Unduh Aplikasi
79.48% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 28: Ch 27 Sinful Sinful, A Godly Issue

Bab 28: Ch 27 Sinful Sinful, A Godly Issue

[Extra long chapter,+7k, just couldn't get it right without having it this long]

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[Terrevan Peak Gold Mine] [Mc Pov]

Harry and I walked seventy meters away from the Dragon's chamber my dagger still drawn and ready to slice him to pieces.

Eventually I came to a stop and stared at him for a long moment, He trembled under my gaze.

"Name, Date of Birth, Place of Origin. Spit it out and if you lie I'll know." I spoke coldly, 

Harry nodded quickly before speaking....

"W....Well...M..My name was Harry Alexander Goldberg...F..From Albany N..New York....B...Born on M..March Ten, Year T...Two thousand....I...think I died in t...two thousand twenty four...." He spoke, my eyes grew wide in surprise, I expected him to be of the same time as me.

"How long have you been on Terrium....and don't you dare lie I'll flay you." I spoke and he trembled before speaking.

S...S...Seven....Seven Years...." He spoke as his body shook like a leaf.

"Your death, How?" I asked.

"I...I don't remember..." He spoke with a quivering voice.

I lowered my blade, he seemed to calm down visibly.

"Tell me Harry, what happened to Serbia..." I asked softly.

His eyebrows furrowed for a moment at my question before speaking.

"S..Serbia?...The b...big forest in Russia?" He asked.

I nearly killed him then and there.

"Stupid Fucking American...." I seethed while looking at his fingers while wondering if I should cut them off until he gave me an answer, he began trembling again.

"Give me one reason not to gut you here and now If you can't answer a simple fucking question....you're being useless Harry....I don't like usless." I spoke coldly, tears falling from his eyes as he trembled.

"P....please...let Florence and me go....." He begged while quaking in fear.

"Oh Harry.....Harry my friend...I was planning on letting her go, don't worry....I just have to fuck her first though." I spoke whole imagining how pink Florence's pussy might be.

Harry's eyes widened in shock at my words.

"No! No!!! You cant!!! I...I...m..me" He stammered in a panic incoherently.

"You what? spit it out before I cut of your fucking lips." I spoke and slapped his cheek.


His cheek turned bright red as he snapped out of his hysteria.

"Y....You c...can't....please....I Love Her... Please.....I Love Her Truly....." He spoke while trembling.

"How much do you love her?" I asked softly which calmed him down just enough to answer.

"W...with....with all my heart and soul....." He spoke as tears fell from his eyes.

"Good...Good.....Very Good Harry." I spoke and twirled my dagger a bit before continuing.

"Tell me Harry, How did you get here....Did Barthos send you?" I asked curiously, wondering how much I should torture him before strangling him to death.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Barthos? The God? How c...could he....I thought he was fake." Harry spoke and instantly I knew something was off.

"Then how'd you end up here?" I asked.

"I...It was....A...A stupid talking cat....I wanted to go into an anime like Conosuba, but it convinced me to use a gacha to choose my reincarnation...N..next thing I knew I was here...." He spoke with an irked tone.

I didn't understand some of his words but it didn't matter.

I got all the information I wanted from him this idiot.....He was nothing but a liability after this conversation.

There was only one thing to do with Liabilities.

I smiled warmly and put my dagger away for a moment.

"Whew....I thought you were going to K...Kill me..." Harry sighed with a smile as he wiped his eyes.



My fist struck him hard across the face, Harry tumbled onto the cold ground in a daze with a cut on his cheek.

I kneeled on his belly hard and he opened his mouth for a moment in pain.

"ARGH..." He groaned aloud, Immediately I reached inside his mouth and took hold of his tongue and pulled hard.

Once the pink flesh was Visible my dagger moved swiftly as he tried in vain to resist.



"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Harry let out a horrific screech as his pink tongue was severed in one swift motion.

I tossed the flesh into the distance before grabbing both his arm and slicing the top of his wrists, his tendons snapped and popped audibly during the process.





"AHHHHH!!!! NO!!!! NO!!!!"

He writhed around and tried to fight back but was met with another powerful punch to the face.



He spat out some bloody teeth onto the cold Cavern floor as I flipped him over and got ahold of his ankles.

steel greaves blocked my way but after a bit of messing around with them I managed to get them off and tossed them aside.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed and bucked but it was in vain.





Just like that both tendons were cut, barely any blood seeped out from the wounds however....I also noticed how his tongue stopped bleeding almost instantly, A God's boon no doubt.

"Alright Harry, lets get going back to our other friends Okay?" I asked with a smirk as he writhed like a retarded worm on the floor, in response he just screamed even louder.

I grabbed his golden hair before dragging him along back to the Dragons Chamber.

His shimmering golden plate making a rasping noise as it scratched on the cold hard ground.

Eventually we reached near the entrance and I could hear Hirni's squeaky voice speaking as if she were an stern professor.

"You and your big cow tits better serve White Hair well! Or i swear to Thrumnir I'll find your family and turn their flesh into pies!!!" Her little squeaky voice echoed out of the chamber as I approached.

When I emerged around the corner I saw Hirni standing in front of a kneeling Alosia, she had tears running down her beautiful face....just now I noticed she bore the most exquisite Pink eyes...

"Hirni, don't scare the Lady...I don't want her to think we're monsters." I spoke while dragging Harry forward, he moaned and groaned the entire time in pain.

Eventually i reached near the women and let go of Harry's body, he plopped onto the cold floor like a sack of shit.


"B...But White Hair~ I'm not scaring cow tits here, I'm just giving her....advice?...." Hirni spoke sheepishly while pressing her two index fingers together innocently

I couldn't help but want to pat her head but I knew a hard pinch would surely come.....i held back.

"Fine." I spoke before turning to Alosia who was still kneeling and weeping.

"You may stand." I spoke, the beautiful thick woman looked at me hesitantly before rising.

"What is your name girl." I asked as gently as I could to not scare her, although the blood spatter on me didn't help my case.

She stared into my eyes before speaking, her voice soft and warm but scared.

"A...Alo...Alosia Windmarche....." She spoke with evident fear in her voice.

"You're a noble?" I asked after hearing the surname.

She froze for a moment before nodding frantically.

"Y...Yes, my F...F....Father is a Powerful Count....W....We...We're Rich.....He can pay whatever ransom y..you ask for." She spoke quickly, as if in a panic.

"No." I spoke instantly and her eyes widened in shock.

"There will be no ransoming you Alosia, you're going to stay with me." I spoke and saw her face turn pale.

"B..But..But..." She tried to speak but i raised a finger and she quieted down quickly.

"Now....Harry here has lost his right to live, but there's still hope for Florence here if you don't mind making a deal with me." I spoke and Alosia looked at Harry who was groaning and struggling in vain against his shackles

"P.... please....You don't have t..to." Alosia spoke.

"If You give yourself to me in a Bloodbinding Florence gets to walk out of here after I take her Maidenhood....For the numerous insults she's levied against me." I spoke to Alosia but Florence interrupted from nearby.

"You cannot take the maidenhood of a Paladin of Barthos! It is unholy if it is with a Human but with an Aelven Abominatio...AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Florence began ranting but was interrupted by the shackles scourging her, this time they glowed brighter than before and for longer.



I looked over to Hirni and saw a malevolently cute grin on her little face as she watched Florence screaming.

Then I looked back to Florence....Clearly more power in the scourge this time since even Florence screamed.




When it stopped I turned to Hirni once more, She already had puppy eyes prepared.

"Oopsies White Hair I accidentally scourged her a bit too much...." Hirni spoke while looking up at me.

"It's fine.....hit it again until she changes her mind." I spoke and immediately a malevolent little smirk appeared on Hirni's smooth face once again before eagerly hitting her Iron bracelet.

"Hehehehe....Bimbo scream when you want me to stop!" Hirni let out a little shout before zapping Florence mercilessly.





"STOP!!!" I heard Alosia's sweet voice scream out from beside me as she watched Florence writhe on the floor with her manacles glowing brightly.

Hirni looked at me for directives and I nodded subtly, soon after the Scourge stopped.

Florence was left laying on the ground while panting heavily and groaning slightly as she prayed to Barthos.

"So... Florence, have you changed your mind yet?" I asked while looking down at the woman.

She nodded from her position on the ground....seems her spirit was weakened enough.

"Good....What about you Alosia? Do you accept our deal as well?" I asked the beautiful curvy woman.

"Y...Yes....If Florence really gets to leave unharmed.... I'll.... I'll surrender myself to y...you...." Alosia spoke as a tear dropped from her beautiful light pink eyes.

"Good...what do you think Harry? Do you like the deal?" I asked with a faint smirk and gave him a tap with my boot.

"GHH!!! FGUK!!! RAGHHH!!!!!" Harry let out am angered yell as he presumably cussed.

"Make him scream until he agrees." I spoke and Hirni nodded before long yowls of pain began to emerge from his lips.




"Alosia be a dear and help Florence out of her Armor, I can't fuck a woman who wears that pissdrinker's symbol." I spoke, Alosia moved over to Florence with trembling hands and began unclasping the straps which held on her armor.

"Do not call Barthos that...." Florence spoke coldly with hatred in her heart.

"And why not? He drank plenty of my piss in Elisnore's church...I think he quite enjoyed the refreshment." I spoke with a smirk while remembering the golden shower I gave that statue.....instantly both women froze in realization as the pieces came together.

"It was you....At Elisnore...." Alosia spoke as her whole body trembled in fear, Everyone in the Captiol had heard about the massacre, the said not even the little ones were spared.

From nearby Florence seethed.

"....Barthos Curse You Kalinik Hilandar....." Florence spoke, her tone laced with venom.

"Ahh....so my name spread huh?..." How did you hear of me?" I asked curiously as Alosia removed Florence's greaves and vambraces with shaky fingers.

"E... Everyone was talking about the Elisnore massacre i...in...in the Capitol...."Alosia spoke with a trembling voice.

"Good...Good..." I spoke as Alosia finished getting all of Florence's armor of, all that remained was a fine white tunic and tight leather trousers.

"Aren't you scared?...E... Everyone's after you..." Alosia spoke softly after seeing me being pleased with the news.

"Let them come.....I suspect you'll come after me as well Florence.....I will be waiting." I spoke while squatting to get at eye level with her she simply glared at me angrily.

"Tell me Florence.....have you known that Harry is hopelessly in love with you?" I asked, she stared at me with cold eyes.

"Yes." She spoke flatly.

"Really.....why didn't you make a move then? Surely you knew he was too chicken to do it himself." I spoke while gently brushing my hand across her cheek, she pulled back from my touch in revulsion.

"..." Florence merely stared at me but didn't answer.

"Answer me now or i swear by all that is Holy I'll skin every inch of your body." I spoke coldly and I saw a shudder pass through her.

Florence looked at the floor and spoke.

"....I am a Paladin of Barthos, Him and I would never have become a couple no matter what he'd have done." She spoke flatly and I heard Harry let out some noises of despair from nearby.

"Hear that my friend...You never had a chance.....yet here I am.....About to take her purity....And fill her to the brim..." I spoke and walked over to him and kneeling down beside him.

He recoiled in fear of what I'd do but couldn't move away if he wanted to.

I placed my mouth close to his ear and whispered.

"Listen closely Mutt....I'll be merciful and make a deal in your favor okay....If she doesn't moan I swear to cum outside.....but if she does on the other hand...." I whispered before pulling away, he let out a string of unintelligible curses before being hit by the Scourge once again from a grinning Hirni.




As he writhed I walked up to Florence, She had every piece of clothing missing except for her shirt which Alosia couldn't remove.

I looked down at her pussy, it was a perfect clam...pink as could be.

The scent of her skin washed over me, it was fresh like a bunch of lilies....

"K .. Kalinik I c...cant take off the tunic..." Alosia spoke nervously while standing beside Florence.

"That's fine Alosia, go wait beside Hirni." I spoke, She nodded before meekly walking over to where Hirni was laying atop the gold mound.

"Sit down Cow Tits, have some of these." Hirni spoke and poured a large handful of candied pecans onto Alosia's shackled hands.

I took out my dagger before cutting off Florence's tunic, careful not to damage or nick her perfect white skin.

From nearby i could hear Harry letting out pathetic cries for me to stop.




Before long her entire tunic was removed and Florence stood there with cold eyes which bored into my soul.

"I will kill you one day." She spoke flatly as my hand slid along her soft white skin.

"You will try." I spoke while apperating furs and setting them down on the cold ground.

Next I moved to take off all of my armor and clothes.

When my cock finally came into the open air i heard a gasp from nearby and Hirni whispering.

"It's as big as my arm.....are you ready for that Cow Tits?" I heard Hirni whisper to Alosia who shook her head in denial.

Then Hinri spoke once more softly. "You know why he wants you badly right.....White Hair is gonna pound you senseless with that big thing hehehehe..."

Hirni giggled at how Alosia's cheeks turned completely Red and hid her face into her hands.

I laid down on the furs and beckoned Florence over.

"Come here, sit down." I spoke softly, Florence did just that and sat down on the furs, her perky tits had her pink button nipples rock hard from the cold cavern air.

I wet my fingers in my mouth before moving them onto Florence's nipples and began to gently rub them.







Florence's eyes remained cold and hateful but she squirmed noticeably under my touch.

"You are such a fine woman Florence.....I imagine you would've made a good bride.....But what man would want you after they know you've been filled with Aelven seed...." I spoke before moving my mouth close to her tits and gently nibbling on her nipple.


My tongue dances skillfully on the juicy pink button nipple, This caused Florence to squirm even more, Harry saw this and tears of anguish dripped down his cheeks

Then my free hand slid down her beautiful fit body before going between her thighs.

Instinctively her thighs shut like a vice after a quick pinch of her nipple Florence opened her thighs and allowed my fingers to reach her honey hole.

Only there was no honey yet.....

I moved my hand up and near her mouth.

"Spit on it my sweet Florence." I spoke which drew a snarling look for a long moment, then she dripped her sweet smelling spit onto my fingers.

My fingers moved back to her little pink pussy and slathered her sweet spit all over.

She squirmed and grimaced as my hand began moving rhythmically while my tongue flicked her button nipples simultaneously.

Florence's cheeks gained a red tinge as her breathing changed slightly from my slow methodical touch.

I continued slowly rubbing and flicking until the sweet scent of love juice filled my nose and felt her honey begin to drip out.







Once she was wet I increased my attack slowly, moment by moment her breathing started to become ragged and her long white legs began to tremble....

She was a sensitive virgin and her mental fortitude was not practiced at holding off an orgasm.

I felt she was on the edge of cumming her eyes shut and she bit her lower lip involuntarily as her beautiful white body squirmed around desperately.

Her smooth pink post began oozing copious amounts of her fragrant honey and she reached the edge.

But just before Florence orgasmed I pulled my hand away.

Instantly her eyes shot open and stared at me with a conflicted expression, she wanted to orgasm so damn badly just at that moment but she still felt revulsion from me being Aelven.

Instead of continuing I laid down flat on the furs, my throbbing cock pulsated heavily as a drop of precum formed on my swollen tip.

Florence stared at my cock with cold eyes but her quivering legs told a different story.

Come on, you will put it in yourself...You did choose this after all." I spoke softly and saw the anger forming in her eyes.

"You are forcing me." Florence spoke coldly.

"No, if i were forcing you I'd bend you over without asking and fuck both your holes bloody.....do you want me to do that?.....I don't mind that either..." I spoke and saw the panic in her eyes flare for a long moment.

"....No...Don't..... I'll do it....."

She spoke before crawling over to me clumsily, both if her hands shackled together in front of her but she managed to straddle my thighs fairly easily.

my hot throbbing cock pressing against her navel as she sheepishly moved to put it in.

"Wait." I spoke, she froze in fear of what I might say.

"It'd be uncouth to lay with a woman before kissing her no?" I spoke and saw her eyebrows furrow, she hated the thought of kissing me but she knew better than to deny me.

"Come on....and i better taste that tongue." I spoke, Florence slowly leaned forward while holding herself up by placing her soft hands on my chest.

As she moved down to kiss me, my throbbing cock pressed even more hard against her, the underside of my meat was wettened by some of her warm dripping honey.

She closed her eyes while leaning her head forward, her body unnaturally tense.

our lips touched for a long moment before my tongue made its way to her pink lips, greedily looking for a way in.

After a few long seconds of trying, she did not relent and kept her mouth closed.

In response I moved my hands to give one of her sensitive pink nipples a pinch.


Instantly her mouth opened in shock and my tongue found it's way into her sweet depths.

She tried to pull away upon feeling the strange sensation inside her mouth and tried to pull away but I held her head close and continued to savor her delicious spit and sweet little tongue.

As we kissed i heard Hirni whispering nearby.

"Take a good look at that cow tits, Now that's a real Kiss...you'll be getting that every day until he's tired of you.....then he'll probably fuck your noble pussy raw.... hehehehe..." Hirni's malevolent little giggle entered my sensitive ears as she bullied the Big Titted Mage.

Alosia had a conflicted look on her face but her cheeks were significantly blushed....She knew the only way out of this cave was to become mine after all and before long she'd be in the same position as Florence.

Once I'd had enough of Florence's sweet lips i pulled back and relaxed on the furs.

"Go on Florence...make yourself into a woman." I spoke.

she nodded before rising up and using her shackled hands to line up my throbbing hard cock with her little pink pussy.

She finally found the right angle, wet warm stretchy lips gaped around my cock as they swallowed my swollen cock.

Her warm hole instantly sent tingles of pleasure throughout my whole body.

Before long my cock met resistance....her most precious thing.... something she'd sworn never to lose.

A single dropped from her icy blue eyes for a moment before letting her weight down, my hard cock ripped through her precious hymen easily.....her virginity was mine.

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From nearby Harry began audibly sobbing, his entire world came crumbling down....he did not feel rage in this moment....he felt an overwhelming sense of despair and self-blame.

If only he'd listened to those words none of this would've happened.

'The sleeping woman there in the blue robes, I want her as my concubine.....Give me those two things and things shall be peaceful between you and I....I swear this upon my honor.'

The Aelven man's words echoed in his mind nonstop, the tears and anguish in his heart was more than any man could ever take....But, as one man cried, another rejoiced.

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[Mc Pov, Dragon's Lair]

A small amount of blood poured out of Florence's pussy, The sign of her Holy Purity becoming defiled by Aelven Cock as she worked my shaft inside her tight wet hole.

Her walls squeezed and stimulated my meat incredibly well, years of Paladin training made her entire body superbly fit and her grippy pussy made that evident.

She continued slowly lowering herself until my throbbing cock kissed her sensitive virgin cervix softly, a soft groan escaped her lips from the strange sensation.

My hands moved to her soft warm hips and held them firmly as her insides squirmed and squeezed around my meat.

My cock throbbed inside of her and she moved strangely as she felt a strange pleasure at her pussy being stretched for the first time.

After a minute of my cock stretching her insides to fit me I spoke.

"Start moving your hips, go slow.... there's no rush." I spoke while looking into Florence's icy blue eyes.

She stared at me angrily but the tinge of red which spread all over her face and ears spoke of the sinful pleasure she was feeling.

With a slight nod she began slowly grinding up and down, my cock going in and out of her slowly, my tip gently kissing her cervix in rhythm with her movements.






As Florence continued her slow grinding, the ever increasing amounts of  warm honey in her tight pussy began making the most lewd noises as she slowly lost herself more and more.

Her eyes closed eventually, her head back slightly while grinding on my cock in sinful pleasure.

As we made slow love I overheard Hirni whispering to Alosia from nearby

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[Nearby, Atop Dragon's Hoard]

"See that cow tits.....even that prude blonde bimbo can't resist White Hair and She's a Paladin.....You and those huge udders don't stand a chance before you come begging to get fucked Teehehe...." Hirni whispered with a giggle before tossing pulling out a comically large flask of fire whisky and sipping it fervently.

Alosia stared at the scene in amazement.... She'd expected Florence to be raped violently when she heard what I'd wanted, she'd seen the aftermath of that many times during her travels.

But instead she saw Florence, the most prudish and asexual person she'd ever met look like she was enjoying the big white Aelven cock as it stirred up her insides in the most lewd thing she could ever imagine.

Then Harry's weeping cries entered her ears.

She looked over to Harry and saw a broken man, his head laid on the cold ground with tears flowing from his puffy eyes....she also didn't fail to notice the way his crotch armor was distended outward.

'what the fuck' Alosia thought to herself, Even with his arm and leg tendons severed, one friend nearly tortured to death and the other dismembered into a grotesque display he was still aroused that his beloved Florence's moans...

'shameful' Alosia thought to herself before a noise caught her attention, it wasn't loud but she clearly heard it, a low soft moan emerge from Florence's lips for the first time.

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"Ahhh~" A soft beautiful moan emerged from Florence's pink lips, instantly She stopped her movements.

 A deep sense of shame coursed through her very soul...But her aroused pussy begged for more.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked Florence as she sat straddled on my cock, my throbbing meat directly against her squishy warm cervix which greedily sucked on my sensitive tip.

"No~No More~" Florence spoke with an involuntarily aroused tone in her voice and glazed eyes....she felt as if all her principles were crumbling under the cock of an accursed knife ear.

"Oh Florence I'm not even close to done." I spoke before grabbing her and flipping us on the soft furs so she'd be underneath me.

"~Please~" Florence pleaded softly but I'd have none of it.

My hips began to move, slowly and steadily into hers, her hot tight pussy squelching loudly as her fragrant love juice spilled out in copious amounts.







"Please~ Mercy~"


"Too deep~ Wait~"





Florence begged with blushing cheeks and glazed eyes as her little pink pussy squelched loudly, but instead of listening to her I just railed her harder and faster without mercy.









"OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Florence let out a loud orgasming moan as my cock buried itself deep inside of her and punched her cervix mercilessly just as copious streams of her love juice sprayed wildly as her body bucked and eyes rolled back in ecstasy.



I held myself inside of her for a few long moments as Florence recovered from her first orgasm as her warm honey sprayed onto my waist.

I pulled out of her tight dripping honeyhole and took a waterskin from my storage before drinking a few mouthfuls of the delicious water, my cock still rock hard and throbbing in the open air.




As soon as I was done drinking I put the waterskin back into my storage, two pairs of eyes were staring at me intently from nearby.

I looked over and spotted Hirni and Alosia with their eyes glued to me, occasionally wandering down to my glistening cock, lathered in Florence's honey.

Alosia was completely red from ear to ear and had her mouth slightly open in shock of what she was seeing.

Hirni on the other hand noticed my gaze and began clapping her little hands together.

"Wohoo!!! You made a Barthian Paladin cum like a cheap whore!!! Now blow your load inside of her White Hair!!! No Mercy!!!" She yelled out excitedly before taking another deep swig of her fire whisky with a broad smile on her face.

I was pretty amused with Hirni's antics so I spoke out.

"How many more times do you think she'll cum before I finish? Alosia if you answer correctly I'll let you go freely." I spoke my challenge while looking into Alosia's big pink eyes which widened in surprise at my question.

But after a few long moments she spoke.

"T...Two...." She spoke with a trembling voice while looking down at Florence who lay open legged like a slut, her now gaping pink pussy oozing clear love juice copiously as she let out small moans.

Alosia's thighs rubbed together subconsciously for a moment before she caught herself and stopped.

I turned to Florence and gave her dazed face a few good pats so she'd come back to reality, when she did I looked into her icy blue eyes and spoke.

"Florence dear, I want you to brace yourself for what's about to come.....If you only cum twice I'll let Alosia go without question." I spoke and her eyes widened in shock as she was taken out of her post orgasm trance.

I grabbed her legs and flipped her over onto her belly before lifting her white hips up.

her flexible back arched expertly and her round perky white ass showing directly in my face as her little pink pussy dripped with warm honey.

I grabbed two handfuls of ass and lined myself up with her dripping wet hole as her legs trembled from beneath her.

Before long my tip pressed against her dripping hole and it was greedily swallowed inside by her wet cunt.

Her pussy squeezed and twitched at the pulsing foreign invader making its return to her sensitive depths.

Soon I slammed into her Cervix and she let out a high pitched squeal, half pleasure and half pain.

Then my hips began moving hard and fast into her tight pussy that seemingly begged to milk every last drop of hot thick semen from my throbbing cock.











 "IM CUMMING!!!!!" Florence screamed out loud but my cock kept fucking her hard and deep.

"OHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She moaned out loudly as her body bucked and legs trembled while spraying copious amounts of sweet nectar all over my waist.

Florence nearly slumped forward to collapse but I grabbed ahold of her silky golden hair and pulled her towards me once more as my cock slammed deep inside of her.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!~" Florence screamed out as my swollen tip slammed hard into her still quivering cervix and a spray of hot love juice sprayed out of her bullied little hole.

"Come on Florence, I thought a Paladin of Barthos would not be moaning to Aelven Cock like a cheap slut!" I spoke aloud and only received a desperate groan from Florence as her mind and body were too lost in pleasure to respond.

"You are cumming to Aelven Cock paladin....That deserves some punishment!" I spoke before my hand raised and dropped down on her pale jiggly ass cheek.



"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!~"  Florence called aloud from the spank, her pussy clenching like a vice and gushing honey from the strike.

"How many until you repent?" I asked as my cock throbbed heavily inside of her, my hand raised and she seemed to sense it.

"NO!!! NO!!!"



"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!~" She let out another loud moan and her pussy gripped my cock tightly for a long moment.

I began moving my hips again, her soft wet walls bringing me to bliss with their tightness as I mercilessly railed her gushing pink pussy once again.










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[Unknown Debauched Time Later.]

My cock hilted deep inside of her hot pussy, to its very depths as she let out a weary moan, her energy nearly completely depleted.

Florence's mouth drooled uncontrollably with her eyes half rolled back in ecstasy.

Her smooth white body was completely limp apart from her quivering legs and orgasming pussy, Her plump white ass now reddened with numerous hand marks.

My tip spread her cervix just enough to see my hot seed shoot directly into her womb as my cock swelled and throbbed hard, my seed finding its way to my tip with incredible force.

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

Florence's womb filled to the complete brim but my seed continued spraying deep inside, Her womb stretched and her smooth belly became stretched as if she were a few weeks pregnant 

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....


I continued busting my load for a few more spurts, her Little pussy kept milking more and more of my seed.

*SPURT.... *SPURT.... *SPURT....

*SPURT.... *SPURT....



Once I was done I let out a long sigh....I'd been on the road for nearly two weeks and I desperately needed to bust my load somewhere...

"Whew...." I sighed before letting go of Florence, She collapsed limply like a sack of potatoes and kept letting out low soft moans.

My tip was still inside so I finished pulling it out.


With a loud pop my cock came free, instantly a torrent of thick white seed emerged from her gaping little pink pussy.

A wide pool of semen formed on the furs below as it leaked out copiously from her honey hole, The top fur was surely ruined now.

I fell back onto the furs and breathed loudly as my cock slowly softened.

Then I heard a distinct clapping from nearby and turned my head to look.

Hirni was clapping as if I'd just performed a masterful opera.

Alosia sat nearby with her thighs tightly pressed together and a deep scarlet blush over her entire face.

"WOOHOO!!!!!!!  That was Fantastic White Hair!!!! Blonde Bimbo Didn't stand a chance!!! How many times Cow Tits!!! Go on Tell Him!!!" Hirni shouted excitedly while clapping her little hands together.

"T....Twelve....." Alosia spoke with a completely blushed face and trembling legs as her thighs subtly rubbed together which she hated to feel.

"And....What does that mean cow tits?" Hirni asked while poking Alosia's soft cheek with her little finger.

"I....I.....I.....will..." Alosia stammered but was interrupted by Hirni.

"It means you'll be a good fuck slave! And get filled every day with his Aelven cream Teehehe!!!"

Hirni spoke while giggling to herself cutely as Alosia hid her embarrassed face into her soft hands as the little gnome teased her mercilessly.

Then a distinct noise from nearby brought me out of my relaxation....it was a hoarse voice that wouldn't be out of place in a zombie.

"K....Kill me....Please...No.....No More....." Harry spoke softly from where he lay on the ground, I looked over to him and spotted his puffy eyes and snot which fell from his nose.....He was a broken man.

"Hold on Harry.....my dear friend...Your Time will come soon enough." I spoke before beckoning some rags and water from my storage before cleaning my body off slowly of the sweat, love juice and thick semen.

From my peripheral vision I noticed Alosia peeking at me through her fingers sheepishly.

As soon as I finished I donned my fine attire once more.

As soon as i finished putting on my last vambrace I apperated my Sword from my pendant and attached it to my hip before walking over to Harry and looking down at him for a few long moments.

I knelt down and whispered to him.

"Any last words? It's all the mercy you'll get from me American." I spoke softly after kneeling beside me.

".....Curse You Kalinik.....All The Gods Curse You..." He spoke loudly with a quaking voice, his pronunciation not so good on account of missing teeth and a mostly severed tongue.

"Such a shame.....I wanted you to have a painless death like sweet Jane..." I spoke while shaking my head in disappointment.

"No....No....Please....." He spoke in a panic as my dagger appeared from my storage and moved down onto his soft face but a frantic scream stopped me.

"NO!!!! PLEASE...MERCY...You don't have to make him suffer...." Alosia spoke with trembling hands, afraid of what my wrath might make me to.

"Are you trying to change our deal?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and moved to grab one of Harry's ears as my knee held him down.

"Please....I can't give you more than what we've already promised...but still...I beg you not to make him suffer he's a kind soul...." Alosia spoke with tears welling up in her beautiful eyes

"Fine...On your account I'll do him this kindness....Do not forget my mercy...." I spoke before grabbing ahold of Harry's shimmering blonde hair and Placed my dagger at his throat.



The blade sliced deep into his tender flesh which spurted out copious amounts of fresh hot blood.

"AHHH!!!!" I heard Alosia scream out in shock at seeing Harry's throat being slit like livestock.

His body twitched for nearly a whole minute until his eyes glazed over and his breathing completely stopped My golden Mythril ring glowed and thrummed for a long moment before stopping.

I looked at my ring for a long moment in surprise....Strange.

Then I wiped my blade off before walking away from the leaking blonde corpse.

Alosia sat there with tears in her eyes and noticed my hungry gaze, She quickly looked to the floor to avoid my gaze.

her whole body tensing as she did her best to shrink back from me.

"Hirni how do we do this Ritual you're talking about?" I asked while gazing over Alosia with a hungry gaze.....She was just so fucking meaty in all the right places just like Aellarith, or Valia.....

"Hold on White Hair! I need to draw on the ground with some chalk first!" Hirni spoke excitedly before jumping up from the huge pile of gold and running across the room to find a good spot to make the inscriptions. . . .

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[Aelfheim, Aellarith's High Hall]

Harry apperated in a beautiful hall while laying on his side, his body was completely frozen but from the corners of his eyes he could see two unbelievably beautiful women who spoke to eachother.

"So....Who sent him....." Monwraithe asked, her cold voice sent a shiver of fear down Harry's soul.

"It was Mittens....Again." Aellarith spoke, her soft warm voice an exact opposite of Monwraithe.

"That stupid fucking cat again...This is the sixth one in the last millennia." Monwraithe spoke with an annoyed tone.

"That cat is lucky it's too stupid to be any real danger to any Gods." Aellarith spoke with a sigh and Monwraithe giggled.

"It really is isn't it haha, How the hell does a retarded feline move though the firmaments in the first place?" Monwraithe asked in an exasperated tone.

"I don't know....I'll Call it." Aellarith spoke.

Monwraithe sighed before apperating a few small dried fish and tossing them on the floor.

"MITTENS!!!! WE HAVE DRIED FISH MITTENS!!!!" Monwraithe shouted and instantly a tiny rainbow portal opened up and a fluffy white cat burst through.

"MEOW! DRIED FISH!!! GIB GIB FISH!!!!" The fluffy cat meowed excitedly and instantly rushed over to the dried fish.







As soon as then cat finished eating Monwraithe grabbed it by its floofy scruff and lifted it off the ground.

"MEOW!!! THANK FISH!!! DELICIOUS!!!" The cat meowed out in gratefully.

"Mittens, Why did you send another soul through the firmament? I remember telling you not to more than once." Monwraithe scolded the floofy cat.

"MEOW!!! NO ME NO SEND!!! IT GACHA!!! I PROMISE!!!" The cat meowed in repentance as tears welled in its sparkling rainbow eyes.

"Mittens what you did was very bad okay....The soul you sent fought against my husband you know." Aellarith spoke softly from nearby.

The cat turned its big rainbow eyes over to Aellarith and screamed aloud.

"KITTENS!!!! YOU HAB KITTENS!!!!MEOW!!!!"  The cat meowed loudly in excitement at seeing that Aellarith was pregnant.

"Oh goodness.....Aellarith it's not even worth it..." Monwraithe spoke before setting the cat down again, knowing they'd never get any accountability from the stupid cat.

"Mittens I do have a baby coming but, we need to talk about you sending a soul here....that's very very Bad okay mittens." Aellarith spoke softly and the slow gears turned in the cats mind for half a minute before it responded.


"It's okay this time mittens, but you need to make amends okay?" Aellarith spoke and the cat nodded slowly before a poof of rainbow magic made a small pouch appear on the ground.

"MEOW! ENOUGH?MITTENS FAVORITE ROCK!" Mittens spoke curiously as it laid down on the ground.

Aellarith lifted the small velvet bag and looked inside, Her eyes widened in shock as the light inside shone brightly and illuminated her face.

"Mittens where did you get this?" Aellarith asked with wide eyes as Monwraithe came over to look inside as well.

"Mittens which God did you kill?" Monwraithe asked after seeing the Opalesent glowing oval shaped stone in the bag which glowed in the most beautiful colors.

"MEOW!!!TRY PUT MITTENS IN CAGE!!!.....MEOW!!CAGE BAD MEOW!!!"  The cat meowed out while licking its paws.

"This is enough Mittens, you can go back now." Aellarith spoke softly.

"OKAY MEOW! MORE FISH?" The cat meowed while looking at Monwraithe.

She tossed out another small dried fish and the Cat soon bounded off into a small rainbow portal.

"What do you want to do with that?" Monwraithe asked.

"Half for you, Half for me." Aellarith spoke and sliced the Opalescent oval stone in half with her fingers.


Soon enough both women munched down the Godly Soul Gem as it crunched loudly.

"What are you going to do with that one?" Monwraithe asked after burping loudly from the powerful little snack.

"Same place as the rest...." Aellarith spoke with a cold edge for the first time which send a shiver of fear through Harry's soul

Aellarith snapped her fingers.


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Harry awoke, he felt himself hogtied as he slowly spun around on a spit.

The first thing he heard was a horrific Cacophony of shrill screams....The sounds of Hell.

He looked around and spotted hundreds of people being cooked on spits, their soft flesh bubbling and their fat rendering as they were slowly cooked over low flames.

Then he felt something hot lick on his bare stomach and crotch...as he spun he looked and saw a low flame growing beneath him.


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