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52.72% HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 27: Paint it Black

Bab 27: Paint it Black

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there.

Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.

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Word Count 4125


BTW i am on vacation so uploads might be sporatic until next friday. I'm uploading this chap on my phone and will be writing on the phone. This is not easy


In front of 12 Grimmauld Place. Stood a family of three. The Tonks. Ted and Andromeda  Tonks nee Black. And their daughter Nymphadora Tonks or as she is known. 'Call me Tonks.'

"Andi are you sure that this is a good idea"  Ted asked his wife

"Yeah Mom. Sounds like a bloody trap to me" Tonks said nervously only to be slapped on the back of her head by her mother

"Language Nymphadora" Andi reprimanded her daughter

Dora's hair turned orange red "DON'T CALL ME THAT!"

Andi smacked her again "Don't yell so loud. We are in public for Merlin's sake. And yes we have to go in. In the letter that was sent by Lord Black, he gave an oath that would guarantee our safety. In return, we must take an oath not to attack anyone and tell anyone about this meeting."

Tonks grumbled "Fine... but I still think it some sort of trap"

Ted sighed " You are not alone. But the new Lord Black at least seems reasonable. He called us to attend this meeting about 'Deciding the Future of the House of Black'. Quite honestly I'm surprised I was even invited."

Andromeda nodded "That's why I am willing to give this a shot. Most of the Blacks died out. Whoever this new Lord is, he clearly doesn't care about tradition. He specified in the letter to wear whatever we want, just as long as we arrive on time"

"Thank Merlin for that" Dora mumbled out, she didn't like to be in robes during her summer vacation. Summer was muggle clothes only.

They go to the door and three parchments were waiting for them. On each was written the oath that they had to sign

"Hmmm. This Lord Black is thorough. If we sign this we literally won't be able to tell anybody. Even if they try to take the information out of us. It rare to see such restricting oaths these days." Ted commented as he let his lawyer side take over.

" It seems like he will keep his word not to let any harm come to us. It's all written in the oath" Andromeda quickly signed the parchment

"Let's get this over with" Dora signed as well and Ted followed.

As soon as he did the front door opened. Andromeda looked inside and was shocked "Wow"

The previous dirty and black hallway was gone. It had a modern look to it with light green colors. It looked warm and inviting.

"Welcome to the new and improved Ancestral House of Black!" Sirius walked in front of them with a big smile and his arms spread wide

"Siri?" Andromeda smiled as she saw her cousin

"Come here Andi" Sirius laughed expecting a hug but Andromeda went on and smacked him over the head "How could you be so Stupid!"

Ted and Dora kept flinching each time Andromeda hit Sirius.

*Smack. Smack. Smack*

"And you didn't even call me or visit once you got exonerated!"

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! But we really can't keep standing here. Let's take this in the living room" Sirius chuckled as he started walking, even though he got hit he was happy. He was together with family after a very, very long time.

Sirius and the Tonks family settle down.

"So Siri, what's this about?" Andromeda asked Sirius in a serious tone. He only sighed "I have no idea actually. I was in France when I got an invitation to come here. I'm surprised as well since Lord Black made it perfectly clear how much of a failure I am"

"That you are dear cousin" An aristocratic voice came from the hallway. Everybody turned to see a beautiful blond woman looking at them with an impassive face.

"Narcissa" Sirius stood up and practically growled

Andromeda frowned "What are you doing here dear sister" They weren't exactly on good terms with each other. But she had a lot more control over her emotions than Sirius.

Narcissa sighed "Trust me. I wouldn't have come here if I had no other choice. I don't know who this Lord Black is but he is ruthless as they come. He said the would cancel my marriage to Lucius and take back all of the money that was spent with Interest. Then leave me at the hands of Death Eaters so that they may torture me."

Dora snorted "Well not like you don't deserve it"

Narcissa frowned and was about to say something when the doors opened. And a young handsome boy walked. He had a black-styled haircut. Green eyes ironically the color of the Killing Curse. An emerald earring on his left ear. And wore black jeans and a black T-shirt, made from Acrumentula Silk.

Harry Potter had entered the building. Hope was right behind him.

"Holy Shit it's Harry Potter"

Andromeda was so surprised that she forgot to reprimand her daughter.

Harry looked at the people in the room "You are all here. Thats good. I had hoped not to resort to drastic measures. To make it clear to everybody. I am Lord Potter as well as Lord Black. And you are all here so I can decide what to do with you lot. Well most of you, I called Sirius back so that he can cool off that hot head of his by reuniting him with his family. If he got himself arrested again for doing something stupid I would have left him to rot"

Sirius flinched "A little harsh don't you think?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at him "Hope remind me what happened to Sirus in the first week of his freedom in France?"

"Well he met a woman and he -" Hope started only to be cut off by Sirius "Okay, Okay. I see your point"

"Siri stop acting like a child" Andromeda looked like she was having a headache

"Be Serious for once in your life" Narcissa glared at the man, her fate was at stake and he was making jokes

"I have always been Sirius. From the day I was born" the man grinned, Narcissa groaned, Ted and Dora started to laugh.

Sirius and Narcissa started to argue again and Harry was getting Irritated.

"SAI!" he called out, causing everybody in the room to freeze in place. Harry snapped his fingers and conjured some daggers in front of each person, pointing at their vital spots.

"I did not come here to watch you squabble like children. You will behave or I will make you behave"

Harry snapped his fingers and vanished the daggers and released them from their petrified state.

Andi and Narcissa looked at him in shock "But you gave us an oath"

Harry laughed at them " On the letter, it said that you will not suffer any permanent mental or physical harm. I am a member of the Order. I can cut you in half and then still reattach your body back together without any problems. As long as your brain is not injured I can heal you. And I am quite good at Legimancy and am talented with mind healing"

'I'll skip the fact that I use my magic to increase cell division therefore cutting a bit of their lifespan for the more deadly wounds. I gotta love mundane medicine books. And my beautiful enhanced brain. I learned how to heal just about anything IF it is caused by my magic. Since I caused the wound, I can easily manipulate it to close and heal.

Healers use their magic to first of all fight off any magic remaining on the wound. Then the magic of the person themselves and then they finally start healing the wound.

Since I'm stronger than most wizards. I can skip the second step. And go straight into healing the wound.'

Harry looked at the people in the room. It was finally quiet.

"Good now that I have your attention let's begin. First of all the Tonks Family." Harry turned to the family of three who were very nervous right now.

"I am willing to bring all three of you into the Family under some conditions"

Andromeda nodded already knowing that much "What conditions? And who is that girl behind you"

Harry turned around and Hope smiled before she addressed the room "Hope Michaelson, a pleasure to meet you all"

"She is my assistant, my bodyguard and the Future Lady Potter."

Everybody was surprised to hear that news. After all Harry Potter is only 11 years old this year. No matter if he looks 13.

"Really" Sirius exclaimed loudly "Damn you work fast Harry. Well done. James would be so proud"

Harry just sighed "Yes, yes. The great bully James Potter is proud. May he burn in Hell for each victim he pranked, yada, yada, yada." Harry silenced Sirius so that he couldn't continue this conversation. It was amusing to see Sirius trying to cast a Wandless 'Finitie' and fail. Over and Over again. Harry was a lot more powerful than most wizards and Sirius spent a decade in prison. Weakening him a lot.

"Now the conditions. First of all, you will sign a magical oath that you will not betray me in any form. Second, you Andromeda will operate as Regnant Black. Nobody can know that I am Lord Black. That will also be included in your oaths.

"Third. Nymphadora will under no circumstances be joining the Auror Force"


Dora started to choke on her drink. She quickly stood up

"But WHY!" Dora yelled out.

"What's wrong with being an Auror!" She was sick and tired of everybody denying her dream. First her family, then her friends. She wanted to be an auror and fight bad guys Damn it!.

"Because Aurors are imbeciles working for a corrupted government. A Government that will most likely do something stupid to make me wipe them out. I will not allow any member of this family to work for my enemies. Either she chooses another profession, Like a Potion Mistress. Andromeda is one. She is working at St. Mungo as a Healer there you can study under her. Why do you even want to be an Auror?" Harry asked her

"I'm not good at Potions. Or anything in particular really. But I am strong. And have a lot of Magic. I'm okay at Dueling so being an Auror seemed like a good choice. That and I want to fight bad guys"

Harry looked at her like she was an idiot. Which she was "Then just be Hit-Wizard you stupid girl"

This time Dora gave that same look to Harry "That's the plan but for that to happen I need to be an Auror first"

"She is right Harry" Sirius backed her up, Andromeda and Ted got rid of the Silencing spell. Harry looked around the room and people nodded. That was common sense.

Harry facepalmed. Hard "You people are morons. A Hit-Wizard is just a fancy name for Bounty Hunter. The reason why so many Auros become Hit-Wizards is because Auror pay is shit. And the job sucks. If I had to take orders from the inbred scum in the Ministry I would become a Bounty Hunters or Mercenary too. You don't need to become an Auror first."

"B-But Mad-Eye Moody is a Hit Wizard. He is one of the best. Hit Wizards are usually powerful wizards." Sirius argued

"Alistor Moody has a hate boner for Dark Wizards. He hunts them down because Death Eaters raped his wife and daughter. He doesn't care if they are Death Eaters or not. If you are a Dark Wizard you are on his list. And he uses Dark Magic to catch them.

And of course, you have to be powerful to be a Bounty Hunter. You are risking your life to deal with Dark Wizards for money. If you don't improve and get stronger you end up as a corpse.

Moving on. Condition 4 is that Ted will represent Houses Potter and Black in wizarding legal matters. I checked your record. You are damn good. I want your legal firm to work with the American lawyers I hired. You will be suing a lot of people. Including Dumbledore and those idiots that used my Persona and Name in their toys and books."

"I'm fine with that. Having a rich client would certainly help me out. As well as sticking it to Dumbledore. I lost a lot of good friends thanks to that man's 'No kill rule' " Ted gave a serious nod to Harry "You can count on me."

"Good we will work out the details later, but those are the main points. Now what to do with you" Harry turned to Narcissa who kept a calm brave front. But on the inside, she was really nervous.

"Well first of all you can start by giving me the details of how you got sold to Lucy and what is in the marriage contract"

Narcissa bit her cheek, as she calmed down. If she played this right. It might turn out to be good for her. " In my sixth year, my family began talks with the Malfoys. In the seventh, I was already betrothed to him. I had absolutely no choice in the matter. But I didn't want to be a disgrace like Andi and wanted to make my family proud" She looked to her sister "It took me a few years to realize that you made the right choice"

Now Andromeda was surprised by that revelation.

"I argued a lot and put as many contingencies in the contract as I could. To summarize it. I would marry Lucius Malfoy and give him a male heir. No matter how many times I had to give birth. I was lucky that Draco was born a boy.

After that, I had to play the part of the pureblood wife. Host balls. Be at meetings. Charm anyone who enters our house so Lucius would have an advantage in his deals due to their good opinion of us.

In return, I get a large allowance to lead a luxurious life and have my own bedroom which Lucius doesn't enter. He can no longer touch me sexually in any way.

The Blacks also gained a lot from this deal. A good percentage of Malfoy-owned businesses. Far more than anyone could have ever gotten on their own "

Harry hummed "So basically your family sold you for the sole purpose of giving Lucius a child. A child that has Black blood. Later on, that child could become head of the house. Lucy was probably planning on killing Sirius and Regulus anyway."

Narcissa just nodded "After Draco was born I tried to raise him right, well as right as I could. To think for himself and not become a pawn. But Lucius had a strong grip over how he was raised."

"So the twerp became a mini death eater. Well, not like I care. If he stays out of my way he will live."

"And if not? Are you going to kill a child?" Narcissa asks slowly everybody else turns their attention to me

"Of course" I smiled, sending shivers to everybody "You all seem to be forgetting something" Harry took out his wand "Every eleven-year-old carries a weapon with him. All he has to say is a few words and point. And you are dead. Hell, I was in my diapers when I blasted Voldemort. Underestimating children is why he lost. I will not fall for the same mistake."

"Umm, how did you do it? Defeating You-Know-Who?" Dora asks nervously

Harry just smirked "I have a bloodline or talent if you will that can reflect spells with my skin. Now I obviously did it as accidental magic when I was a baby. But I can pull it off whenever I want. It takes a lot of magic from me, but I can reflect spells"

The people looked at me in awe. 'Yeah right. Mirror Alice doesn't take much to reflect spells back. It actually runs on Stamina. As all Sacred Gears do. After all not all humans have magic in them. Just reflecting spells back doesn't cost much. Doubling the attack back at the opponent is a different story. It depends on how strong the attack is in the first place.'

"So you are immune to the Killing Curse?" Narcissa asked speechlessly

"Yep" Harry said with a smug smile "And any other spells that your Husband and his buddies might throw at me. You see why I don't care much about the opinion of wizards. As long as its one on one. I will always win. Going by Death Eater standards. I can probably fight 5 of them without breaking a sweat"

'Make that 10. Even with the oaths, I don't trust them. Always have contingency plans. This way even if they find out about how many I can fight. I will have an easy time doing it. Then again, even if all of them attack me I will just use Bleach Magic to erase them from existence'

Silence engulfed the room. Harry Potter was a bigger monster than anyone could have ever imagined and he had no qualms about killing.

Hope was very amused. She knew a lot about Mirror Alice as she was the one he mostly trained with. Hope got stronger with spells and Harry was practicing with his sacred gear. Hoping that one day he can achieve a Balance Breaker.

"Narcissa I will grant you a monthly allowance, but it will be nowhere near enough for you to live the life you are used to. You can still live in comfort. but without the luxuries. If you want more money you will have to work for it. There is no such thing as a free meal in this world. I am sure you of all people understand that. Everything has a price"

Narcissa sighed but nodded ' I can live with that I have some training in Runes and Enchantment. I need to brush up on my knowledge but I can make it work.'

"I agree"

Harry smiled "Excellent. We can talk about the details later. But that's the main reason I brought you here today"

"What do you plan to do next?" Andromeda started a new topic "There must be a reason why you want me as Regnant Black"

Harry smirked "I am going to call back all debts owed to Black House. Every last one, and if they don't pay up I'll sick the goblins on them, I will offer the greedy little bastards 5% of the total value from the people who don't pay up"

"You are going to crash the market. It's going to be a recession!" Narcissa yelled out as she stood up in shock. It was going to cripple the British Magical Society

"Harry. A lot of people are going to lose their jobs, businesses, and houses. I implore you to reconsider" Andromeda suggested, Ted agreed with her. Dora kept quiet, this was way above her head and Sirius just stood there. Deciding whether to be horrified or proud.

Harry smiled "Good thing that Potter Foundation is here to save the day. I will buy business dirt cheap. And give out plenty of new jobs. As for houses, good thing that making houses with magic is easy. Buildings will suddenly appear in Magical Britain that offer affordable rent with plenty of privacy and safety wards. I plan to grab Britian's best and brightest and make them work for me."

Harry looked at everybody who was speechless again ' If I had a galleon for each time this happened I could buy one of my expensive pots'

"Merlin, you are planning to take over Britain. Legally at that." Dora gaped at me "Can I invest in you?"

Harry actually laughed out loud. " Nope, read the fine print next time. You can't share or act on any information you hear tonight. That means no money for you"

Ted quickly pulled out the contract and read it again "Damn you are right. I assumed the can't act part was can't about attacking or defending somebody. But it also applies to this. I have to say you know your oaths. But as long as we don't abuse the oath there is a loophole. A small one, we could buy one or two houses at most three, but that's it. Since I could just say that those houses will be for Dora's future family and our retirement home or a new office house."

Harry raised an eyebrow 'Hmm, so he can do that? Well, this is the reason why I am planning to hire him in the first place. To see the small things that I miss.'

"Well there is only one thing left to do. I want to introduce you to someone" Harry signaled to Hope who went into another room.

After a few seconds, she and Bellatrix entered.

Everybody was instantly on edge but something unbelievable happened

"Harry~ Hugs!" a 40-year-old woman was hugging Harry like a child and rubbing his cheek against his.

To say that the people in the room were shocked was an understatement. Each and every one had their jaws dropped.

Harry sighed and raised his hand to stop them from asking questions. He could already feel the headache coming so he stopped it before it could happen.

"Okay, let me inform you about what really happened to Bellatrix. Right before she finished her schooling at Hogwarts. Her stupid bitch of a mother practically sold her to the Lestranges. Family Magic was at play so she was forced to obey. The thing is the Lestranges were followers of Voldemort even then.

He used Loyalty Potions. Compulsions and Legilimency to make a perfect little loyal solider for him and slave for Lestrange. But she had her pride and her magic retaliated, causing her to get the infamous Black Madness and literally go crazy. The good news is she hated Lestrange more so she broke free of those commands. The bad news is the commands to follow Voldemort completely overwrote her brain. Hence the 'Mad Dog' Bellatrix Lestrange was born,

I am currently fixing all that they have done to her. I erased her entire personality and am rebuilding it from the ground up. I'm making her relive her memories of right before she was sold off. Naturally with me being the most important person to her."

" "What!" " Andromeda and Narcissa yelled out

Harry just raised an eyebrow "I don't do anything for free. I fully expect Bella to serve me once she has regained her former self. That is my price for making her whole. Currently, she has the mental age of a 6-year-old."

Andromeda had tears streaming down her eyes as she watched Bella rub her cheek against Harry's. Bella finally had enough of playing with Harry when she noticed Andi looking at her.

Bellatrix frowned as if trying to remember why this person looked so familiar. Then she quickly looked at her brown hair and gray eyes. There was only one person in the Black Family who had those features. Bellatrix jumped at her with arms stretched out.


Harry let out a sigh as he waved his hand and slowed down her fall enough so Andromeda could catch her safely

"Andi, how did you get so old?" Bella tilted her head to the side. Andromeda sobbed as she hugged Bella.

" I grew up. How are you Bella?" she asked with tears streaming down her eyes

"Great, Harry is really nice to me. It hurt at first but Harry gives me tasty potions that help me get better" Bella exclaimed. Andromeda looked at Harry

" Bloodkeyed Potions. For Malnourishment and everything else she suffered from in Azkaban. She actually got Pneumonia in there. Don't worry about the quality. I am not a Potion Master for nothing"

Bella was like a child looking around the room until she spotted Narcissa

"Cissa! You are old! What happened to your hair? It was so pretty and shiny" Bella rushed to her.

Narcissa's mask broke. She went and hugged Bellatrix. " Things happened Bella, but they are fine now."

"ANDI GROUP HUG!" Bella yelled out as she grabbed Andromeda and brought them all together into a hug.

The two other sisters got really emotional as well. They haven't hugged like this since they were little children. Both broke down into tiers and Bella followed. Even though she was unsure why she was crying.

"Harry what about the other oaths" Hope whispered to Harry

"Let them have this moment"

Hope smiled "I knew you weren't as heartless as you made yourself to be"

Harry smirked " Everything I do depends on my mood. As for not being heartless. Well let's see what Magical Britain says about Lord Black"

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