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Bab 27: ch 26

The three secretaries were informed ahead of time of Taylor's identity, so they didn't dare to be negligent. After preparing tea for him, they immediately went to inform lady Ningguang.

Soon Ningguang walked over from her inner sanctum.

" Well if it isn't the young Mr.Taylor Who Has come from Lands afar, indeed, you are quite the young and remarkable man," Ningguang remarked.

"Miss Ningguang, Likewise, I've heard much about you too,"

The three accompanying secretaries Wanted to reply but hesitated to do so. They began to think that this young man lacked social etiquette for addressing Lady Ningguang directly without using her proper titles.

To them, it seems that he did not understand the significance of Ningguang's Name in Liyue harbour, Which was why he conversed with lady Ningguang So confidently and casually.

As for the issue of address, Ningguang herself clearly didn't mind. After some of the usual pleasantries, (TN: The type you would usually see in cultivation manwha's) they finally got to the point of this meeting.

"As I understand it The business you wish to open in Liyue is called 'the mobile game Café' correct? The location on specifications have been described in detail in this blueprint, please do take a good look and see if it meets your expectations."

Taylor received the blueprint but didn't even open it. Which was understood by the confidence of his next statement, "Don't worry I greatly trust your judgement, Dear Ningguang."

The three secretaries could barely hold themselves back from speaking out. They had only exchanged a few words and this young man had not even used her proper titles. Now he didn't even use any honourifics at all, He simply called Lady Ningguang By her given name. they wondered if he truly believed that he could become such close friends with Lady Ningguang just by being straight up?

In their eyes, Taylor had now become the personification of an impertinent commoner.

"Hehe…" Ningguang gave a small chuckle at Taylor's straightforwardness.

"It seems that you have quite the amazing temperament. I suppose you wouldn't be interested in accepting my investment."

Taylor gave a slight smile, he winked at Ningguang, raised his cup, then took a sip of tea and left everything else unspoken.

" oh my, this young man actually rejected Lady Ningguang's investment? This is what people in Liyue Harbour dream of!"

" he probably doesn't even know what he's turning his back on."

The three secretaries were now displaying their surprise on their faces openly while whispering to one another. Wasn't this young man a bit too much? Did he really think that his Business could thrive in Liyue Harbour without any external support?

" well, miss Ningguang i'm sure you're very busy with all that work involving the laws. So I shan't disturb you any longer."

Taylor had obtained all the relevant documentation that he needed and was not planning to visit his storefront. Once Taylor left, The three secretaries begin to voice their opinions too Ningguang.

"Lady Ningguang, this young man seems to have no sense of proprietary."

" yes, I concur, even wealthy and influential merchants will be absolutely respectful when they meet with you."

" This person spoke very boldly to you Lady Ningguang, but also refuse your investment!"

After hearing the secretaries complaints, Ningguang remained calm and shook her head.

" What you saw was only on the surface and that was not as important."

"In my conversation with him I had no control in in it at all. In fact, I felt very controlled by him, I even felt overwhelmed by his sense of presence…"

"He is most definitely an extraordinary person, and when his store opens for business, I'll definitely go and experience it."


As expected Ningguang's choice of location was indeed very well thought out, it was situated near the bustling commercial district of Liyue Harbour. it was the external facade or the interior decor, it was met exceptionally high standards. Many passerby even thought it would be a new home built by proment and wealthy figure.

Taylor also found out that he quite liked the classical feeling of it.

[Would you like to spend 1 million points to confirm this building as your third store?] the system prompted.

[after confirmation, the owner will hold absolute control over everything within the building]

[There's also the shop protection function, The anti-loss function for all items… the owner will be able to teleport between the different stores that are separated by nations or in a different city within the same nation]

After discovering this new feature, Taylor's eyes lit up. Perhaps because his previous two stores were right next-door to each other, teleportation function had not been activated. Now with the opening of his third store in Liyue Harbour, He could teleport back to Mondstadt at any time. He could work here in Liyue during the day and return home to Mondstadt at night.


Everything before him was now completely within his control.

Then Taylor spent another 60 million points to purchase 150 Mobile phones And 150 computers with a controller and set up the gaming sets.

(TN: he has an equal number for each gaming area so that the customers can choose which device they want to play on. He also does not plan to give them keyboards and a mouse any time soon)

He walked up to the entrance where there was no shop name on the sideboard above. Taylor then designed his sign board through the system and then the system replaced the signboard with his newly designed one.

The signboard said "the mobile game café".

As the sun set, for Liyue Harbour, it marked the end of a busy day in this city of Commerce. It was about to enter a relatively tranquil period. Sailors at the port and the street vendors were accustomed gathering at "third-round knockout" for a few drinks while boosting into one another.

A man who while appearing young had an aura of ancientness around him strolled admidst this lively atmosphere, seemingly enjoying the peace and Tranquility. He arrived somewhere on the port when he came to a halt. Not too long ago, Something that happened here, Leading him to make a very bold decision. There was a drizzly morning when he heard a merchant praise one of his workers with some very simple words; "You've finished your duties, Go ahead and call it a day." These few words made him come to a halt amongst the bustling early morning workers for a long while.

A few days later, he made an unprecedented decision. With a bit over a month left until the "rite of descension" he had enough time to prepare thoroughly. The only troublesome part was to find a substitute for his " Exuvia " but that was not a big stress for him. In any case after making that decision, He felt as though a tremendous weight has been lifted form his shoulders. Life seems to have suddenly become more vibrant with him not even realising it.

Unknowingly, he arrived in front of a newly opened store. The decorations and design were exceptionally splendid and very well researched. What was most peculiar was its name — The mobile game café. Even for someone as very knowledgeable as him, This was something he was unfamiliar with, curiously, the man walked inside.

" Well, if it isn't Mr. Zhongli, I was not expecting you to be my very first customer in Liyue."

The shop owner was also a man who looked to only be in his early 20s at oldest. Zhongli Didn't find it surprising that the owner recognised him.

After all his current identity and name had some reputation within Liyue Harbour.

"Boss, what do you sell in this store?"

The owner smiled at this question.

"Mr. Zhongli, no need to be in a rush. First, please take a look at the price list… here we've always been a 'pay first, No credit accepted' establishment."

Zhongli: "…"

After looking over the prices, Zhongli Silently reached into his bag. It was of course empty, with not a single mora inside. However, with just a thought, mora completely filled it.

" then let me start with 100,000 mora sir, Also, could you please explain what this "mobile game Café" is?"

Back in the jade chamber.

Having finally finished with organising all her work materials, Keqing let out a sigh of relief. Currently all the proceeding tasks have been temporarily concluded, so she was rarely able to leave for work on time. However, during the "rite of descension" the workload would most likely increase again. Should she take advantage of this rare moments of respite to go shopping and spend some money?

While Keqing Was contemplating, One of her secretaries came to give her a report.

" what? The Mobile game café owner who came from Mondstadt has already arrived in Liyue! And has already met with Ningguang!"

Keqing was quite interested in this enigmatic Mobile game café owner. Not long ago, One of our subordinates are going on a business trip to Mondstadt And came back with not only news of the completed task, but also with information about this new phenomenon called the "mobile game café". The game storyline had piqued Keqing's curiosity.

As one of the seven Liyue Qixing, Keqing has a bold dream — for humanity to lead Liyue in to the future. To achieve this goal, she needed to gain extensive practical experience and an abundance of theoretical knowledge. The neighbouring nation of Mondstadt An excellent case study because the Anemo Archon had entrusted Mondstadt in human hands for over a millennium. Therefore, Keqing had gone to great lengths to study Mondstadt's history, from the era of the storm god to the era of the old nobility all the way to the present era.

But perhaps due to her not being a Mondstadt native, Keqing Had certain feeling and thoughts about it.

'Can practices like the one with the Anemo Archon Truly ensure Mondstadt's Long-term prosperity?'

From the information about the games story that her subordinate had brought, Keqing had some understanding of how Mondstadt operates. It was because of this that she had developed a keen interest in Taylor, The games creator, if it weren't for her very busy schedule, She would've personally gone to Mondstadt In order to meet with this figure. Later when she had received news that Taylor would come to Liyue and open up mobile game café branch here, Keqing made quite a few preparations to welcome him that day. Originally she thought it would be after the "rite of descension" but she had not expected Taylor to act so quickly. Though as luck would have it she had some free time today, so she decided to go visit his store. If she could meet with Taylor, She believes they would have a good Conversation together. If possible Keqing Also Wanted to personally experience the game and view Mondstadt's epic from a firsthand perspective.

Now that the first customer had arrived, it meant that Taylor's mobile game café was officially open for business. Located right next to the bustling commercial street, Even without deliberate promotion, it easily attracted the attention of the public. Zhongli Hadn't been inside for very long for others began noticing the new store opening.

" the mobile game café…"

" truly? The popular mobile game café from Mondstadt now has a store open in Liyue?"

" I heard about this unique game before. It's supposed to be very unbelievable."

" I heard rumours that the Mobile game café founder, Boss Taylor, Would open up a branch in Liyue, I was not expecting it to be true!"

" what are we waiting for? Let's go in and experience the game!"

" I'll go over and call old Zhou And big Hu, They have both been looking forward Playing this game!"

The news of Taylor's mobile game Café opening quickly spread all over Liyue Harbour Because the concept of this game was truly unprecedented and immensely novel. Those who had experienced to consider a wonderful topic for conversation. The news of this had already reached Liyue Harbour, but while most people were made aware of it, they didn't actually know how to play The game specifically. People who entered the store where loss and had to begin by reading Taylor's "beginners guide to Genshin Impact" from start to finish. Furthermore, considering the price per hour, Although there Was a large crowd outside, Very few actually went in to play the game. Everyone else was discussing it.

" Someone important is here!"

Someone shouted out, And the crowd's gaze turn towards the approaching figure.

" it's the Yuheng, lady Keqing!"

" I did not expect her to personally come to experience the mobile game Café."

" I wonder what Lady Keqing's opinion of this store will be after going in?"


"Boss Taylor, It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Keqing greeted, appearing more composed and confidence compared to the other players who had just entered. This was because compared to other players Keqing had already understood what the so-called "mobile game Café" was through the information that was brought to her by her subordinates. She even knew all the main storyline quests that have been released so far. In a way, she could be considered an information player.

" You're too kind, Miss Keqing." Taylor replied with equal courtesy.

However, Keqing shook her head slightly. "I'm not saying this to be Polite. I've learned some information about the game from my importance in advance. Let me be straightforward with you, Taylor, I'm very interested in the storyline you've written for the game. I've been wondering how you View the changes that Mondstadt have faced."

Taylor smiled. it seems like she wishes to discuss changes in a nation right from the start.

' that is exactly like you, Keqing.'

However, Taylor had no particular interest in discussing this topic. He couldn't be bothered to discuss that at length with Keqing here.

" if you want to know the answer, miss Keqing, you might as well play the game yourself and find out."

" Taylor, while, I greatly appreciate the quality of the game you have created, I've already learned most of the storyline from my subordinates…"

" then it seems that there is something that miss Keqing Does not know yet." Taylor said interrupting Keqing.

" in regards to my games storyline, it is not set in stone. The reason I opened a branch here in Liyue it's because the game storyline has now reached Liyue, and in this new storyline, Liyue Harbour Will undergo very significant change."

Keqing was stunned, as for all the other players that overheard. A new storyline that was involving Liyue? This means that not only could they experience the culture of Mondstadt In the game, They could also experience their own nation, the city of Liyue Harbour. They heard that this game was meant to be incredibly realistic, And important figures and events in reality could be replicated within it. So, they might encounter people and things from Liyue in the game.

For example, The Seven of the Liyue Qixing what about the upcoming rite of descension. Even the legendary adeptus might appear in the game. It was already said that the Anemo Archon Was a character in the game story. This case, there could be a possibility that there very own Morax might appear!

After getting her own account, Keqing Following the tutorial and controlled the Traveler, A Traveller from another world, apparently. Moving, Attacking… it all remained consistent with the information her subordinates had provided her. Keqing had prior knowledge, so although her actions were occasionally a bit stiff, She had a clear understanding overall.

Following the quest prompts, she arrived at the statue of the seven at Starfall Lake. After resonating with the power of Anemo, Keqing suddenly put down her phone and showed her pensive expression. After a few moments, she approached the front desk and asked Taylor, " Taylor, do you have to complete Mondstadt's main story quest to unlock the path to Liyue?"

Taylor shook his head. "This is still an open world game; you can go to Liyue Harbour anytime you want, But the Main story quests for Liyue will not be available until you have completed Mondstadt's Story quest."

"To simplify, at your accounts, current level, going to Liyue Harbour Would, at most allow you to enjoy the scenery or buy from the vendors."

The other players heard these words, but they didn't mind. Most of them were eager to try and go to Liyue first. After all this game had their Home nation in it. How could they not want to visit as soon as possible? However, the journey from Mondstadt to Liyue Harbour was undoubtably a long one that would consume a lot of the time, after all, they have not unlocked any of the waypoints. These players didn't care about that at all; after all, they could respawn if they died and exploring the map was also part of the fun.

After receiving Taylor's answer, Keqing didn't continue playing; she left the game café immediately. She headed straight for her subordinates residence.

" Did you hear, Lady Keqing? Taylor has opened up a branch for his mobile game Café in Liyue Harbour!" Her female subordinate exclaimed an excitement.

" yes, I have just come from there."

Her subordinate paused for a moment, then showed a knowing expression. "Lady Keqing, is there something you didn't understand about the game? if so, don't worry my AR Is already at 27, I am one of the more advanced players in the game. So I can definitely help you, Lady Keqing!"

Thinking about it, she could possibly assist Lady Keqing, The Subordinates began to feel pleased with herself, As if she could see herself climbing up the ranks of the General affairs department.

However, Keqing place her hand on the subordinates shoulder and said in a uncompromising tone, " the game has released a new version that involves Liyue's Storyline. I must quickly find out what significant changes will occur in Liyue through this new story line. It could hold crucial value for the future governance of Liyue Harbour. So handover your account."

The subordinate was greatly taken back.

" Don't worry, you will be reimbursed for time spent"

Inside the mobile game café, More than 20 players had already started their accounts. And there were even more people observing from outside.

"Now doesn't scene feel familiar," Taylor sighed.

It was just like when the mobile game café first opened ain't Mondstadt.

A large group of of people had gathered out outside, discussing excitedly and eager to try.


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