6th Month of 298 A.C. Riverrun
Ser Jaime Lannister
Jaime had ridden hard from King's Landing, leaving in the dead of night when none would be around, he had ridden, well, he was not sure why. Was it a mixture of fear and pity for Tyrion that had made him ride out from King's Landing as if the stranger was chasing him? Or was it something else? He did not know for certain, all he knew was that speaking with Ned Stark had made him realise a few things. That conversation had shown him just how determined Stark was to see Prince Aegon on the throne, regardless of the entail that King Aerys had passed and made public before his death, Jaime wondered how Stark intended to get that to settle with the more ardent Targaryen loyalists, as well as those who were Stark's enemies, and he figured he did not want to know. Truth be told, he probably should not have even been thinking of such a thing, he was a Kingsguard, it was his duty to serve and obey, nothing else. And yet, he was also a person, and his mind was racing with all the possible outcomes, Cersei might have been many things, but she could be quite capable when she wanted to be, and he knew Stark did not have many complete allies within court itself. Varys was a snake, who was supporting the seven only knew who, Littlefinger was a snake who needed to be removed, he was not really even a snake, more a mockingbird, an annoyance that could be deadly if left unattended. There were many obstacles standing in the prince's way to the throne, some of which were out of Jaime's control, some of which were not, he had been the one to suggest to Barristan that he put the notion within Robert's mind about getting the Targaryen girl, and making sure she was brought to Westeros, perhaps the prince might have his way with her, and remove Aerys' blood for good. He knew all about Barristan's conflicting thoughts over the dragons, the man was a hypocrite, slighting Jaime for what he had done, whilst at the same time, kissing the ring of the usurper. Jaime had not wanted to do that, he had only done it because his king had ordered him to play a part all those years ago, he regretted nothing, well he regretted one thing, that he could not have spared Tyrion the trouble and the hurt all of this had caused. His brother was many things, but brave in the face of loved ones shitting on him, he was not. He might've hidden his anger and rage whilst they are children through books and smart remarks, but as they had gotten older, well drink had found its way into his brother's system more often than not, and that was what worried Jaime now. He looks at his brother and sees Tyrion looking back at him, his mismatched eyes staring at him intently.
"So," Jaime begins, his voice sounding uncertain. "How have you been brother?"
Tyrion laughs. "We've not seen one another for four moons, and the first thing you can ask me is how have I been? Gods Jaime, I did not know that the capital had turned your brain to dirt."
Well at least that much hasn't changed. Jaime thinks to himself, smiling he says. "Well, I was merely being polite brother. If you want, I can ask you how the stay at the wall was? Whether or not Northern women really have frozen holes. What would you like me to ask?"
He feels relieved to see Tyrion smiling. "Well, since you asked so nicely. I am fine, there have been a few surprises along the way, but mostly I have been fine."
Jaime does his best to act surprised, now is not the time to ask about the girl, he has to remain focused. "So what was the wall like then dear brother? Did you piss off the edge of it?"
Tyrion grins wolfishly then. "Oh I did more than just piss off of it brother. I killed a Wildling."
Jaime looks at his brother stunned. "Really?"
"Yes, really. The wildlings were raiding in big bands when I was there, I had my fair share of fights. The Night's Watch really is undermanned, it is not equipped to do its job properly, even with the northmen sending men there. It seems as if it is merely there at the arse end of the world, and the brothers of the Night's Watch know it." Tyrion says.
Jaime looks at his brother concerned then. "What are you saying Tyrion?" he asks cautiously.
"What I am saying is that, we should've spent more time focussing on improving the wall, instead of worrying about some silver haired shit across the narrow sea. The Night's Watch has had no funding from the crown for generations, and right now, I think they are beginning to wonder why they should even bother protecting the realms. Had it not been for the Starks, I think we'd have seen around five wildling invasions already." Tyrion responds.
Jaime considers what his brother has told him, if this is one more problem his king will have to face, he will want to know everything about it. "You think it is truly that bad?" he asks.
"Well it must be if I was required to fight a few battles with the raiders' brother. I know some of them slipped through our grasp, and so word was sent south to Winterfell, and I think that Stark dealt with them." Tyrion says.
Jaime looks at his brother, assessing him then, looking to see how his face changes when he brings up the Starks, he wonders, does his brother suspect? "And what were things like within the command of the watch?"
"Good though Jeor Mormont their lord commander is getting older, and I think some of them are going to die soon enough." Tyrion responds.
"Why are the wildlings fleeing in such great numbers?" Jaime asks.
"What makes you think they are fleeing?" Tyrion asks.
"Well, from the way you've been describing it, what else could it be? Wildlings do not normally travel well in big groups as far as I can remember. Something must be making them come south." Jaime says.
His brother seems to be pondering this if the expression on his face is anything to go by. Eventually he speaks. "They are looking for a horn I believe. One of the wildlings we captured said something about a horn, and how their king wanted it."
"What would they want with a horn?" Jaime asks.
"I do not know, and nothing that I have read has mentioned such a thing. Perhaps it was a lie, I would not put it past the wildlings to make such a thing up to give Winterfell even more headaches." Tyrion says.
"Speaking of Winterfell, how was your time there?" Jaime asks.
"It was good, the Starks seemed to be tense about something or the other, but that could simply have been the growing wildling presence south of the wall. The Stark heir seems to be maturing, and his bastard cousin seems to be growing as well." Tyrion responds.
Jaime has to fight to keep himself from flinching when Tyrion calls the prince a bastard. "That is good, did you do much when you were there?"
"In Winterfell? Pah, no, I spent most of my time in the town enjoying the brothel and the delight of a certain girl named Ros." Tyrion responds.
Jaime smiles. "So then, why did you not come back to King's Landing immediately once that was done? Why tarry?"
"Ah brother, you share a problem that our sister and father share. You do not understand the joys of travelling, we live in such a diverse and interesting kingdom, it would be a shame not to be able to travel and explore it. I spent time within different keeps within the north. I even spent some time with Benjen Stark, Lord of Barrowton and the Rills." Tyrion replies.
Jaime feels himself perk up at that, he knows Benjen Stark, has spoken with him on more than one occasion. "And what did you do whilst you were there?"
"Oh, drank and talked. He has a lot of stories to tell, Stark does, considering he was a third son. But you know how it goes. But yes, the north was very interesting. And then I went south to where dear aunt Genna should be. Lord Weasel seems to be dying, at least it feels that way." Tyrion responds.
"Oh?" Jaime asks. "What makes you think that?"
"Because he is being poisoned by his latest wife. She has become Black Walder's mistress, or one of the other Walders. It becomes hard to keep track of all of them. Nonetheless we shall soon be seeing a succession war within the Twins. I do not think old man Walder is long for this world." Tyrion says chuckling slightly.
Jaime joins him in chuckling. "Aye, it would seem so. Perhaps Aunt Genna might be lucky then."
"Now wouldn't that be something." Tyrion chortles.
Jaime clears his throat nervously then, he knows what is coming next, and he is not sure how to approach it. "And how have you find your time within Riverrun brother?"
His brother fixes his eyes on him, a penetrating gaze. "It has been interesting, Ser Edmure is a delightful companion, and his friends are nice. As for old Lord Hoster, well he doesn't do much of anything these days, considering he is dying. And then there was the night before last where I met someone I had thought dead."
Jaime can feel his brother's eyes on him as he swallows nervously. "Who?"
"Oh come off it brother, we both know you know. I met my first wife here, and what I am wondering is how the hell did she come to be here?" Tyrion asks, his anger beginning to show.
Jaime closes his eyes then and murmurs. "Eddard Stark."
"What was that?" Tyrion asks.
"Eddard Stark, he found her somehow, and brought her to Riverrun." Jaime says.
"And how is it then that Eddard Stark can find her, but no one else could? That no one else dared?" Tyrion asks his anger showing once more.
"Because father made it near impossible for anyone to find her. Uncle Gerion went off to find her and he died because of it. He wanted to bring back to you, to spite father. He wanted you to be happy." Jaime says.
"And what of you brother? What did you want for me? I have spoken to Tysha, and she has had some very interesting things to say." Tyrion replies.
"What did she say?" Jaime asks hesitatingly.
"Tell me, how much truth was there in the story you told me that she was merely a whore bought and paid for to make me a man brother?" Tyrion asks his voice sharp.
Jaime closes his eyes then. "None. She loved you. She always did."
"She loves me you fool. So then, why did you not gainsay father and allow us to remain together?" Tyrion asks, hurt and anger mixing together in his tone.
Jaime sits there with his eyes closed, unsure of how to respond, he does not know how to respond, it is a question he has wondered himself for many years now, he only wonders what his brother would think if he knew the true truth about Tysha. "I was a coward," he says eventually. "I should have stood up for you and your wife, but I was afraid and I was scared. I am sorry Tyrion."
His brother looks at him, his eyes filled with scorn. "You think your apologies will make any sort of difference now? After all this time? I grew up thinking no one would ever love me, that I was a monster! And all this time, it was a lie! Why brother, why did you allow this to happen to me?"
"I did not want it to happen to you brother." Jaime says his voice pleading. "I wanted to stop it, believe me I did."
"Then why did you not stop it?" Tyrion growls. "Father would have listened to you! Why did you not stop it?"
"Because I was scared. I did not know what to do, I wanted to help you brother, by the seven I did, but… but." Jaime stammers.
"But… but…" Tyrion mimics his voice filled with anger. "You did nothing because you are and always have been a coward."
Jaime feels anger flash through him then, but before he can respond, a voice speaks, soft and soothing. "There is no reason for arguing now. What happened has happened. There is only the present that matters." Jaime looks for the sound of the voice, and feels his stomach drop at the sight of her. Tysha, with her dark hair, and pale complexion, she is beautiful, he knew why Tyrion fell in love with her.
He stands then and bows. "My lady Tysha, it has been too long."
"You do not have the right." Tyrion snarls.
Jaime sees the woman place a calming hand on his brother's shoulder. "Peace Tyrion. We have more important things to discuss."
"What is more important than discussing how my brother betrayed us?" Tyrion asks, sounding like a child then.
"The fact that war is coming to Westeros." Tysha responds.
"What do you mean?" Tyrion asks.
His brother's wife looks at him then and says. "You have not told him?"
Tyrion stares at Jaime then, such a deep look of hatred on his face that Jaime feels like shrinking in on itself. And then he remembers what his brother had said before, and he straightens his shoulders and meets his brother's glare. "Joffrey is not the true king to the throne."
"What are you talking about?" Tyrion asks. "Of course he is, he is Robert's and Cersei's son."
"He is their son, but he is not the rightful king. Robert won his throne through conquest, but he has never sworn the old oaths, he made new oaths, and as such one could argue that by the laws passed by King Daeron the Good, he was always a usurper. The rightful king is not even Viserys across the sea, it is the first born son of Prince Rhaegar and Lady Lyanna Stark. Prince Aegon Targaryen." Jaime says.
He feels that if this was any other occasion he would laugh at the expression that crosses his brother's face then, but it is not and so he remains silent. "That boy, the bastard up north is the rightful king? How?"
Jaime takes a deep breath and looks at Tysha, wondering how she knows this. "Prince Rhaegar's son by Princess Elia was stillborn, he took the Stark girl to have a son, and Prince Aegon is the result of that."
A long silence follows this as Tyrion digests this piece of information, and Jaime looks at Tysha, seeing her in a new light, he notes how age has made her only more beautiful, as he knew it would. His brother is a lucky man. Not for the first time, Jaime wonders what he might've given up by swearing himself to the Kingsguard, and he finds himself feeling slightly bitter at it all. His thoughts are broken when his brother laughs. "This is insane. So Stark has been committing treason all these years, shielding a boy who has the strongest claim to the throne by King Daeron's laws and by blood. And you are telling me that you've known all this time, and that you are now going to be fighting for him. How very convenient."
"It might be convenient brother, but it is the truth. Prince Aegon is the rightful king, and I intend to see him on the throne." Jaime responds.
His brother snorts. "And how do you intend to do that? By being a coward?"
Jaime has to push his anger down then, and force himself to respond calmly. "No, by waging a war. Robert will be dead soon, one way or another. The time is coming to remove the usurper and his family from the throne."
"And you think you will be able to fight against Cersei?" Tyrion asks curiously.
Jaime thinks for a moment and then responds. "Yes."
His brother snorts. "How interesting that you would fight for a boy you have only met twice, but would not fight for your brother."
"I have apologised brother, I do not know what you want me to say." Jaime snaps.
Before Tyrion can respond, Tysha speaks. "Enough of this already. There is no point quarrelling over something that happened in the past. We are all adults here now, we are not children. No there are more important things we need to discuss. Such as making sure Lord Tully raises his men for the rightful king."
Jaime looks at his brother's wife and asks. "Why is it that you are so interested in this my lady?"
His brother looks at him as if he wants to hit him, but seemingly decides better of it. Tysha looks at him and smiles a smile he has seen once before, long ago. "I have an interest in making sure a wrong is righted. The Baratheons are done, and now the dragons must rise once more."
"Yes but why are you so interested? You did not seem so interested before." Jaime says before he can stop himself.
"What do you mean before?" Tyrion asks.
Before Tysha can respond, the door opens and Ser Edmure speaks. "A raven has come from the border. It appears your father is coming here with an army."
"What why?" Jaime exclaims.
"He thinks we are holding you both hostage here." Ser Edmure responds, a look of fear on his face.
"Shit." Jaime says, cursing aloud, cursing himself and his father's foolishness.
If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com