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36.66% THE MULTIVERSE: GAMER PATH / Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Complete Set (3)

Bab 88: Chapter 88: Complete Set (3)

Chapter 88: Complete Set (3)

~Third POV~

[Witches of Envy Garden]


Exiting through the portal both body and soul Mash felt an uncontrollable miasma filling the room that could destroy anybody but him because of his Witch Factors managing to resist this dimension housing the Witch of Envy soul.

Satella is the Witch of Envy responsible for the Great Calamity 400 years ago and is currently sealed in the Evil Sealing Stone Shrine, located somewhere in the Augria Sand Dunes, close to where the Pleiades Watchtower is currently standing.

When he read the Book of Wisdom he knew where exactly to meet the Witch of Envy Satella walking towards her in the shadow garden space full view of her in the flesh.

Satella, according to legend, is a half-human/half-elf demi-human woman with silver hair and eyes that are amethyst with a bluish tint to them. As a half-elf, Satella's ears are noticeably pointed.

Satella wears dark-purple thigh-high socks with golden frills on the top, a dark-purple one-piece mini-dress with golden flower decorations, and a long dark veil that covers a part of her face. Additionally, she also has an earring on her left ear.

Contrary to popular belief, Satella and the Witch of Envy are separate personalities, formed when she took in incompatible Witch Factors. The two personalities tend to fight each other.

Both personalities love Subaru, though the Witch of Envy personality is much more aggressive about it, while Satella is much more reasonable and cares deeply about his well-being. The Satella is an earnest, reckless, pure, and honest girl.

Taking the frontal approach Mash spoke up with his voice booming across the empty space loud and clear, "Satella."

Satella shifted her head slowly looking up, higher and higher as her violet eyes met Mash's gaze. Both watched motionless in silence but not for long with a croak of a voice dry without air from her, "Aaa…"

Satella's vocal cords hadn't been used for years and her mouth trembled as her body shook, but doesn't break her gaze from him her voice was frail and close to breaking down, "Aaa… Aaah… Naah…"

Satella tries to speak whispering and slowly reaches out to touch him as Mash allows her to grasp her hand Satella looks ready to burst with him calmly speaking to her, "Hello there… I'm Mash Bastion – Woah!?"

All Satella did was grasp onto Mash as he soon used his Gamer Ring placing it into her hand –


A loud distorted scream could be heard forcing Mash to bleed through his pores as he began to use his [Healing Magic] to recover his HP. Soon a shadow image briefly appeared showing to be the 'Witch of Envy'. The details of her face and the shape of her body were both obscured by pitch-black veils made from mist.

The mist that engulfed her form was so impossibly dark that it blotted out the darkness of the realm. In this state, Satella's eyes can be seen glowing brightly in contrast to the rest of her form.

2000 [Unseen Hands] could be seen sprouting from the 'Witch of Envy' to kill Mash as the releasing of the Witch Scent was extremely potent up close that it distorts everything in one's view. It invades the minds of anyone it touches, annihilates their flesh, and corrupts their soul.

Mash felt this as he felt his being and abilities of [The Gamer] were greatly affected obtaining errors on his screen almost briefly close to dying. But soon the 'Witch of Envy' froze inches away from ending with Satella regaining control.

The 2000 [Unseen Hands] vanished with Satella regaining control and announcing her authority placing her hands over to the dying Mash, "Sorry… Authority of Envy, [Everlasting Love]."


Mash that was soon to be a dead man felt a wash of warmth and love and opened his eyes no longer showing signs of madness panting extremely frightened beyond belief, "Holy shit!!!! What was that…!?"

Underestimating the 'Witch of Envy' greatly Satella managed to regain ALL her abilities with the Gamer Ring working its magic in a calm tone with her vocal cords recovered by her [Everlasting Love], "That… that was the Witch of Envy my counterpart… foreigner. And… I'm so sorry!"

Satella pleaded begging forgiveness that seemed to pass by his head in disbelief, "Huh?"

Satella was soon soaked in tears looking up to Mash as she yelled words that seemed to shatter everything, he knew about the Witch of Envy in an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I'm sorry that my… 'other' me brought you into this state of madness and corruption!"

Mash regaining his senses and bearings could feel the girl's sadness in front of him. The shaking in her small body, the way her voice cracked with despair he finally placed his hands over her shoulders trying to calm her down, "Hey, just calm down a bit here! How about we discuss like adults okay?"

Her voice echoes a bit, through the empty void they both stood in, as Satella continues to rock with very small tremors in her body. The tears she shed have all but stopped, but her face was still damp, and her eyes were still watery, threatening another episode one Mash isn't prepared to handle.

Perplexed by her behavior he just needs to ask the questions in a confused tone tilting his head baffled, "Are you… really the Witch of Envy? The worst of the worst, or so everyone's told me?"

Satella was initially taken aback by the question dampening her mood from listening to the latter half of said question, "Eh…? Uhm… Ye… yes."

Slowly nodding regaining his calm composure he sighed and asked the next question looking behind her with a frightened expression, "And the other you? The Witch of Envy do you have her controlled?"

Satella thought a bit looking at his Gamer Ring keeping her sane took in a deep breath answering his question, "Somewhat. I have another side of me that I have pushed down and resented in the past 400 years. That side of me was the one responsible for the disaster I've caused back then holds more power than I did formerly. But no worries I'm in control now thanks to your Meteor."

Gesturing to the Gamer Ring Mash sighed a breath of relief before looking down at the saddened Satella asking him a question, "So then Mash Bastion… can you tell me what happened to Natsuki Subaru…"

Hearing that Mash answered in a calm tone giving his sympathies to Satella placing a hand over her shoulder, "I'm sorry but his no longer around…"

Satella's eyes darkened in understanding as she began to give a request to Mash extending her arms leaving herself open and surprising him in a defeated tone, "I see… then my other half failed to bring him and I together in life… Mash, can I request you end me so I shall see my beloved in the afterlife? You can end my soul here. I don't wish to live in a world without my beloved…"

Mash's eyes darken sighing curtly nodding his head and completing his objective apologizing to her in a sad tone, "Sigh… very well then Satella. And… I hope you both find peace in the afterlife."

She smiled thanking him as Mash summoned his Life Sword Zeam…


Stabbing her through the heart with no resistance the Witch of Envy and Satella died as her soul dissipated away obtaining the Witch Factor of Envy Mash grabbed his Gamer Ring looking at the particles fading away sighing in a defeated tone, "Ah man… why did killing her have to leave me in a foul mood. I hope she finds her peace. Now to the next one…"


Exiting the crumbling shadow gardens of Envy's empty void Mash vanished to his next target while his Authorities abilities increased…

Mash obtained a few sets of abilities of the Authority of Envy, [Overzealous Thief], [Jealous Possession], and [Everlasting Love].


[Gusteko Assassination Base]


Roaring out a breath of black fire the Sin Archbishop of Lust Capella Emerada Lugunica in her most common form, Capella has short golden hair with a string of hair down her right and a rose attached at the end of it. She wears revealing clothes, hot pants, leggings, a bikini and nothing more.

She also has a yaeba that becomes prominent when she laughs. This form also has a great resemblance to other members of the Royal Family of the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica. Lastly, just above her waist, two larger circular appendages can be seen sprouting out of her body.

Currently, she's fighting for her life against Mash spouting [Black Flames] using her Authority of Lust [Transmutation and Transfiguration] changing into different parts like dragons shouting at Mash in disdain, "AHHH!! YOU RUINED MY ORGANIZATION!!! HOW COULD MY CHILDREN LEARN TO LOVE ME IF YOU CUT THEM DOWN YOU FILTH!!!"

Mash easily deflects the [Black Flame] already obtaining unique blood samples from Capella due to her unique genetic makeup.

Flying above Capella expresses disdain and disgust towards Mash as he grins as the background of dead assassins can be seen with him muttering out loud for her to hear in a happy mood, "Ah… nothing says then dealing the coffin of your mortal enemies than eliminating their hard work reduced to ash. What say you the ugliest woman in the world eh?"

Capella grits her dragonlike teeth at his attempt to mock her. It worked successfully as Capella growls with Mash shaking his head soon glaring ready to end her in a serious tone gazing up, "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. No words to respond huh? I suppose we should end this farce soon enough. But before that let's test out some new abilities of the Authority of Envy, shall we? [Overzealous Thief]!"


One shadow hand soon phased through Capella Mash instantly getting her Authority of [Transmutation and Transfiguration] much to her horror face paling in realization, "You… you took my Witch Factor…. And the Authority of… of… of… Envy?"


Since obtaining Satella's Witch Factor of Envy Mash felt all of his Witch Factors have drastically increased from their original purpose. That included his Witch Factor Sloth improving drastically able to conjure up to 2000 [Unseen Hands] all colliding with Capella and crushing her only using 1000 being enough.




Each hand caught her as they all began to crush her body into a paste she tried to gurgle her curses towards Mash blood filling her voice in an angry tone, "Ghluse… yosu… bastrad…"

Condensing her sorry state using his Authorities of Lust [Disguise] to change her into a suitable form of an apple crushing her into pieces. Mash even used his Life Sword Zeam to ensure her soul died and no cheat like regen of her Authority despite it being stolen with his skill [Disguise] changing into [Faker].

When he made sure she died and gained her Witch Factor of Lust Mash sighed a breath of relief opening a portal for the final two remaining in a serious tone, "Whew… Have to admit one of the few abilities from Authority of Envy, [Overzealous Thief] has its perks. Makes my job a bit easier taking enemies' worthwhile skills. Now then… onto Wrath next…"

Opening a portal to his next target as Mash opens his Book of Wisdom, he smirks feeling confident, "Next up Wrath. Let's see what the other Authority of Envy can do…"



[Witch Cult Base of Wrath]


Standing in the burnt remains of her former home Sirius Romanée-Conti is a Sin Archbishop of the Witch Cult, representing Wrath.

Sirius is covered head-to-toe in white bandages, with only her mouth and left eye left unobscured, though some breaches in her bandages allow part of her full head of long silver hair to seep out. Around her neck, she bears a steel choker with the Witch Cult's coat of arms attached. Additionally, something like a red teardrop is constantly affixed below her left eye.

Her long golden steel chains are wrapped around her arms and trail along the ground as she moves. These chains have hooks on their edges which allow Sirius to wield them lethally in close combat. Other than her bandages and chains, the only other thing Sirius wears is a long purple cloak. The inside of the cloak is sky blue with several vertical red decorative lines.

Currently, Sirius could only glare hatefully at Mash simply analyzing her in a calm tone admiring her Authority power of [Soulwashing] in a pleased voice, "I have to admit your Authority is pretty scary Sirius. You lost your power with one simple use of my Authority of Envy [Overzealous Thief]."

Proving his point Mash used the Authority of Sloth [Unseen Hands] to end the Witch Cultist's lives died on the ground with Siris glaring hatefully at him spouting deranged rants, "You heartless monster! How dare you be the one to live than my beloved!!! YOU SHOULD'VE DIED INSTEAD OF HIM!!! I'LL BURN YOU AND YOUR WITCH OF ENVY TO THE GROUND!!! YOU-"

Before she could continue Mash simply muttered turning away and giving a command activating his second application of his Authority of Envy in a cold tone, "Authority of Envy, [Jealous Possession]. Sirius end yourself."



Sirius simply obeyed using her golden chains to decapitate and allow her body to burn into ashes with Mash leaving the area preparing himself for the final Sin Archbishop in a stern tone, "Wrath is complete. All that leaves is Vainglory. Pandora prepare to be gone from this world. For good."

Marching forward Mash's eyes eerie glowed purple vanishing into the night with his Authority of Wrath strengthened while steaking her [Soulwashing] skill…


[Elior Forest]

Elior Forest is a dense woodland forest located in northeastern Lugunica, southwest of the Mining City of Ganacks and the Gina Mountain range. Elior Forest is covered in snow and ice and is home to unnatural mana storms and many Demon Beasts.

While the Elior Forest was frozen there lies The Seal of Elior Forest a place in the innermost part of the forest. The surroundings of the seal are surrounded by white trees and the whole area looks like a sacred place. The seal itself takes the form of a double door that stands on its own, not connecting with any buildings or trees. It appears to be made from wood, and there is an old lock located right in the center of the door itself with the keyhole.

Standing alone in front of The Seal is Pandora the Witch of Vainglory her eyes glaring intently at Mash with an evident frown on her face accepting her demise, "Mash Bastion… congratulations. You not only managed to obtain the Witch of Envy Witch Factor but you managed to steal mine. Congratulations…"

Pandora was minding her own business waiting at The Seal when Mash used his Authorities of Envy to catch her by surprise confident of her abilities of her Authorities of Vainglory and her Gospel of the future only to fail to see this twist.

She turned around to see Mash with extremely potent Witch Scent making Pandora's eyes widen frowning in defeat realizing her abilities wouldn't save her as they were stolen by Mash's [Overzealous Thief] and [Jealous Possession] easily disabling Pandora instantly whose Witch Factor he obtained.

Mash simply glared at Pandora summoning his [Unseen Hands] ending the job in her defenseless state.


Twisting her neck off her body and destroying the body erasing any of her remains with a scowl on his face ending the Sin Archbishops and Witches for good and earning their authority.

When he finished off Pandora he gained the Authority of Vainglory, [Overwrite].

But when he left, he saw pop-up screens showing up that made him pause reading it while his [Witch Scent] flared up as he reigned it in. But surprise could be seen in front of him reading the pop-ups.


[You have earned the title of [Warlock of Sin] by obtaining the Authorities!]

[Due to obtaining all the 9 Authorities you unlocked [Beyond Sin Mode]!]

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