. With her, I actually felt something—a warmth and connection that had been absent in all my other interactions. All the other women I had known barely stirred anything within me outside of basic human decency.

Ava was different. With her, I felt alive. The memory of her kiss, the way she had held onto me, and the look in her eyes gave me hope. It was a small comfort amidst the darkness, a reminder of what I was fighting for. For the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of happiness and purpose.

As the pain began to subside, replaced by the numbing effects of the potion, I closed my eyes, focusing on Ava's face and the promise of what we could become. Even as the darkness of the nightmares loomed, I held onto that hope, letting it guide me through the night.

I stumbled to my bed, collapsing onto it as the numbness spread. The curse might take its toll on me, but for the first time, I felt like I had something worth fighting for. Ava's presence in my life was a beacon of light in the darkness, a chance at breaking free from the curse that had plagued my family for generations.

As sleep overtook me, the nightmares began, vivid and terrifying. But through the darkness, I clung to the memory of Ava's touch, her kiss, and the warmth she brought into my life. It was enough to keep me going, to give me strength to face another day.

In the midst of the torment, one thought remained clear: I would do whatever it took to protect Ava and find a way to break this curse. With her by my side, I felt like anything was possible.

The next morning, I woke up feeling unusually refreshed. Waking up feeling this normal was unheard of after my bad nights. The nightmares had been as vivid and terrifying as ever, but the memory of Ava's kiss and the warmth she brought into my life had given me a strange sense of peace. I stretched and got out of bed, feeling a small pang of guilt for sleeping in. I usually woke up early to set an example for the pack.

As I made my way downstairs, the sound of laughter and clinking dishes greeted me. I followed the noise to the kitchen, where I found Ava and Lily already eating breakfast. They looked up as I entered, smiles lighting up their faces. Lily's eyes widened slightly in surprise, and I knew she had noticed my unusual early appearance after a bad night.

"Good morning," I said, taking a seat at the table. The aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, making my stomach growl. I looked at the spread before me—fried potatoes, French toast, scrambled eggs, and a side of blueberries and strawberries. It smelled divine.

"Morning, Caleb," Lily said with a grin. "Finally decided to join us, huh?" She gave me a subtle, questioning look, silently asking if I was really alright.

I shrugged slightly, genuinely unsure of what was different. The look we exchanged spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of the rarity of me feeling this well after such a night. Ava, unaware of the curse, simply smiled warmly at us.

I chuckled, grabbing a plate and loading it with food. As I took my first bite, I couldn't help but marvel at how delicious it was. The flavors seemed to dance on my tongue, and I found myself wondering if I was going crazy. Everything tasted better than usual.

"This is amazing," I said between bites. "Lily, what did you do differently?"

Lily's eyes twinkled with mischief as she leaned back in her chair. "Oh, I didn't do much. Ava took over breakfast."

Ava laughed, a cheerful sound that filled the room. "I wanted to give Lily a break."

I flashed a look at Lily, my eyebrows raised in surprise. Ava cooked? I glanced at Ava, who was blushing slightly. "You cooked this?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face.

Ava nodded, her eyes meeting mine. "I did. Lily supervised, of course," she added, gesturing to Lily's empty plate.

Lily laughed, shaking her head. "Supervised is a bit of an exaggeration. I mostly ate and watched her work her magic."

I nodded, taking another bite of the delicious food. "Well, it's incredible. Thank you, Ava."

Ava's blush deepened, and she smiled shyly. "I'm glad you like it."

Lily chuckled, nudging me playfully. "You know, Caleb rarely gives out glowing reviews. You must have really impressed him."

I laughed, feeling a warmth spread through me that had nothing to do with the food. "What can I say? Ava's cooking is something special."

As we continued eating, I found myself thinking about Ava's many talents. She's an amazing archer and a great cook. I wondered how many more surprises she had up her sleeve. Even my wolf wagged his tail at the thought of her, which was surprising. He never got excited about the females I liked. Ava is truly different.

Finishing off my plate, I leaned back in my chair, feeling full and content.

"Thank you again, Ava. You made my morning," I said sincerely.

She smiled back, a sparkle in her eyes.

"I'm happy to help."

We continued chatting, the conversation flowing easily. For the first time in a long while, I felt a sense of normalcy and contentment. Ava's presence had brought a new energy into the packhouse, even Lily was happier, and I found myself looking forward to each day more and more.

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