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ch 2. Granpa Jon Training (Translated)

Ari ran back to his house with enthusiasm. Thomas had already informed him of the exact location where he could register as a knight. All that remained now was to sell his farm and get enough money to go to the city.

As soon as Ari arrived home, he meticulously cleaned every corner of his house. One thing he knew about buying and selling houses was that no one wanted a messy house.

With all his abilities, Ari spent a week tidying up his house. He patched up the hole-ridden walls as best as he could with mud and stones, repaired and replaced the damaged wooden pillars with new ones he obtained from the forest. Ari even fixed the roof, which was starting to decay and mossy, working very carefully to ensure his large body did not hinder his efforts to clean the house.

After a full week of hard work, Ari finally managed to make his house look much better. It wasn't perfect, but it was far better than he could have hoped for. While admiring his own work, Grandpa Jon approached Ari and greeted him.

"Hey Ari, what happened that made you fix up your entire house?"

"Hello, Grandpa Jon, I'm planning to sell my house and farm."

"Sell? Why do you want to sell them?"

"I plan to enroll in the knight academy, and I need money to register. By selling this house and farm, I can get enough money to go to the city and enroll in the knight academy."


"No need to think with your hand on your chin like that, Grandpa Jon. That's not like you at all. Hahaha."

"Ohh... Hahaha. I guess I do look too serious, don't I?

How about this, I'll buy your farm and house along with all three of your Woolcows. I will also provide enough supplies and equipment for your journey to the city.

But with one condition."

"What are the conditions, Grandpa Jon?"

"I want you to defeat me in a fight and make me kneel on the ground."

"What? Kneel on the ground? But you are already old, Grandpa Jon! It's even very difficult for you to walk for a long time. How could I possibly challenge you to a fight?"

"Ah... Young and naive Ari...

You still don't know anything about the world out there, young one.

Before you speak about my age and condition, prove first that you can do better than me.

Meet me in my feed shed after you finish your lunch."

Grandpa Jon then left Ari looking confused. Ari could see Grandpa Jon taking small, shaky steps, as if each step taken could be his last in this world. But Ari also had to admit that Grandpa Jon was a nimble and agile old man. More than once, Grandpa Jon could approach Ari without Ari knowing when he started walking or when he arrived.


Ari arrived at Grandpa Jon's feed shed after finishing a simple lunch. In the shed, Grandpa Jon was already waiting for Ari. Grandpa Jon's standing posture looked different than usual, and the atmosphere created by Grandpa Jon made Ari slightly hesitant about what he would do in this shed.

"Welcome, Ari.

Are you ready?"

"I'm ready, Grandpa Jon.

I will do anything to become a knight!"

"Great spirit.

But prove your spirit with actions first!

Make me kneel, and I will allow you to leave. If not, you must stay in this village and continue to be a Woolcow farmer. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"Now, go ahead!"

Ari is not a fighter. He is just a big-bodied village boy with greater physical strength than others his age. When Grandpa Jon signaled the start of their fight, Ari's first move was to steel himself and rush at Grandpa Jon with a ready right punch. Ari threw his punch, making sure it wasn't too fast or strong to avoid hurting Grandpa Jon, only to find himself suddenly falling among a pile of chicken feed sacks.

Struggling to stand up, Ari was a bit confused and dizzy, but he continued his attack once more. Strangely, just like before, Ari found himself falling face-first onto the ground in front of the warehouse door.

"What's happening?"

"Still want to continue, Ari?"

"Of course! I will keep trying until I can defeat you, Grandpa Jon!"

"Hehehe, that's the spirit."

Ari kept charging and trying to punch Grandpa Jon. In each attempt, Ari always ended up falling in strange and awkward positions. Once Ari fell sitting facing the chicken feed sacks, next time he fell sideways facing the warehouse door. The most puzzling moment for Ari was when he suddenly realized he was sitting on top of the warehouse door, looking bewildered for a moment.

Ari kept trying until the day neared evening, and Grandpa Jon decided to postpone their fight until tomorrow. Ari insisted on trying again, despite his body being covered in sweat, dust, and scrapes. Unfortunately, Grandpa Jon firmly refused Ari's request and sent him home. Ari could only walk back home with defeated steps. Ari never imagined that Grandpa Jon was completely untouchable. Ari couldn't even comprehend how Grandpa Jon managed to evade and bring him down.

Ari had an intriguing and challenging encounter with Grandpa Jon. Despite Ari's determination, Grandpa Jon's skills surpassed expectations. It's important for Ari to learn from this experience and consider different approaches to future challenges. A lesson in humility and perseverance.


Ari opened his eyes and found himself in a room with white walls. Beneath his feet was a marble floor with a plush carpet named Carpet that felt very comfortable. Ari's gaze focused on a screen, a box object displaying various moving images, showing a knight in black armor facing his opponents. The knight bravely defeated his enemies, either cutting them into pieces with his sword or crushing their bodies with his shield.

Ari could feel an incredible spirit every time the knight in black armor brutally eliminated his foes. Ari even shouted enthusiastically several times as he watched the opponents of the black-armored knight being vanquished in a brutal manner.

"The knight in black armor is truly amazing!"


Ari woke up as the sun was just showing its light. After splashing his face to feel fresher, Ari made breakfast for himself and immediately went to take care of his Woolcow.

After cleaning the barn and letting the three of them graze, Ari returned to Grandpa Jon's warehouse and found Grandpa Jon already waiting inside.

"Are you ready, Ari?"

"I'm ready! I will definitely succeed today!"

Once again, Ari tried to land his fist on Grandpa Jon's face. As before, Ari always failed in every attempt. He had failed so many times that he had forgotten his initial goal of punching Grandpa Jon. All that occupied Ari's mind was that his fist had to reach Grandpa Jon no matter what.

"The first lesson, Ari, is to learn to ask whenever you can. A good fighter is always curious about what their opponent is doing and always learns from their adversaries."

Ari was extremely frustrated as his efforts continued to fail, disregarding Grandpa Jon's words and relentlessly charging at him. Ari's stamina felt tested at this moment, as no matter how many times he tried, Grandpa Jon remained unscathed.

"Second lesson, Ari, stay calm no matter what happens. Often your chance comes when your opponent is at an advantage."

Ari still refused to listen to Grandpa Jon's words. In Ari's eyes now, Grandpa Jon was no longer someone he respected as a neighbor or fellow farmer. Grandpa Jon was now just an annoying figure that Ari wanted to punch as soon as possible.

"Third lesson, Ari, defeat is not the end of everything. It is only through defeat that we can learn to become better."

Something different happened with Grandpa Jon. This time, as Ari charged at him with all his might, Grandpa Jon did not seem to try to evade. Ari felt this was the right moment, maybe Grandpa Jon was tired and his reaction weakened, so he saw an opening.

"Got you, Grandpa Jon!"

"Fourth and final lesson for today, Ari. Always be wary of anything, anywhere. You never know when your opponent will use your strength to launch a counterattack."

Grandpa Jon raised his hand and directed his palm towards Ari's punch, which was already speeding towards his face. When Ari's punch met Grandpa Jon's palm, Ari felt as if his fist had hit a solid wall of iron. Grandpa Jon's palm felt strong and unyielding, unable to be bent by anything.

Moments later, Ari felt his punch rebounded by an unknown force. Shortly after, Ari found himself lying helpless outside the livestock feed shed. Ari could only gaze at the beautiful evening sky before losing consciousness.


Ari woke up the next day, still on Grandpa Jon's land. He was wrapped in a large, thick blanket that seemed to come from nowhere.

"You're awake, Ari. Good."

Ari turned to the side and found Grandpa Jon sitting comfortably in a reclining chair, enjoying a cup of warm tea. By the way he was sitting and the presence of a small table with snacks like cheese and other snacks, it seemed that Grandpa Jon had been sitting there for quite some time.

"Hello, Grandpa Jon. Good morning."

"Good morning, Ari. Do you remember the lessons I gave you yesterday?"

"Uh... Do you really expect me to focus on listening when you easily throw me around?"

"Fair enough. Alright, I will repeat it for you.

The first lesson is to learn to ask whenever you can.

Good fighters always maintain their curiosity towards their opponents and keep learning from them. Ask when possible, inquire even when impossible.

The second lesson is to remain calm no matter what happens.

Often your chance comes when your opponent is in a more advantageous position.

The third lesson is that defeat is not the end of everything.

Losing is an opportunity for us to learn and become better.

The fourth and final lesson is to always be wary of anything,

anywhere. You never know when your opponent will use your strengths to launch a counterattack."

"Remember these four things on your journey ahead, as they will greatly help you. I may not be a good teacher, but I have tried my best."

Grandpa Jon then took out a bag of money and threw it directly to Ari. Ari opened the bag and saw fifty gold coins and twenty silver coins inside. Ari stared at Grandpa Jon in astonishment, unable to believe that Grandpa Jon gave him such a large sum of money.

"That bag contains most of the money I have. Use it for registration fees and travel expenses.

Make sure you bring camping and cooking equipment. The journey to the city is long and the road will be a dangerous place, always remember to be cautious and take care of yourself.

I'm sure both of your parents will be very proud to see their child willing to change fate towards a better future."

Ari felt tears starting to gather at the corner of his eyes. With all his might, he held back the tears from falling on his face. Ari gave Grandpa Jon a warm hug but then remembered something.

"Grandpa Jon, I haven't defeated you yet. Is it okay if you give me this money?"

"haha Ari oh Ari. I am the one who made the rules, so of course, I can also change and adjust them as I please. Right?"

Ari could only shake his head, giving an expression of surrender and gratitude at the same time before hurrying home to get some clothes.

Ari just made sure the clothes he brought were enough for the journey, as he would buy other necessities from the village market. Half running, Ari rushed to the village market to buy all the supplies he might need on his journey.

In his heart, Ari said to himself.

"I promise to become a great and famous knight, so that Grandpa Jon will hear my name echoed from afar in this remote village."

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