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44.44% Convict to King / Chapter 60: Shopping

Bab 60: Shopping

After the wild night with Hennessy, Arell found himself unable to forget the experience as he drove away from the hotel. The entire event had been a surprising twist of pleasure, especially since it was his first taste of intimacy after a long drought.

Reflecting on the night, he realized how smoothly everything had been set up. When Hennessy casually mentioned inviting her sister, Becalis, to join, it all clicked. They'd played him, and he'd happily gone along for the ride.

Initially, Arell was hesitant about mixing work with pleasure, but the prospect of something more thrilling convinced him otherwise. So, he dove in, embracing the new adventure with both sisters.

Their room turned into a hotbed of passion, lasting over an hour. The aftermath was a clear sign of their intense session—tangled sheets, scattered pillows, and the thick scent of their sweat in the air.

Arell was particularly captivated by Becalis's peacock tattoo, its bright colors and detailed design highlighting her curves. Every move she made seemed to bring the tattoo to life, adding an extra layer of arousal.

Midway through, Becalis decided to record him and Hennessy, pointing her phone at them. Quick to catch on, Arell made sure his face stayed out of the shot. Taking the phone, he filmed instead, focusing on recording Hennessy in missionary position and later switching to film Becalis as well.

Arell learned firsthand about the boldness of New York women—uninhibited, daring, and unafraid to take what they want and amidst the heat, he'd come close to crossing a line, feeling the urge to let go inside Becalis but pulling back just in time, wary of stepping into any baby mama drama.

Slipping out quietly, he knew he'd stepped over a boundary, and the thought of Geoffrey finding out sent a chill down his spine.

Shaking off the lingering thoughts, Arell turned his attention to the message he had received from Travis. Travis had agreed to a meetup soon but wanted $50K upfront.

It was good that the label would be paying him as he'd prefer to not have to chalk up that large of a sum for a verse. Though, Arell wondered how much others would pay him for a feature, he already had a charted song and almost all of his songs had crossed one million streams and views, and even his earlier songs had started gaining more traction, specifically Blue Balenciaga's which was his most popular song besides the disses.

But in regards to his feature pricing, he supposed he'd have to wait until someone asked him for a feature to find out.

Deciding it was time to update Geoffrey, he pulled over to the side of the road and dialed his number. After a few rings, Geoffrey picked up.

"Hey, Arell. How's it going?" Geoffrey's greeting was casual, but there was a hint of concern beneath the surface.

"Hey Geoffrey," Arell responded. "Just wanted to update you on the house viewing. It went really well."

"I know," Geoffrey replied, a note of amusement in his tone. "I heard the house you're interested in is over a million dollars."

Arell chuckled, shaking his head at the memory. "Yeah, yeah, I know. But it's perfect. It's a big southern home with lots of land and privacy. Exactly what I was looking for."

Geoffrey's sigh echoed through the phone, a sound Arell was all too familiar with. "I get why it sounds great, but you have to think about the logistics. Buying multiple smaller houses might have been smarter. Everyone could have their space, and you wouldn't be living on top of each other."

Arell paused, considering Geoffrey's point. "Well, it's two acres..."

"No, Arell," Geoffrey interrupted, his tone firm but gentle. "We'll go with this for now, but we need to keep our options open for the future, okay?"

"Absolutely," Arell agreed, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "We'll explore other options down the line."

"Good," Geoffrey said, his tone softening. "Now, onto other things. I just got back from a couple of meetings."

"Oh? How'd they go?" Arell asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Let's start with Puma," Geoffrey said. "They've assembled a fashion team and are brainstorming some ideas. Plus, they want to feature some people in your music video for publicity."

"Like who?" Arell asked, his interest genuinely piqued.

"The Rae Sremmurd duo," Geoffrey replied, his voice matter-of-fact. "Swae Lee and Slim Jimmy."

Arell's mouth fell open. "Swae? Swae's signed to Puma?"

"Yes, Arell, you two talk a lot, and you still haven't mentioned your brand deals to each other yet?" Geoffrey chuckled. "Either way, they're doing big things, and Puma thinks having them in your video will be a huge boost for both of you."

"Man, that's dope," Arell said, feeling a rush of excitement. "I was supposed to meet up with Swae sometime soon as well."

"Perfect timing then," Geoffrey replied, clearly pleased. "And we're almost ready with the latest clothing production for Infinity. Our next drop is in line for next week."

"That's great," Arell said, feeling the momentum. "So, what about Atlantic?" Arell asked, shifting gears.

Geoffrey's tone changed, indicating the seriousness of the next topic. "Now, that was more meaty," he said. "They've assigned people for your team now."

Arell sat up straighter, eager to hear more. "Okay, who are we talking about?"

Geoffrey started listing the names and positions. "First, we have Janelle Richardson as your PR assistant. She's young but very driven, with some good early successes. She worked with a couple of indie artists and helped them get noticed by bigger labels. Atlantic picked her up a few months ago, and she's been making waves since."

"That's promising," Arell said, noting the name. "What kind of successes?"

"She managed the PR campaign for a small-time rapper, and his single hit the viral charts on social media. She has a knack for creating buzz and engaging with the audience."

"Sounds like she'll be a great fit," Arell agreed.

"Next, we have Marcus Fields as your marketer. He's worked on some notable campaigns, especially in the digital space. He helped a couple of underground artists go viral with clever marketing strategies. Atlantic saw his potential and brought him on board last year."

"Nice," Arell nodded, appreciating the strategic choices. "What kind of campaigns did he work on?"

"He worked on a digital campaign for a pop artist that got them a spot on a major streaming playlist. His strategies focus heavily on social media and digital presence, which is exactly what you need right now."

"Impressive," Arell commented.

"For booking, we've got Elena Vazquez. She worked with a couple of indie bands and got them slots at Coachella and Lollapalooza. She's got the connections and the know-how to get you into the right places."

"That sounds exactly like what I need," Arell said thoughtfully. "I definitely want to meet them all before we head to New York."

"Absolutely," Geoffrey agreed. "I was going to suggest the same. It's important you get a feel for them and they for you."

"Now, onto the PR situation," Geoffrey began, "Atlantic believes that reigniting the beef between you, Lil Reese, and now adding Lil Durk to the mix could be beneficial for generating further buzz."

"But," Geoffrey continued, "they also want to 'whitewash' your image."

Arell furrowed his brow, unfamiliar with the term. "What do you mean, 'whitewash'?"

"They want to portray you in a cleaner, more polished light," Geoffrey explained. "Less of the 'hood' image and more of a mainstream appeal. They believe it will broaden your audience and attract more lucrative opportunities."

Arell mulled over Geoffrey's words. "I get that, but I can't just change who I am. I won't let anyone talk crazy about me and not say anything about it."

Geoffrey nodded, understanding Arell's concerns. "I hear you, Arell. It's about finding the balance. They want to leverage the beef for attention, but we can steer the narrative to reflect your authenticity."

"Okay, well good," Arell conceded. He wasn't thrilled about the idea of manufactured beef or backing off when others were throwing shots at him, but if they could find a way to make it work for him, he was open to the idea. "Anything else they throw at you?

Geoffrey took a deep breath. "Yes, there's more. Atlantic has some specific ideas for the upcoming music video. They want to feature certain people to boost the video's appeal and cross-promote their own artists."

Arell leaned forward, listening intently. "Like who?"

"Well, they suggested some executives and others they want to appear. They'll be wearing Atlantic merch and stuff to give it that extra promotional push."

"Executives?" Arell questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Like who exactly?"

"Mainly some of the higher-ups in the label, but they also want to include some of their newer artists," Geoffrey continued. "They've got a bunch of up-and-comers they want to feature. Most of them are from around the Atlanta or Texas area."

"Alright, who are we talking about here?" Arell asked, curious to know who Atlantic was pushing.

Geoffrey pulled up a list. "Here are some of the names they mentioned, Lil Uzi Vert, who's signed through DJ Drama's Generation Now imprint under Atlantic. Then there's PnB Rock, Dreezy, Kap G-"

Arell's eyes widened while hearing the list go further on. "Whoa, that's a lot of people. We can't have everyone in the video. It'll be too crowded and chaotic." He said, cutting Geoffrey off.

Geoffrey nodded. "I agree. I actually chopped down the list a bit already, but even so, we need to be selective. Atlantic's pushing hard to get their artists more exposure."

Arell thought for a moment, then smirked. "Lil Uzi Vert, huh? That name's funny. Let's go with him. And maybe one or two others, but not too many."

"Sounds good," Geoffrey replied, making notes. "So, Lil Uzi Vert for sure. Anyone else from the listt?"

Arell considered the options. "PnB Rock, Dreezy and one or two others, anyone else will be people I know."

"Alright," Geoffrey said. "Lil Uzi Vert, PnB Rock, and Dreezy. I'll coordinate with their teams and make sure everything's set for the video shoot."

"Great," Arell said, feeling a sense of excitement. "What about the filming? Who's handling that?"

"We've hired Motion Family," Geoffrey replied. "They're one of the top video production companies around. They've worked with a lot of big names, and they know how to get the best shots. We're planning to film in several locations around Atlanta."

"Like where?" Arell asked.

"Besides the Puma and Atlantic buildings for some brand synergy, we're looking at a few clubs in Atlanta to capture that nightlife vibe," Geoffrey explained. "We've also got access to a warehouse with various sets. It's perfect for creating different scenes and adding some variety to the video."

Arell nodded. "That sounds like a solid plan. What about the extras? Are we renting cars and jewelry for the shoot?"

"Yes, definitely," Geoffrey confirmed. "We want to make sure the video has that high-end feel."

"Sounds like a plan," Arell agreed. "But what about Texas? Are we taking the film crew there too?"

"We're considering it," Geoffrey said. "We'll record at the SXSW festival for sure, but we're also thinking about shooting in a few other places in Texas. We might bring Motion Family with us or hire a local crew for the Texas shots, depending on logistics and costs."

"SXSW will be huge," Arell mused. "We can get some amazing footage there, especially with the crowds and the energy of the festival."

"Exactly," Geoffrey said. "Plus, we can capture some authentic moments in different locations across Texas. It'll add a unique flavor to the video."

"Great," Arell said, feeling the momentum building. "By the way, Travis messaged me back. He's down for the meetup soon, but he wants $50K upfront."

Geoffrey paused for a moment, then replied, "Alright, that's manageable. We should aim to get that done as soon as possible. We don't want it clashing with the New York trip."

"Got it," Arell agreed. "I'll try to lock that in quickly."

Geoffrey went silent for a moment before asking. "What are you up to now?"

"Probably heading back home," Arell said.

"Hmm," Geoffrey pondered. "How about you go shopping instead? You haven't spent any of that $100,000 yet."

Arell considered it for a moment. "Alright, I could do that. I'll probably go pick up the others first."

"Do that," Geoffrey encouraged. "But remember, no more than $100,000. And don't spend it all on nonsense or in one day."

Arell chuckled. "Got it, Geoffrey. I'll be smart about it."

"Good," Geoffrey replied, sounding satisfied. "Keep me updated on everything. Talk to you soon."

"Will do. Talk to you later," Arell said, ending the call.




Arell cruised down the highway, heading towards Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta. Kenny, Malik, and Cam were with him in the car, chatting and laughing, while Devon and the others had opted to stay back to help Geoffrey with logistics for Infinity and organizing things with the film crew. Arell couldn't help but think how quickly Geoffrey managed to get things moving.

As they pulled into the mall parking lot, Kenny leaned forward from the back seat, grinning. "So, how much we spending today?"

Arell smirked, glancing at Kenny through the rearview mirror. "We'll see, man. Let's not go too crazy, though."

Malik, sitting in the front passenger seat, chuckled. "I don't know, Arell. With the way you were talking about that house, you might as well go all out."

Arell laughed, shaking his head. "Nah, Geoffrey would kill me if I blew it all in one day. Besides, we gotta be smart about it. We still have a lot to handle."

Cam, relaxed in the back seat, added, "True that. But it's not every day you get to drop this kind of cash. You should at least have some fun with it."

"Absolutely," Arell agreed, pulling into a parking spot. "Let's just make sure we get some good stuff. No junk."

They exited the car and headed towards the entrance of Lenox Square Mall, the warm Atlanta sun casting long shadows as they walked.

As they approached, they walked through the busy mall, Kenny tapped Arell on the shoulder, pointing excitedly. "Ay, ay, look," he said, nodding towards a jewelry store. "Let's start there."

Arell glanced over and saw the prominent sign: Mayors Jewelers. The display cases glittered with an array of luxurious jewelry. "Alright, let's check it out," he agreed.

The group walked into Mayors, immediately greeted by the cool air and the subtle scent of polished wood and leather. They split up, each drawn to different sections of the store.

Kenny headed straight for a display of chains. "Man, look at this one," he said, holding up a thick gold chain. "This is fire."

Malik was drawn to a case of watches. "Check out these," he said, admiring a diamond-encrusted watch. "I've always wanted one like this."

Arell, meanwhile, was browsing half-heartedly, Cam in tow, not finding anything that particularly caught his eye. He grimaced at a gaudy pendant, shaking his head slightly. "I don't know, man. This stuff feels kind of dead," he muttered.

Just then, a sales associate approached them, her professional smile bright. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. How can I assist you today?" she asked, her tone warm and welcoming.

"We're just looking around," Kenny said, still admiring the chain he held.

"Well, if you need any help or have any questions, feel free to ask," the associate replied, then turned her attention to Arell, sensing he might need more convincing. "Can I show you some of our latest pieces? We have some exclusive designs that just came in."

Arell nodded, though his expression remained unimpressed. "Sure, show me what you got."

The associate led Arell to a different section of the store, where more elaborate and unique pieces were displayed. She picked up a necklace with a large, intricate pendant. "This piece is quite popular," she said, holding it up for Arell to see. "It's made with 24k gold and features a custom design."

Arell examined the necklace, but his grimace deepened. "I don't know, it's just not speaking to me," he said, placing it back in the case.

The associate tried another approach, showing Arell a collection of rings. "How about these? They're a bit more understated but still very stylish."

Arell gave the rings a cursory glance, shaking his head. "Honestly, this just isn't it for me. I'm looking for something different."

Kenny, overhearing the conversation, chimed in. "Yo, Arell, maybe we should try a different store. There's plenty more to see in this mall."

Arell nodded, relieved. "Yeah, let's move on. This stuff isn't hitting like I thought it would."

The associate, noticing she was losing a potential sale, quickly stepped in with a last-ditch effort. "Wait, wait. I think I have just the thing for you," she said, leading Arell to another display case. She reached in and pulled out a sleek diamond necklace.

The necklace was understated yet elegant, featuring a delicate white gold chain with a small, brilliant-cut diamond pendant. It was simple, but the quality of the diamond and the craftsmanship of the chain gave it a unique appeal.

"This piece is one of our best sellers," the associate explained. "It's made with 18k white gold and features a high-quality diamond. It's priced at $9,500."

Arell's eyes lit up as he took in the necklace's beauty. "This is more like it," he said. It was elegant, yet not too flashy.

Kenny, Malik, and Cam gathered around, admiring the necklace. "Looks good," Malik said, nodding in approval.

"Yeah, that's dope," Cam agreed.

Arell turned to the associate. "I'll take it," he said, making the decision.

"Excellent choice," the associate said, beaming. "I'll get it ready for you."

As she prepared the necklace for purchase, Arell browsed the rings again, this time with a more discerning eye. He picked out a few that he thought his friends would like.

"How much are these?" he asked the associate, pointing at a row of rings.

"All in all these rings add up to $8,100," she replied, as she packaged the necklace.

"Alright, I'll take them too," Arell said.

The associate smiled, clearly pleased with the sale. "Great choice. I'll get everything packaged up for you."

As Arell waited, he felt a sense of satisfaction. He had managed to find something that truly appealed to him, and he knew his friends would appreciate their gifts. When the associate returned with the neatly packaged jewelry, Arell handed over his card, keeping in mind Geoffrey's advice not to go overboard.

"Your total comes to $15,500," the associate said after processing the payment.

"Perfect," Arell replied, taking the bags. "Thanks for your help."

"Thank you for shopping with us," the associate said, smiling warmly. "Have a great day."

As Arell and his friends exited Mayors Jewelers, they were in high spirits, their bags swinging as they made their way through Lenox Square Mall. They passed through several designer stores, making quick stops at Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Balenciaga, picking up a few high-end items like leather jackets, sneakers, and accessories.

Their next stop was the Apple Store. Arell decided to upgrade everyone's phones, picking up the latest iPhones for himself those with him and the rest, Geoffrey, Tariq, Devon, Jamal, Rashid, and Keeve. The store was busy, and the Apple employees were attentive, helping them choose the best models and accessories.

As they continued to stroll through the mall, people began to take notice of Arell. A few fans recognized him, waving and calling out his name. Arell smiled and waved back, enjoying the attention but keeping a low profile.

"Man, you're getting famous," Kenny remarked, nudging Arell with a grin.

"It's wild, right?" Arell replied, shaking his head in amazement.

Their next destination was Tourneau, the elegant displays of watches immediately caught their attention. The store was quiet, with soft lighting that highlighted the intricate designs of the watches. The group gravitated towards a particular display case that featured a stunning array of watches.

"Man, look at this one," Kenny said, pointing to a sleek watch with a dark blue dial and silver accents. "This is something else."

Malik and Cam leaned in for a closer look, nodding in agreement. "That's sharp," Malik said. "I could see myself wearing that."

Arell, intrigued by their interest, stepped forward and examined the watch more closely. Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra was what the tag said. The blue dial was striking, with a subtle wave pattern that added depth to its appearance.

"That's a beautiful watch," Arell said, his eyes fixed on the watch. "How much do you think it costs?"

"Let's find out," Cam suggested, looking around for assistance.

Arell approached a sales associate who was organizing a nearby display. "Excuse me," he said, catching her attention. "Could you tell me more about this watch?"

The associate smiled warmly and walked over to the group. "Of course," she said. "That's the Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra. The blue dial is inspired by the ocean, and it features a stainless steel case with a sapphire crystal. It's priced at $6,500."

Arell nodded, appreciating the details. "It's a beautiful piece," he said, looking back at the watch. "I think I'll take it."

"Excellent choice," the associate replied, clearly pleased. "I'll get it ready for you."

As she prepared the watch for purchase, Arell's friends continued to browse the display, each drawn to different models. Malik picked up a TAG Heuer Carrera, admiring its sporty yet elegant design. "This one's pretty dope too," he said.

Kenny was drawn to a Breitling Navitimer, fascinated by its complex dial and aviation-inspired design. "I might have to get this one," he said, grinning.

Arell, feeling generous, decided to treat his friends. "You know what? Let's all get a watch."

His friends' eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. "Are you serious?" Kenny asked.

"Yeah, man," Arell replied, smiling. "Why not? We deserve it."

The associate, overhearing their conversation, quickly took note of their selections. "I'll get these ready for you as well," she said, heading to the counter with the watches.

As they waited, Arell remembered Geoffrey's advice to be smart with the money. He knew he had to balance generosity with practicality. He also thought about getting something for the rest of the crew who stayed behind to work with Geoffrey.

"Hey, could you also show me some watches that are stylish but not over-the-top expensive?" Arell asked the associate.

"Certainly," she replied, leading them to another display case. She pointed out several models from brands like Tissot and Hamilton. "These are all excellent choices, priced between $800 and $3,500."

Arell selected a few different models that he thought would suit Geoffrey, Tariq, Devon, Jamal, Rashid, and Keeve. "I'll take these as well," he said.

The associate nodded, clearly impressed by Arell's spending. She quickly gathered the additional watches and brought them to the counter.

After a few minutes, she returned with the neatly packaged timepieces. "Your total comes to $19,700," she said after processing the payment.

Arell handed over his card, feeling a sense of satisfaction. "Thanks for your help," he said as he took the bags.

"Thank you for shopping with us," the associate replied, smiling warmly. "Enjoy your new watches."

As they left Tourneau, Arell immediately instructed the others to not wear their watches just yet as they weren't exactly in the safest of places.

On the other hand, though he was spending big, they hadn't yet spent the half of the $100,000 but they were close.

People in the mall began to take notice of Arell even more, some waving and others taking pictures from a distance. Arell waved back, feeling the buzz of recognition.

"Alright, guys," Arell said, turning to his friends. "I think I'm going to head back home to work on some music. Are you all planning to stick around?"

Kenny and Malik exchanged looks before Kenny spoke up. "Actually, we were thinking of grabbing some food before heading out. Why don't you join us?"

Arell hesitated for a moment. He was eager to get back to his studio, but the thought of a meal with his friends sounded appealing. "Alright," he agreed with a nod.

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