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15.68% Let's Go To College / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Bab 7: Chapter 7

"Why do you want me to accompany you?" Sung-Hee's curiosity prompted her to inquire about Seok-Woo's invitation, neither accepting nor declining until she understood his motives.

Seok-Woo met her gaze with sincerity, offering an explanation for his request. "It's been a while since I last went downtown," he began, his tone thoughtful as he continued, "and I'm in need of some new clothes. The ones I have currently are all too tight." As he spoke, he ran a hand through his long hair, indicating his intention to get a haircut as well.

"I value your opinion, Sung-Hee," he added, his expression earnest as he sought her input. With a slight smile, he awaited her response.

Sung-Hee considered his words, weighing the pros and cons of accepting his invitation. In the end, she found herself swayed by the prospect of spending time together. "It has been a long time since we last hung out," she reflected inwardly, acknowledging the significance of their reunion. "Sure, when do you plan to go?" she agreed, her decision made with a hint of nostalgia for their past outings.

"Now, I just need to get ready, and then we can head out," Seok-Woo announced, rising from his chair with determination evident in his movements. He turned to Chae-Yoon, addressing her with respect. "I'll be going out, Mother," he informed her, acknowledging her maternal concern.

"Sure, dear. Just be careful out there. And, do you have enough money with you? If not, I can lend you my card," Chae-Yoon offered, her motherly instincts kicking in as she sought to ensure her son's well-being.

Seok-Woo shook his head gratefully, declining her offer. "No, thank you. I've got enough saved up," he reassured her, subtly alluding to the resources he possessed in his inventory. While he could have easily accepted Chae-Yoon's card without any expense, he preferred to rely on his own funds, knowing that the Gachapon machine would replenish whatever he spent eventually.

As Na-Yeon began to voice her desire to join them, a pointed glance from Gyeong-Eun silenced her before she could utter a word.

Na-Yeon's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she interpreted Gyeong-Eun's intervention as unwarranted interference. "What's her fucking problem?" she fumed inwardly, resenting Gyeong-Eun's apparent attempt to spoil her plans. "Such a killjoy," she muttered silently, cursing Gyeong-Eun under her breath.

Seok-Woo ascended the stairs to his room with purpose, his mind set on retrieving some cash from his inventory. Upon reaching his destination, he seamlessly navigated through his system to access his inventory, intending to claim at least 500,000 KRW worth of cash.

With a fluid motion, he acquired the funds, which materialized in his hand as if by magic. After stashing the money in his wallet, he spared a moment to glance at his reflection in the mirror, making minor adjustments to his appearance before slipping into a jacket and heading out of the room.

Descending the stairs, he noticed the girls gathering the dishes to clean, their domestic chore underway. Catching sight of Sung-Hee, who awaited him with her hand on her waist, he approached her with a nod of acknowledgment.

"Shall we?" he invited, gesturing for Sung-Hee to join him before turning to bid farewell to Chae-Yoon's friends.

"Goodbye, and perhaps we'll meet again," he offered a concise yet polite farewell, which they reciprocated with waves and well wishes. However, Na-Yeon couldn't resist injecting a teasing remark into the farewell.

"Remember to pack some condoms if you're planning anything adventurous," she teased, a mischievous glint in her eye as she directed her playful jibe at the departing duo.

Surprisingly, Seok-Woo responded with a good-natured smile. "I keep that in mind," he quipped back, a hint of amusement coloring his tone as he acknowledged Na-Yeon's jest. His light-hearted response earned him a playful reprimand from the blushing Sung-Hee, who seized him by the ear and ushered him out of the house, eager to escape the embarrassment of the moment.

As they stepped outside, Chae-Yoon and Yu-Mi resumed their task of cleaning the dishes, their movements methodical as they worked together.

Midway through the chore, Chae-Yoon glanced at Na-Yeon and Gyeong-Eun. "Are you both not heading out somewhere?" she inquired, curious about their lingering presence in the house.

"A car will be picking me up shortly. I just need to wait a bit longer," Gyeong-Eun explained, casting a brief glance at Na-Yeon before returning her attention to the dishes.

Chae-Yoon turned to Na-Yeon, expecting an answer. Instead, Na-Yeon countered with her own question. "Why are you so invested in my affairs? What's your issue with me?" Her tone was tinged with annoyance, a reflection of Gyeong-Eun's persistent interference in her interactions with Seok-Woo.

Gyeong-Eun met Na-Yeon's challenge head-on. "Then allow me to pose a question in return. Why are you fixated on seducing Chae-Yoon's son when there are plenty of other men out there?" Her voice was calm yet pointed, her words carrying a hint of reproach.

"It's my decision. I'm drawn to him and want to explore the connection further. Why are you so intent on controlling my choices?" Na-Yeon shot back defiantly, her voice rising in volume as she defended her autonomy.

Gyeong-Eun didn't back down, pressing the issue further. "And what if he discovers your past? How do you think he'll react to that revelation?" Her question hung in the air, laden with implications that struck a nerve with Na-Yeon.

Caught off guard by Gyeong-Eun's probing inquiry, Na-Yeon was momentarily speechless. She struggled to formulate a response, grappling with the implications of Gyeong-Eun's words and the potential consequences of her actions.

Both Chae-Yoon and Yu-Mi sighed at this situation, these two are always butting heads with each other. 

Amidst the tense silence, Gyeong-Eun's phone began to ring, disrupting the atmosphere with its shrill tone. Without hesitation, she retrieved her phone and answered the call, her voice composed as she spoke. "It's here? Alright, I'll be heading out then," she confirmed before ending the call with a swift tap of her finger. She then turned her attention to Yu-Mi and Chae-Yoon, informing them of her imminent departure. "My ride has arrived. I'll be taking off now. Until next time," she bid them farewell with a nod before turning to leave.

As she passed Na-Yeon, she paused momentarily, her expression softening with a rare display of remorse. "I may have overstepped. I apologize, Na-Yeon," she offered a brief apology, her words laced with sincerity before continuing toward the exit without looking back.

Na-Yeon watched Gyeong-Eun's departure with a mix of surprise and skepticism. "Since when did that bitch know how to apologize? Did she accidentally take a compassion pill or something?" she muttered sarcastically, her disbelief evident in her tone as she processed the unexpected turn of events.

She sank into the plush cushions of the couch, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty as she mulled over Gyeong-Eun's unsettling words. "Would he recoil in disgust if he knew the truth?" Na-Yeon pondered aloud, grappling with the potential fallout of her actions and how Seok-Woo might perceive them.

As she wrestled with her thoughts, Yu-Mi emerged from the kitchen, a comforting presence beside her. With a gentle touch, she reassured Na-Yeon, offering words of solace amidst the turmoil. "Don't dwell on her words too much. Each of us deserves to find our own path to happiness," Yu-Mi advised, her voice filled with empathy as she sought to ease Na-Yeon's troubled mind.

Accepting Yu-Mi's comfort, Na-Yeon nodded in silent agreement before swiftly changing the subject, eager to shift her focus away from the unpleasant topic. "When do you plan to leave, Yu-Mi? Shall we depart together?" she proposed, seeking companionship in their departure from Chae-Yoon's home.

Yu-Mi considered the question before responding, her gaze thoughtful as she contemplated her plans. "I'll be heading out after Chae-Yoon and I finish washing the dishes," she revealed, indicating her willingness to assist with the household chores before departing.

Upon hearing their conversation, Chae-Yoon emerged from the kitchen, insisting that they leave the task of dishwashing to her. "You both can go now. I'll manage the dishes on my own," she assured them, waving off Yu-Mi's offer to help with a warm smile. Despite Yu-Mi's initial hesitation, Chae-Yoon remained steadfast in her decision, urging them to depart without further delay.

Reluctantly accepting Chae-Yoon's insistence, Na-Yeon and Yu-Mi bid her farewell with gratitude before making their exit from the house, leaving Chae-Yoon alone with her thoughts.

Alone in the quiet of the kitchen, Chae-Yoon's mind drifted back to the unsettling conversation between Gyeong-Eun and Na-Yeon, a nagging worry gnawing at her conscience. "How would my son react if he knew the truth?" she mused, the weight of uncertainty heavy on her shoulders. However, she quickly pushed aside the troubling thought, refusing to dwell on it any longer. "I won't entertain such thoughts. Some things are best left buried," she resolved firmly, steeling herself against the uncertainty as she returned her focus to the task at hand—the comforting routine of cleaning dishes.

As the taxi navigated through the city streets, Seok-Woo and Sung-Hee sat side by side, watching the urban landscape pass by. The buildings and stalls flashed by, some familiar to Seok-Woo, others entirely new, adding an air of anticipation to their journey.

Upon reaching their destination, they stepped out of the taxi and embarked on their respective missions. Walking along the sidewalk, Seok-Woo's attire caught the attention of passersby. His snug clothes accentuated his muscular physique, the unzipped jacket revealing glimpses of his toned body.

As they strolled, curious gazes followed Seok-Woo, transforming into Interest Points that accumulated with each admiring glance. The incessant notifications of acquired Points became a minor annoyance, yet Seok-Woo bore it with determination, knowing the rewards it promised.

Beside him, Sung-Hee couldn't help but notice the attention Seok-Woo attracted, and with each lingering stare, her discomfort grew. Finally, unable to contain her frustration, she spoke up. "Why don't you zip up your jacket? It's chilly out here," she suggested her tone a mix of concern and irritation.

Seok-Woo's response was a playful smirk. "Coming from someone in a crop top," he retorted, amused by her remark. With a swift motion, he removed his jacket and draped it over Sung-Hee's shoulders, a gesture of chivalry that caught her off guard.

"Take it, to keep warm," he insisted, his voice sincere as he looked into her eyes. A blush spread across Sung-Hee's cheeks as she accepted the garment, grateful for both the warmth it provided and the unexpected tenderness behind the gesture.

Meanwhile, Seok-Woo's actions continued to draw admiration from onlookers, his gallant gesture earning him even more Interest Points. As he stood jacketless, his physique on full display, murmurs of awe rippled through the crowd, with even the elderly contributing to the growing chorus of admiration.

The pair made their way toward the department store, with Sung-Hee leading the charge in their quest for new clothes. Their journey culminated in the men's wear section, where Sung-Hee took on the role of personal stylist, carefully selecting garments for Seok-Woo to try on.

Observing her proactive demeanor, Seok-Woo couldn't help but smile to himself, impressed by her decisiveness. "When did she become so assertive?" he mused inwardly, pleasantly surprised by her eagerness to assist.

"Here, try this on. Let me see how it looks," Sung-Hee instructed, handing over a stack of clothing for Seok-Woo to try.

"You're acting like I'm your boyfriend. Slow down a bit, will you?" Seok-Woo teased, feeling slightly overwhelmed by her enthusiasm.

Ignoring his jest, Sung-Hee persisted, urging him to try on the clothes without delay. "Come on, get changed already," she insisted, her tone firm as she pushed him toward the fitting rooms.

Perplexed by her unwavering determination, Seok-Woo complied, albeit with a hint of bemusement. He hadn't expected such fervor from her and found himself momentarily taken aback by her assertiveness.

As he emerged from the fitting room, Sung-Hee assumed the role of a discerning critic, assessing his appearance with a critical eye. "No, this won't do. Try something else," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Though initially surprised by her authoritative demeanor, Seok-Woo found himself in agreement, recognizing that the outfit didn't quite suit him. With a nod of acquiescence, he returned to the fitting room, grateful for Sung-Hee's honest feedback and keen eye for style.

It took a considerable amount of time for the duo to reach a consensus on their purchases. Eventually, they settled on their selections and made their way to the cashier to complete their transactions.

With their shopping expedition concluded, Seok-Woo suggested a brief respite before his scheduled haircut.

Opting for a coffee break, they strolled together in search of a suitable cafe. Finally, their quest led them to a bustling coffee shop, its popularity evident from the throngs of customers eagerly awaiting their turn.

Observing the crowded scene, Seok-Woo couldn't help but marvel at the cafe's popularity. "This place must be a local favorite," he remarked to himself, noting the steady stream of patrons flowing in and out.

"I'll go wait in line. What drink would you like?" Sung-Hee inquired, turning to Seok-Woo as they approached the entrance.

"I'll have an Iced Matcha Latte, please," Seok-Woo replied, signaling his preference to her before handing over some money. "Here, keep the change, you penny-pincher," he added playfully, knowing she expected him to foot the bill.

Sung-Hee accepted the money with a knowing smile, unperturbed by his jest. "Thanks, I'll be right back," she assured him before disappearing into the bustling cafe.

Meanwhile, Seok-Woo remained outside, attracting curious glances from passersby as he patiently waited. The attention he garnered translated into a steady accumulation of Interest Points, a fact he noted with mild amusement.

As he idled away the time, Seok-Woo decided to check his current amount of Rolls, accessing his system to view the accumulated currency.

Just as he was about to see, a sudden commotion disrupted his concentration, prompting him to turn his attention toward the source of the disturbance.

Amidst the bustling street, Seok-Woo's attention was drawn to a heated exchange between a man and a woman, their argument attracting a growing crowd. Curiosity piqued, he edged closer to eavesdrop on their confrontation.

"Jang Sunhwi, please reconsider! I promise I'll change, I won't pressure you anymore," pleaded the man, desperation evident in his voice as he knelt before her, his grip on her hand unwavering.

"Jang Sunhwi..." Seok-Woo murmured to himself, a flicker of recognition igniting in his mind as he strained to recall where he had heard that name before.

Sunhwi, her expression a mixture of anger and disgust, rebuffed his advances with disdain. "Let go of me, you creep! You're only interested in getting me into bed, nothing more!" she retorted, her voice laced with contempt.

For Sunhwi, this unfortunate encounter stemmed from her sister's well-intentioned but misguided advice to explore the dating scene. Little did she expect her first date to devolve into a nightmare, with this man attempting to manipulate her into a compromising situation.

As she struggled to break free from his grasp, the man's grip tightened, causing Sunhwi considerable discomfort. With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew palpable, yet the onlookers remained passive, unwilling to intervene.

Fortunately, Seok-Woo, burdened with bags of clothing from their shopping excursion, stepped forward to intervene. "I believe you're exerting a bit too much force there," he remarked calmly, his free hand firmly gripping the man's arm before applying pressure.

The sudden shift in leverage caught the man off guard, eliciting a cry of pain as Seok-Woo's grip proved stronger than his own. With a swift motion, the man released Sunhwi's arm, his hold broken by Seok-Woo's intervention.

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