Reviews of Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers by MyMumCallsMePig - Webnovel



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I liked the way how in the first chapter the MC reincarnated. There was no overdrawn fight scene between OCs that nobody cares about in the first chapter, there was just enough tension to tell us the reader what was going on. There was also no meeting ROB and having an awkward conversation with ROB and getting wishes. It felt nice how the frustration the MC had turned out to be 'wishes' at the end. The idea is pretty interesting, I don't think I've read a story with this power set: Sukuna's power and Azmuth's intelligence. I enjoyed the first chap. The direction you have decided to push the story (Minato, Kushina alive) is something I look forward to read. Thank god it is not one of those 'see how much Naruto suffered in the village' kinda fanfic. Those have become very tiresome to read tbh. The MC also ain't some normal guy from the looks of it and it seems he won't have a hard time adapting to the shinobi world as he seems accustomed to killing. But he has also shown emotions, so he isn't the totally machine-like emotionless killer which is relieving. He wasn't overly emotional though and the way he portrayed his emotion felt real enough for a man of his supposed background. That's all for now. Good luck!

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LV 4 Badge

I really like the story, the MC and the characters all have an overall incredible writting and dept, I personally really like the interactions between Haku and the MC, it's very wholesome, the fighting scenes are quite well made as well, unfortunately I think this fanfiction has been dropped since it's been 2 months without any chapters, but I hope it's not.

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Basically wish fulfillment. No read plot. There’s plot but it’s just anime and more.. the more part is just bland

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It's good stuff. Sort of a mess, but good stuff nonetheless. Canon? What's that? Canon left the chat before the MC was born. The character design is very well balanced; most of the stuff that I read where the Sukuna golden finger is used, ends up with a deranged-edgy-sadist character, which eventually turns boring after the first 10 face-slapping sessions. But this one didn't, Not to say the character's alignment is 'Good', it should be 'Neutral' with an inclination to 'Egoist', like the guy only cares about his goals but not to the point where he would be using everything in his path to reach said goals, even if it meant losing his morals. Long Story short, I recommend it! I don't know how the author is gonna deal with the story without the guidebok known as canon, but I'm eager to find out!

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I never seen such a perfect Naruto fic pls update more

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Yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh

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a thank you to myself for creating this, I guess it's fun, I promise

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I love naruto and his powers but I can't read it, the MC in naruto's body without kurama, this already takes away the fun of the original character, the protagonist who wants to return to his original world, this hinders immersion in the story, the best would be the protagonist without family in the original world

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Está bastante bueno, recomendable si quieres a alguien destrozado el canon de Naruto .............................................................................................................................

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(PT-BR) Estou gostando bastante da história e de como ela está seguindo, pena que gastei minha pedra de poder e não tenho nenhum para doar agora, mas quando ganhar virei aqui doar para o autor se motivar e continuar escrevendo, só teria que melhorar a frequência de atualização, mas entendo que as vezes não dá.

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(PT-BR) A história está maravilhosa, muito boa de ler, dei boas risadas com algumas partes, pena que estou sem pedra de poder para poder dar para está história para motivar o autor, mas quando ganhar alguma vou doar ao autor, eu vejo muito potencial nessa fic.

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is it just me or the author is foreshadowing that mc will reach in tensura and become demon lord and revive his wife and daughter then happy life then he will cross and cross and cross animes . Man after writing this now i feel stupid anyways it a really good story pls don't drop it author.

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WELCOME SUKUNA FAns ahem.. me to aghh NEVERMIND.. Well it's great and has potential to become top tier ... so it's 3 chapter so I can't so so much .. so it's great and read it to know by yourself 😉 . DON'T DROP IT !! 😉 and good know you author 😄 hope well and in your exam good luck [img=update][img=update][img=update]

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have not read yet, but 5 stars because of sukuna Stupid note to fill the word count nahidwinstandproudcuzyouleftitallbehindorleftitallbehindcuzstandproudyourarestrong -Jogoat

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I liked the way how in the first chapter the MC reincarnated. There was no overdrawn fight scene between OCs that nobody cares about in the first chapter, there was just enough tension to tell us the reader what was going on. There was also no meeting ROB and having an awkward conversation with ROB and getting wishes. It felt nice how the frustration the MC had turned out to be 'wishes' at the end. The idea is pretty interesting, I don't think I've read a story with this power set: Sukuna's power and Azmuth's intelligence. I enjoyed the first chap. The direction you have decided to push the story (Minato, Kushina alive) is something I look forward to read. Thank god it is not one of those 'see how much Naruto suffered in the village' kinda fanfic. Those have become very tiresome to read tbh. The MC also ain't some normal guy from the looks of it and it seems he won't have a hard time adapting to the shinobi world as he seems accustomed to killing. But he has also shown emotions, so he isn't the totally machine-like emotionless killer which is relieving. He wasn't overly emotional though and the way he portrayed his emotion felt real enough for a man of his supposed background. That's all for now. Good luck!

Lihat 2 balasan
LV 4 Badge

I really like the story, the MC and the characters all have an overall incredible writting and dept, I personally really like the interactions between Haku and the MC, it's very wholesome, the fighting scenes are quite well made as well, unfortunately I think this fanfiction has been dropped since it's been 2 months without any chapters, but I hope it's not.

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Basically wish fulfillment. No read plot. There’s plot but it’s just anime and more.. the more part is just bland

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It's good stuff. Sort of a mess, but good stuff nonetheless. Canon? What's that? Canon left the chat before the MC was born. The character design is very well balanced; most of the stuff that I read where the Sukuna golden finger is used, ends up with a deranged-edgy-sadist character, which eventually turns boring after the first 10 face-slapping sessions. But this one didn't, Not to say the character's alignment is 'Good', it should be 'Neutral' with an inclination to 'Egoist', like the guy only cares about his goals but not to the point where he would be using everything in his path to reach said goals, even if it meant losing his morals. Long Story short, I recommend it! I don't know how the author is gonna deal with the story without the guidebok known as canon, but I'm eager to find out!

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Lihat 1 balasan

I never seen such a perfect Naruto fic pls update more

Lihat 2 balasan


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Yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh yuh

Lihat 1 balasan

a thank you to myself for creating this, I guess it's fun, I promise

Lihat 2 balasan

I love naruto and his powers but I can't read it, the MC in naruto's body without kurama, this already takes away the fun of the original character, the protagonist who wants to return to his original world, this hinders immersion in the story, the best would be the protagonist without family in the original world

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Lihat 1 balasan

Está bastante bueno, recomendable si quieres a alguien destrozado el canon de Naruto .............................................................................................................................

Lihat 1 balasan

(PT-BR) Estou gostando bastante da história e de como ela está seguindo, pena que gastei minha pedra de poder e não tenho nenhum para doar agora, mas quando ganhar virei aqui doar para o autor se motivar e continuar escrevendo, só teria que melhorar a frequência de atualização, mas entendo que as vezes não dá.

Lihat 1 balasan

(PT-BR) A história está maravilhosa, muito boa de ler, dei boas risadas com algumas partes, pena que estou sem pedra de poder para poder dar para está história para motivar o autor, mas quando ganhar alguma vou doar ao autor, eu vejo muito potencial nessa fic.

Lihat 1 balasan

is it just me or the author is foreshadowing that mc will reach in tensura and become demon lord and revive his wife and daughter then happy life then he will cross and cross and cross animes . Man after writing this now i feel stupid anyways it a really good story pls don't drop it author.

Lihat 1 balasan

WELCOME SUKUNA FAns ahem.. me to aghh NEVERMIND.. Well it's great and has potential to become top tier ... so it's 3 chapter so I can't so so much .. so it's great and read it to know by yourself 😉 . DON'T DROP IT !! 😉 and good know you author 😄 hope well and in your exam good luck [img=update][img=update][img=update]

Lihat 1 balasan

have not read yet, but 5 stars because of sukuna Stupid note to fill the word count nahidwinstandproudcuzyouleftitallbehindorleftitallbehindcuzstandproudyourarestrong -Jogoat

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