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31% Another Twilight fanfic / Chapter 31: Chapter 29

Bab 31: Chapter 29

AN: Update on my charger situation... It arrived!!! Wooooo!!! 😭

Still busy with work, but I can play the novel's audio while I work without having to worry about my phone dying on me. I can spend more time writing again, not that it'll help with the number of releases.

I have a question at the end AN so please check that out.

This will be a slightly longer chapter. Enjoy ✌️


VERA'S House after a week after giving birth


"I like your husband's bear of a husband, but I'm glad that the baby seems to take more after you hun. " Isaac states while making funny faces to the baby.

*Does your man know that the baby can't see yet? Seriously, are you sure about this guy? Blink twice if you are being held against your will* I jokingly questioned Adam, Isaac's boyfriend.

"You tell me, you are also his beard no?" he replied smiling.

[AN: Lookie here, another one joined the ASL knowing people. MC making people learn a whole other language. Wew]

*That's pretending babe, I don't actually screw him, you on the other hand... * I look at him with a pointed look, but a grin can be seen on my lips. Which he mirrored, amused.

*Wake up every day, consciously deciding to stay with him* I continued and tapped his shoulder like I was feeling sorry for him.

Adam laughed out loud, which earned the attention of Vera and Isaac. Both looked at us curiously.

"What is so funny?" Vera asked.

I walked over to her and the baby.

*Isaac's wrinkle-free brain* I cooed at the baby while I reached out my hand to hold the newborn baby girl.

Vera got the joke immediately, but as expected, Isaac took a few seconds before his face morphed into an offended look.

We all were laughing at his reactions.

[AN: just a reminder, all her laughs and chuckles have no sound whenever she is with other people aside from her family/coven. 🙊 I won't be reminding this from now on anymore in the future]

"Where's Rosalie? Isn't she the one who organized this visit?" Isaac asked me.

I rolled my eyes remembering where she was now.

Seeing that both my hands were occupied, Vera answered for me.

"Her father took her to meet with the King's..." She said while observing my reaction.

Needless to say, I am not fond of Rosalie's father. It is normal in this period for businessmen to use their children as tools to gain help for their business, but I still don't like it. I hate this time period.

The couple understood the situation, Adam refrained from commenting further, but his man wasn't one to keep his opinion to himself.

"Is he still doing that? I have to say, this is one of the reasons why I do not you women. You can't say no. The male children do still have restrictions, but the backlash from said decisions is more tame compared to women." Isaac commented, with a sheepish look.

Vera visibly became sad... No doubt recalling how her own family reacted towards her choice of partner. Levi, her husband was from a more humble background compared to hers... Her father wanted to break off their relationship but when she got pregnant and they asked her to get rid of the child, she refused and told them that Levi and her were going to get married... After that they disowned her. Me and the rest of the group helped with the marriage and birth.

Isaac received a slap on the arm from his lover, he realized what he just said, and he looked apologetically at Vera.

"Anyway, uh... So... " Poor sweet chocolate-skinned Adam, trying to fix the atmosphere his partner caused.

"It's fine Adam. How about we discuss Godparents for my and Levi's child?" The mother gave him a pass.

"Shouldn't that be discussed with your husband around?" Isaac questioned, relieved for the change of topic.

"Not really, we've already talked about it and have decided with whom we're going with" the new mom responded.

I was still holding the baby, only half focused on the conversation going on. The baby initially looked like a naked hairless rat when she came out of her mother's womb, but as her beard said, after a week, the baby looked more like her mum.

'She's cute, but I don't think I'm ready to have my own child anytime soon. I guess my parents would have to wait for a very... very long time before I even think of having one of my own spawns.' I thought to myself.

A certain blonde was poking at the back of my mind, but I'm trying to focus on something else... Yes, yes, let's focus on the baby... Speaking of babies, Rosalie loves babies... Fuck! Nope nope nope, uhm... Vera and Levi? Yes! They're doing fine so far, the wedding was rushed, I do believe that I've outdone quite a few weddings from this era, well I did cheat a bit because I used ideas from the future, but Alice would be proud of me if she had seen it, but still... Rosalie looked breathtaking in white, I could picture our wedding to be so much more grand, one that fits how-... Shit, fudging simp! Stop!

[AN: bruh, you're holding a baby, be careful. Anything happens to her, I ring fate on your ass🤨]

"-bin... Ro... Bin... Robin! " I vaguely heard someone, but then I felt something hit me in the face, that brought me back from my thoughts, it's a teddy bear.

I looked around to see who was the perpetrator, and unsurprisingly, it was Isaac. I sent him a glare.

"We've been calling out your name for a while now and you weren't responding, we were beginning to think that aside from being mute, you might have also lost your hearing." Isaac unapologetically quipped.

°Bitch° I said inaudibly since she can't use her hands yet. Seeing that I and Isaac were about to bicker again, Vera decided to take the baby away from my arms and moved back to her seat.

As soon as the baby was off me, I took the teddy bear and threw it back to his face, as humanly hard and fast as I could. He tried to dodge, but what could a human do? He did not expect that I was capable of throwing it that fast and hard that his head tilted back.

He straightened up and looked at me with wide eyes, mouth agape, clearly offended by my retaliation.

"You bitch!" He whisper yelled at me, but was hit by his own boyfriend with the same stuffed toy.

"Honey, I love you, but mind your language, there's a baby present." Adam chided him.

I smirked at Isaacs's face screaming betrayal.

"Whatever, I was gracious enough to pull her out of her musings, she was clearly distracted while holding a wee human, I was just being a good Godfather." He quipped then rolled his eyes at us.

*Godfather? You? Hah! When was this decided? Vera, my dear friend, revoke it, you can't have him be in such an influential position in your child's life, she'll end up as someone not thinking before speaking.* I retorted, obviously I was just joking, he'll be a great Godfather to her, better than me, who'll have to leave soon.

"You take that back! Just because you're all sad and distracted because your lady love isn't here and is probably with her new boyfriend, which was arranged by her own father, you don't get to be all pissy on me miss °I won't confess my love to my best friend because I'm too much of a coward° a.k.a Robin Liesha Cullen." He retorted quickly.

He knew she wasn't serious, they always joke like this with each other, their banter may contain things that seemed hitting below the belt, but that's just how their friendship is, they don't hold back.

*Are you hearing this? He basically just proved my point* I said to Vera while gesturing to Isaac.

The two innocent witnesses just laughed, amused, they were already accustomed to how the two bickered. Adam at first was shocked at how harsh they were at their words, but after it happened a few more times, he realized that they just loved and trusted each other that much, that they could be brutally honest and joke like this without taking it seriously.

"Ok, jokes aside. I'm assuming that you didn't hear what we were talking about. Our dear friend Vera and her husband Levi have decided that Me and you would be the Godparents of their little girl." Isaac said, deciding to stop their fight.

Huh? Me? The GodMother? Wait, isn't it supposed to be Rosalie?

[AN: well, Ms.Butterfly, you did and changed a lot of things, so why question it now? 😑]

*Me? Why not Rosalie? Don't get me wrong, I would be honored to be her GodMother, but I'm not sure if I'm the right person for such a job, I'm not exactly Godmother material, and I'll probably end up making the child like me in the future, she'll probably end up joining the sapphic community... Even Isaac would be a better Godparent than me, could advise her about boys." I tried to reason, I can't exactly say that I would not be able to stick around for long to fulfill my Godmotherly duties if I ended up accepting it.

"Nonsense, you'll be a great Godmother! You kind, loving, understanding, accepting, and very protective of your loved ones, and even if she ends up liking women, the same way as you do, we'll still love and accept her, and that is a big IF, you and I very well know that just because you hang around a person who likes the same gender, doesn't mean you'll end up like them. " Vera retorted with a raised eyebrow at me in the end.

"It still makes me gag that you two kissed before" Isaac commented.

Adam's eyes widened at the new information and looked back and forth between me and Vera.

Vera and I laughed at how cute he was reacting.

"Please, don't act like you didn't also kiss her back then" Vera teased Isaac.

[AN: MC! You kissing monster! You didn't even spare a Gay guy! 😮]

Adam's eyes widened further, his mouth now wide open, lips quivering in disbelief. He now not only looked between Me and Vera but also at his so-called lover. Probably questioning if her boyfriend was actually 100% gay or Bi.

"Hey! You promised! " Isaac directed at Vera was horrified, he clearly hadn't told this yet to his lover.

*You started it* I replied for the new mother while smirking.

Seeing the poor man's face, probably staring to question his boyfriend and I's beard status for each other, I decided to clarify what really happened.

*Adam, before your mind enters a dark place. Me and Isaac really are just friends. He and Vera asked me for a kiss to verify their sexuality because, in their own words, I quote °If a woman's ever going to be able to attract me, it's gotta be you°... Which I get, look at me? You can't tell me I'm not drop-dead gorgeous right? So as you can see, since we're all still good friends, the experiment results were °Isaac is very Gay and Vera is just gay for me°* I explained, winking at Vera at the end, which made her chuckle.

"It's true. It is a shame that Robin doesn't like men at all, I would've loved for her to be with me and my husband." Vera chimed in half jokingly grinning at us.

She did ask, by the way, her husband knows that Vera was bi for me, and doesn't mind, he already knew that we were just friends and my rule of not going after married women. I'm pretty sure the gentle giant has a crush on me too.

[AN: Vera is Goat, she's defo the best. The husband is also a king for this. 🤣]

Adam visibly relaxed and kissed his lover, mumbling an apology in his ear for doubting him.

*Anyway, I still think that Rosalie would be a better choice. She already is in love with the baby, and we all know how much she dreams of becoming a mother herself... Plus, she's going to be a good role model for your daughter. * I added to my previous reasons.

"I don't know about that, Rosalie is nice and all, but her soon-to-be husband? Whoever she marries would be in the child's life, and I'm not too fond of that Royce guy, to be honest. He gives me the creeps. Like he's a bad guy presenting himself as a decent human... You know there were bad rumors about him from way back? Women, but all those women suddenly disappeared, and the consensus was that they all moved away for family issues, business, or whatever. Nobody heard from them anymore." Isaac shared his concern.

And both Adam and Vera nodded in agreement. They've heard of those rumors, but none of them know any of the women involved personally, so they can't really confirm if it's real, it still concerned them since their friend is being pushed for engagement with the guy at the center of it.

I haven't met Royce personally yet, the others have, but not me. I'm honestly trying to avoid meeting him as much as possible because I'm afraid that I might strangle him as soon as I see his fugly face. I know that the rumors were true, I knew some of those victims of his, I saved her from being gunned down by someone from the King's family payroll, they have fixers that get rid of anyone that would go against them. My family and I sent the girls and their families away to another state, with new identities.

I'm feeling guilty, I should have gotten rid of the guy early, but it would be too suspicious if he just suddenly disappeared... But he and the rest of his family won't be walking around free for long... My morality was holding me back... It's stupid I know. But it's better late than never right?

I've decided to compel them to admit their crimes and reveal every single one of the people involved in covering it all up. I'm pretty sure Rosalie's Dad was involved in them... I just have to have them exclude the guy... I really don't want to... But she will be sad, and an unwed woman losing the pillar of their home in this period will not have a good end...

[AN: why doesn't she just kill them? Again... Still being held back by morals, and her fams don't really approve killing as much as possible. 😐]

Mr.Hale has made a lot of enemies, and Rosalie is a young beautiful woman, the vultures will not treat her kindly. I can try and compel him to be a better father and husband and not use his children as bargaining chips, but I haven't tested how long my compulsion lasts...

I should remember to test that. My strength and durability are now comparable to full vampires due to my consistency in training throughout these years. Edward even managed to turn off his gift for almost a minute. Soon he'll be able to give everyone privacy, so the issue with him indiscriminately reading everyone's mind including family will be solved by the time the fam is complete, hopefully...

None of them will be going with me inside the King's mansion because I'm planning to go full force with my gift, and with their super senses, they might get affected too. Needless to say, they didn't like the idea at all, but ultimately conceded, they knew how powerful I was.

*Don't mind him too much, Rosalie isn't stupid, if she does notice that something is off, I'm sure she'll inform her father about it so he could stop the engagement. I don't believe that her father would choose money over his own daughter's happiness and safety* Nope, I don't believe it at all.

But the King's will go down in a few days, so it doesn't matter anymore if they cancel or not.

Her three companions had an unconvinced look but decided to keep their mouths shut.

"So you really want Rosalie to take your place?" Vera asked. And I nodded with a reassuring smile.

With that, the topic of Godparents was now closed, and we moved on to more happy and nonsensical shit that filled the room with laughter and a warm atmosphere.


AN: Our girl is finally going to get rid of the guy. Good good good. But there are too many loopholes in this plan of hers. 😑

Question, If I make a discord, would any of you join? It's just so you could reach out to me directly if you want to recommend something, discuss something about the FF or just find other like-minded people. Definitely not making this just to make friends because I don't have any. Nope. Jokes aside, let me know. If I get like at least 5 confirmations, I'll make a simple channel for us.

Thanks for all the comments, last chapter's comments exchange was funny😄.

Thanks for the power stones. We're also close to 1k collections! Yaaaay!

Love yah all 😘

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