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50% Naruto: I did not reincarnate, I Transmigrated / Chapter 4: Ino - Shika - Cho

Bab 4: Ino - Shika - Cho

Tanna looked at the shop, "Here we are, a flower shop."

Naruto, "I want cactus and strawberry saplings, sunflowers, blueberry and tomato seeds."

Tanna, "Let's see what is available."

A voice came, "Welcome to the Yamanaka flower shop."

Tanna looked at where the voice came from and noticed it was Inoichi, "Hello we are looking for cactus and strawberry saplings as well as sunflower, blueberry and tomato seeds."

Inoichi, "Of course, we have the saplings by the window and the seeds are on the shelves. Allow me to show you around."

Naruto squealed, "Ino - tan."

Ino perked up, "Naruto - kun, are you looking for flowers?"

Naruto, "Un, sunflowers and cactus. How are you doing Ino - tan?"

Ino, "I am alright. I made a new friend. She is so cute."

Naruto stared then (σ≧▽≦)σ, "Ino - tan ~"

Ino was looking at him warily, "What?"

Naruto, "You are in love."

Inoichi who was telling Tanna how to care for the plants turned, "Excuse me? Young lady, you are not even ten."

Ino, "ACK! Dad no! Naruto!"

Naruto giggled, "But it is true. You look so happy talking about her."

Inoichi, "A girl? Wait, are you talking about Sakura?"

Ino, "I just find her pretty okay?"

Tanna, "Well, legally speaking, Clan leaders are allowed to keep more than one spouse, especially shinobi clan leaders. The life expectancy of a shinobi is lower than the life expectancy of a civilian."

Ino looked at Tanna with bright eyes, "So, I can keep her?"

Tanna, "Well there are some conditions you need to fulfill but I don't see why not. You are the heiress, am I correct?"

Inoichi sighed, "Yes, you are right but she is too young. Besides, you will have to become a shinobi first."

Ino, "I will become the strongest kunoichi."

Tanna, "What sort of kunoichi do you plan on becoming?"

Ino, "What sort?"

Tanna, "How to explain? Oh, I know. When I first arrived in Konoha, a kunoichi guided me, she was a kenjutsu specialist. Mikoto - san, the Uchiha clan's matriarch focuses on helping shinobi who are orphans and acts as the representative of her clan. I believe Kurenai is an upcoming genjutsu specialist."

Ino :O, "Ah! I have not thought about it. Hey, Naruto, what about you?"

Naruto puffed up, "I am going to be the best Hokage there ever was. I am learning sealing juts from Akari - obaasan and market and economics from Tanna nee - chan."

Ino, "Market and economics? Aren't they civilian subjects?"

Tanna, "Yes, they are but do you know who are the main customers for shinobi?"

Ino, "Um... Oh! Civilians, I get it. That's pretty smart Naruto. I am still not sure what to take up as my specialty though. Hmm!"

Inoichi was watching them talk about different things that shinobi could take up and specialize in. While he was not happy to learn about his little girl already growing a crush, she was his baby, he was still happy to see her think about her career. He was also observing the brunette who was the hot topic among the clan gossip and he had heard about how the Uchiha clan's was very fond of her. He could see how, she was easy on the eyes and unlike the other civilians the young lass was not wary about being near shinobi. He had seen her health profile and could not help but pity her in the beginning but now meeting he knew she was not someone who would accept pity.

Tanna, "I would like to buy these, Naruto."

Naruto, "Yes, nee - chan?"

Tanna, "What do you think about getting some eggplant saplings? I recall you enjoyed the crispy fried eggplant I made before."

Naruto, "Yes! Please, it was really delicious."

Tanna, "The eggplant saplings too, please."

Inoichi chuckled as he wrapped up some more saplings for them while Ino started to tell Naruto all the things she knew and did with Sakura. Inoichi had already noticed the shinobi that were following the brunette civilian around, an Uchiha and a Nara. This reminded him about the last time he had a get together with Shikaku and Chouza. He recalled Shikaku - kun mentioning the Hokage had ordered him to meet with a civilian at the end of the week. Apparently it was about the Academy lessons, the young civilian had some good ideas which could help out in picking shinobi. While Shikaku was skeptical he agreed to meet the young civilian at least to hear them out.

Inoichi hummed as he watched the two leave the shop, 'I should suggest he takes Shikamaru - kun with him.'

Shikaku looked at the building in front of him, "Here we go."

Shikamaru was standing grumpily beside him, "Hey dad, why am I here?"

Shikaku, "Your Uncle Inoichi suggested I should bring you along."

Shikamaru, "Was it really Uncle Inoichi or was it Ino?"

Shikaku chuckled, "Does it matter? Come on now."

Tanna heard the door bell ring, 'Guess he is here.'

Naruto, "I will get it."

Tanna, "Thank you Naruto."

Tanna, 'Mikoto - chan is helping other orphans move in. Sasuke went to help her with it. Itachi and Shisui are on a mission with their own Chunnin teams. So that only leaves Kakashi.'

Kakashi, "Yo, Shikaku."

Shikaku, "Kakashi - kun. I see the rumours are true."

Kakashi, "I am a young adult. I have my own interests too."

Shikaku, "Of course you do."

Shikamaru, "So, this is where you live Naruto."

Naruto, "Yeah, come in. Nee - chan made Yakgwa. It is really yummy and goes really nice with matcha tea."

Shikaku, "Is this a family recipe?"

Tanna, "Yes, it is a favourite you could say and we had honey so I made them. Please have a seat."

Shikaku sat down, "Hokage - sama had mentioned you had some ideas for the Academy."

Tanna made a face, "I do not know what he expects. I just pointed out a few things and mentioned a few ideas that just seemed practical."

Kakashi, "They are, it would make it easier for shinobi selection at least."

Tanna looked between them then agreed to repeat what she had told the Hokage, "So, it is a rough idea to thin out the prospective shinobi from those who are not fit to be one."

Shikaku, "It could use some polishing but it has potential."

Tanna, "If you say so. Another idea I had was internship."

Kakashi, "Like the business apprentices?"

Tanna, "Yes, from what I have seen, the hospital could always use a hand in areas like cleaning and sanitizing. So a paid internship there, plus classes on applying basic aid till a proper medic arrives on the scene."

Shikaku, "And a good way to find budding medics while decreasing casualties by five percent at the minimum."

Tanna, "Yes, and the security area too. They could intern there to learn the ins and outs of village security and safety. Fugaku - dono has agreed to allow it as long as the work is not disrupted."

Shikaku, "He did?"

Tanna, "I think he just wants to keep a closer eye on the clan kids. Some of the orphan kids went missing after the Hyuuga incident according to the orphans who are now shinobi."

Shikaku had a dark look for a second before he leaned in, "Did they now?"

Tanna, "I was not given the details but Fugaku believes kidnapping the Hyuuga Princess might not have been the only goal a few years ago. They might have been gunning for orphans from other clans too but there is no solid proof."

Kakashi, "My team is looking into it."

Tanna, "Just be careful."

Kakashi, "I am always careful."

Naruto rushed in at that moment, "Nee - chan, nee - chan, I want to invite Shikamaru - kun to the first school day party. Please!"

Tanna, "You will have to ask his Dad here, Naruto."

Naruto turned his big blue eyes to the Nara Head, "Please Shikamaru's dad."

Shikaku sweat dropped at the puppy eyes being thrown at him, "Sure."

Kakashi smiled, "It will be fun. They will get to know each other better."

Naruto, "I already invited Ino - tan, she is bringing her new friend over too."

Shikamaru, "Then, I will bring Chouji - kun with me."

Tanna, "Sure, whatever makes you comfortable."

Shikaku looked at another idea, "Hmm.. I like this idea of introducing the farming missions to the Academy students. It will be a good way to test their endurance and perseverance to become a shinobi."

Tanna, "Hmm... It could be done early morning to test their willingness to perform during times they hate getting up."

Shikaku, "Oh? I would have thought Naruto was a morning person."

Tanna laughed, "Nah! That's Shisui, the rest hate early mornings."

Kakashi grumbled playfully, "Hey, do not expose me like that."

Shikaku snorted as they got back to their discussion of the small changes that would be done in the Academy before the session started up. Tanna then asked about the teachers and what they thought about the changes that was being made. Shikaku just told her they were interested as well and since Konoha was in a state of peace instead of war, everyone could afford spending more time studying. Tanna just nodded at that, after thinking about it, war meant higher demand of soldiers which meant the time spent studying at the Academy was decreased.

Tanna, "I think we covered the base at least."

Shikaku, "For today, yes. I will return again tomorrow. I believe one of the suggestions was to ask the retired shinobi to give some specialized class. I think the Akimichi will be interested in the cooking class you mentioned."

Tanna jabbed her thumb at the silver haired shinobi lounging on the sofa, "Kakashi keeps telling the kids shinobi are masters of disguise, so I figured disguising as a Chef is not so far fetched. But in order for that to work they must know how to prepare food and drink for the client."

Shikaku, "That is true. Same goes for scholars and tailors. I can already see the ex - kunoichis jumping to teach these kids."

Tanna, "Well, if they are ex - kunoichi then they will have the knowledge and practical experience to help the young ones. Perhaps we could introduce it this year and see how it turns out."

Shikaku, "This batch will be an experimental batch of shinobi. I will inform you now, this will attract attention, a lot of attention. There will be many who will want you dead for this."

Tanna drawled, "I know very well I am in a hidden shinobi village and that Konoha has many enemies."

Shikaku, "Good, as long as you are aware of the dangers."

The rest of meeting went by with Shikaku telling Tanna and Naruto to be careful and on top of that booking another meeting day with them. When Mikoto learned about the second meeting she insisted on joining them this time, as she had prepared a set of lessons for the Academy. Tanna was a bit skeptical about her reasoning but agreed to having her join them in the second meeting which was two days after the first meeting.

Shikaku eyed her, "Mikoto - san."

Mikoto smiled, "Shikaku - san, Yoshino - san, how are you doing?"

Tanna sweated at the tense atmosphere and cleared her throat, "Shall we begin?"

Shikaku, "Of course. Ahem! My wife here has volunteered to be one of the teachers at the Academy."

Yoshino smiled at Tanna, "My husband told me your plan and honestly I like the idea of teaching the kids how to do certain things like painting and poetry."

Tanna, "Oh! Yes, Hokage - sama had mentioned you were an expert at poetry and you could go word to word with the poets in the Daimyo's court."

Yoshino puffed up, "Yes, I can. So, when I heard you were considering teaching the children at the Academy I was really excited."

Mikoto, "Wonderful, looks like we will be working together Yoshino - chan. We will be in the newly created language department."

Tanna, "Mikoto - chan is in charge of calligraphy. We need someone to take charge of the Grammar now. I really look forward to see the language department bloom."

Mikoto, "Grammar?"

Tanna, "I have noticed the dialect used between the different countries are very different."

Shikaku nodded, "Understood, that is smart."

Tanna, "I think it is just basic awareness."

Mikoto pat her head, "Perhaps but it is something that can be useful."

Tanna was just happy to get the work and the required paperwork done in order to implement the new ideas at the Academy. It was a lot of paperwork and surprisingly enough the Elders who were part of the Council were in full support of teaching the new shinobi new subjects. While having more shinobi was good, having shinobi who were talented in different fields was even better apparently. Tanna had been a little worried Danzo and his cohorts might have tried to go against it and stopped the new ideas from being implemented.

Thankfully though none of them were against it as they liked the idea of having shinobi who could infiltrate as scholars, chefs, etc. The Hokage was very pleased to see the Council and the young adults get along for once without any fights occurring between them. A few days before the Academy started Tanna took Naruto to a very popular barbeque stand where they would be having a party. Shikamaru was already there with Chouji while Ino was talking with a familiar pink haired child.

Ino was pulling the pink haired girl towards them when she saw them, "Naruto - kun, Tanna - san, you are here."

Tanna, "Hello Ino - chan, is this your friend?"

Naruto being the budding prankster he was grinned, "Is she your girlfriend?"

Ino turned pink, "She's my best friend, I swear you troll, she is my friend. Her name is Sakura."

Sakura who was pink as well greeted them, "He... Hello, I I I am Sakura."

Tanna poked Naruto's head making him giggle, "Pleasure to meet you Sakura - chan. Do not mind this little imp. He just likes to tease Ino - chan here."

Shikamaru, "Troublesome! This is my best friend Chouji. No he is not my boyfriend, he is more like a brother."

Naruto, "Nice to meet you Chouji - kun, Shikamaru told me a lot about you."

Chouji, "Shikamaru - kun told me about you to Naruto - kun."

Tanna, "Mikoto - san will be here soon, we can start the party soon."

After a while, Mikoto appeared with Fugaku being dragged in by Sasuke who was followed by Shinichi and Kuroda grinning as they greeted Naruto happily. The blond was happy to see them and introduced them to the rest of the group. Ino and Sakura looked at them curiously and greeted them while Sasuke pulled Naruto to a table while the twins started talking with the two girls. On the other hand Yoshino and Mikoto started to talk about the Academy and the plans they made for the lessons with Tanna. The men noticed the young civilian get pulled into the chat and decided to promptly stay out of it.

Fugaku, "I see your wife was charmed too."

Shikaku, "Well, if it makes her happy. I will be honest though. She has also caught my interest in a way."

Fugaku, "Indeed most people who realize they do not have chakra coils panic and it is not always a good sight. She is very very calm and I am a little curious about how she thinks."

Chouza, "It will no doubt be different from how shinobi think and see things."

Inoichi, "Agreed! It looks like your wife is interested too Chouza."

Chouza, "Well, the Hokage did approach her to request her help in teaching the kids how to properly prepare some very intrinsic dishes. It will be cleaning methods for the first years, second years will learn meal prep and the final years will learn to cook. After that depending on how well the kids perform the Akimichi clan will take the ones with potential as apprentices regardless of whether they are shinobi or not."

Fugaku, "The Konoha Police plan on doing the same. Having extra hand is always more than welcome."

Shikaku huffed, "On top of that because of the extra classes most kids will be graduating around the age of thirteen. I suppose we can afford it during peace time."

Tanna, "Ahem! Everyone may I have your attention please."

Naruto, "Eh? Nee - chan?"

Tanna, "Tomorrow you kids will be starting a new chapter in your lives. You will be taking the first step to becoming a shinobi. As your Guardians, parents and caretakers we are very proud of you. So do your best!"


Shikaku, "She's well spoken, understands tax, is knowledgeable about finances and economy, definitely an ex - noble that one."

Fugaku, "I don't think I have heard her talk about her family before."

Inoichi, "She's grieving. Despite her happy smile right now. Just watch her when she thinks no one is looking. She looks very melancholic."

Chouza, "You have been observing her that long?"

Inoichi, "No, just saw it when they visited the shop. I believe the flowers hold a significant meaning for her."

Shikaku, "Ah! But she's in the clear?"

Inoichi, "Security wise yes, nothing to worry about. However, health wise, I fear she has a long way to go."

Kakashi coughed from behind them, "I do not think we have any right to comment on other people's health."

The men looked away at that comment as the party went on around them with the kids playing around chasing each other. The ladies moved to talk about the latest gossip while Mikoto happily told them about the honeymoon Akari and Toge were on. That made the other clan ladies look at Mikoto with envy, they had been friends with Kushina too. It had been a big surprise to learn a civilian Uzumaki was still alive and now Mikoto had managed to snag one of Kushina's relatives as her own. They were honestly a little jealous but happy, they had all worried for Naruto but just like Kakashi had been banned from interacting with him.

The party went without a hitch in Tanna's humble opinion and she was feeling very proud of herself. When she had run into Naruto she had decided to help him make many trustworthy friends and when she saw how Mikoto cared about Naruto she wanted to help avoid the massacre. In the beginning she had planned on getting the Daimyo's wife get interested in Mikoto but then she met the Hokage who gave her a way to make her plan more effective. Now, the Akimichi, Nara and Yamanaka clans were mingling with the Uchiha. She could not help but grin happily as she watched Naruto play around with the kids of the four clans plus one kid from a civilian clan.

Mikoto, "You look very happy."

Tanna, "I feel happy. I met Naruto, made new friends and now a lot of interesting things are happening. I look forward to a new tomorrow."

Chiharu smiled watching her, "That's good. I am also happy to see my baby boy make a lot of friends."

Yoshino made eye contact with Mikoto, 'Was she suicidal?'

Mikoto, 'No, she was not though she was grieving.'

Yoshino smiles nodding, "Tanna - chan, if you need anything feel free to ask."

Ino ran to her, "Tanna - chan, Tanna - chan."

Tanna, "Yes, Ino - tan?"

Sakura shyly spoke up, "Are you going to teach us at the Academy too?"

Tanna, "No, I am more of a helper than a teacher, bit you will see me around though, do not worry."

Sakura flushed then nodded, "Good."

Ino, "Yay! I am so happy to hear that."

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