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Am I.. Superman?

Buoyed by his unexpected victory against Smoker, Kasper swaggered back into Loguetown, a triumphant grin plastered across his face. His first order of business: supplies. Food, water, a good bottle of rum – the essentials for any aspiring bounty hunter.

He could, of course, dip into his treasured system shop and procure everything with a tap of a button. But those points were hard-won, best saved for something truly unique, something that would give him an edge in the unforgiving world outside.

However, a small voice in his head chimed in – a voice representing the reward system within his interface. A free technique, it whispered, a reward for a significant milestone. Ignoring such an offer would be foolish, wouldn't it? Kasper couldn't help but agree. A powerful new technique could be the key to future triumphs, a trump card for when his Haki wasn't enough. With a sigh of resignation, he decided to browse the offerings before hitting the shops.

'System, open shop and show me the items I marked before'.

[Yes, Host]

[Shop: Marked Items 

Complete Breathing Styles (Demon Slayer)


"Too few options," he muttered, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "New sword styles... tempting, but I've already honed my swordsmanship to a fine edge. My body can adapt to most situations. Still, it could prove useful against someone equally skilled..."

He trailed off, his eyes narrowing as a new thought struck him. 'System, he spoke mentally, his voice firm with decision. 'Purchase and assimilate 'Complete Breathing Styles (Demon Slayer).' With this, I'll have access to the entire arsenal of Breathing techniques. My existing traits shouldn't be affected, and this opens up a whole new dimension of combat possibilities. Perfect.'


[Purchased 'Complete Breathing Styles (Demon Slayer)'. Assimilation has completed.]

A soft and ethereal aura spread throughout Kasper's body, like a warm fog caressing him from within. Intricate information about the multiple breathing techniques flooded his consciousness, a tidal wave of knowledge washing over him. Detailed descriptions of their corresponding sword styles unfolded in his mind.

It wasn't just theory, though. As the knowledge seeped into his being, Kasper felt his body instinctively imprinting each and every action of the techniques. Muscles tensed and relaxed, mimicking the movements in a silent dance. It was as if his very body was absorbing the knowledge, integrating these new skills seamlessly into his muscle memory.

The process finished with a jolt, leaving him tingling all over. Kasper let out a long, slow exhale, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "Whew," he breathed, the sensation lingering like a phantom limb. "That felt way too good. I might become addicted to that system's upgrade feeling."


With his supplies secured, Kasper decided to indulge in one last stroll through Loguetown's historic streets. Reaching the docks, he hoisted his purchases onto the ramshackle pirate ship the crew had "loaned" him, a sardonic smile playing on his lips.

As he prepared to board, a prickling sensation danced across his skin. He whirled around, his gaze narrowing at a group of men filing onto a nearby vessel. Their eyes, like those of hungry wolves, were locked on him with a predatory intensity that sent a tremor down his spine.

A slow, arrogant grin stretched across Kasper's face. "Heh," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper, "this is gonna be a hell of a lot more interesting than I thought." He hoisted himself onto the borrowed ship, his smirk widening. "Let them set sail," he chuckled, his voice laced with a hint of dark amusement. "Those fools will probably attack tonight, once they think I'm far enough out to sea. The perfect opportunity to test out these new breathing styles."

The thrill of the coming fight coursed through him, a delicious blend of anticipation and danger. He scanned the horizon, his gaze fixed on the open ocean.


"Fuuuu..." Kasper exhaled, wiping sweat from his brow. "This Total Concentration: Constant is some crazy stuff," he muttered to himself. It had been a brutal learning curve at first, his lungs burning with the unfamiliar strain. But now, the rhythmic thrumming in his chest felt natural, a constant undercurrent to his movements.

He'd read about the pinnacle of the technique – users achieving near-instantaneous teleportation or boulder-crushing strength – but for now, Kasper focused on the tangible benefits. It made him faster, his reflexes sharper, his strikes imbued with a newfound power.

Standing on the deck, the borrowed pirate ship creaked beneath him as it sliced through the waves. Kasper unfurled a well-worn map, the compass spinning steadily in his other hand.

A delicious aroma wafted from across the deck, and Kasper's stomach rumbled in appreciation. He'd spent the morning diligently practicing his breathing technique, and now a hearty meal was calling his name. Entering the kitchen, he found a pot bubbling over a makeshift stove, its contents a symphony of sizzling meat, potatoes, and the colorful medley of sautéed vegetables he'd procured in Loguetown. The sight brought a wide grin to his face.

"Chicken Katsu in another world," he declared, raising a steaming plate in a toast to the vast expanse of ocean before him. The first bite was an explosion of flavor – the crispy panko crust, the tender chicken, the savory sauce – a taste of familiarity amidst the unknown. "This is the best damn thing ever," he chuckled, savoring each mouthful. It was a simple pleasure, a moment of pure contentment.


A jolt, fleeting but undeniable, ripped Kasper from his sleep. He bolted upright on the deck of his now-anchored ship, senses tingling with alert. A dark shape loomed on the horizon, a shadow against the moonlit water. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

"So, the idiots decided to show themselves after all."

The pirate ship drew closer, the sounds of drunken revelry growing louder with each passing moment. Kasper could hear their jeering voices, laced with a hint of bravado.

"There he is, boys! Looks like easy pickings! Maybe we'll even score a new cabin boy out of the deal, ahahaha!"

Kasper didn't move, his gaze fixed on the approaching vessel. A hand drifted to the hilt of his newly acquired katana, a weapon that felt surprisingly comfortable in his grasp.

As the pirates drew within boarding distance, a flurry of activity erupted on their deck. Hooks were readied, cutlasses drawn. But before they could launch their assault, Kasper took a deep breath, activating the Total Concentration: Constant technique. The rhythmic thrumming in his chest intensified, a steady beat that fueled his movements.

With a single, smooth motion, Kasper raised his katana high. It wasn't a flashy strike, no flourish or theatrics. It was a simple slash, a textbook execution of a basic technique. But what came forth was anything but basic.

A crescent moon of compressed air, shimmering with raw power, ripped from the blade. It cleaved through the air with a deafening *BOOM*, the very ocean surface reacting to the immense pressure exerted. The wave itself seemed to bend, warping around the invisible blade as it hurtled towards the pirate ship.

The festive mood aboard the pirate vessel died an instant death. The pirates, who moments ago were roaring with drunken laughter, now stared in slack-jawed horror as the attack bore down on them. With a thunderous crash, the crescent moon slammed into the bow of their ship.

An unnatural silence descended upon the scene. Then, a single, hairline crack appeared on the pirate ship's hull, a crack that snaked its way around the entire vessel with horrifying speed. Before the pirates could even scream, the ship split in two, cleaved cleanly down the middle by the sheer force of Kasper's attack.

Pandemonium erupted. Curses and terrified shrieks filled the air as the pirates scrambled for their lives.

"MONSTER! WHAT THE HELL IS HE?!" one of them shrieked, his voice laced with raw terror. "JAMES, YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU BRING US HERE?!" another bellowed, shoving the lookout overboard.

Chaos reigned as the pirates abandoned ship, flinging themselves into the dark water. Kasper watched them go with a detached amusement. He didn't need to pursue them; the ocean would claim those who couldn't swim.

With a single, graceful leap, Kasper cleared the distance between his ship and the wreckage of the pirate vessel. A touch of his hand, and the severed half of the ship vanished into his system inventory. Another effortless leap brought him back onto his own deck.


[Host has recieved the following items]

[1 x Devil Fruit, 8,000,000 Beli, 200KG Meat]

"Not bad, not bad at all!" Kasper crowed, his voice echoing across the moonlit water. He surveyed the spoils of his victory – the remnants of the pirate ship now safely ensconced in his system inventory, a testament to his newfound power. A savage grin split his face. "All in a day's work, if I must say so myself."

His gaze flicked back to the struggling pirates, their panicked shrieks fading into the night. With a cold glint in his eyes, he raised his katana once more. This wasn't about justice or protecting the innocent; it was a test, a way to push his limits and revel in his newfound strength.

A flurry of slashes erupted from his blade, each a deadly crescent of compressed air that zipped through the air with a chilling hum. The unsuspecting pirates didn't stand a chance. Their screams were cut short as Kasper's attacks diced them down with horrifying efficiency, their blood painting the water a dark crimson.

The metallic tang of it all filled Kasper's nostrils, a grim counterpoint to the thrill coursing through him. He was a predator, a force of nature unleashed upon these unfortunate souls. But beneath the surface, a sliver of pragmatism flickered. This mindless slaughter wouldn't hone his skills; it was mere butchery.

He needed a challenge, a worthy opponent to test his mettle against. His thoughts drifted to his evolution trait, a power yet untested. A sea king, perhaps? He'd heard whispers of these monstrous creatures, denizens of the deep with the power to strike fear into the hearts of even the most seasoned sailors.

As if summoned by his thoughts, a tremor shook the water, followed by a massive upheaval. A creature unlike anything Kasper had ever seen erupted from the depths, its serpentine form breaking the surface with a deafening splash. Moonlight glinted off scales the size of dinner plates, and a pair of malevolent eyes glared up at him with predatory hunger. A sea king.

Kasper's savage grin morphed into something more akin to amusement. "Well, hello there," he drawled, his voice laced with a hint of dark humor. "Now that's what I call a cute looking snaaaake."

The sea king reared its head back, a guttural roar erupting from its maw. It lunged forward, jaws agape, ready to claim Kasper in one swift bite. But the young bounty hunter was no longer there.

In a blur of motion fueled by Total Concentration: Constant and his enhanced physique, Kasper defied the laws of physics. He vanished from the deck of his ship, reappearing a heartbeat later perched atop the sea king's head, the air crackling with the aftereffects of his impossible leap.

The colossal serpent thrashed in surprise, its massive body churning the water in a frenzy. Kasper, unfazed, gripped his katana in a reverse grip, the tip of the blade pointed at the creature's skull.

"Now, now," he chided, his voice surprisingly calm considering the precarious situation. "Bite down on something a bit… sturdier, alright? This is gonna be a rough ride."

{Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist}


A bestial roar, enough to curdle the blood and send shivers down the spine of even the bravest soul, erupted from the Sea King's maw. But the sound was cut short, replaced by a sickening crunch as Kasper's fist connected with the creature's skull. A crater, shaped perfectly by Kasper's fist, indented the Sea King's head with horrific force. Blood, black as night and thick as oil, spurted from the wound, spraying Kasper in a crimson mist.

The colossal serpent thrashed in its death throes, its massive body churning the water into a frothing maelstrom. Kasper himself remained unfazed, a statue of steely resolve atop the thrashing beast.

The thrashing grew weaker, the once-powerful movements now sluggish and erratic. Slowly, the Sea King's struggles subsided, its immense form going limp. Silence descended upon the scene, broken only by the lapping of waves against the blood-stained water. The creature lay still, its life or death hanging in the balance.


[Host has recieved 1 x Sea King Blood]

[Host has defeated a Sea King. Rewards are as followed: 1 x Self-Repairable Clothing]

Kasper landed back on the deck of the ship, an intrigued expression adorning his face.

"System, please retrieve the Self-Repairable Clothing," he requested, looking down at his blood-soaked clothes.

After a momentary delay, small nodes appeared on the floor in front of Kasper. He walked over, intrigued by the design the system had chosen for him.

A dark-colored, skin-tight shirt—its sleek fabric seeking comfort and flexibility—lies beside white pants. Their loose-fitting silhouette hints at agility, ease of movement, and practicality. Nearby, sturdy combat boots stand tall.

"Not bad! That's pretty much exactly the clothing that Toji wears. Keeping up with the aesthetic, I see, System! And they self-repair, this is good," Kasper gleamed with happiness.

"Oh, right. System! How do I absorb the blood, and is there anything I should know before I go ahead with it?"

[No, Host. The system will commence the integration as soon as prompted. You will need to lay down, as the process can be painful. However, this will change once your body begins to adapt and evolve autonomously.]


Exhausted but exhilarated, Kasper stumbled into his cabin. The cramped quarters offered little comfort, but the unyielding bed held the promise of a well-deserved rest. However, rest would have to wait. There was a far more pressing matter at hand.

With a deep breath, Kasper settled onto the hard mattress and closed his eyes. "Alright, system," he murmured, his voice tinged with a hint of nervousness but laced with steely resolve. "Let's do this. Integrate the Sea King bloodline. I'm ready to rumble."

[Initiating integration of Sea King bloodline. Please maintain consciousness, Host.]

Kasper's bravado faltered for a moment as the full weight of his decision settled upon him. Maintaining consciousness? Easy for the system to say. He braced himself, every muscle in his body coiling in anticipation.

Then, the pain hit.


It was a volcanic eruption within his very being. A searing inferno ignited in his brain, scorching his nerves. His bones felt like they were being crushed in a hydraulic press, his muscles screaming in agony as they were ripped apart and rebuilt in a grotesque dance of destruction and creation. His skin tore open in jagged lines, blood blooming crimson against the rough fabric of the bedclothes.

A primal scream ripped from his throat, a sound raw and desperate. The pain was unlike anything he'd ever experienced, a relentless wave that threatened to drown him in its intensity. But through the haze of agony, a sliver of defiance remained. He wouldn't give in. He wouldn't succumb.

A bone in his forearm shattered, the sickening sound a grim counterpoint to his ragged gasps. His vision swam, threatening to fade entirely. But even as his body rebelled, the system chimed once again.

[Host, the process will be completed in 30 seconds. Please remain conscious.]

Gritting his teeth until they threatened to shatter, Kasper dug deep, summoning every ounce of willpower he possessed. He focused on the raw power coursing through him, on the promise of evolution, on the potential this agonizing transformation held. He clung to that hope, a flickering ember amidst the inferno of pain.

The seconds ticked by, each one an agonizing eternity. His body continued to break down and rebuild in a horrifying cycle, yet with each iteration, he felt a flicker of change. He was becoming stronger, faster, more resilient. The agony remained, a relentless companion, but a sliver of purpose emerged within it.

Finally, after what felt like an lifetime, a blessed silence descended. The inferno within him subsided, leaving behind a dull ache that felt almost pleasant in comparison to the torture he'd just endured. Kasper lay there, panting heavily, his body a roadmap of red welts and scabs. But he was alive. He had survived.


[Assimilation has completed.]

And then, a wave of power surged through him, intoxicating and exhilarating. Multiple system notifications flooded his mind, a deluge of information detailing the changes wrought upon his very being. His consciousness wavered at the sheer volume of it, but he fought back, clinging to the new reality. Adaptation. Evolution. He had transcended his human limitations, becoming something… more. A single thought echoed in his mind, a testament to his ordeal:

He had become stronger.

Load failed, please RETRY

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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