Unduh Aplikasi
92.3% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 33: Ch 32 Blood Soaked Obsidian

Bab 33: Ch 32 Blood Soaked Obsidian

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[Orcish Village, Cordillian Cliffs]

"M...Master.....W....Will you.....Really B...Breed me T...Tonight?" Alosia asked nervously as her lewd body squirmed and hands fidgeted nervously.

I turned my gaze towards Alosia as her soft warm voice filled my ears, her tantalizing milky scent emanated from her rosy white skin as the golden bloodbinding inscriptions on her throat shimmered under the candlelight.

I wanted her badly.

I took her by the hand and walked us into one of the rooms and shutting the door behind us, I could see her nervousness clear as day.

"Tell me Alosia....Do you dislike the Idea? Of being 'bred' as Hirni likes to say?" I asked while approaching her slowly.

Her eyes went wide and She took a step back but ran into the wall.

I stood only a foot away from Alosia as her soft breasts pressing against my chest.

My hands slowly made their way to her waist and I saw her flinch a bit as my palms pressed gently against her wide squishy birthing hips.

I neared my face to hers and she froze, her striking pupil's dialating widely.

"You know Alosia, every single part of you belongs to me right?....And which man wouldn't want to breed someone as delicious looking as you." I spoke softly as my arms pulled her closer so our bodies pressed tightly against each other, our faces only inches apart.

Her beautiful face turned beet red as her body stayed frozen in shock but her Pink eyes continued to stare deeply into mine.

Her body trembled nervously for what would likely come next....But I wouldn't eat this dessert just yet.

I would have a taste however.

"Kiss me." I spoke softly and i saw her eyes widen in surprise for a long moment before her head nodded softly.

"Y...Y...Yes..M...Master..." Alosia muttered out before closing her beautiful pink eyes and sticking out her luscious pink lips clumsily.

I moved my mouth toward her lips and soon they made contact.

A jolt passed through Alosia's body from the small kiss....Her first kiss.

But before long I pulled away.

Her eyes opened in surprise, she expected something like what she'd seen Florence doing with me, Alosia thought her noble mouth would be invaded lewdly much as her friend was but instead all she got was a peck.

"What? Expecting something different?" I asked Alosia with a raised eyebrow as my hands held her around the waist gently.

"Y...Yes Master....I....I thought it'd be...more l...lewd.....Like what you d..did with Florence." Alosia spoke before long with rosy cheeks and squirming thighs.

"so you expected a tongue kiss?" I asked while giving her squishy hips a little squeeze.

she nodded her pretty head twice.

"I think you're a bit too innocent for a tongue kiss for now...maybe later." I spoke and saw a small frown appear on her beautiful soft face.

"Master..I...I...am not 'too' innocent....if Florence could I can too." Alosia spoke firmly as her warm mommy milkers pressed against my chest.

"Prove it then....I wont move." I spoke softly Before closing my eyes and waiting for her to make a move.

I felt Alosia's body tense up for a few long moments as she stared at my lips and mustering up her courage.

 Then her hot breath neared closer and closer..... before long out lips pressed against each other.

After a few seconds I felt a little warm tongue pressing clumsily against my lips as she tried to make her way inside.

I opened my mouth and her sweet little tongue slithered in and began squirming around in search of my tongue.


Instantly i slurped on her tongue and she jumped in surprise for a moment and let out a little squeal before relaxing and letting me enjoy the flavor.

I began performing my own attacks while drinking her sweet delectable spit, As my attacks increased I could feel her body slowly turning to mush under my careful attacks.

Her warm arms wrapped around me and held on tightly as we lost ourselves in bliss.

Eventually the pleasure became too much for her virgin mouth.


A small involuntary moan escaped her sweet lips which immediately snapped her out of the blissful trance.

Her eyes opened wide and she pulled back quickly, Her Noble dignity was on it's last legs after letting out a slutty moan from just some kissing.

I gazed deeply at her as she panted for air as her rosy white skin glistened under the candlelight.

"You taste far more delicious than Florence by the way." I spoke and placed another small peck on her lips before opening the door to leave.

Instantly I spotted Hirni standing at the doorway, looked as if she had been holding her little ear to the door.

Hirni's little Hazel eyes looked up at me in surprise and instantly she tried her best to act innocent.

"White Hair...Such a Huge coincidence to see you here....right?" Hirni spoke with puppy eyes.

I knelt down on one knee and looked into her big Hazel eyes as she tried her best to look innocent.

"Hirni...I know you were eavesdropping.....if you want a kiss as well just let me know." I spoke before planting a light peck on her chubby cheek.


I placed a playful kiss on her cheek and Instantly a flurry of terrifying pinches made their way towards my sides from the enraged little munchkin.








"Mercy!!! Mercy!!!" I cried out loud as her attacks overwhelmed me.

. . .eventually Hirni's anger subsided and she stood there panting with faint blush on her chubby cheeks.

Then her glare softened and she twiddled her thumbs lightly

"B...But let none say I am not generous.....you may kiss my cheek once...." Hirni spoke and pointed to her chubby cheek as she turned her head.


Instantly I landed a small kiss before standing up, Hirni bore a little smile on her.

"I'm going to check on the caviar!" She blurted while scurrying away into the living room, a faint blush on her face.

I turned to Alosia who was still in the nearby room while, she'd been giggling as I was being so viciously assaulted by pinches.

"I want a lap pillow until we have to leave..... lets go to the couch." I spoke while looking down at the outline of her meaty thighs through her blue velvet robes.

"Y..Yes Master, Right Away." She responded with a smile.

before Long I was laying on the large couch with my head resting on Alosia's soft thighs.

The scent of the purest milk and honey filled my nose as her lovely hand ran through my hair.

Sabella lay sleeping on the floor nearby as I relaxed.

Before too long I heard the pitter patter of little footsteps approaching as Hirni walked into the room.

 She walked up to the couch and climbed onto my chest as it had become habit for her to do whenever we slept.

"I need a nap....Too much wilderness lately it's nice to be inside a real house." Hirni spoke with a sigh, her spicy and sweet cinnamon scent filling my nose.

only a few seconds later she was snoring lightly.


I gave her soft cheek a Little Squish once but didn't dare try my luck a second time after some very choice words emerged from her lips.

As i relaxed on the lap pillow Alosia began humming sweetly, before long began to sing softly.

{~A Small White flower...I gave to you~

~On your Shining breastplate....it hung true~

~Through Many battles it did shine~

~Until all my Love lay in a box of pine~

~Then the trumpets ceased their call~

~And you returned to me in Fall~

~The White Flower's color couldn't leave my head~

~As It glistened the most Crimson Red~}

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Alosia finished singing but by then The White Haired Aelven man was fast asleep while resting his handsome head on the Half Human's squishy thighs.

Alosia looked down at his sleeping face.

'how can you be so caring and kind..... yet such a monster' Alosia thought with an indescribable emotional knot in her heart.

'Could've been worse though...at least you're the most handsome man i've ever seen...' she thought while slowly running her fingers through the Aelven man's pale white hair.

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[Half and Hour Later] [Mc Pov]


Instantly my eyes shot open as I was taken out of my blissful rest.

I saw Alosia open her groggy eyes, seemed she had fallen asleep as well.

Hirni on the other hand continued snoring softly as drool fell from her mouth and drenched my tunic.

"Don't worry I'll clean the spit....just wake her up." Alosia whispered to me softly, she'd learned not to wake up Hirni after the little gnome was enraged at being woken up during the best part of a dream.

"Hirni....Hey Hirni...." I spoke while gently shaking the little gnome's shoulder.

Eventually she awoke while letting out a string of gibberish.

"ugly dwarf....touch my soup and i'll kill you........Who stole my socks...." Hirni muttered incoherently while wiping her eyes cutely as The Horn sounded once again.


Soon enough we all stood and Alosia cast a cleaning spell over all of us including Sabella who was licking her scaled paws.


Once we were all clean we headed outside, it was now dusk and the sky shone a brilliant orange.

Dozens of Orcish families walked slowly up the dirt path, We followed along.

As we walked I could hear the Orcs whispering about os, mostly good things but a few things which seemed a bit uncouth.

"Papa is he really as good of a warrior as you said?" A little orc girl asked her giant scarred father who patted her head.

"It's he a bit small to be a better warrior than uncle grumnac?" A rotund child orc asked some of his older brothers as they walked.

"Hey Veena do you think he has a big cock?" An Orcish woman asked her sister at a whisper.

"I heard Aelven have little ones....But Look at his bulge~" The Orcish woman's sister responded with a sly glance over to my crotch.

"You should have seen him! Streams of blood sprayed with every swing!" One of the Male orcs shouted out loud excitedly as his annoyed wife rolled her eyes, his nine children seemed to be enjoying the stories though.

"He has a good choice of sex slave right my love, I heard Aelven males prefer skinny mates....he has good taste." A busty Orcish milf whispered to her one armed husband who just sighed in response.

"Do you think he mates with the Gnome as well?" gossiping woman asked another.

"Impossible.... he probably has a big cock so it would never fit..." Her friend responded

"How do you know his cock size?" The gossiping woman asked with a raised eyebrow.

The Orcs continued their not so quiet whispering until we reached a low stone wall which surrounded the sacrificial grove.

I looked past the wall and spotted two things which put me on edge....a sacrificial altar and a massive mound of skulls.

The Altar's smooth stone was gruesomely stained to it's depths in dried blood.

Just behind the Altar were tens of thousands of skulls stacked into a tremendously sized mound.

close by I also noticed the nearly fifty naked human men who kneeled on the cold ground, their hands bound tightly with rope.

All the bound naked men shivered from cold and fright, most prayed, many cried....They all knew any attempt to escape or survive was hopeless...this was their end.

I made my way past the grove's threshold and was almost instantly met by Priscina as Sabella stared intently at the humans, copious amounts of drool falling from her jagged mouth.

"Kalinik, Hirni, Please Come this way, I've reserved some seats for you all." Priscina spoke before walking us to an empty stone bench.

On other similar benches sat grown Orc warriors with their wives, the Orcish children were seated on the ground in their own section.

I sat down and almost instantly Hirni jumped into my lap before snuggling in tightly as she warmed herself in my heat.

"I'm not sitting on bare stone.....Hmm....Nice." she mumbled as she relaxed and leaned back onto my chest.

Alosia still stood a bit nervously, unsure if she should sit or not seeing how she was just a slave.

"Come on, Sit down and warm me up.... it's cold out here." I spoke

Alosia nodded cutely before plopping her voluptuous butt on the stone bench.

She leaned into me as my arm wrapped around her soft squishy body.

Sabella laid a few meters ahead of us with her eyes locked onto the human sacrifices.

Many more Orcs trailed in until all were seated.


The horn sounded again, only this time it was a low deep sound, That's when Grumnac and Seven Priests in dark robes appeared from behind the mound.

Grumnac was dressed in a bloodstained loincloth, his green skin decorated with black paint in intricate tribal designs.

In his huge meaty hand was a large obsidian knife, nearly two feet in length.

All went silent as they appeared and made his way up onto the Altar.


a wave of fear through every single human as they realized they'd be sacrificing themselves to another God.

He looked at the humans and spoke.

"WILLEM SON OF DAFYD FROM ERDSHIRE." Grumnac spoke aloud, after a few long moments one middle aged man stood from his knees before walking up to the altar.

"LAY ON THE ALTAR WILLINGLY." Grumnac spoke aloud when the man stood before him.

Grumnac was 9 feet tall and more than four hundred pounds so the human looked strikingly small compared to the brutish warleader.

"I shall lay willingly since I will not meet my end as a coward....But let it be known that Barthos is my only God."

Willem spoke stoically, Grumnac looked over to the Seven priests of Talranac and they all nodded once in response.

Grumnac motioned for Willem to lay down.

Before long Willem laid upon the Blood stained altar, his bare skin pressing against the cold stone as his body trembled from cold and fear.

Grumnac looked deeply into his brown eyes while holding the huge obsidian dagger.

"GLORY TO A BRAVE SOUL SUCH AS YOURS WILLEM SON OF DAFYD..." Grumnac spoke as his hand raised then moved swiftly downward.




The dagger buried deep into Willem's heart and the man's body twitched for a few long moments as the blood oozed out copiously and dripped down onto the dark stained altar.

When Willem stopped twitching completely, Grumnac brought the obsidian knife to Willem's throat and cut through it with not much effort.

Many of the humans winced at the sight knowing that'd be their fate soon enough.

One of the Priests walked over and took the severed head as blood dripped down.

"WILLEM'S SKULL WILL LAY WITH HONOR AMONG THE REST." Grumnac spoke as the priest walked over to the huge mound of skulls.

The priest found a decent spot and set the skull down gently.

Almost instantly the sounds of crawling beetles entered my ears as they crawled from their resting places inside the mound and toward the fresh meat.

Grumnac gazed at the other humans for a moment as most shivered and cried.

"ROOTIAN SON OF GILM FROM ERDSHIRE." Grumnac spoke aloud and instantly one of the trembling men stood with a fire in his eyes before yelling out in an angered panic.


I expected the Orcish to tear the man to pieces immediately but was surprised when no orc moved a muscle....instead the Orc's stared at Rootian with dissapointment before Grumnac spoke once again,


immediately the priests took hold of Rootian as the man screamed and bucked fiercely.

"LET GO OF ME!!! FILTHY GREEN SKINNED BASTARDS!!!" Rootian bellowed out until the Priests muzzled him with rags and rope before hogtying his arms and legs together snugly.

Another priest walked over to the mound of skulls with a small wooden bowl and tapped the bowl several times lightly upon the skulls.

Instantly a shiver ran down my spine upon hearing the disgusting sounds of bugs crawling, my eyes looked at the bowl and saw large black beetles eagerly crawling into the empty bowl.

"What are they doing with Those?" I whispered to Hirni who was sitting on my lap.

"Watch and see....Also don't eat those beetles they taste especially bad in my experience." Hirni spoke with a shudder while watching the priest approaching the bound man, wooden bowl in hand.

Immediately upon reaching his side the priest poured the beetles onto Rootians bare stomach, they crawled around slowly until another priest approached with a small obsidian knife.

Rootian bucked and screamed from under his gag but it did nothing to help as the obsidian knife sliced into his belly.

Instantly a bit of blood gushed from the incision and Rootian screamed and squirmed...but that was not the worst part.

The muffled screams reached a fever pitch as the black beetles eagerly made their way to the incision.

Rootian felt every single beetle as they crawled inside to feast his soft organs.

The prisoners looked on in horror as Rootian was eaten from the inside by bugs.

Then and there all of them decided not to be as stupid as Rootian.


crying young man stood, his knees red from being buried in sharp gravel.

Streams of tears ran down his puffy eyes and spit dribbled from his mouth as he cried while he walked toward his death.

"LAY ON THE ALTAR WILLINGLY." Grumnac spoke, the sobbing young man nodded before laying himself upon the blood soaked altar. . .




The process continued for another half hour without another man deciding to feed the beetles while alive.

All forty six heads lay neatly stacked on the great mound as black beetles feasted upon the flesh.

Grumnac finally walked down from the Altar and conversed with the priests for a long moment as I waited with Alosia and Hirni.

Then Grumnac walked up to his Wife who wrapped the massive orc in a tight hug.

"You did great my love." Priscina whispered into the lumbering Orc's ear as they cuddled for a long moment.

"Thank you Prin, it still feels strange to lead the ceremonies after all this time....your father's boots sure are hard to fill."

Grumnac whispered and Priscina giggled softly while remembering her now deceased Father whom Grumnac had replaced as the Warleader of their tribe after many particularly bloody battles against another Orcish Tribe.

"You're doing a fantastic job as warleader husband don't forget that...just don't die on me anytime soon....I really thought I'd lose you to Talranac's Halls today." Priscina whispered while tightly embracing her husband as her eyes watered for a moment.

Grumnac smiled at her words and hugged her tightly in return.

"Last i checked I only have eight sons....You promised me two dozen and i'm not going anywhere until I get them all....And besides my Love, How could I die to some measly humans when my fearsome new Aelven friend was there haha.... let's go to them, I'm sure they feel out of place."

Grumnac whispered and pulled back from Priscina who wiped her eyes before both made their way towards me as I took Hirni off my lap and stood up.

"Kalinik!!! Lady Hirni...I hope you enjoyed the ceremony, I have to go clean this paint off and get some real clothes but I'll be at the feast soon...Prin my Love them to the Feast Please." Grumnac spoke with a toothy smile and soon departed.

"Please follow me, I am more than sure the food will be to your liking....We Orcs have a varied diet so I'm sure there's something for everyone." Priscina spoke just as the priests walked up to us, their dark dirty robes billowing in the night wind.

They all stopped a few feet in front of me before speaking all as one.

""Aelven Warrior.....The Great Talranac has seen your Valor in combat, and is most pleased his Orscian warriors survived to fight in even more glorious battles.....He offers all the human carcasses to your Dragon and hopes it to be the beginning of a lasting friendship between Orscian and Aelven.""

The priests all spoke at once which creeped me out quite a bit then bowed their heads respectfully.

"I am...most grateful, I accept any and all friendship....I am certain Sabella gives her thanks as well." I spoke and bowed my head for a moment.

Sabella saw this and did the same by bowing her head a clumsily.

"Gruuuuu...." She gurgled her thanks before the priests all walked away then her gaze shot over to the corpses.

then she stared into my eyes expectantly for a long moment as her mouth chattered softly in anticipation as she waited for permission.

I knelt down and kissed her snout lightly before speaking.

"Go enjoy the all meat you want while we eat at the feast, just don't touch any skulls." I spoke while rubbing her muscular neck.

She gurgled and nuzzled her snout into me for a moment before spreading her wings and flying swiftly onto one of the corpses, her razor sharp maw tearing into the corpse's soft belly fervently.

"Let's get going." I spoke and Priscina guided us out of the holy grounds and toward the Feast.

As we approached I saw hundreds of Orcs sitting at tables, most were children and it dawned on me that their demographics were strange.

There were hundreds of children but only thirty eight adult male Orcs and not many more Adult Orcish women, there were adolescent orcs but not the numbers I expected.

the numbers didn't add up unless many had died off recently.

Nearby to the side of the feasting area was a raucous bunch of Adolescent Orc's who were already drinking grog while watching two others having a brutal fistfight.







Their deep voices thundered in the night as we were guided to one of the many hilariously oversized stone tables.

Roasted Hogs stuffed with radishes and onions, Oiled and lightly charred squash with a lemon mint sauce, Roughly milled blackbread with fruit compote's and cream nearby and several other delicious dishes in epic proportions.

What really shocked me were the three gallon pitchers of grog five or six were at every table but were constantly being refilled at nearby barrels by the monstrous orcs.

Hirni climbed onto one the stone bench beside me but quickly realized she was entirely too small to even see over the tables edge.

As I sat down Hirni crawled over and sat in my lap, only then could her little arms properly reach for food.

Alosia stood beside me and began pouring a cup of grog for me before carving off large slices of crispy pork onto my plate and scooping a bit of everything else.

Her soft mommy milkers brushed against me as she moved to serve me, her milky scent made my cock throb and instantly Hirni squirmed at the hard thing which she sensed on her 'seat' for a moment.

The little gnome looked back at me with furrowed brows and it sent a wave of embarrasment through me.....I really needed to 'taste' my busty slave soon.

"Damn Perverted Aelven..." Hirni muttered under her breath before turning back to start munching on some of the food, it was a more pressing concern to her at the moment.

"Sit down Alosia, Feed me." I spoke and my voluptuous slave did just that, She used a knife and fork from her storage to cut off a bite sized piece of meat and was about to move it to my mouth before i spoke.

"Not a fork....Use your fingers like my fiancee's do it...." I spoke while looking at her beautiful white hands which reminded me of Natalka and Valia.

She nodded and took the meat into her dainty fingers before bringing the scrumptious little piece to my mouth as a blush appeared on her face.

I ate the meat slowly and Alosia only blushed deeper and deeper as my tongue also got glancing tastes of her milky white skin.

As we ate Grumnac arrived with his children in tow as they banged their fists on his thick metal armor.

"My little Piglets go with the other children." Grumnac spoke and his dozen offspring ran happily to the smaller childrens tables where much less potent grog was being served.

Grumnac sat down and watched as Alosia hand fed me with a raised eyebrow and a look of disaproval in his face.

"You know Kalinik, i had my doubts after watching you fight.....But I Guess you really are Aelven and not one of us Powerful Orcs in disguise!!!! hahaha!!!...Being hand fed like a baby hahaha!!!" Grumnac laughed heartily at seeing the stereotype of 'sissy aelven' men was seemingly confirmed.

I just smiled at his banter, I was used to much worse during my time in the Arkanovci after all.

"Grumnac take your insinuations and shove them where the Sun dosen't shine.....Why don't you try it? See how nice it feels." I spoke before taking another bite at Alosia's perfect fingers which held a piece of roasted squash.


Grumnac stared at me intently as he made sense of my joke.

When he realized 'where the sun dosen't shine' meant his ass he let out a hearty laugh once more which seemed to shake the very air.

Then he stopped laughing when his beloved wife Priscina extended her dark green hand with some crispy pork skin dipped in sauce at her fingertips.

Grumnac eyed his wifes hand suspiciously for a long moment.

"Go on Husband, try it once at least~" Priscina spoke softly while her free hand massaged his broad shoulder.

"Hrm....Fine...Fine just this once." Grumnac's deep voice sounded Before taking a careful bite.





"So Husband? Good or No?" Priscina asked with a sly smile after seeing how much her husband actually enjoyed it.

"Hmm....I guess it's not that bad." He gruffed out before looking over at his Wife's hand expectantly for more.

She stared him down for a long moment before putting her mouth close to his ear and whispering.

"I'll feed you all you want, Just ask me~" Priscina whispered and Grumnac's beady eyes widened for a moment before narrowing again as he calculated whether or not being fed like a baby was worth it.

'I felt like a King being hand fed...but what will the clan think...well.....i could just smack them around more at training and they'd not be able to do anything hehe....yes.....perfect....hehehe' Grumnac thought to himself as a victorious smile appeared on his face.

"My Love can you hand feed me please?" Grumnac asked shamelessly as Priscina giggled at his antics before bringing some more food to his lips.

"So Grumnac what made you change your mind?" I asked while taking a sip of my cup of grog, it was similar to a small-beer and tasted strongly of spices.

"Oh you know Kalinik... I'm just trying something of Aelven culture is all.... it's not like i enjoy it or anything." He spoke while trying his best to sound convincing but failing monumentally, Hirni giggled at his words before cutting in.

"Big Lump You're a terrible liar hahaha!!!.....Even worse than Cow Tits when i asked her if she wants to make little half blooded babies with White Hair hahahaha!!!!." Hirni spoke loudly and laughed

All of us started laughing aloud at her words.

 Alosia buried her face into my shoulder.

"Hirni you're such a meanie..." she spoke softly with beet red cheeks and ears.

"Lies and Slander!!! I am Hirni of Gravenstone!!! The most kind Gnome on all of Terrium and that's a fact...You should know this first hand Cow Tits!!!...I was most merciful by only scourging you once in the Dragons Lair." Hirni's squeaky voice responded haughtily with her nose in the air.

Alosia was definetly not convinced however.

'Only once eh.....but you tortured the rest while giggling.....how is that kindness....and gnomes might be the most friendly of the races but the rest are not lunatics like you.....' Alosia thought to herself but didn't dare say anything since Hirni's wrath was a terrifying thing.

Then a shiver ran down Alosia's spine as she noticed Hirni was staring directly at her big tits intently.

'what the hell is she staring at my boobs for...' Alosia thought to herself but decided it was better not to know.

'By Thrumnir's name, I Still regret not scourging your nipples when i had the chance Cow Tits.....I'm still certain milk would spray out....how can someone have such huge things unless they're full of fresh milk after all.'

Hirni thought to herself before taking out her notebook and flipping to page of lists in Dwarven script.

Hirni used a quill to eagerly scribble two more lines of indercipherable dwarven script on the list that I couldn't understand.

[....{ Task 127: Squeeze Cow Tit's Nipples Hard To Test For Milk.}

{ Task 128: If Milk Is Yummy; Fill Bottles To Drink later}....]

Hirni finished writing and tossed the notebook back into her storage while still eyeing Alosias juicy breasts.

. . .

We continued feasting for a long while, eventually Hirni started yawning and fell asleep on my lap with a little potbelly from overeating.

Grumnac stared at Hirni as she slumbered and spoke.

"She's much less terrifying when asleep... Almost Reminds me of my little Piglets" He spoke then shuddered as he remembered the crossbow aimed nearly point blank at his crotch not long ago.

I looked down at Hirni and squished her cute cheeks a few times.



"....your.....family.... I'll....make them into...mince pies...."Hirni muttered in her sleep with a little snarl on her slumbering face.

"Goodness gracious....not so cute and cuddly anymore..." Priscina muttered which drew a few Snickers from all of us.

We continued feasting and drinking for a bit longer as the drunken orcs took turns bashing each other with fists and kicks as everyone cheered and roared.

When the moon reached it's Zenith they stopped their boisterous feasting and all dropped to their knees drunkenly and all muttered their own little prayers to Talranac.

I paid attention to Grumnac as he spoke his own prayer.

"Great Talranac Hear My Prayer, It Is I Grumnac Iron Tusk Loyal Leader Of A Warband in the Cordillian Valley whom fight in your name, I Give You All My Thanks, For My Survival, The Survival Of My Clan And Family, Grant Me Your Strength For All Days And All Battles To Come And Grant Me Many Sons....In Your Name I Fight Oh Great Talranac...." Grumnac spoke and pressed his brutish head against the ground when his prayer was over.

I saw all the Orcs do the same Before doing their drunken best to stand.

Most bad busted lips and cuts on their faces and knuckles from the brawling but they couldn't look more at peace with life as those who'd been fighting moments earlier laughed together.

"Kalinik my friend That'll be the end of our feast... Please, return to the cottage and rest." Grumnac spole with an extended hand as the stench of grog emanated from his breath.

I shook his huge green hand firmly before taking Hirni into my arms and carrying her back to the cottage.

Alosia followed closely behind nervously....she knew what'd come next and didn't know if she were ready.

First I stopped by the Altar Grounds and spotted hundreds of gnawed and half eaten bones strewn around, vibrant fresh tendons and bits of flesh still clung to them but most were eaten nearly clean.

The Seven priests stood about twenty meters from Sabella while speaking to each other.

"Didn't know such a little Dragon could eat so much.....Is it magic?"

"Can't be a anything else....The Beast Still Overate And fell into a food coma though.

"look at how swollen it's belly is haha..."

"Does it look bigger than before or am i hallucinating?"

"I think you're right....It's definitely bigger."

I reached the priests who turned around upon hearing me, they bowed their heads lowly before one spoke.

"Aelven Warrior, Your Dragon has surprisingly finished every carcass and fallen asleep." The head priest spoke and pointed to Sabella who was laid belly up, half her tongue stuck out as drool fell onto the ground below as she snored lightly.

Her belly was swollen into a potbelly and like the priests had spoken, she was now noticeably larger than before, Her growth wasn't tremendous but it was definitely enough to notice.

I turned to Alosia and handed over Hirni who was completely limp while still sleeping.

Alosia looked a bit afraid to take the little gnome but as soon as she was in hand Alosia looked down at her sleeping face and couldn't help but smile.

'like a baby...' Alosia thought and couldn't resist placing a soft kiss on Hirni's little cheek.


Hirni mumbled after the kiss, nothing but a string of foul words as Alosia giggled to herself in amusement.

I knelt beside Sabella and spoke softly.

"Hey pretty girl....Sabella wake up..... Sabella...." I spoke.

Before long her scaled limbs and wings stretched out as a low groan escaped her scaled lips.

Then her slitted yellow eyes opened and looked at me softly.

"Hey pretty girl, did you like your meal?" I asked as my hand gently patted her swollen belly.

"Gruuuuu~" She gurgled happily in response.

"Good, we need to get over to the cottage. Are you coming?" I asked the dark Crimson Dragon.

She nodded clumsily before standing up and stretching herself out as her leathery wings flapped a few times.

Once she was settled i turned to Alosia to take back Hirni but when i reached for her Alosia pulled back.

"I can carry her m..master, I don't mind at all." Alosia spoke while clutching Hirni as if she were a baby.

"Fine, Suit yourself." I spoke and we moved to walk out of the Sacrificial grounds.

The Seven orcish priests bowed their heads lightly as we passed.

""Talranac's Blessings Upon You Aelven Warrior"" All the priests spoke as one which creeped me out a bit again.

We continued on through the Orcish town and ran into dozens of drunken Orcs making their way home.




A big green fist hit the Orcs face and he collapsed like a sack of shit.

The Orc who knocked him out flexed his biceps and bellowed out even louder.

"NO!!! I SHALL FIGHT BY HIS SIDE!!! I SWEAR THIS BY MY FAVORITE BATTLEAXE!!!!" The Orc bellowed out and had to swiftly dodge a flurry of punches which started coming at him from nearby drunken orcs as yet another brawl began.

I watched in amazement at the powerful blows they each landed but none shyed away, instead when they were hit it seemed to invigorate them even more.

"They're insane." Alosia muttered from beside me and I couldn't help but agree.

When short the brawl died out I walked up to them, most laying down flat while panting and throwing up chunky yellow goop.

"I'll fight alongside every one of you, You all are fearsome warriors which could best a dozen men....Get home safe my friends." I spoke and they gave me toothy grins before continuing to throw up some more.

I walked past them and soon enough we found ourselves in the Red cottage.

I guided Alosia to one of the side rooms. "Tuck her in here...Sabella you can sleep in here as well." I spoke and patted the Dragons snout softly.


As Alosia set down Hirni, Sabella gurgled at me questioningly as if wondering why she had to sleep here instead of in the room with me.

"Dont worry pretty girl, Alosia and I need some time alone tonight is all." I spoke while caressing Sabella's beautiful crimson scales.

She nodded clumsily before walking over to the center of the room and plopping herself down onto the ground, in mere seconds Sabella was snoring softly.

Alosia finished tucking in Hirni and turned around to look at me, her beautiful soft face blushed deeply as her hands nervously fidgeted.

"Come here." I beckoned Alosia over with an extended hand.

She walked up to me and i took her little soft hand into my own before setting a small kiss on her knuckles.

"M...Master...." Alosia babbled nervously but i just guided her into the master bedroom silently, as we walked i could hear her breathing become nervous but paid it no mind.

I had waited patiently and now this dessert i'd waited so patiently for would be devoured.

. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .

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Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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