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92.3% Reincarnated In Sweet Tooth / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: That's a fight

Bab 12: Chapter 12: That's a fight

CHAPTER 12: That's a fight.

The market bustled with activity, a lively contrast to the somber mood of the canteen. The narrow streets were lined with vendors hawking their goods, from fresh produce to homemade crafts. The air was filled with the rich aromas of sizzling meats and baked goods, a tantalizing mix that made my stomach growl in anticipation.

As I wandered through the market, I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant colors and energetic atmosphere. Stalls were adorned with bright fabrics and handmade signs, and the clamor of haggling voices created a lively symphony. I made my way through the crowd, my eyes scanning the various stalls for anything interesting.

My first stop was a small stand offering a variety of skewered meats. The vendor, a burly man with a friendly grin, offered me a sample of what he called "spiced lamb kebabs." I hesitated for a moment before taking a bite. The flavor was incredible—smoky, spicy, and tender. I couldn't resist purchasing a few skewers for myself.

Next, I approached a stall selling baked goods. The smell of freshly baked bread and pastries was irresistible. I picked up a warm, flaky pastry filled with a sweet fruit filling. The vendor, a jovial woman with flour-dusted hands, assured me it was one of their specialties. With the first bite, I was greeted by a burst of sweetness and a buttery texture that melted in my mouth.

As I continued strolling, I passed a stall where an elderly man was preparing a bubbling pot of soup. He offered me a small bowl of what he called "fish stew." The broth was rich and savory, and the chunks of fish were perfectly tender. It was a comforting and hearty dish that made me appreciate the local flavors even more.

I finally spotted a small shop tucked away in a corner with a sign that read "Antique Firearms and Ammunition." The shop's owner, an elderly gentleman with a long white beard, welcomed me with a nod. Inside, the shop was filled with an assortment of old rifles, pistols, and boxes of ammunition. Sadly, I didn't find the thing that I'm looking for.

With no new ammunition in stowed, I continued exploring the market, and bought a dozen 'de-hairing cream' thinking that my sister might need it. Then my senses got overwhelmed by the diversity of sights and smells. I also picked up a few local trinkets as gifts for Hope as her birthday is coming up before mine. One of them trinkets is a  wood carved fish-bone.

Suddenly, the people went toward the front of the canteen, so I did too. There I found Abbot standing at the top, so I quickly searched for Aimee and Jepp, which I did because of Jepp' large frame.

"So anyone knows why he's here?" I said.

"No, but whatever it is, I don't like it." Said Jepp as Aimee just looks at Abbot with murderous intent, but it is well hidden for others not to notice.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned in to whisper. "Calm down. Getting angry won't help us."

Aimee shrugged me off now, her eyes looking at me with the same intent yet tame seemingly warning me not to test her.

The crowd had gathered around Abbot, their murmurs of anticipation growing louder. At the center of the commotion stood Abbot, holding up a tiny vial with a shimmering liquid inside. The vial was small, barely noticeable in his large hand, but it seemed to command the attention of everyone present.

Abbot's voice boomed over the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen, today we have something truly remarkable to witness." He turned towards the center where an infected man, gaunt and weak, was restrained by two of Abbot's men. The man's eyes, hollow and feverish, conveyed a mix of fear and hope.

"Behold! Factory Town! The cure!"

The crowd's excitement reached a fever pitch as Abbot ordered his men to inject it. Seeing the man cured the crowd erupted into cheers.

"Ladies and gentlemen." Abbot said as he gestured to the now 'cured' man.

"Finally! A return to pre-Crumble life."


"Yes!!" Screamed by someone at the crowd.

"A return to Humanity."

Jepp, Aimee, and I stood at the edge of the gathering, our faces reflecting a mix of skepticism and concern. While the onlookers were celebrating, we exchanged uneasy glances. Aimee's fingers were clenched into fists, her face a mask of barely contained anger.

"Is this for real?" Jepp muttered, his eyes fixed on the scene. "Or is this another show?"

Aimee's eyes never left Abbot. She whispered harshly, "This is wrong. I don't trust him."

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, attempting to calm her down once more. "Getting angry won't help us right now. I get it, I'm angry too, just thinking how the said cure is made."

With a final, dramatic flourish, Abbot told  his men help the now-'cured' man to his feet. The man, though still weak, was visibly relieved, his eyes showing gratitude.

Abbot nodded as his men guided the cured man through the crowd, who parted respectfully to let them pass. The cured man walked confused where they are taking him,

his steps were quite hesitant to move forward.

"Spread the word to others! General Abbot has the CURE!!"

"Spread the word, let's save humanity."

As Abbot gave some flyers then he and his men disappeared into the crowd with the cured man in tow, the cheers continued. Jepp, Aimee, and I were left behind, our doubts and suspicions mounting.

Aimee, still visibly shaken, exhaled sharply. "I don't like this. Something doesn't add up."

Jepp nodded in agreement. "We need to keep our eyes open. This could be more than just a show."

I glanced around at the bustling crowd, their faces lit with hope and excitement. Despite their enthusiasm, a cold sense of unease lingered. I knew both of them didn't know it, but i do. I just hope Hope doesn't become one like what probably happened to Roy.

As the townfolks are buzzing with excitement, all of them plan to throw a party for finally being free of the Sick while we went back inside the canteen then Aimee and Jepp informed me of what happened while I was gone.

"So you're telling me that Aimee got connections with mercenaries like Jepp and you guys somehow negotiated with them to help us and now we have to wait till midnight in here and head out of the town entrance?"

Aimee nodded and Jepp too though reluctantly.

"So what are we going to do while we're here?" I asked them.

"We stay here." Said Jepp, then i looked around the canteen and turned to him again. "Till midnight?"

"Yes, and that's final." Said Aimee giving me a 'I know you' look.

I sighed and slumped back. "Fine, if that's what you guys want."

Though in my mind I'm thinking the opposite,'I have the cure not like what Abbot showed, so I won't have to fear getting the Sick.'


Through many attempts to get out, all of them failed now. I sit devastated, my face now having a black eye due to Jepp punching me.

Of course, I fought back, giving Jepp a black eye of his own.

"Here, this might help." Said Aimee as she offered me a packet of ice which I took with a smile."Thank you, Aimee."

I dap the packet of ice in my left eye and watched as Aimee went towards Jepp and did the same.

Aimee then spoke up addressing both Jepp and I. "Why are you men always fighting?" She sighed and continued. "Jepp, you're the older one. You must understand that Jess is still a teenager." Then Jeep followed it up with "A rebellious teenager." Receiving another pointed look by Aimee.

Then she turned to me. "And Jess, I know staying in one place is boring, but we must stay safe lest we catch the sick and please refrain from antagonizing Jepp any longer."

"Sure, Aimee, I'll try." I said with a reassuring smile.

Aimee smiled and clasped her hand, making a loud clap. "Right, now you two need to make up."

"WHAT!? IM NOT GAY!" I said in an outburst. "JEPP, COULD BE BUT IM NOT!" That part seems to have made Jepp fume.

"OK SKELLY LETS SETTLE THIS!" Said Jepp as he stood up with his fist clenched.

"OK!" I said as I too stood up fist, ready to strike.

Aimee tried to stop us, but a bystander stopped her, saying something along the line that she should let us deal with this our way.

The tension in the canteen was palpable as Jepp and I squared off, both of us nursing injuries from our earlier scuffle. His left shoulder was still clearly sore from our last encounter, a fact that would hopefully give me an edge.

Jepp, towering at 1.98 meters and weighing somewhere around 127 kilograms, his broad shoulders and muscular frame spoke of his football days, moved with the slow, deliberate caution of someone who'd been hurt but wasn't about to back down. I stood at 1.92 meters and weighed 117 kilograms. Despite our similar heights, Jepp's weight and bulk made him a formidable opponent, but his injured shoulder was a vulnerability I intended to exploit.

One might ask How did I know this? You might have forgotten but my father is a guardians fan and sometimes he tells me interesting facts about them.

The first clash was explosive. Jepp charged forward with surprising speed for his size. His powerful right fist swung towards my head. I ducked, narrowly avoiding the blow, and countered with a swift jab aimed at his ribs. The punch connected, causing Jepp to grunt in pain, but he quickly recovered and retaliated with a powerful left hook.

I barely had time to react as Jepp's punch grazed my cheek, sending a stinging pain through my jaw. I stumbled but didn't fall. Gritting my teeth, I focused on Jepp's movements, using his strength against him. I stepped in close, using my height advantage to land a solid uppercut to his chin.

Jepp staggered back, shaking his head as he tried to clear the stars from his vision. The room's ambient noise receded as the bystanders gasp and watched with bated breath. Jepp's eyes, dark with frustration, locked onto mine. He charged forward, his right fist swinging in a powerful arc. I sidestepped quickly, using his momentum against him. As Jepp stumbled forward, I swung a quick punch to his midsection, aiming to exploit the space his injured shoulder created.

Jepp grunted, his breath coming in sharp bursts. He tried to counter with a powerful left hook, but his injured shoulder slowed the movement, making it easier for me to duck under the punch. I landed a sharp jab to his side, causing him to wince and stagger back.

In a brief lull, I glanced around the canteen. The onlookers were a mix of curiosity and concern, their faces reflecting a mix of shock and interest. The noise of our fight had drawn a crowd, but they kept their distance, unsure how to intervene.

Determined not to give up, Jepp roared and lunged again, swinging his right fist with renewed fury. This time, I anticipated the strike and blocked it with my forearm. Jepp's fist collided with my arm, sending a jarring pain through my muscles. I retaliated with a quick combination of punches, aiming for his ribs and shoulder.

I tightened my stance and aimed a series of quick punches to Jepp's midsection. Each hit landed with a thud, pushing him back a step. Jepp grimaced but didn't relent. He swung a wild right hook, aiming to end the fight with a single blow. I ducked and rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the punch that crashed into the wall with a loud bang.

Jepp's momentum carried him forward, giving me an opening. I grabbed his arm and twisted, using my weight to pull him off balance. With a sharp knee to his midsection, I managed to bring him to one knee. But Jepp's resilience showed as he gritted his teeth and forced himself back to his feet.

Jepp's breathing became labored, but he pushed through the pain, his right fist connecting with my shoulder in a powerful punch. The impact made me stagger, but I quickly regained my balance. Using his injured shoulder as a target, I threw a series of precise blows. Each punch landed with increasing accuracy, exploiting his weakened defenses.

"Had enough?" I panted, sweat and bits of blood dripping down my face. My breathing was heavy, and my body ached from the relentless exchange.

Jepp's eyes were still blazing with determination, but there was a flicker of exhaustion in his stance. He wiped blood from his lip and let out a small laugh. "Nah, not yet"

Jepp then tried to land a decisive punch but missed as I ducked under his swing. I took advantage of his exposed side, delivering a solid uppercut that sent him reeling. He crashed against a nearby table, knocking over a few chairs in the process.

Jepp struggled to his feet, his face flushed with anger and exertion. Despite his imposing size and strength, the injuries and fatigue were starting to take their toll. I moved in cautiously, ready to end the fight. Jepp, however, wasn't finished yet. He threw all his power into the punch, but his movements were sluggish, and I easily evaded him. Causing an innocent table to be obliterated.

With a final burst of energy, I delivered a swift, powerful kick to his midsection, pushing him back against the wall. Jepp slumped to the floor, breathing heavily, clearly exhausted and battered. I sat across him, panting, feeling the strain of the fight.

Aimee rushed in, her face a mix of concern and exasperation. "Enough! Both of you, stop!"

Jepp looked up at me, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and resignation. I met his gaze, the adrenaline slowly fading, leaving behind the ache of bruised muscles and strained nerves.

Aimee knelt beside Jepp, carefully helping him up. "You both need to cool down. This isn't helping anyone."

Jepp and I, both panting and bruised, looked at each other. There was no longer any anger, only the realization of how pointless the fight had been. I nodded, and Jepp did the same. The adrenaline that had fueled us was now dissipating, leaving us exhausted and sore.

I sighed, my chest heaving as I caught my breath. "Yeah, alright. I'm done." Then i added "He could've won though if not for his injured shoulder limiting him."

Jepp grunted in agreement, his face showing signs of defeat. He accepted Aimee's help and winced as she examined his shoulder. The crowd, once eager to see the outcome, now murmured in quiet relief as the fight ended.

The canteen fell back into its usual buzz, though the atmosphere had shifted. Aimee addressed both of us, her tone firm but gentle. "You both need to remember why we're here. Fighting among ourselves only weakens our chances of winning. We need to stay focused and work together."

I nodded, holding the ice pack over my face still feeling the sting of our confrontation. But understanding the truth in Aimee's words. "I get it. I'll try to keep it together."

Jepp, now sitting with an ice pack on his shoulder, looked at me with a mixture of grudging respect and fatigue. "Yeah, let's just get through this and figure out our next move." "Nice fight though" he added which I returned with a smile and a small laugh before replying "Yeah, it is."

Aimee looked at us like we grew two heads then she shook his head and muttered "Boys."

I wanted to refute and say Men but I feel like she wouldn't want that. With that, the tension in the room began to ease, and the we all took a moment to regroup, our focus shifting back to the discussion earlier.


Midnight soon arrived and the town is abuzzed with singing and dancing thinking that an actual cure has been made.

I shook my head as I looked through the window of the canteen and whispered "Fools, you don't even know the consequences that will soon follow." Then ignored them right after and looked at Aimee talking with someone at the telebooth. Then at Jepp who is trying to take a nap but the booming music and laughter makes it more of a challenge.

Aimee then called us, saying that it's time. Jepp and I stood up albeieth slowly due to the injuries we sustained even though time has passed the pain and strain is still present.

As we head out Aimee going front then Jepp while me at the back the ever carefull mom she is covers her nose.

"Has everyone forgotten the Sick is still out there?" Particularly to no one.

Then Jepp gave her an answer. "Abbot gave them a cure, and now they finally get a chance to cut loose."

Then we pause as we saw the guards at the gate prepare to lock Factory Town.

"Fuck, we only got 15 minutes at most till they lack this place down." I said as I looked ahead while muching on a grilled meat.

And so we moved at outmost haste.

"How far we got?" Asked Jepp

"They just said to head west on Bluegill and they'd find us." Said Aimee her neck stretching to the limit to see through the crowds.

"Out by the dry docks?" I asked, uncertain till Jepp grunted in confirmation.

Then I saw a guy that would bump into Aimee, so I went by her side and took the hit.

Aimee flabbergasted quickly and looked at me. "Why did you do that? You'll make your injuries much worse, plus I can take a hit."

I just smiled and inwardly said,'Women. They want to be saved, and they want to not be saved.' Though I quickly erased it as it felt insulting.

Jepp then complimented me "Good job kid, you'll make a fine husband."

"I'm not having kids." I said to him which he replied with "well see about that." Which made my eyes narrow at him and muttered "Well, that's suspicious."

"Just exactly who are these friends of yours?" Asked Jepp curious as to who the said mercenaries are.

"Yeah, who are they?" I followed up.

"They call themselves the "Air Lords."

Aimee answered.

"Air Lords?" I whispered, then I turned to Aimee and asked. "They fly planes?"

Before Aimee could reply, Jepp did. "Of course they do." Which made me roll my eyes.

"How well do you know 'em?" Asked Jepp.

"Technically, I don't" Said Aimee as an image formed of Aimee wearing a glasses and her hair let loose in my mind which made me inwardly chuckle.

"But before yesterday I don't know both of you either." She countered before Jepp could answer her previous sentence.

"Why does it matter?" Said Aimee defensively.

"I thought we talked about this earlier?" I said to both of them.

"We did, but we seemed to have missed something." Said Jepp pausing before continuing. "With these types, money talks, and bullshit ends up in a shallow grave."

"We ain't got no money."

I raised my hand and answered "I do." Then, Jepp and Aimee looked at me expectantly "Well, I did have some money before I spent them in the market."

Jepp groaned in annoyance while Aimee shook her head.

"Anyway, do you trust 'em?" Said Jepp.

"One of them did a job for me a few years back." Said Aimee but she still didn't answer the question.

"Do you TRUST them?" Said Jepp emphasizing more on the trust.

"I do." Aimee answered then continued speaking. "Look, i trusted both of you, don't I? And you guys haven't let me down."

"Yet." She quickly added.

Jepp and I looked at her then jepp made a move so we followed. As we near the designated location Aimee looked at Jepp seeing that it seems like he's got something troubling him.

"You all right?"

"I'm fine. Just... keeping a... an eye out." Said Jepp while I just yawned in boredom.

"If there's anything you want to talk-" Said Aimee not believing a word Jepp has said.

In an outburst Jepp frustratedly said.

"There's nothing I want to talk about, all right?"

"My shoulder hurts, my feet hurts, Damn my whole fucking body hurts. Were just one curfew away from getting locked down if Factory Town." I sighed and muttered "here's  the old Jepp again."

Suddenly a flash of light eliminated the dry dock. Followed by a scream. "Go, get them!"

Of course we're not going down without a fight.

Jepp and I tensed our still sore muscles and watched as 5 masked men charge at us.

I also prepared myself to run toward them and start bashing skulls when I saw it.

Deep in the woods. A giant deer is watching us. A shiver ran through my spine as I felt it look at me. Then it retreated. Slowly...

As the masked men covered our faces with cloth and me, not even fighting back as I passed out of exhaustion, not even I myself is aware of.


<POV: Hope>


I scowled at Gus, standing with Foxy at the front. Ever since he arrived, so many hybrids had been hurt or worse. Even though I knew it wasn't really his fault, I needed to be angry at someone.

"Why did you lie about Roy?" Foxy shouted, trying to keep his voice from being overheard outside the pumphouse.

I tried to ignore Foxy's shouting and thought about everything else. Wendy's clear affection for Gus had been obvious when she defended him earlier. Jess, my Big Brother, always told me to think before acting. I was trying to follow his advice, even though it was tough.

I could break out of here myself, but I didn't want to risk my friends getting hurt. They asked me to break the bar, but I said it was too tough.

I moved over to Earl, finding comfort just being next to him.

"Are we gonna die too?" Earl's voice shook with fear.

I hugged him tight and whispered, "We're not gonna die. Miss Aimee and my brother will come to save us." Then I thought to myself, 'And Gus' BigMan too.'

After that, Gus went to his corner, and we mostly ignored him. I wanted to ask him about my brother, but I felt like I was at the bottom of the friend group.

But I didn't let that stop me. I walked over to Gus, even though my friends were asking what I was doing. I didn't answer them.

"Hey," I said, leaning against the crumbling cement.

Gus looked up, and for a moment, his eyes showed a flicker of hope before it faded. "Hi."

"How come you never talked before?" GuS asked.

"Because I didn't feel like it," I said, sounding a bit defensive.

"Oh, then why are you talking now?" Gus asked, confused.

A small smile slipped onto my face. "Because when you smelled that dog of yours, you seemed to recognize my brother's scent."

Gus's confusion turned to realization. "You're Jess' sibling?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I want to know how you met him. I've been trying to find him for a while now."

Gus hesitated before speaking. "We met a while ago, before all this happened. He was helping me with my moms friend, and we had a few good conversations. He looked kind and strong."

I listened closely, feeling a mix of emotions. I remembered the day my brother and I were separated. He had come home covered in blood, and even though I knew he was okay, it was overwhelming. I was used to seeing him hurt but not like that. The smell lingered, and I was the only one who seemed to notice it so strongly.

As Gus talked about my brother, I felt a flicker of hope. I didn't fully understand everything he was saying, but hearing about Jess was comforting. It reminded me that he was out there, and maybe, just maybe, we'd find each other again.

"Nice talking with you, Gus. I'm sorry about how we reacted back there. It's just that we were taught not to lie to each other." I said as I headback to the others not giving Gus a chance to reply


ONCE AGAIN, I need some feedback about my ff so that I'll fix the said problem or concerns.. Anyway, thank you for reading this trash fic of mine. STONES?

Gamer_Gamin Gamer_Gamin

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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