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12.76% Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey / Chapter 5: Chapter 5) – Life Will Change

Bab 5: Chapter 5) – Life Will Change

Thankfully, for both of us, Mara came back to the land of the conscious after 5 minutes of riding her high. This meant that I, fortunately, didn't need to cut her bliss short in preparation for what was expected to happen. After another few minutes of laboured breaths, she finally recovered her bearings enough to communicate with me, albeit not verbally.

[That was mind-blowing El… I don't think I've ever felt that good with such light touches before~]

Following her example, I also decided to reply telepathically. <I'm glad you enjoyed it since it will become a regular thing if I don't eat brains.>

Slightly expectant she questions, [How often? Honestly, I might ask you to do it even when you're not hungry if it always feels that great.]

<If I don't exert myself with combat and only sustain myself off the passive production from your brain, I need to eat manually with stimulation or brains roughly twice a week.>

Clearly unhappy with how infrequent the activity will be, she requests, [We'll make it three to four times a week if that's okay with you? It feels amazing for me, and it'll also make sure you're always full and ready for anything if something unexpected happens. I used to think I was into girls but a few more sessions like that and I think my preference will change to slime aliens.]

Accepting her request I answer, <That it acceptable for me Mara, I also found it quite enjoyable. Although I do not feel pleasure like humans, your emotions made the processes satisfying and fulfilling for me.>

Wrapping myself back around her body, now that her sensitivity has died down, I transition back into clothing form. Instead of the loose-sleeve summer dress she was previously wearing I transform into a pair of white denim shorts accompanied by a grey chambray button up top. I make sure that the sleeves are rolled up to her elbows to expose her forearms, that the buttons on the front are only half done up and that the shirt is tucked into her shorts partially, the exact style that she likes. Mara prefers dark undergarments, so I settle on her favourite style of black hipster panties and matching black bralette favouring comfort over outward sex appeal. Finishing off the outfit is a set of light brown Chelsey boots accompanied by black liner socks.

When Mara gave me a crash course in fashion over the few days between bonding and arriving in Hawaii, we discovered that I could change my colour into anything I had seen before, provided we were not in our suit form, complements of Carnage. I also informed her that she did not need things like undergarments or socks as I can make her clothing naturally comfortable, but she said that although she appreciates my suggestion, she would feel weird immediately missing them. She did decide, however, that since they were not necessary, and it was slightly more work for me, she wouldn't mind me slowly phasing them out. Essentially starting like normal undergarments but getting smaller and smaller until they were gone.

As she sat up and pushed herself back to lean against the headboard of the bed, she spoke out loud this time, seemingly recovered from her previous inebriation. 

"How long do we have before it starts?"

Following her preference, I also create a head to communicate verbally with her. This time the head comes from her shoulder so she could continue to lean with her back against the headboard, "Just a couple of minutes now. The previous show has already finished so it is currently the advertisements between the programmes."

Mara exhales a deep sigh, "Haaah… I really hope this works, we could have so much fun in that universe, there always seems to be something going on and I bet there is even more that I'm not aware of from non-movie stuff."

Eventually the telenovela starts, both of us giving it our full attention. Mara has described the scene of the Maximiliano character talking with his lover and dramatic music playing in the background. Mara doesn't speak or understand any other language than English, so she doesn't know what exactly is said, but she remembers that the camera pans down to his lover's hand and it shows a ring so she's pretty sure that Maximiliano has discovered that his lover is being unfaithful or something along those lines. 


After 20 or so minutes of giving the show our rapt concentration, Mara suddenly shouts out, "AH! This is it! It should only take a minute or so after this bit!"

And sure enough, as if to speak it into existence, the TV screen flickers showing two different programmes overlapping intermittently. Everything starts to vibrate as if an earthquake was occurring while the very air starts to distort and twist. The sound from both broadcasts transitioned into garbled static, not even forming a coherent language. To ensure that we did not get split up for whatever reason, I bring my head back into Mara's body making sure we are completely connected.

A bright light shines through the doorway that lead to the extension attached to the room. Within a matter of seconds, the previous bedroom is nowhere to be found, swapped with a drastically different décor and design.

"This looks like the right room, but that's not Jameson! Where are we?!"

Reorienting myself, I stop looking around the room in fascination and focus on Mara's emotions that have swiftly changed from excitement with a healthy dose of anticipation to concern and overwhelming confusion.

<What is it, Mara? What is wrong?>

"You remember how I mentioned that the TV show would change to a news channel once we transported over? Well, it's still a news channel, but there's no mention of Spider-Man or Peter Parker! It's not the same as the movie, I don't know if we're in the right universe!"

Bringing my head out again to help her emotional state stabilise, "Breathe Mara. Look at the news again. Is that the same Iron Man you spoke about sacrificing his life to defeat the purple alien, being shown on the screen?"

Displayed on the television, along the bottom half of the screen were the words; 'Tony Stark announces he is Iron Man'. Accompanying these words was a man between 30 to 40 years old. He had short, black hair, brown eyes, and a black goatee. He was wearing a black suit, dark lime green tie and was standing in front of a wooden pedestal talking into microphones, surrounded by news reporters.

"It… it is… But how? He should be dead by this time. Wait, this is from the interview when he announced he was Iron Man to the public... What year is it?!"

Before either myself or Mara could move to check the year of the Earth we had arrived on, the scene on the news changed and the presenter's words locked us in place. '…This will be the first Stark Expo in 36 years and Tony Stark's first big public showing after the monumental announcement that he is indeed the red and gold armored superhero Iron Man…'

"Holy Shit… El do you know what this means?!!"

"My apologies Mara, but you gave me an overview on what to expect after the 'Far From Home' movie and only the most important notes from before that."

Realising she asked an impossible question, she doesn't stand on ceremony waiting for an answer I cannot give, "Whoopsie. Well, I'll just tell you then. The first Iron Man movie was what started the MCU back on my earth, but timeline wise it was the third movie. Now, at the end of the first Iron Man movie Tony Stark, who was shown on the news just a second ago, announces in a press conference that he's the Iron Man superhero. Roughly 6 months after that interview is when the second Iron Man movie is set, and the start of that movie is when the… drum roll please… Stark Expo opens!"

"So not only have we been sent to an alternate universe, but we have also been sent back in time?"

"It would appear so." As Mara finishes speaking the screen changes slightly displaying the exact place and date that the Expo is going to take place. "Looks like we've got exactly a week to get over to New York babe. I'm so excited! Other than having to possibly fight Thanos in the future, this has worked out better than I could have hoped El!"

"I do not want to put a damper on your excitement, but how exactly are we going to get over there from Hawaii? To get here in the other universe we flew on an aeroplane, but we have no money as we brought nothing with us."

Without losing any of her newly gained anticipation she confidently says, "Is that all? Pshhh, don't even worry about it. When we get to the airport all you got to do is copy the outfit of a flight attendant or an airport worker so that we can get close to the plane and then we can hide with all the luggage or on the landing gear! For a normal human it would probably kill them 9 times out of 10, but for us that shouldn't be a problem, right? You're weak to fire not cold!"

"Good point, let's do that then."


Following Mara's plan worked fairly well. We only had a couple of hiccups, but it was nothing we couldn't deal with. Just minor inconveniences like finding the airport, since apparently that is something thing that changes with a universal shift, and that there were no flights from Hawaii to New York. The airport was easy enough to find, we just waited until an aeroplane came to land and followed it. Getting over to New York was slightly more bothersome, but not by much. We had two options: Grab the earliest night flight which would land in a city called Austin or wait for 4 days and get on a flight that landed closest to New York that week, a place called Pittsburgh.

Mara decided that it would be more fun to land at Austin and use the 6 remaining days we had until the Expo to run over there in our suit form. Ever since we had bonded, even before I had increased my strength absorbing the others of my kind, we had never used our full strength, so we were both anticipating the journey.

After landing at roughly 8am and sneaking our way out of the Austin airport we first stopped off at a gas station so that we could grab some food for Mara to eat on the trip over. Obviously, we still did not have any money, but she said we could just take what we wanted as stealing some food was not harming anyone. Mara also showed me what chocolate was, and this human food was good for me as well as it increased the levels of Phenethylamine a human produces!

Mara said that she enjoyed the taste of chocolate immensely but if she ate too much of it then she would become fat, so she always strictly limited her intake. I proceeded to tell her that after we had deepened our bond to the next stage, assimilating with her muscles, she would not have to worry about getting fat as I could expunge it before it latched onto the muscles. Her reaction was to tell me, "Baby if you had lips, I would kiss you!"

Apparently, humans enjoy kissing quite a lot. After learning all of Mara's preferences I would create a human-like face in the future to assist in my food collection.

We also agreed that if we got to New York quick enough then we would advance the bond to the muscle stage. With the level of trust Mara has in me, and how accepting her body has been to my assimilation over our time together, I feel like our bond would be able to advance whenever we have time to go through the process. In the instinctive knowledge from Nexus, there did not seem to be a set amount of time a host required to adapt to whatever bonding stage they were at before moving onto the next. It seemed to be an instinctual decision from the Klyntar on when the host is ready to accept the next bond stage. We Klyntar's just know when the host is close to being capable of advancing, there is not a set time frame like there is for the timing of the bonding process itself. 

After Mara had chosen what food she wanted, she left the station, walked around the corner of the store, and hid at the back where no cameras were present. I then sent my tendrils back into the store, turned all the cameras around and grabbed all the food she wanted before bringing them outside. I created a backpack for her to carry over her shoulders with all the food in and then we made our way down a road with signs saying 'Cardinal Loop', past a Fire Station and down towards a river indicated as the Colorado River. When we got far enough away from any potential passersby, we discussed our travel plan.

[With it being light, it's best if we stick to areas with a lower population count. The great thing about America is that between big cities, there's a lot of unused land, so provided we stay clear of highways we shouldn't have to worry about being recorded or reported.]

<Is there a reason we need to be careful of others seeing us? From my memories there should be no law enforcement able to contain us.>

Stretching her muscles with noticeable experience, Mara continues the conversation, [I wouldn't rely on your inherited memories from the other Klyntar's, this world is very different from that one. Our aim for now is to join the secret organisation called S.H.I.E.L.D. who are decades ahead of anything, technology wise, in the Venom universe. It stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, yeah, it's a mouthful which is why they just use S.H.I.E.L.D. They've already encountered aliens as well, so they're not to be underestimated as they likely have countermeasures in place just for the extraterrestrial, at least on a small scale like us. Oh, also, the current head of S.H.I.E.L.D. has a human that can harness cosmic energy and generate heat on emergency speed dial so let's not get on their bad side from the get-go, even if said being is off world.]

<Okay, I am unsure if I have a weakness to cosmic energy, but it sounds dangerous so I would rather not test it out. I already know I am weak to heat so that is more than enough reason to keep away anyway. We will stay as hidden as possible then.>

[Sweet, now let's suit up and get running!]

Starting from her boots, I move my way up her toned legs removing the incognito and clothed forms of my body, like a ripple effect, traversing all the way up her body. I compress and strengthen my body as it turns back into my natural new black and red colouring scheme for our super-suit. Once I reach the top of her neck, I create a mouth to open wide and 'eat' Mara's head, finishing off the suit change. She insisted on having a cool 'suit up' and this was what she came up with on the flight from Hawaii. She did admit that it was copying Venom from the movies a fair bit, but her justification was that it was dead now, and we are in a different universe so she can plagiarise as much as she wanted. If we were in an emergency though, she said I could skip the progressive change up her body and immediately apply the suit, but she was adamant I keep the head eating no matter what, even if it was a bit faster in an emergency, as it is 'sick as fuck'.

Now at our full height of 6'2" with the suit form applied, I take on the first part of the journey. "Make sure to feel how much strength I am putting into every motion Mara. The quicker you adapt to the strength and height difference, the quicker you get to take control, okay?"

[Aye aye Cap'n! Now go-go I wanna feel the wind through our hair? Tentacles? Tendrils? Whatever, you know what I mean, let's go!]

Focusing about 50% of my strength into my legs I crouch down slightly, with one foot in front of the other. Compressing the power in our legs like a spring as taught as I can, before launching us forwards and up like a bullet from a gun. As the power explodes out of my legs, I feel the ground I pushed off from cave in as I take to the sky, like a blur, at well over 300 miles per hour. 


With how adaptive my body is, Mara does not even feel the opposing gravitation force that would have normally preventing a normal human from traveling this fast. When our feet eventually touch the ground again, miles ahead, instead of jumping into the sky again, I continue with 50% strength, but this time use it for running. Every step we take, imprints are made in the dirt but in such a wide, seemingly unused field, there is no chance of someone spotting these footprints before they are covered with grass or washed away by bad weather.


After no small number of trips and falls, Mara eventually adapted to the height difference between her own body and our suit form, as well as the massive strength difference, so she managed to take full control after a little over an hour. By then we had travelled just over 250 miles or so and were well ahead of our initial target. At the rate we were going we would arrive at Tennessee just after 11am, when our previous estimated target was to make it there by just after 2pm. This was a result of us vastly underestimating our strength and how fast Mara would learn to control our body in the suit form.

After passing the outskirts of Nashville, our next stop was our destination, New York. Deciding to slow down a bit and save on energy consumption, it took an additional 5 hours, and some change, to finally reach the vicinity of New York. As it was still daylight, we decided against entering the city and settled down in a wildlife refuge to wait out the sun. We specifically choose a thick woodland area with lush trees to mask our presence from any pedestrians exploring the reserve.

As I remove the head covering of the suit so that Mara can eat some of the food we prepared for the journey, I create a head to talk with her and suggest how I think makes best use of this waiting time.

"Mara, while we wait for nightfall, would you like to go through the process of deepening our bond?"

Swallowing down the food in her mouth she questions back, "How long will the process take? The first bond was a couple of hours, right?"

"Yes, the skin bond was roughly 2 hours. Each subsequent bond doubles the time as the cells get more complex with them being more essential to the body. For the next bond stage, your muscles, it will take about 4 hours."

"Hmmm, 4 hours will make it about 8 or 9pm so it should be dark by then. Sure, we can deepen the bond, let me just eat up and we can begin."

After another 10 minutes of Mara filling her stomach, I tell her to lie down on the ground when she is ready to start.

"As per the last bond we made, this will be very pleasurable so don't feel like you need to fight to stay awake the entire time. It is only when we get into the really deep bonds that you need to stay awake and prevent your body from going into hibernation."

"Thanks El, let's get this show on the road. I'm ready."

I remove the suit form from Mara leaving only a thin layer of myself in the same clothing form as her combat suit. The exact one she wore when we first met, just so that she is not completely naked on the dirt ground. It is also to prevent any of her delectable ambrosia from going to waste when her body inevitably releases her vaginal floodgates during the mind-numbing ecstasy she is about to go through.

Delving deeper through her skin layer that has been my home since we met, I start to fuse, cell-by-cell with her muscles all over her body. "Oooh fuck babe~"

Within seconds, her nipples are like bullets and her body starts burning up as if her skin was on fire. Not long after that, her previously dry opening is drenched in her fluids. They slowly build up to the point where they form a constant stream of nutritious lubricant, of which I more than happy to partake. The carnal pleasure she feels over every millimetre of her body builds up her first big release, faster than she has ever felt before. This is only exacerbated as the bonding in her clitoris advances.


Unable to bear it any longer, her body begins convulsing violently with the sheer force of the orgasm. Unfortunately for her, I cannot take any breaks during this assimilation so instead of her riding out her orgasmic high, she is forced to cum over and over again. After only 30 minutes her body physically could not produce any more of her succulent, slimy, juices and she could only dry orgasm as each of her mental facilities shut down until she was an unmoving, incoherent, mess. 

"Arggh~! Haaaa… Aarggh~!"

Showing more mental fortitude than expected, she slipped in and out of consciousness in her garbled, shambles, of a state for an additional 20 minutes before inevitably completely passing out from the sensory overload. Even without being conscious, her body continued to shake, shiver, and convulse throughout the assimilation like an evil spirit within her was being exorcized. 

The last 3 hours of the bonding process, until completion, were completely silent bar the occasional groan and grunt from Mara's increasingly dehydrating lips and the sound of her body involuntarily flinching, twisting, and turning in the dense overgrown grassland.

With nothing better to do once the bond advancement had been finalised, I absorbed enough of Mara's nectar to recover the energy I used to travel over from Austin and fill up my energy reserves to the maximum. With the excess, I distribute it around my cells to store for later consumption while I wait for her to eventually wake up from her euphoria induced coma.

BananaPancke BananaPancke

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