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49.47% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1374: 39

Bab 1374: 39

Tomura looked at the bandages covering his decayed stump as he looked at Dr. Ujiko working on All for One's arm. "I kept it in a premiere solution that kept the flesh from deteriorating thanks to that this procedure will go by easily." Dr. Ujiko said as Tomura rolled his eyes. He'd learned quickly that Ujiko liked the sound of his own voice and singing his own praises.

"I get it doc now when can we start?" Tomura asked as Ujiko turned around pressing his goggles to his eyes.

"So impatient, but I understand I'm excited too. I've worked with many quirks and spent several years working on All for One, but this will be groundbreaking. If I wasn't sure I'd be arrested I'd enter this process into the Nobel Prize commitee." Ujiko said as he stepped next to Tomura with an IV. "Now hold still." Ujiko said as he pressed the needle into Tomura's arm. "Now count back from ten." Ujiko instructed as Tomura hissed.

"I'm not a child you mustachioed quack!" Tomura growled as a feeling of numbness flowed through him and his strength seemed to pour from him as his eyelids grew heavy falling shut as Tomura slipped into unconsciousness. Dr. Ujiko looked at the man child on his operating table and pressed a scalpel to his neck.

"It would be so easy you little shit!" Ujiko growled before pulling the scalpel back as he went to work on Tomura's stump. "What a ragged mess!" Ujiko complained as he worked to prepare the stump for attaching All for One's arm.

In a small mountain town a group of children played running around as the adults worked. The tranquil scene was broken by an intense rumbling. The villagers looked as a wave of mud and water careened towards their home. "It's a flash flood run!" Shouted a woman as she snatched up her baby and began running away from the incoming wave as others followed her lead. One man ran for his son who was the nearest to the coming wave and grabbed him turning his back to the wave shielding his son from what the man assumed would be their imminent death. As the man kneeled he heard his young son giggle.

"Kitty!" He said happily prompting the man to look as Pixiebob crouched before him keeping the wall of earth she'd summoned in place.

"Smart…kid you've got…there." She panted as keeping the wall in place took up most of her concentration as the man felt a hand on his shoulders and looked into the face of Jforce.

"We should get out of here sir." Izuku said grabbing both father and son in in his arms as he leaped into the sky to the hilltop where they'd started to assemble the townsfolk. They were under a serious time crunch. Pixiebob could only hold that barrier for so long under the weight of the water that was already starting to spill over the top of it. Izuku looked to Ragdoll. "Where's the next person Ragdoll?" Izuku asked as Ragdoll began pointing them out.

"There are three people in that house two elderly and one child." Izuku nodded jumping down to the house Ragdoll had pointed out as he heard Mandalay's voice in his head.

"Everyone make your way out of your homes! Those who can walk should help the impaired. The Pussycats are on the scene and we will get you through this!" Izuku smiled emboldened by Mandalay's words as he walked into the house finding the three individuals Ragdoll had pointed out.

"Mister my grandma and grandpa can't move very fast." The little boy said as Izuku smiled rubbing the boy's head.

"Then it's a good thing I've got you here to help me." Izuku said as he grabbed the boy summoning his Kyuubi cloak to wrap the boy in one of his tails as he did the same with his grandparents. He walked out of the house to see Pixiebob's wall starting to give. I need to hurry. He thought to himself as he made his way back with his cargo before rushing back in to grab more victims. He saw Tiger and Mandalay moving throughout the town grabbing people left and right.

"Mandalay we're done. I sense no more people in the village. Let Pixiebob know." Ragdoll said as a crash could be heard and Pixiebob's wall gave way. "PIXIEBOB!" Shouted the remaining pussycats as a green flash moved past them.

Pixiebob watched in slow motion as the water rushed towards her. She knew there was no way she was going to be able to get out of the way in time. Guess this is my exit. She thought to herself as Izuku fell in front of her. His hand was covered in Meliodas' black energy as a Rasengan formed in his hand. The black energy pierced the Ransengan and extended cloaking itself in the swirling energy as Izuku raised his hand before slashing downward. "Vortex Blade!" The water split like the red sea around Izuku and Pixiebob giving Izuku just enough time to leap into the air with Pixiebob back to the high ground as the water smashed in on itself and crashed into the village.

Izuku's hair was wet and dripping as he panted looking at the raging waters. "That was close." He said looking down at Pixiebob in his arms. "Are you ok?" He asked as Pixiebob slowly nodded her head as Izuku set her down.

"Good, after all you did all the heavy lifting here." He said smiling slicking his hair back from his face as he stood up and looked at the remains of the village and shook his head. "I wish we could have stopped it." He said as Tiger, Mandalay, and Ragdoll looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah so do we, but we did the best we could getting everyone out of there. Buildings can be replaced, but there is no replacement for a lost life." Tiger said placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Come on the emergency services will be here soon after we talk with them I say we call it a day." Izuku nodded as he walked back with the rest of the Pussycats.

The group of heroes got out of the car in front of the Pussycats' lodge. Ragdoll stretched. "Oh man talk about crazy. Your first day on the job and you have to stop a flood!" She said laughing a little as she pet Izuku on the head. Izuku had put his Full Armor away after speaking with the emergency services. Thankfully he was pretty dry unlike Pixiebob was pretty soaked. "You did good work out there." She complimented as Tiger agreed.

"You sure did boy you were a real asset. I don't know how things would have gone with just the three of us to rescue that entire village." Tiger said as they began to head into the lodge only to have the door open and Kota race out.

"You're back Izuku how'd it go?" Kota asked as Izuku nodded.

"We saved them all." Izuku said with a smile and a thumbs up as Pixiebob sidled up to Izuku a blush still on her face.

"Umm Izuku do you think-?" She was cut off as Kota pulled on Izuku's hand.

"Come on Izuku I want to show you what I can do. I've been practicing with my quirk." Izuku smiled at Kota.

"Oh um sure." He said before walking with the young boy to see him display his quirk. Izuku's mind was already racing with possibilities. He was almost positive Kota would have a water quirk after all that was the quirk both his parents had. Pixiebob stood there as Izuku and Kota walked off and bit her lip.

"No fair, no fair, no fair!" She hissed before looking at Mandalay. "Shino Kota is hogging Izuku all to himself!" Pixiebob said pointing at the retreating figures as Mandalay shrugged.

"Come on Ryuko Kota's really excited to have Izuku here, and I trust him a lot more with Izuku then you. Don't you think he's a little young for you?" Shino said as Ryuko growled.

"No I don't! Izuku is very mature for his age." She said crossing her arms as she followed the rest of the team into the lodge. "Besides I've seen you two looking!" Mandalay jumped at that accusation.

"I-I-I have not! Don't say things like that!" Shino denied as Tomoko shrugged.

"Yeah I have he's pretty built for a kid in high school. I'm pretty sure those biceps could break diamonds." Ragdoll said as Mandalay shook her head and blushed.

"Tomoko he's half your age!" Tomoko shrugged at those words and Ryuko smirked.

"Yeah which means he's twice as energetic. Can you imagine that Shino?" Ryuko whispered in Mandalay's ear as her face turned crimson all the way down her neck as she waved Pixiebob away as she went to her room.

Izuku sat down in the grass as he looked around at several marked trees. Apparently Kota had set up a small target range to practice his quirk with. He looked to the young boy dressed in maroon shorts and a white t-shirt. He held his right hand up palm outward towards one of the targets. He took a deep breath and then exhaled in one go as water appeared at the center of his palm and shot out missing the target entirely. Kota looked at the target then Izuku. "Wait, wait, wait that was just a practice shot!" He said before repeating the same motion and sprayed another stream of water this one also missing its target.

Izuku stood up which caused Kota to panic. "Wait, wait, wait I promise I can hit it!" He said as Izuku placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Kota just take a deep breath and concentrate. You're quirk is new right now it's going to take a little while before you get it down pat. I can give you some tips though he said taking a stance himself before firing off his mamba smash and having it hit the target. "You just need the right aim. You see when I aim I use the tip of my index finger to mark my target." Izuku said kneeling down and showing Kota how to do the same.

"But you're going to be firing from your palm so take you thumb and bend it against your palm and use that instead. Second just take your time. You've got all the time in the world that target is not going anywhere I promise." Izuku said as Kota took his improved stance and shot a stream of water that slapped against the target.

"I did it, I did it!" Kota cheered as Izuku nodded.

"See just a little advice and you're already well on your way. I bet in a few years you could shoot skeet with your water, and as you train your quirk will get even stronger. By the time you're an adult you could probably shoot water like a Blastoise! Hydro Pump." Izuku said excitedly as Kota's eyes sparkled at the thought of being able to blast holes in stone with his water.

"You really think so?" Kota asked as Izuku nodded.

"People don't realize how powerful water is. Did you know that at a high enough pressure water can cut through steel? It's really powerful Toshinori." Izuku said before hearing the name he'd said and bit his tongue. Why'd I say All Might's name? He thought to himself as Kota cocked his head to the side.

"Who's Toshinori?" He asked as Izuku shook his head.

"Oh never mind that it was a slip of the tongue. Why don't we practice a little more?" Izuku asked as Kota nodded preparing to shoot off another stream of water as Izuku scratched his head. Where did that come from? He asked himself.

Kyoka swirled her bowl of cereal not really paying it any mind as her thoughts were on someone else entirely. "Oh I know that look." Mina said sitting next to her jolting the girl from her thoughts. "That's the 'I want Izuku inside me' look. Oh yes I know it well." Mina said stroking her face as if she had a mustache. "He's a blessing and a curse that boy." She said as Kyoka looked at her.

"I can't even deny it. I miss him." She said dropping her spoon as she looked at Mina who nodded.

"Yeah, but you just have to tough it out. You're handling it better than Momo did her first time. I'm telling you the moment she opened her door you could smell it a mile away. I'm surprised Mineta didn't have a stroke." Mina said with a laugh as Jiro looked around.

"Speaking of which does the dorm seem a little emptier to you?" She asked not hearing Bakugou's shouting or Kaminari saying something stupid. She couldn't even hear Toru's bubbly voice.

"Oh yeah everyone's off doing their own thing I guess. I'm pretty sure I saw Kirishima and Bakugou book it out of here earlier probably to hit the training field and gym. I think I saw Sato head out with Shoji. Yaomomo went home to spend some time with her parents. Iida went to visit his brother. Ochaco is sparring with Ojiro. Believe it or not Shinso is on a date with that Tokage girl from Class B, so here's hoping someone is getting laid around here, and last I heard Todoroki is working with his father." Kyoka looked at Mina a little surprised.

"How do you know all this? Were you spying on them or something?" She said as Mina smirked and shrugged.

"I have my ways." She said mysteriously.

Todoroki unleashed a blast of flames hitting the metal target dead center as the metal turned a bright cherry red before Todoroki's flame guttered out. "No, no, no Shoto you're not letting the fire build up enough before releasing. You should be able to burn a hole straight through that target." Endeavor said as Shoto panted and cringed as he looked at his arm. It was starting to burn in places.

"It's too hot." He said looking at his dad who shook his head.

"That's because you've neglected your fire for too long. You don't have the resistance you would have had if you kept up your training." Endeavor said. "This is also because UA isn't training you like they should. Having you regulate water temperature? Ridiculous!" Endeavor said as Todoroki stood up straight.

"Don't feel entitled I told you I'm only here because you are the best hero, not because I feel any connection to you." Shoto said as Endeavor eyed him.

"It doesn't matter. Come on maybe some field work will help you get things down." Endeavor said as Shoto bandaged his arm and walked out of the agency after his father.

In the abandoned building that served as the League of Villains' hideout Kurogiri appeared before the gathered members. "As of a short while ago Tomura will be absent from the league for some time. I will be in charge until then. Rest assured things will not change you are all free to do as you have been. The only thing I ask is that you try not to draw attention to yourselves while you go about your recreational activities." He said looking at Toga knowing her to be the most likely to make a scene somewhere.

"Well if that's the case I'm outie." Toga said walking towards the door. "It's been forever since I've seen my bae I'm going to go spy on him." She said with a giggle before having Dabi's arm thrust in front of her.

"Are you insane? What am I asking of course you are. Your bae is working with Endeavor. He may be the number one hero in name only, but he's still pretty vigilant. If he even gets a whiff of you you're done for. He won't hesitate to roast your ass." Dabi said as Toga looked up at him her eyes cold and dark.

"Gee thanks for your concern, but I can look out for my own ass thank you very much." Toga said popping her butt as she walked out of the room.

"Give the girl some space Dabi! Don't worry I'll watch over Toga-chan!" Twice said before Dabi stepped in front of him.

"You're more likely to encourage her on than keep her from doing anything stupid. I'll keep an eye on that psycho, and if she gets out of hand I'll just incinerate her before Endeavor can even move." Dabi said as he followed after Toga.

Todoroki and Endeavor walked the streets seeing nothing out of the ordinary everything seeming to be just fine. He looked around as they walked they hadn't said a word to one another, but even if Shoto had wanted to talk to him he didn't know what he'd say. He sighed thinking about what Midoriya might do in this situation. "Midoriya thinks very highly of you Shoto." Endeavor said as Shoto looked at his father.

"I could say the same. He was really grateful for your training." Shoto said as the two lapsed into silence again. That wasn't as painful as Shoto was expecting, but the awkward air was still around them, but it was at least bearable now.

"You know Shoto your sister wants-." Enji looked past his son and saw a flash of blonde hair in a back alley. He squinted his eyes for a moment before looking at Shoto. "This will have to wait come on Shoto." Endeavor said heading towards the alley.

"You idiot Endeavor spotted you!" Dabi said having just snatched Toga out of sight.

"What no way!" She said as Dabi growled.

"I could feel your bloodlust a block over there's no way Endeavor didn't feel it as well. What is wrong with you?!" Dabi hissed as Toga slapped Dabi's hand away.

"Where's my Izuku? Why does he have that kid with him instead of my darling?!" Toga complained before her eyes widened almost imperceptibly. Dabi turned around as his blue flames collided with Endeavor's as Toga hurled a knife into the air narrowly missing Shoto who was standing on the ledge of a building as he sent his ice downward narrowly missing the blonde.

"Two league of villains members Dabi and Toga." Endeavor said breaking off his attack as he stared at the two villains as Toga eyed Shoto.

"Where's my Izuku why are you here, you're not even close to my dear Izuku?" She asked as Shoto arched an eyebrow.

"Sorry to disappoint." Shoto said as he cast an eye to his father.

"Shoto!" Endeavor shouted shooting flames to the left of Shoto breaking off Toga's attack. I didn't even see her move! Shoto thought to himself. "Never take your eyes off your opponent!" Endeavor reprimanded as Dabi jumped towards the hero.

"You should take your own advice Enji Todoroki." Dabi said as he reached forward his blue flames bursting to life around Endeavor only for the hero to grab his collar and slam his forehead into Dabi's as the latter fell back.

"Don't underestimate me villain. I am the Flame Hero Endeavor!" Shouted Endeavor as his flames roared to life around him. "I will bring you both to justice." Endeavor swore as Dabi stood up wiping the blood from his forehead.

"Nice speech Enji, let's see if you can live up to it." Dabi said his azure flames blazing around him. The air began to shimmer due to the intense heat as bags of trash began bursting and melting. Shoto wanted to look at his father, but he couldn't risk taking his eyes off Toga as she produced a pair of blades. Toga looked at the sleeve of her sweater and hissed.

"He burned my sweater." She said before taking one of her blades and slicing it down the middle of her sweater as she took it off revealing a white tshirt underneath with the word Jforce on it. She blushed as she saw Todoroki looking at it.

"I couldn't resist ok? Its Izuku's brand, and before you get all judgey I went out and bought this myself thank you very much." She said hurling one of the knives at Shoto who blocked with a wall of ice and then grit his teeth. It was second nature for me to block with ice, but like with Stain I can't afford to lose sight of her. He chastised himself as he dodged to the left slamming into a wall and narrowly avoiding Toga piercing his kidney. "Hmm you're not a fighter like Izuku or Ochaco. This is going to be boring." She said twirling her knife as she advanced on the dual quirk user.

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