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Arc 1 - Ch 4: Xavier Institute

Jubilee had a broad grin as she gave a quick wave, "Hey there, Tyson. Welcome to the madhouse."

Tyson cracked a small smile, "Thanks."

Turning back to Jubilee, Xavier continued, "I was hoping, Jubilee, that you could show Tyson around the school. Help him get acclimated."

Jubilee's eyes sparkled with excitement. She loved the school, and the prospect of sharing her passion for it with someone new was invigorating. "Absolutely, Professor! Consider it done."

"Thank you, Jubilee," Xavier said with a nod of gratitude.

Jubilee looked back at Tyson with a mischievous grin, "Ready for the grand tour?"

Jubilee's attitude proved infectious as she led Tyson on a whirlwind tour of the Xavier Institute. She talked non-stop and her hands moved animatedly to match the flow of her words. Her enthusiasm was a live wire, electrifying the air around her, and Tyson found himself drawn in by her exuberance. As they walked, Tyson's initial guardedness seemed to fade away, replaced by a growing sense of ease in Jubilee's company. She was unlike anyone he'd met before; a beacon of light and cheer in the aftermath of the chaotic events that had landed him at the institute.

"So," Jubilee began, her eyes glinting with curiosity, "where are you from, Tyson?"

Tyson paused. He couldn't admit his extra-universal origin. "The Professor wasn't able to tell me about my past," he confessed. 

Undeterred by his answer, Jubilee nodded sympathetically. "That must be tough," she said, her voice softer now. "What's the last thing, or first thing, you remember?"

Tyson looked away, his gaze distant. "Waking up in the back of a truck," he started slowly, "Somewhere way up in Canada." 

Jubilee's eyes widened with interest as he recounted his experiences. He told her about the bar, the cage fight with Logan, and the ambush by Sabertooth. He didn't hold back the gruesome details, and Jubilee listened, enraptured. His voice was steady, but the tension in his frame told a different story. She marveled at his adventure and she found herself wanting to know more.

Jubilee's curiosity was insatiable, "So, this power of yours," she asked tentatively, "what exactly does it do?"

Tyson glanced at her, assessing how much he should reveal. But there was an openness about Jubilee, a genuine desire to understand, that made him feel comfortable in sharing his truth.

"When I touch someone, I absorb their life force," he explained, "I gain their memories and experiences, hints of their personality and their powers if they have any. Sometimes I gain their physical characteristics too."

"Whoa!" Jubilee exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with fascination. "So, like, you have all of Sabertooth's powers now? Is that why you're so big? Is it... permanent?"

Tyson nodded. "Yeah, as far as I can tell. I look like a cross between what I used to look like, and his appearance. I absorbed his strength, his healing factor... and even some of his instincts and skills. They're all a part of me now."

Jubilee digested this, her brows furrowed in thought. Tyson couldn't help but appreciate the way she didn't recoil from his explanation but rather seemed to regard his abilities with a mixture of awe and empathy. It was a reaction that spoke volumes about her character, and Tyson found himself feeling grateful for her presence. They walked, the echoes of their conversation lingering in the air. "So, you can't touch anyone?" Jubilee asked in a somber tone after a moment's silence. 

Tyson shook his head and a wave of sadness washed over him. He tried to shake it off, tacking on a joke to lighten the mood. "Not without consequences. It's safe to say my love life is pretty much on hiatus for the foreseeable future," he replied, managing a wry smile. 

Jubilee looked at him, her expression softening. She seemed to be studying him, her gaze making him feel seen in a way he hadn't in a long while. "You're not bad looking, you know. Maybe you'll figure out how to control it, or find a workaround."

The comment was unexpected, catching Tyson off guard. "Yeah, maybe," he replied, the barest hint of a smile playing on his lips. The thought was comforting, and for the first time since he woke up in that truck, he felt a flicker of hope, a glimmer of the possibility of a future beyond his isolation. 

Tyson found his curiosity piqued as he asked, "So what about you? Tell me your story."

Jubilee shrugged, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "My story isn't as...exciting as yours, Tyson. I was born in Beverly Hills, California. Both my parents worked in business. They had money, but they were too busy for me."

She led him down a hallway adorned with old portraits of distinguished-looking people. "My mutant powers showed up when I was around thirteen," she continued, her voice echoing in the marble corridor. "My parents didn't know how to deal with me, so they sent me off to an institution. Not this one, mind you. After a couple of years there, I ran away. I lived on the streets for a while, getting by with my light show."

Jubilee stopped to look at Tyson, her expression serious. "But one day, the Professor found me. He brought me here. This place, these people...they became my family."

He matched steps with Jubilee when she continued, walking beside her, "So, this is the main corridor," she said, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "It connects the classrooms, the training rooms, and the residential wings."

Tyson nodded, absorbing every detail. He raised an eyebrow, curious. "I told you about mine. All you mentioned was a light show. Will you tell me about your power?"

She hesitated for a split second as if considering how best to explain. Then, with a sly smile, she held out her hand. Sparks that were vivid, electric, and shimmering in an array of colors danced from her fingertips, illuminating the corridor.

"They're like fireworks," she explained with a twinkle in her eye. "I can generate pyrotechnic energy plasmoids from my hands. Sounds fancy, huh? I can shoot these dazzling bursts of energy. Sometimes, they're just for show, but when I focus, they can pack a real punch."

Tyson watched in awe, captivated by the light show before him. "That's incredible," he murmured. "It must have been quite the Fourth of July when you discovered your power."

Jubilee laughed, the sparks fading. "Oh, it was! But like all mutants, I had to learn control. That's what this place is about. Understanding who we are, and using our gifts responsibly." A warm smile spread across her face. "Being a mutant isn't the end of the world, Tyson. It's just the beginning of a different one. And trust me, it's quite an adventure."

Tyson felt a sense of admiration for the girl beside him. Behind her perky demeanor was a story of resilience. A girl who'd struck out on her own, using her power to get by on the streets. He found himself looking at Jubilee, really looking at her, seeing past the energetic girl who was showing him around the school. There was a strength in her, hidden beneath her charm. 

The tour ended at a distinctly modern section that stood out compared to the rest of the grand institution. Jubilee turned to Tyson, gesturing broadly to the structure. "Welcome to your new home, the dormitory building. Guys on the first floor, girls on the second."

Tyson looked at her in surprise. "Wait, how do you know this was my room?" he asked, pointing to the door she had stopped in front of. 

Jubilee tapped her temple with a mischievous grin. "The Professor told me. He's kind of a big deal around here."

As he turned the handle, he paused, glancing back at her with a teasing smirk. "I'd invite you in, but..." He let the sentence trail, his eyes subtly pointing to his gloved hands, a constant reminder of his uncontrollable power.

Jubilee grinned, pressing her back into the doorframe, her trademark yellow coat seeming even brighter in the soft light. "Oh, you're such a boy," she playfully retorted, a glint of mischief in her eyes. She moved a bit closer, crossing her arms in a mock-serious pose, "You could invite me in and we wouldn't be doing anything that involved touching anyway." She informed him, "You might be good-looking, but I don't know you like that… Yet. Besides, the real connection, the one that matters, it's deeper." Her voice took on a light, teasing note again, "And for the record, there are things we can do to get closer that don't involve touching." She raised an eyebrow suggestively but then burst out laughing, "Like, you know, talking, sharing stories, playing video games…"

He chuckled, "Video games? Really?"

Jubilee shrugged, her bracelets jingling, "Hey, nothing brings two people closer than teaming up to save a digital world. Plus, you get to know a lot about someone by how they play." She winked.

Tyson nodded, taking in her words. "I guess I've been so focused on what I can't do, I've forgotten about what I can."

Jubilee's gaze softened, "Everyone here has their challenges. It's how we face them that defines us."

He looked deep into her eyes, seeing the wisdom behind her bubbly exterior. "Thanks, Jubilee. Hadn't pegged you as the local relationship counselor and philosopher, but I needed to hear that."

She flashed him a bright smile, "Anytime. Now, about those video games…"

Tyson's curiosity was piqued, and he leaned in slightly. "Alright, Jubilee, enlighten me. What have you been playing recently?"

Her eyes lit up, shining with a familiar gamer's passion. "Ever heard of 'Assassin's Creed II'? It dropped last year. The graphics, storyline, and gameplay are seriously next-level. And the parkour! Man, makes me wish I could run on rooftops."

His eyebrows shot up in genuine surprise. "I played that on my PC!" He left out the part that it had been years since he played that game.

Jubilee's grin widened, "No way! I've been playing it on my Xbox 360. Honestly, nothing beats the feeling of a controller in hand."

Tyson laughed, "PC is where it's at! Customizable hardware, mods, and let's not forget the precision of a mouse."

Jubilee nudged him gently with her elbow, "Oh, come on! You can't tell me you've never accidentally clicked out of your game window or had some random software update, or anti-virus warning in the middle of a game. Console is straightforward. Insert a game disc, play. Plus, split-screen multiplayer is a blast."

He chuckled, "Okay, you got me there with the anti-virus pop-ups. Split-scree multi-player is fun if you like peeking at other people's screens." he taunted, accusingly, "But there's nothing like PC gaming. Like when you stumble upon a game-changing mod. And don't even get me started on MMOs."

Her eyes twinkled, clearly loving the friendly debate, "Alright, Mr. PC Master Race, ever tried playing 'Halo' on PC? Nothing beats the console experience there!"

He leaned in conspiratorially, "Between you and me, I may or may not have had an Xbox for Halo. There's something about that game... It's just different."

Jubilee burst out laughing, the sound echoing down the corridor, "Ah-ha! I knew it!"

~~ Rogue Replacement ~~

Tyson watched as Jubilee's back disappeared down the corridor, leaving him alone in front of his room. With a sigh, he turned the doorknob and pushed the door open, stepping into his new space. The dorm room was a far cry from the cramped truck cabin he'd woken up in not so long ago. Twin beds, their covers pristinely folded, sat on either side of the room, each with its accompanying nightstand. An uncluttered desk stood against the adjacent wall, a chair tucked neatly under it. A floor-to-ceiling window bathed the room in the soft, warm glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows that danced across the polished hardwood floor. On both sides, were large wardrobes that offered ample space for clothes he didn't own yet. The walls, painted a soothing shade of blue, held a corkboard for personal items, and pictures.

A quick inspection revealed that both wardrobes were empty. Tyson wouldn't have to share his space with another student. Likely a reasonable precaution given the danger presented by his power. Tyson moved to the desk, pulled out the chair, and sat down. He pulled open the top drawer to find it filled with pens and a stack of notepaper. He took out a pen and a piece of paper, spreading them out before him.

He found himself staring at the blank sheet for a moment, then, began to write. The words flowed from his pen, detailing all the powers he now possessed: 


Healing Factor,

Increased Longevity,

Superhuman Strength, 

Superhuman Speed,

Superhuman Agility,

Heightened Senses,

Claws and Fangs.

Underneath each power, Tyson began to sketch out a plan, a way to test them, to understand them better. To control them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting his room in shades of twilight, Tyson leaned back in his chair, his eyes scanning over his notes, his mind turning over possibilities and plans. This was his start, the first step toward controlling his abilities.

Tyson regarded the list he'd made for a moment longer before setting his pen down, his gaze landing on the last item on his list. Claws and Fangs. This power was simple enough to test without leaving his room.

He pushed the chair away from the desk and stood, crossing the room to the full-length mirror propped against one of the walls. His reflection stared back at him; a light brown-skinned young man, his features hardened by his recent trials. Though Tyson guessed he was around sixteen, his height, muscle mass, and wild hair made him look older.

He leaned closer to the mirror as he opened his mouth. His lips curled back, revealing a row of normal, human teeth. He thought of Sabertooth, of the sharp canines that man had displayed. Focusing, Tyson tried to draw on Sabertooth's memories to force the change. He felt a tingling sensation in his gums as a strange pressure built. In the mirror, he saw his canines elongate, growing sharper and deadlier. They were not as prominent as Sabertooth's but unmistakable all the same.

His brows knitted together in focus as he attempted to retract them. After a moment, they returned to their normal state. Tyson let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, his gaze fixed on his now ordinary teeth.

One power confirmed. 

Tyson kept his gaze locked onto his reflection as he slowly unfurled his fingers. He let his mind return to Sabertooth's memories, remembering the glint of the monstrous mutant's deadly claws. There was a faint prickle at the tips of his fingers, followed by a sensation similar to pins and needles. Then, a more powerful jolt surged through his palms and down each digit as claws slid forth from his cuticles, overlaying his fingernails. They were each about three inches long, deadly sharp and curved, resembling those of a wild beast. He flexed them, feeling the danger radiating off his new appendages. Despite the sudden change, they felt surprisingly natural, as if they were always meant to be a part of him.

With another mental command, the claws receded into his hands, leaving behind unmarred skin. Tyson stared at his hands for a moment longer with a sense of satisfaction. He was about to continue his testing when a knock rattled his door, pulling him out of his thoughts. He walked over and cracked it open. Jubilee was there, a playful smirk on her face.

"Stop playing with yourself, it's time for dinner," she teased.

Tyson squinted at her, an eyebrow raised in question. "How'd you—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jubilee swung the door open fully, revealing another girl standing just behind her. His eyes widened slightly as he took her in. A figure with fiery red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back. Her deep-set eyes were a remarkable shade of green. An air of gentleness hung about her, a stark contrast to the palpable energy that Jubilee seemed to radiate. She wore a simple, fitted green dress that accentuated her slender figure and stopped just above her knees. Her bare arms were lean yet strong, adorned with a simple silver bracelet. 

As she looked at him, her lips curved into a small, warm smile, creating a pair of faint dimples. "Hi there," she greeted. 

Tyson blinked, taken aback by the striking resemblance the girl bore to a character, and not exactly the one he expected. He mumbled, almost to himself, "Sansa Stark?"

Jubilee's brow furrowed in confusion. "No," she corrected, "This is Jean, Jean Grey." A pause, and then, "Who's Sansa Stark?"

Tyson chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sansa is a character in a book, 'Game of Thrones'..." He trailed off, realizing his blunder. He couldn't remember when the first book was released but knew it should've been out by now. "Anyway, sorry about that. I'm Tyson, by the way. Nice to meet you, Jean."

Jean's smile was warm and genuine, her eyes sparkling with amusement. There was a sense of understanding in her eyes that was hard to ignore.

"And since Jubilee seems to know exactly what I was doing," Tyson guessed, turning his gaze to Jean, "I'm guessing you told her. So, your power is...stop me when I get it. Precognition, astral projection, mind-reading…"

Jean laughed softly at his conjecture, her green eyes twinkling. "Telepathy," she confirmed with a nod and a bright smile, not at all surprised by his guesses. 

Tyson paused, taken aback. He turned to her, his expression one of surprise. "I thought my mind was difficult to read? The professor mentioned I had some resistance to telepathy."

Jean nodded, her lips pressed in a thin line. "It is noticeably harder to read you. Your mind is quiet except for when you're broadcasting your thoughts like that."

Jubilee wagged a finger at him, playfulness flickering in her eyes. "Jean knows everything that's going on around here, Tyson. So you better behave yourself."

Tyson gave her a nod, but inwardly he found himself mulling over the implications. If he had been, say, actually playing with himself, Jean would have known. The thought sent a pang of awkwardness through him. Then, an entirely different, somewhat amusing idea popped into his head. Given his new, more muscular frame, he should probably check if other aspects of his physicality had changed as well... like his size down there. As the thought entered his mind, he couldn't help but steal a glance at Jean. He watched, almost amused, as her face transformed from its normal peach hue to a brilliant crimson. Jubilee, however, seemed oblivious to Jean's reddening face. At least until she glanced over to see why no one was speaking. Her eyebrows shot up when she noticed Jean's flushed features. "Hey, what's he thinking about that's got you all flustered?" she asked curiously.

Jean stammered, the blush on her cheeks deepening. "N-nothing," she hastily replied, quickly seizing Jubilee's arm and guiding her away. "Come on, let's go get dinner."

Tyson watched the sway of their hips as they walked away, imagining that Jean knew he was doing so. A grin tugged at the corners of his lips as he followed the girls.

The cafeteria of the Xavier Institute was a hive of energy and animated chatter from young mutants. As Tyson followed Jean Grey and Jubilee, he took a moment to absorb the scene. Amid the typical high school banter were sights that would be deemed extraordinary elsewhere: students with skin tones of various hues, trays levitating without being held, and some other casual uses of superpowers.

But it was the aroma that truly captivated Tyson. The tantalizing scent of roasted chicken, the tangy freshness of a Caesar salad, and the inviting aroma of garlic bread wafted through the air. Sabertooth's enhanced senses allowed him to identify the meal before he'd even cleared the room's threshold. 

His eyes widened, and he eagerly filled his plate. Jubilee remarked, "Not bad, right? Trust me, the food's as good as it smells."

Tyson grinned, "I'm just surprised. Most cafeterias I've been to serve stuff I wouldn't feed to my worst enemy." He paused, recalling his worst enemy. Logan. No. Tyson knew that wasn't right. Logan wasn't his enemy. 

Jean's lips curled into a gentle smile. "Professor Xavier believes that a healthy body complements a healthy mind. Our chefs are talented, and given the unique makeup of our student body, they've learned to prepare dishes for every kind, in case there's a mutant with unique culinary needs."

Jubilee chimed in, "Looks like you're one of them, Tyson!" He looked up confused, before she jokingly continued, "You need a lot of food! That's more than I eat in a day."

Chuckling, Tyson balanced his hefty tray, "I'm like 3 times your size. Alright, so where are we sitting? Do you have a set spot, what's the breakdown around here?"

Jean pointed toward a table filled with familiar faces: Cyclops, Storm, and a few others he'd yet to meet. "Over there are the professors. The ones you haven't met yet are probably curious about the new recruit, especially after hearing about your... encounter with Sabertooth."

Jubilee winked, "Word's gonna spread fast about the huge new guy who got into a real fight before even arriving. Everyone's probably going to want to find out how you beat a known villain. That's some serious street cred."

Jean's gaze was comforting. "Just remember, here at the institute, you're surrounded by friends."

As they walked to an empty table, Tyson felt a burgeoning sense of camaraderie. He was about to dig into his meal when Jubilee's hushed voice interrupted. "Uh oh, here comes Magik."

Following Jubilee's gaze, Tyson spotted a figure of cool, detached beauty approaching. Her skin was a delicate shade of porcelain which contrasted sharply with her intense blue eyes. Platinum blonde locks hung in a chic, modern style, framing her face perfectly. Her stride was a mix of self-assuredness and practiced grace. Those knee-high black boots made a statement with every step. Her fitted outfit was a blend of the latest fashion and rebellious edginess, which combined with her figure made heads turn.

She reached their table, her gaze scanning over Tyson dismissively before landing on Jubilee and Jean with a smirk. "So, this is the newbie everyone's been whispering about?" Her Russian accent added an exotic touch.

Tyson cleared his throat. He didn't appreciate being talked about like he wasn't sitting right in front of her. Her casual dismissal was quickly causing him to become angry. He said tersely, "I'm Tyson."

She sized him up with an exaggeratedly bored look, "Illyana Rasputin. But around here, they call me Magik." 

Tyson asked, "Because you're a witch?"

Jubilee, burst out laughing, adding, "She doesn't have any actual magic. But she can teleport and create armor and a sword out of thin air, like magic."

Jean, trying to defuse the tension, commented, "We just finished giving Tyson an overview of the Institute."

Illyana's smirk deepened, her eyes darting toward Tyson, "I thought I'd come to see what the fuss was all about. But, honestly? Color me unimpressed." She gave a theatrical sigh, clearly enjoying the moment.

Jean's patience seemed to wear thin, "Illyana, if you don't mind—"

Illyana raised a hand, interrupting, "I was just leaving. Enjoy your meal, newbie." 

In a final gesture of mock politeness, she stretched her manicured hand toward Tyson. A clear challenge, and invitation for him to kiss it. 

Tyson hesitated for a moment, his face impassive. But as he gazed at her fingers, a darker thought urged him forward. With a slow and deliberate movement, he accepted her hand in his gloved one, lifting it toward his lips for a 'gentleman's kiss'. His darker intentions grew with each moment. But suddenly, an unseen force stopped his movement in mid-air. 

Inside his head, clear as a bell, he heard Jean's voice, This isn't you.

The words echoed, piercing through the fog of anger and ill-will that had momentarily clouded Tyson's judgment. He suddenly realized how Sabertooth's malice had seeped into his psyche, subtly influencing his thoughts and actions. 

Tyson stared down at Illyana's hand, still suspended in his grip, and felt a rush of shame. Using his power against someone out of petty spite? That wasn't him. 

Drawing in a deep breath, he gently lowered her hand, shaking it lightly and releasing it without another word. With a final, lingering look of amusement, Illyana sauntered away, convinced she'd outmaneuvered her newest opponent in the battle of high school hierarchies.

Tyson glanced at Jean, her face was calm, but her eyes radiated concern. Jubilee, sensing the tension, tried to diffuse it with a light chuckle. "Well, that was... intense. Tyson, remember, we're all trying to get along here."

Tyson nodded, struggling to articulate his gratitude to Jean. "Thanks," he whispered to her, his voice carrying a weight of realization. "I almost... I almost lost myself there."

Jean simply nodded, her eyes softening. "Just remember, every choice we make defines us. It's a constant battle, especially here, where we're all trying to find ourselves."

Tyson exhaled, letting the weight of the moment settle around him. He realized that Sabretooth's influence ran deeper than he had imagined. But with friends like Jean and Jubilee around, he had a fighting chance of keeping that darkness at bay.

Steatoda Steatoda

Behind the Scenes

- This scene is inspired in part by New Mutants (2020) and the X-Men and X-Men Evolution cartoons.

- When Tyson guesses Jean’s powers, the ones he mentions are other powers possessed by Jean Grey. 

- Jean Grey was played by Famke Janssen in X-Men (2000) but I decided to go with a younger, student Jean in the image of Sophie Turner as seen in X-Men: Apocalypse (2016).

- Assassin’s Creed II was released in 2009, but not on PC until March 2010. Tyson slipped up saying that he’d played it and Halo, after saying he didn’t remember anything before waking up in the truck. Jubilee in her enthusiasm for gaming, missed the faux pas.

- Magik’s name appears on Stryker’s computer in X-2 so she exists in the X-Men (2000) continuity. Her backstory is a twist on her movie and comic backgrounds and will be explained gradually, so please try to keep an open mind there.

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