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POV - Amano Haruko

Lord Tengen lived for over 1200 years, and my husband believes that our two-year-old son has the potential to surpass him in the future due to his unique abilities.

Despite being exiled from the Gojo family, my husband still values our son's six eyes ability.

"Why don't we introduce the concept of 'Binding Vow' to Kazuhiko? Implementing binding vows on his barrier could significantly enhance its strength, don't you think?"

Yes, Kazuhiko can enhance his barrier technique with more practice.

Currently, his barriers are so strong that even he struggles to exit them easily, draining a lot of his cursed energy.

If he didn't possess such immense cursed energy and six eyes, he would have collapsed the moment he created that barrier.

"No, I won't teach him about 'Binding Vow', not just yet..."

Binding Vows are not something to be taken lightly, especially with a child as special as Kazuhiko.

Making the wrong 'Binding Vow' could lead to dangerous consequences.

It doesn't matter if he breaks the vow that he made to himself, since that would only result in a loss of benefits he received.

But if he broke the Vow with others, it would lead to severe consequences.

I've decided to wait until our son matures a bit more before introducing him to the concept of 'Binding Vow'.

In my attempt to ensure Kazuhiko's growth and development, I kept a watchful eye on him as the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months.

After four months of diligent training, he became a master at the art of talisman-making, creating an array of barriers that were accompanied by various incantations and hand signs.

Although some of them were quite ominous, I made it clear to him that they should only be used when necessary and not in front of others. 

It was evident that Kazuhiko had a natural talent for creating barrier techniques, as my husband had predicted.

However, what surprised me was his ability to control the talismans of the barriers I placed around our house without causing any damage to them.

This was a clear indication of his mastery of the art.

Despite his newfound skills and abilities, Kazuhiko remained true to his word and never left without me or Susumu by his side, even to this day just as he promised.

Despite his dislike of being alone, he kept his promise.

He had already learned everything except the method to implement binding vows in the talisman.

However, I chose not to mention this to him because I didn't want him to venture out alone and risk encountering sorcerers.

As his third birthday approaches next year, my husband Susumu and I need to plan which kindergarten our son should attend.

I desire for him to study in a reputable kindergarten, even if the fees are slightly higher.

Both my husband and I are capable of affording it.

Since my husband was occupied with work, I decided to visit nearby kindergartens to determine the best one.

Upon returning home after selling my newly created cursed tool, I was shocked to witness my son engaging in yet another reckless act firsthand.

My son, Kazuhiko brought a nearly lifeless fourth-grade curse into the center of the hall, his eyes devoid of any emotion.

The ghastly sounds of the curse echoed throughout our home.

It appeared as though he had somehow weakened the protective barrier surrounding our house and enticed the curse inside.

The sight of my son callously dragging the curse around, as if it were a mere plaything, sent shivers down my spine.

Despite being a curse, it bore a resemblance to a living being.

Neither his father nor I had ever instructed him to harm curses, especially at such a young age.

This was not the appropriate time for such actions.

I could never have fathomed that he would take it upon himself to hunt down curses out of sheer curiosity.

How could he remain so composed while doing such a thing?

"Kazuhiko! What exactly are you doing with that curse?!"

I demanded, my voice quivering with anger.

This situation is unacceptable.

"Mmm, Mom... you're here! Perfect timing! Can you please assist me in holding this for a moment? I've stumbled upon something quite intriguing..."


He appeared oblivious to my presence!

With his six eyes, his field of vision was extensive, allowing him to notice everything in his vicinity.

However, whenever he became engrossed in something, his vigilance would falter easily.

Particularly with us, he seemed unconcerned about maintaining his guard around me and Susumu.

Fortunately, whenever we ventured outdoors, he always remained attentive to his surroundings and stayed alert.

Kazuhiko appeared oblivious to my current anger towards him as he nonchalantly placed the curse beside me, retrieved the talisman, and began reciting a new chant with unfamiliar hand signs.

"They emerged from the depths in search of their origin. I offer them the way back to their beginnings, allowing them to find solace in the darkness and set them free... RELEASE!"

Upon completing his incantation, he swiftly seized the curse from me and obliterated it with a significant amount of cursed energy.

The ease with which he took a life was unsettling, hinting at a past filled with similar actions.

Could it be that he had been eliminating curses without our knowledge whenever he ventured out alone?

The mere thought weighed heavily on my heart, and I struggled to accept it.

The cursed body vanished as usual, leaving behind a dark fog that was absorbed by the talisman he had crafted.

"Mom... didn't see that? with this talisman, we don't have to worry about using our cursed energy to form a barrier at all. Isn't it awesome?!" 

The talisman emitted the purest form of negative energy, so intense that I could hear faint cries emanating from it.

It was unsettling.

Once again, he stumbled upon something extraordinary.

The cursed energy contained within the talisman appeared to be functional, unlike the impure energy wielded by curses.

The cursed energy from curses was deemed too corrupt for human use, as it had the potential to drive anyone mad.

It shouldn't have been accessible to humans, yet he managed to make it usable.


Author's Note:

Greetings, dear readers! I hope you're doing well and are immersed in the world of my fanfiction. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your time and dedication in reading my work.

As an aspiring writer, I pour my heart and soul into every chapter, striving to create a captivating narrative that resonates with every one of you. However, completing this fanfic requires not only my passion but also the support of wonderful individuals like yourselves.

If you enjoy this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its completion, I humbly ask for your support. Your generosity will enable me to dedicate more time and resources to this project, ensuring that it reaches its full potential. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in bringing this story to life.

To make supporting this fanfic easier for you, I have provided a link below. By clicking on it, you will be directed to a Patreon platform where you can contribute and become a part of this creative journey. Your support will not only help me in completing this fanfic but also allow me to explore new ideas and collaborate with all of you, my amazing readers.

Once again, I want to express my deepest gratitude for your time, dedication, and support. It is your enthusiasm that fuels my creativity and inspires me to continue writing. Together, let us embark on this journey. Thank you, and I eagerly anticipate collaborating with every one of you.

Link: [patreon.com/LostSoul420FanficWriter]

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