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Bab 17: 17. The Mythologies

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 3000 Words

Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes in it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.

Due to my college work, I was unable to upload the chapter sooner so I've made this chapter longer. Increased the word count.


Mansion, Japan

"Sir, you should get out and make some friends and enjoy your life. You can't keep playing games all the time. It's not good for your health.

I just wish for you to live your life rather than turning into what these people call as Hikikomori [Shut-in].

You are drowning yourself in work and games. You should enjoy your life while you can."

An elderly man wearing a Butler uniform could be seen lecturing a Young Man in his twenties at the dining table.

Despite the ramblings of the Butler, the young man's hand didn't stop. He scooped in the Oats as he brought the spoon to his mouth. He replied to the Butler.

"Alfred, I am enjoying my life. I work, I play games, I exercise, I eat. What else is there to life other than these?"

Hearing his Employer's answer, all he could do was sigh.

"What about your future? Have you thought of marrying and continuing the Wayne Legacy?"

"What about marriage? A marriage without love is a disaster and what is love? Is it something that you find or something that finds you? I'll let the fate decide it for me."

"Sir, for love to find you, you should first get out of the house. I doubt you are even serious about it?"

"Marriage is bothersome, to be honest. Why don't I just adopt a kid? He can look after my business."

'It will be in bad taste to abandon my family at the end of the game. Also, it wouldn't be nice of me to take her away from this world. I have never had any lover much less a wife in my past life. Well, except for some crush I've had. I can't get sidetracked now.'

Alfred was exasperated hearing Bruce's answer.

"Sir, the idea of adopting a child is good but who will take care of the child? I doubt you could with your gaming and work. Can you make free time to spend some time with him or her between your busy schedule?"

"What about you Alfred?"

"Sir, I won't always be there to look after you or your child."

Bruce's hand stopped. After putting down the spoon spoke,

"No, I'm talking about your marriage. It's been a couple of years since you lost your wife in an accident. Your children need their mother. You don't think you can lecture me about family and not think of your children. I understand that you loved her and don't wish to remarry. So, do you see me forcing you to remarry? I enjoy your children's company. After they moved in, it's as if someone has... Hmm! Well, it's lively around here."

'Plus, with them being here. He doesn't have as much time bothering me about the game as before. I'm sure had I said this, he would have sent them to a boarding school.'

Having said his piece, Bruce resumed his meal.

"So, Alfred where did the topic of marriage even come from? It's unlike you to force me into marrying."

"Recently, it's all work and games for you. I have been worried for you Sir. And the letters you have been receiving from the esteemed families around here and from back home offering their daughter's hand in marriage. I thought if you were to get married, you would be more responsible. You will have someone to look after you. I won't always be there to look after you Sir."

"I understand your worries Alfred but there's nothing for you to worry about. Don't worry Alfred, and keep those letters on the table. I will look it up later."

"Understood Sir."

'Maybe I should adopt his son. I can't think of a better candidate to handle Wayne Enterprises than him.

His daughter is also good but she isn't made for business. She is too gullible. She would be eaten up by those power-hungry wolves. Whereas his son is as smart as a fox. He won't be fooled by others and can take the company to new heights. Also, I can name him Robin when I adopt him. My successor, The successor of Batman.'

After finishing his meal, Bruce as usual made his way towards HIS Gaming room.

Got seated connected the cable booted up the console and clicked on the Yggdrasil icon.

His every action was fluid.


After the Ouroboros incident with Ainz Ooal Gown and The Kaminari Guild, where they used Ouroboros to block them and other Guilds from entering the World.

Bruce although interested had decided to not interfere in their fight. There was The Seven Hidden Mines, a mine that Ainz Ooal Gown had taken ownership of. But were kicked out by The Kaminari Guild.

From what Bruce knew from the Novel, it was the mine where Celestial Uranium could be found. Though he wished to abstain from getting involved with Ainz Ooal Gown, he was having a tough time holding himself back from getting his hands on those Caloric Stones.

There were several mines under his Guild, where prismatic ores and many other types of ores and materials were being mined by his Guildmates. He didn't stop there, he went further and bought all the ores in the market that the players were selling along with the ores in the Game Shop and weapons and Items players were selling.

He had no other way than to ask World for help.

According to World, there were three mines in all of Yggdrasil where players could mine Celestial Uranium. One is in the Hel and the other two are in Asgard and Niðavellir.

Luckily for Bruce, the mines in Helheim were the only mines that were found. The other two were near the centre of the World. Which decreased the chances of them being found out.

But for the other two mines to spawn Celestial Uranium, the Celestial Uranium in Hel should be depleted. Then the one in Asgard. Later he could mine in Niðavellir.

He had waited for some time, but luckily someone was selling Celestial Uranium in the market. Bruce being who he was, a greedy man and a hoarder, bought the Celestial Uranium.

With it, he had built a lance, which he later combined with Excalibur, A World Item. Later he had given it to his NPC. The leader of the Guardians of The Floor Arcadia,

Artoria Pendragon.

He used the remaining Caloric Stone for his Guild Weapon.

It had been years now. Years since he had mined all Celestial Uranium in Asgard and Niðavellir. Plus the ores he bought from Guilds who had taken the seven mines.

Eight years since the game launch. Bruce had equipped all his NPCs with weapons and items made from Caloric Stone. The Celestial Uranium deposit in Niðavellir was the highest followed by Helheim and Asgard.

After making all their weapons and armour, he still had quite a bit of Caloric Stone left in his vault.

Plus the event, where giving some Caloric Stone to the Dwarves of Niðavellir, he received a World Item from them as a reward.

He or any other player would have never known about this event.

A peculiar quest, Bruce would have never known about it, if not for his curiosity and World's reaction. Bruce had asked World to not help him unless he asked for it.

It was a coincidence that Bruce after surveying the mine in Niðavellir had entered a village of dwarves, the nearest village to the mine to roam around.

The same Dwarven village that gave out the quest to kill The Dragon Fafnir, The World Enemy.

At first, after accepting the quest, the Village gifts the player with a Dragon Slaying Sword to stab the Fafnir in the heart after depleting its HP below 1%.

The quest was not easy. The sword required to put him down was not easy to acquire. You had to first acquire the rare materials for it.

Fafnir was a troublesome enemy, He after getting killed would revive. The sword was there to keep Him dead. It was a one-use item. After quest completion, the Guild will have access to Elder Dwarf's assistance.

Any weapon built by him had a 2x multiplier on damage and durability stats.

He would only build a single weapon for the players who kill Fafnir. It was a one-time event.

'World, I don't have much knowledge of Norse Mythology, but does Fafnir have some Immortality cheat?'

<Not that I know>

'Must be devs tweaking. Now, that I think about it. Fafnir in Beyblade Burst also had a similar thing. He could spin steal. So, it must be a Japanese thing.'

<According to Norse Mythology Fafnir wasn't even a Dragon originally.>

'An interesting fact.'

<Now that we are talking about Norse Mythology, there's another interesting coincidence that involves you.>


<You were chosen by ROB to reincarnate.

You got Overlord Verse from the spin.

A Verse where the main character gets isekai'd as his game avatar.

The Game Avatar is from the Game Yggdrasil.

A Norse mythology-inspired Game.

You died in Germany.

Here's the fun fact, Norse Mythology is also called as Germanic Mythology by many in your former World. Coincidences stacked one upon another.>

"Now you are playing with me."

<You can't deny it. It must have been your fate. You died in Germany and now you are a Norse God with Odin's powers. You do have the God Title.>

"That's food for thought. So had I died in Japan, I could have been reborn in DXD verse. An interesting line of thought but there's no use thinking about it now."

'So what would happened if I had given the Caloric Stone to the Elder Dwarf to build the weapon."

He jokingly asked World,

<Why don't you try.>

"But he has made me a weapon. I have already used up my chance."

He understood it. World urged him to give the Caloric Stone to Elder Dwarf.

So he gave it. In return for giving a World Item, and the highest tier material to the Builders. The Greatest Smith in Yggdrasil. He received The World Item, The Form of Rising Sun.

"Devs really do have a weird sense of humour. Well, there have been many nuclear strikes after Fat Man and Little Boy. A good wordplay, Nation of Rising Sun to The Form of The Rising Sun."

The Form of The Rising Sun, a World Item that embodies the power of the Sun. A small cube-shaped item. Its power spans the entire world. It's a Rubix cube, the player has to first solve it to activate the World Item.

The World Item after activation, when commanded creates a massive explosion. The blast engulfs the Whole World.

Resulting in The Destruction of The World.

All the players in the said World die, except for those with World Items. World Item holders are teleported to a different World, the last World they had been to. The players who died in the explosion are respawned to the last World they had visited after death.

The World stays in a state of destruction for One Day. Later the World is revived by Yggdrasil. A Weapon created by a Dwarf though has the power to destroy a World but its power dwarfs the power of Yggdrasil. Unlike The World Devourer, whose prowess influences Yggdrasil.

One of the Twenty World Items.

"Devs do have a very weird sense of humour. An item capable of destroying a World. It's a broken item through and through. Though the Dwarf was very happy to get his hands on very powerful material."

Fafnir was someone That Bruce had wished to challenge first but when World gave him the heads up for it giving the World Item for the first party to clear it. He would have gone ahead with it.

After all the World Item, it dropped was the infamous Red Orb of Momonga. A World Item said to be strong against Dragons.


Bruce when he arrived inside the Game, he was teleported to the 25th Floor of his Guild.

Arcadia, The Root

The biggest floor in his guild. A giant castle is situated in the centre. Surrounded by the buildings from all sides. With a small stream of water flowing from the Castle in six various directions.

A circular wall was built around the town. With Cannons built on top of the walls.

The city had every attraction a man could ask for.

There's a racing track, despite there being no Cars or Bikes in this Game.

But there were Carriage and Ships. Which were used as decoration and for fun.

'I remember Momonga mentioned Pumpkin Carriage in the side Novel, Vampire Princess.'

Casinos, Restaurants, Water Parks, Aquarium, Game Centres, Amusement Parks, Stadiums for different sports, Shops, Museum.

All were divided into different sections of the town.

Bruce from his Castle could get the whole view of the city.

Currently, Bruce is standing at the top of the Castle, surveying the whole city.

'Just a little more. I will be get to enjoy my life in the New World. I have all the items I will need to enjoy my life to the fullest in the New World. I didn't jinx myself now did I?'

Bruce after getting satisfied with the view, teleported to Sefirah Castle.

Seated upon the chair of The Fool. Bruce looked at the empty chairs lined up on both sides of the table. He caught the sight of a few Caloric Stones lying at the corner of the Hall.

'There's still some Caloric Stone left after making all the weapons for the NPCs.

Not to mention the stock of Caloric Stone I have stored in the treasury. But the weapons, items and armour are in a realm of their own. The weapons or items in Yggdrasil get stronger the more valuable resources you use to build it.

The more materials you feed it, the more powerful it is. It is until you reach the threshold, depending on the base material of the item.

After reaching the threshold, you won't be able to feed it ordinary materials and expect it to grow stronger. It would have reached its limits. To make it any stronger, you would require even more precious materials. Until you reach the limit. After all the quality and limit of upgrading the item depends on the base material.

All items depending on their base material have a limit. Certain materials have less upgrading capacity while few have more. For example, the Guild Staff that I have built using Caloric Stone, though it is classified as a Divine Tier Item. It's a World Class Item, an item of similar rank to the Weapon granted by the Devs for the Champion of every World.

But its prowess surpasses most World Items in terms of damage or output. In simple terms depending on the base material, a certain threshold is set as the limit. So in numerical terms, I have upgraded all their weapons to almost their limit, i.e.; 99/100. It's just an example but I have upgraded it to the limit.

So, here I have built two similar weapons but with different functionalities to their near limit. Later, using my Golem Avatar, I fused them both. Similar to how I fused Excalibur and the Rhongomyniad. Sadly without breaking the rules, I am only able to do this much.'

Bruce had taken out the quantity, he had estimated would be required for the items but there was still some stock left.

'Maybe I should build myself a gun. Just like the one Klein possessed. But this one would be more powerful.

After all, it is being made using Caloric Stone.

Though it is a fantasy game, it still has guns. RPGs and machine guns are also present in the game.

I did know of it from the Novel as CZ a member of Pleiades Maids had gunner class. She had a wide variety of weapons, like various types of guns and many military equipment.

I have also created a maid similar to her. From the personality to her classes and weapons. Just the looks are different. Cyn the Murder Drone is similar to her just that she is max leveled NPC and looks different.

CZ was among the few tolerable NPCs from Nazrick. The rest are great but they create more work for their leader than reduce it. Especially their hate towards those of non-Nazrick origin.

I can't imagine the number of times Ainz had to suffer from headaches from their shenanigans. Despite not having a brain. He still had to suffer.'

So Bruce got to building a gun for himself. He had built various weapons like guns and other military-grade pieces of equipment for his NPCs and his entertainment. But none of them were made using Caloric Stone. He does have a lot of it, but it doesn't mean he could waste them. Though a lot, there was still a limit.

He transformed into his Golem Avatar and got to work on it.

'To make anything using Caloric Stone, the player had to first design the item, then contact the devs to build it.'

In the following years, he roamed Yggdrasil. Exploring places and fighting.


**The End**

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ChaosVoid_24 ChaosVoid_24

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