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4.04% Rise of the Death Knight / Chapter 4: The Fundamentals, Part One

Bab 4: The Fundamentals, Part One

Zenith's heart raced as she faced the approaching creature, her grip tightening on the hilt of her ceremonial greatsword.

With a quick glance at her status, she reviewed her available skills, searching for any advantage she could use in the coming battle. Her eyes widened as she spotted a spell she hadn't noticed before.

"Death's Kiss," she muttered. "What...?"

Her mind raced as she read the description. 

Death's Kiss - MP: 10

Steal away a small portion of an enemy's life through a cold touch, harming them and healing yourself.

It sounded powerful, but at the moment it quite literally cost all of her mana to use. 

As the zombie drew nearer, Zenith took a deep breath, steadying herself for the impending confrontation.

With a swift motion, she swung her blade, aiming to strike the creature before it could reach her. The edge of her sword clipped the zombie's arm, drawing a shallow gash, but the creature barely flinched, its undead flesh resilient against the attack.

Before Zenith could react, the zombie retaliated with surprising speed, slamming its claws into her forehead with a sickening thud.

Pain exploded behind Zenith's eyes as blood trickled down her face, but she refused to falter. Ignoring the stinging sensation, she gritted her teeth and focused on the task at hand.

With a fierce determination, Zenith swung her blade once more, channeling all her strength into the strike. This time, her aim was true, and the blade sliced cleanly through the zombie's neck, severing its head from its body in one swift motion.

Just like that, the creature fell to the ground, lifeless. 

A series of messages appeared. 

{Passive Buff: Catch-Up} 

{Gain 100% Bonus EXP and WST until midnight} 

EXP Gained: 10

EXP: 10/10

Level Up!

WST Gained: 25

WST: 25

As the adrenaline began to ebb away, Zenith allowed herself a moment to catch her breath, her chest heaving with exertion.

[Agh, shit.] With a shaky hand, she wiped the blood from her forehead, wincing as the pain flared anew. [That stings!] 

Zenith cast a wary glance around, ensuring that there were no other threats lurking nearby before turning her attention back to the fallen zombie.

A sense of satisfaction washed over her as she realized that she had emerged victorious from the encounter. 

Despite the discomfort, she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at her accomplishment.

[Okay... So, I can fight,] Zenith thought, her mind buzzing with adrenaline. [Feels weird that this is kind of like a game. But, whatever. That doesn't matter.] 

As she surveyed the scene before her, Zenith's gaze fell upon the lifeless body of the zombie at her feet.

As soon as she looked at it, a menu popped up. 

Zenith flinched. 

Minor Healing Potion (1)



{Restore a small amount of health} 

VAL: 100 WST

Somewhat stunned by the interface that suddenly popped up, Zenith shook her head and pushed her shock away. 

Tapping on the screen, she grabbed the object, placing it in her own Inventory. 

[... Surreal.] 

"CONGRATS! You won your first fight! WOOHOO!" 

Again, Zenith jumped. 


She spun. 

No one was there. 


"No, no, I'm up here!" 

"What? What do you...?" 

As she turned to find the source of that voice, Zenith's jaw dropped. 

A little snake was dancing in the air, moving in circles. 

The feminine, sultry voice she'd just heard had come from that very creature. 

[Yeah,] Zenith nodded. [It's official. I'm dreaming.] 

"Nope!" The snake replied. "I'm 1000% real. Which is something you should be happy about, because I'm here to help!" 

Zenith blinked in disbelief as she stared at the dancing snake before her.

"Okay... Whatever. I mean, nothing about this has been normal so far, so I'll roll with it. Who are you?" 

"Name's Tamira, at your service!" she announced with a flick of her tail, striking a pose mid-air. 

Zenith couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at the sight.

"So, you're a talking snake named Tamira?" she repeated, her tone laced with incredulity.

"Yup, that's me! Here to help poor saps like you get through the Unity Trials!" 

Zenith sighed. 

[Did I resurrect as a schizophrenic?] 

"Okay, we're really pushing my ability to roll with it to the limit here, but I'll keep doing it. What's the deal, Tamira? What's happening? What the hell are the 'Unity Trials'? What do I need to know?" Zenith asked, crossing her arms and eyeing the snake skeptically.

Tamira's expression turned serious as she hovered closer to Zenith.

"Listen up, sweetheart. The world's gone a little... wonky lately, thanks to that thing I just mentioned. It's a whole mess. Basically, humanity got handed this fancy System and a bunch of game-like Classes out of the blue," Tamira continued, her movements becoming more animated as she spoke. "Thanks to my superiors, the Forces That Be, you're all heroes now! These classes are varied but they all basically fall into the following categories: Warriors, Thieves, and Mages. You following me so far?" 

Zenith couldn't help but shake her head in disbelief.

"Did you give everyone else this up-close-and-personal explanation too?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Tamira shook her head, her expression growing more serious.

"Nah, just you, sweetheart. Just like you're the only one who got that sweet EXP buff. See, it's been a few months since the Unity Trials began so you're at a bit of a disadvantage," she explained, her voice tinged with concern.

Zenith's eyes widened in shock.

"A FEW MONTHS? But... where's Asuka? Is she okay?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Tamira offered Zenith a reassuring smile.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about her just yet. Asuka's doing fine. She's got her own friends looking out for her," she reassured Zenith, her tone softening. "I'd advise you to focus on yourself right now. Consider that your first tip from me as your assistant." 

Feeling a sense of relief wash over her, Zenith nodded in gratitude.

That said, there was also a bit of anger that sprouted. 

[I'm guessing one of those friends is Dylan... that bastard.] 

"Okay, okay, good to know. What do I need to do?" she asked, eager to get a handle on the situation.

Tamira's eyes sparkled with mischief as she floated closer to Zenith.

"Here's the basics. Every day, you gotta rack up at least 500 Activity Points, or you'll start getting hit with debuffs to your stats," she explained, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "You've played a videogame before?"

"A few."

"Good. So, for example, if you have 10 Strength and you fail to meet the quota, that Strength might go down to 9. Then to 5, then to 1. The debuff increases in severity for every day you don't reach the quota." 

"Activity Points. How do I get those?" Zenith asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Tamira grinned mischievously.

"Oh, it's easy. Just clear dungeons, kill boss monsters, you know, the usual. Piece of cake!" 

"Dungeons. Those exist too now?" 

"Yep. The little portals here and there you come across will take you to them. Think of them as game levels you have to complete. OH! And..." Tamira added, "and... Killing other people will also get you AP." 


"Mhm," Tamira nodded her little snake head. "Killing regular monsters does nothing for AP, but killing other players will contribute toward your quota." 

[Is... Is she encouraging me to murder people?] 

"What? Noooooo! I would do no such thing!" 

Zenith pulled back. 

"You heard that?" 

"Yep. I can read minds," Tamira let her know. "Look, I'm not saying you should kill people. I'm just saying... if you happen to be particularly desperate for AP... Killing a low-level human could prove easier than clearing a dungeon or killing a boss, you know?" 

With a flick of her tail, Tamira shot Zenith a wink.

[Holy shit.] 

"Anyway, what else... what else... Oh, Right! Take a moment and bring up your map."

"I have a map?"

"You do, yes." 

Looking at her interface, Zenith found that she indeed did have one.

"See those green blocks? Those are Safe Zones. Monsters can't enter there. That's where everyone else is probably relaxing right now." 

"I guess I'll..." 

"HOLD ON," Tamira interrupted her. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Yes, monsters can't enter... but combat between humans can still happen in them. People can still attack you." 

"Wait, people can attack me in Safe Zones? But... Why? Why would anyone do that?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Tamira let out a sigh, her expression growing somber.

"Sweetheart, the whole world's gone lawless. It's every person for themselves now, and aside from tokens, strength is the only currency that matters," she explained, her tone heavy with resignation. "If you just walk up to a group of... you know, bad people, as the defenseless little pup you are right now, it's not gonna go well." 

"But that's... that's insane!" Zenith exclaimed, unable to comprehend the sudden shift in society. "What, a zombie apocalypse happens and the whole world loses their... Shit, it's like every zombie story ever made." 

Tamira nodded in agreement.

"Yep. Believe me, I wish it wasn't true. But that's the reality you're living in now. If you walk into a Safe Zone as a level 1, or excuse me, level 2 player, you'll be a prime target for anyone looking to gain some easy EXP, or AP, or World Shop Tokens," she explained, her voice tinged with urgency.

Zenith's heart sank at the thought of facing danger not just from monsters, but from her fellow humans as well.

"So what should I do?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Tamira flashed Zenith a reassuring smile, hovering down to meet her at eye level.

"Simple. You need to get out there and gain some power. Clear some dungeons, fight some bosses, and level up. The stronger you are, the safer you'll be," she advised, her voice firm with resolve.

"I see..." Zenith replied quietly. "But, where's Asuka? I mean, if I can find her, can't she help out?" 

Tamira gave her a suspicious, knowing smile. 

"I'm afraid she's not in a position to assist you." 

"Wait, what? But, you said she was okay!" 

"Yes... As far as being alive is concerned. But, well... It's complicated. For now, let's just focus on getting you good and strong, alright? Trust me, if you see her right now, you're just going to do something stupid and get yourself killed." 


Zenith had trouble even considering leaving Asuka alone. Especially given that it seemed she wasn't doing particularly well. 

But, setting her feelings aside, Tamira's words did make sense. 

[I'm not strong at all right now... If she's in some sort of trouble, I'm not gonna be able to do anything for her.] 


"Right, mind reading... That's kind of annoying." 

"You'll get used to it." 

Tamira leaned in close, her gaze intense as she spoke.

"Alright, Zenith, I'm going to give you a choice. I can offer you one of three gifts to help you get started in this new world. They're not exactly cheats, but they'll give you a leg up."

Zenith listened intently, her curiosity piqued.

"What are my options?" she asked, eager to hear what Tamira had to offer.

"First, I can give you a powerful weapon that will make short work of any low-level monsters you encounter. Second, I can grant you a small boost to the amount of World Shop Tokens you gain for a limited time, on top of the buff you currently have, allowing you to purchase items and upgrades more quickly. And third, I can reveal to you the location of all dungeons and bosses nearby for one week. What will it be?" 

Zenith considered her options carefully, weighing the benefits of each gift in her mind.

[Having a big, powerful sword would be nice... And, having a boost to my WST would help close the gap between me and everyone else fast. But...] 

After a moment of contemplation, she made her decision.

"I choose the third option," Zenith declared, her voice firm with resolve.

Tamira arched an eyebrow in surprise.

"Really? I'm curious, why did you choose that one?"

Zenith met Tamira's gaze head-on, her eyes shining with determination.

"If this is a gift, like you put it, I assume that means no one else can see where these things are. Which... Which means that there are bound to be secret dungeons and bosses other people haven't done, right?"

Tamira's eyes widened. Zenith kept going.

"I mean, I'm no gamer or anything, but I've heard about secret stuff like that. Am I wrong?"

Tamira grinned.

"No," she responded. "No you are not. Indeed, there are secrets to find. That said, although they are rewarding, secret dungeons and secret bosses are far harder to defeat." 

"Well, I need to prepare myself. I want to be ready for whatever challenges lie ahead, even if it means taking a little more time to get there," she explained, her voice steady and unwavering.

Tamira nodded in understanding, a hint of admiration shining in her eyes.

"... I guess I accidentally came across someone interesting. Impressive. You've got guts, kid," she remarked, her tone tinged with approval. "I like you."

[... Why does that not feel like a good thing?] 

With a final nod of encouragement, Tamira flashed Zenith a reassuring smile.

"I'll be watching over you, Zenith. Reach out to me if you have any questions. Good luck out there," she said before disappearing into thin air. 

Zenith brought up the man. Instantly, red dots and purple spheres appeared all over it. 

[Okay... I'm still worried about Asuka. I mean, I hope she's not with anyone too douchey. But, whatever. If it's seriously been months since the zombies appeared, I need to get stronger before I can help her with anything. Let's get started.] 

Already_In_Use Already_In_Use

Yes, in case it wasn't obvious enough by now, this story takes place in the same world as my other novel, The Lone Healer.

That said, this is an alternate universe. The Unity Trials will play out differently here than it did there, with different rules, and a different win condition.

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Hadiah -- Hadiah diterima

    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone

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    Stone -- Batu Daya
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