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54.54% Champion of the Netori Goddess / Chapter 5: Miki #2 [R-18]

Bab 5: Miki #2 [R-18]

It was just a normal day. At least, it had been as such for one Miki Hyoudou until this moment, as she entered her bedroom at night after doing the dishes. Something that used to be one of her daily chores, once upon a time, and yet–

She gazed at the other presence in the room. The one responsible for her workload decreasing drastically, since nowadays she took daily turns to do the housework with her older 'daughter', Sosuke, who was currently sitting on the bed – the one they had shared for all his life – humming a tune as he read a manga.

She started stripping down while reminiscing amusedly about the strict 'housewife lessons' that she had gotten from him, as well as the stringent series of tests she had to pass with flying colors, to wrest away the right to do tasks that the name 'housewife' generally implies. 

She hadn't ever imagined that she'd be doing tests ever again, after marrying straight out of high school. 

Sighing in relief as she finally freed her breasts, she stretched languidly before proceeding to slip on her nightie – not noticing that Sosuke's voice had died out sometime in between. Or his slightly flushed face, as he involuntarily snuck peeks at her from behind his magazine.

"Honey, is it alright if you read the rest tomorrow? Mama is feeling a bit sleepy," She asked while lamenting inwardly about how she was becoming increasingly lazy, feeling more tired when her work had been reduced by half – that too when she had fought tooth and nail for the right to do housework half of the time.


She turned around to face him when she didn't receive an answer and found him staring at his manga as he mumbled weakly in agreement. 

She paused before she shrugged, thinking that he might have been reading an interesting part… and switched off the lights as she saw him put the magazine aside. She walked to the bedside, aided by the slight moonlight that trickled into the room from the lone window, and slowly slipped beneath the bedsheets.

"So-chan, is something wrong?" She asked worriedly a while later as she looked at his silhouette… lying far away from her. He shook his head repeatedly in denial, and yet… he wouldn't come closer. 

Something that she would think as being impossible if it occurred as a casual thought to her. After all, her older son had always been a highly affectionate child, who would not miss a chance to cuddle with his mama. 

She pursed her lips hesitantly for a moment, before scooting over closer to his body… and pausing momentarily as she saw him visibly flinch, and almost curl up into a ball.

Confused and worried, her arm went over his body to bring him closer to her, and she opened her mouth to say words of comfort, but–

The pair of mother and son froze almost as a single entity, as her hand accidentally landed on the root cause of the situation.

"Oh." Her voice came out as a mosquito-like whisper as she hesitated for a moment before moving her hand upward, instead of removing it away altogether. 

She warred internally between just remaining quiet while pretending nothing happened, and going to sleep like this, or saying something, anything… and, as she felt the small, slightly shivering body within her embrace, the decision seemed to have been made for her. 

"So-chan, would you please turn around?" She said in her gentlest voice possible, and the boy did so, after a single moment of hesitation. 

She sighed as looked down at his slightly teary eyes and kissed his forehead slightly. "It's fine, So-chan. Nothing's wrong."

"B..but–" he protested weakly, only to be shushed by Miki.

"Shh. Mama said it's fine, right?" Seeing him nodding firmly, she smiled and kissed his cheek before continuing. 

"It just means that So-chan's a grown-up boy now."

"Grown up?" Hearing his confused voice, Miki cringed as she struggled inwardly to find words to explain something she had never thought she would be responsible for.

"Mm… you see, So-chan… that… uh… your thing… when it's… like that… it's called… an erection. It… it means… that you're starting… puberty." 

"O..oh. Does… does that mean it'll happen again?" He mumbled weakly.

"Y…yeah, and it's… it's completely normal! So, don't worry… okay, So-chan?"

She smiled in relief as she felt him pull himself closer into her embrace and hum in agreement. His small head brushed against the underside of her breasts as he nodded, before asking.

"Mama… why does er–erection happen?"

Miki awkwardly opened her mouth to explain before pausing as she asked him.

"So-chan, the manga you were reading earlier… by chance, were you reading one of your little brother's mangas?"

He looked up confusedly, not understanding why she was changing the topic. "No, it was just Jump. Does Issei have other manga? What kind? I'll borrow it tomorrow to read…"

"Don't!" She exclaimed loudly, causing him to flinch, before hurriedly continuing. "You shouldn't read them, So-chan. Because… uh, you know… they're naughty ones."

Seemingly relieved that he wasn't being scolded, Sosuke asked, "What do you mean by naughty? And why can Issei read them then?"

Miki paled as she imagined both of her sons being known in the future as a pair of deviants who shouted out loud their love for breasts. She shook her head forcibly and said gravely, her eyes almost welling up with tears.

"You can't behave like Issei, Sosuke. Or else… or else, mama will cry."

She blinked as she suddenly felt his hand gently caress her cheek and say softly, "Oh… I won't read it then. But Mama has to promise that she won't cry then."

Her tears forgotten, she squealed inwardly at her son's cuteness and peppered his face with kisses, as he giggled slightly before asking, "By naughty things… did you mean the pictures of boobies that Issei keeps searching for on the internet?" 

Miki froze and suddenly, an unaware Issei was just one question short of a beating from her slippers as she asked Sosuke a question, dreading the answer. "Did So-chan also see the pictures?"

He nodded… and hence, one order of thrashing for Issei was confirmed. "Issei showed it to me once. I… couldn't really tell what he was so excited about."

She sighed in relief, before pausing in confusion as something obviously didn't add up. Concentrating for a moment, she suddenly realized the truth and her cheeks flushed crimson as she muttered weakly.

"So-chan, what were you doing before I switched off the lights?"

She felt his small hand clutch her nightwear tightly while he spoke awkwardly. "I– I looked up, and saw… Mama changing… and–" 

Her brain short-circuited as she heard his admission, confirming what she had thought… and her gaze involuntarily went downwards.

"So-chan, you… uh… became like this… because of Mama?"

He hid his face in her breasts and nodded shyly as he spoke meekly. "I– I just thought… at that time… that Mama is really pretty. Then– then… it became… like this…"


'Oh,' was the only thought in Miki's mind as her cheeks suddenly felt burning hot… for she was complimented for her appearance for the first time in her life.

The word 'pretty' kept swimming in her mind as she stared intensely at Sosuke, who just looked at her from beneath and gave her a shy smile. 

Miki had noticed that her appearance had started to change for the better… ever since she was pregnant with Sosuke. Her acne started to disappear, and so did the little blemishes on her face. Her hair was no longer rough, straw-like… and instead had become silky smooth, permanently.

She even felt that her body had become 'perkier.'

So much were the changes in her appearance that she even dared to say that she looked decently cute.

But it was like the changes were just an illusion, a dream of hers. She did not receive even a single comment on her changed appearance from anybody – and had thought that maybe it was just the happiness that made her delude herself into thinking that her appearance was suddenly better. 

Now though, her lips crept up involuntarily as she kissed her beloved little So-chan's forehead and giggled slightly. "My, what a little charmer. Already preparing to break girls' hearts in the future?"

The boy only looked at her in confusion. She smiled and kissed his cheek and said, "You'll marry someone in the future, no? Like Mama married Daddy?"

She discarded that odd twinge she felt as she said that, as well as the fleeting, silly thought that occurred to her.

[So-chan doesn't need any other hussies after him. After all, So-chan belongs only to his Mama.]

He blinked. Once. Twice. Then smiling brightly, said, "I'll marry Mama when I grow up."

Miki smiled amusedly on the outside, even though her heart suddenly skipped a beat. She shook her head and said, "You can't marry Mama. So-chan will have to marry a girl about your age. After all, by the time So-chan gets older… Mama will already have become an old hag."

[Aren't there supposed to be human sacrifice rituals to keep someone young forever?]

Sosuke pouted angrily before he threw himself into a tight hug against Miki… and her breath hitched as she felt something hard poking against her lower half.

"S–So-chan, please… get away… from Mama." She managed to utter.

"No." He said petulantly as she shook his head rapidly on her breasts.

She gasped and pleaded. "Please… So-chan." 

"Not before Mama promises to marry me in the future."

Despite everything, Miki felt laughter escaping her throat, [and relief in her heart] and she chuckled as she said. "Alright, Mama promises."

"Really? Pinky swear?" He said as he brought his right pinky up. She smiled fondly as she hooked her pinky with his, causing his face to light up with happiness.

'Sorry, So-chan. But it's just a little white lie for your sake.'

[So-chan, you've pinky promised that you'll always belong to your Mama. You can't break it, okay?]

He then suddenly pursed his lips as he looked down and mumbled, "Mama what do I do about this? I can't go to sleep like this."

"Oh. Ah, it… it should go down on its own… after a while… probably." She doubted her own words though, considering that it seemed to be 'raring to go' even after all this time the two of them had spent talking.

"Really?" He muttered doubtfully, before looking up pleadingly. "Can't we make it go down sooner? It feels uncomfortable like this." 

"F–faster?!" Her ears reddened to the tips as she took a glance downward momentarily before muttering almost inaudibly, "Oh… there… is… but–"

"Really?!" He interrupted her cheerfully and asked, "Mama knows how to do it?" 

Miki's mouth opened and closed, like a fish out of water, before she weakly nodded. "Mm… you… just… move your hand along it, up and down."

Sosuke looked at her, then glanced downward, and back at her again doubtfully, saying, "Can you show me how?"


'What am I even doing?' Miki wondered as her hand wrapped around the strangely adult-like girth of her now naked son's penis and pulled down its skin slowly, before dragging it back up along with her hand… and then repeating her actions – while increasing the pace of her hand bit by bit.

[Of course, I'm doing what a good Mama is supposed to do: teaching So-chan the correct way to masturbate. But then, So-chan doesn't need to learn to do it when Mama can do it for him. Anytime. All the time. Whenever and wherever he wants.]

She shivered as she heard his breath hitch, and her gaze focused on his face. His eyes were closed and he slightly bit his small lips, before calling out pitifully, "M–mama," as his small hands grabbed onto her breasts. 

She paused in her action momentarily, before taking off her nightie in one swift motion… and bringing her breasts close to his face. His mouth latched onto one of her nipples immediately causing her to moan softly before going back to her previous task, while Sosuke sucked and slurped on her nipple. His hands didn't stay idle either, kneading and mauling her breasts by instinct.

Squelch! Squelch! Squelch!

Soon, a clear liquid began to trickle down from the slit of the glans, and a lewd sound began to echo in the bedroom as Miki's hands spread the precum all over his length before her thumb traveled to the tip and began to tease it to milk more of the lewd fluid. 

Sosuke's back arched as Miki's pace became more and more frenetic, and he began to moan and gasp loudly. Miki's hand hurriedly covered his mouth… and a current ran through her spine as her palm brushed against his soft lips. 

'No.' She shook her head mentally, chiding herself for having such a thought.

'So-chan should have his first kiss with a girl he likes, not his mom,' she chanted to herself, even as her hands brought him closer and closer to the edge. 

The distance between their faces was reduced to mere inches before she even realized it… and her hand involuntarily dropped down, to give her access to what she desired but denied. 

[I should cover his mouth so that the others are not awakened by his voice.]


[It's only right that So-chan's first kiss is with his Mama, whom he loves the most.]


[Do it, Miki! Take what's rightfully yours!]


"M–Mama, something… something's coming… Mmph!" Sosuke started to moan loudly as his hips started jerking and twitching before his voice was swiftly smothered… as Miki's lips finally claimed his. 

[No! What have I done?!]

'Mama and So-chan had their first kiss together~ ❤❤❤'

A smile involuntarily bloomed on her face as her tongue immediately snaked into his mouth where it plundered wantonly, with Sosuke's own tongue only being able to mount a weak defense before it was swiftly defeated. She coaxed his little tongue to entwine with hers, and they sucked on each other's saliva… all while Sosuke unloaded his first-ever orgasm on Miki's hand.


"Huff… huff… huff…" The pair panted as they stared intensely into each other's eyes before suddenly Miki realized what she had just done in the heat of the moment.

"M–mama… what's wrong?" Sosuke asked worriedly as he saw her face pale rapidly. 

"So-chan… I… mama… took your first kiss… even though… even though it should be with a girl you like…"

Hearing what she said, Sosuke heaved a sigh of relief. "Just that! You scared me for a second."

"So-chan, but you–"

"It's fine… it's fine… after all, So-chan loves Mama the most in the world!" He declared with a gentle smile before his face went forward and he snuck another kiss from her.

"Here, my second kiss is also Mama's. No take-backs allowed." He said cheekily before a yawn suddenly escaped his lips.

"O…oh. I feel sleepy somehow, now."

Stunned into silence by his words and actions, Miki came to her senses and used her non-dirty hand to pull Sosuke's body extremely close to hers, before kissing the top of his head. 

"Mama loves So-chan the most in the world too," she whispered, and if he were to look above now, he would find a lovestruck look on the woman's face.

Smiling happily on hearing her words of affection, he rested his face upon her pillowy breasts as he murmured, "Well, I now know how to solve this problem… and can do it by myself from now on. Thank you, Mama."

She stiffened at the declaration, before whispering hesitantly, "So-chan… if you want... Mama can... you know... take care of it... from now on."

He looked up in surprise, and Miki had to suppress a smile as she saw his expectant look. "Really? It won't be troublesome for you?"

She shook her head. "No, it's not a problem at all. After all, it's Mama's duty to take care of her So-chan's needs~ ❤"

She suddenly paused as thought of something and tapped her chin with her index finger. "Ah, but you must keep it a secret from Daddy and Issei."

At his confused look, she tilted her head and asked, "Would you be okay if Mama did this to Ise-chan too?" Only to recoil in shock as she saw the near-instant dead look in his eyes.

"So-chan? Please talk to me." She said pleadingly, while immensely regretting her previous casual words.

"No…" he finally muttered weakly, as tears suddenly began pooling in his eyes. "Mine… I won't give Mama to anyone."

Her heart clenched, her stomach did barrel rolls… and she felt a flood in her nether region as she heard her beloved little So-chan declare how incredibly possessive he felt for her inwardly. She kissed his lips softly and declared, "Mm, Mama belongs to So-chan and So-chan alone. Forever. ❤"


<Damn, that was incredibly hot. A-grade acting, by the way, little shota-kun~>

<Champion? Don't tell me you got too lost in your role while method acting?>

<Hello? Anyone home? So-chan~>

Frowning, the debauched Goddess focused on what her champion was doing currently, that he didn't bother to reply to her… and shrieked in incredulity as she saw what he had done.

<You… you damn lunatic! Do you realize how dangerous this can be for you?! Or more importantly... how the hell did you even manage to do this kind of sealing without any previous knowledge?>

'Dunno, just did... Also, it's fine.' He replied blandly.

<Like hell it is! You were supposed to merge the two sets of memories, and not... not do whatever the hell you just did!>

'Mom would know at the first instant, you useless Goddess. Is your certificate fake? Are you a drop-out from the Goddess Institute? You're even worse than Aqua… Ah shit, don't cry, don't cry. I take it back. You're not as bad as Aqua, okay?'

<Why are you bullying me when I've been so good to you?!> She wailed and Sosuke awkwardly tried to placate the crying goddess as she started to complain.

<I even gave your mother a literally divine makeover. I prevented others from stealing from your field by preventing others notice her beauty too… or otherwise, do you think she'd be here at this moment?! But you… you… I'm not going to talk to you anymore, humph!>

And so, Sosuke spent the entire night coaxing a pouting Goddess.


Author Note - Oh no, So-chan has awakened the yandere in Mama Hyoudou...

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