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32.81% Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest! / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: Time-Skip part-2.

Bab 19: Chapter 19: Time-Skip part-2.

Attention: Attention, guys! I have poured my heart, soul, astral body, spiritual body, material body, mind, kidneys, lungs, liver, testicles, and whatever else I can find into creating this chapter.

Please read it and tell me if there are any remaining grammatical, spelling, or punctuation mistakes. I want to know if I wasted my time or not. So, please give me your review of this chapter!

Enjoy the chapter!


'Rimuru POV:'

After assigning them names, they underwent a profound metamorphosis, ascending to the revered rank of Demon Peers, thereby doubling their strength instantaneously. Unfazed by their newfound power, they audaciously challenged me. However, with effortless mastery, I swiftly subdued them, their futile resistance proving inconsequential.

In comparison to the awe-inspiring might of True Dragons, their existence is but a fleeting shadow, a testament to the vast chasm that separates them in the hierarchy of mythical beings.

After emerging victorious, I chose to reside in the depths of the underworld for a time before returning to the material realm. Over the passing years, I observed their evolution, witnessing their growing strength. However, their power remains inadequate to challenge a True Dragon. However, this was the reality until just a few centuries ago.

After returning from the underworld, Veldora introduced me to his latest creation: "Veldora-style killing Art." Surprisingly, it showcased several impressive moves and techniques. However, it also bore some flaws; Veldora had created it based on manga and his imagination, after all.

With Ciel's and my assistance, we honed his fighting style to perfection, elevating it to one of the world's premier and most formidable techniques.

Witnessing its evolution spurred me to develop my own combat style. It wasn't born out of envy, but rather from a sense of curiosity and creative exploration, a testament to the boundless potential of martial arts.

<<This seems suspicious.>>

I could have sworn I heard something; perhaps it's just my imagination playing tricks on me.

So where was I? Ah, I remember. With Ciel and Veldora, we devised a new fighting style that incorporates the utilization of [Nihilithy] energy. This style is exclusive to those bearing the name "Tempest."

And I,(Ciel), commanded the voice of the world, decreeing that henceforth, only myself, Ciel, and Veldora shall have the privilege to grant the name "Tempest" or include it in their own and others' names.

And I know that Veldora would never bestow the name "Tempest" upon just anyone; he reserves it for only those who are very close to him or deemed worthy of such an honor.

In the realm of combat, we have forged the formidable 'Tempest Arts.' This distinctive fighting style seamlessly blends a myriad of techniques, encompassing martial arts, swordsmanship, and beyond. Its eclectic nature promises a dynamic and captivating approach to combat, endowing practitioners with a versatile arsenal to wield in battle. And now, it proudly reigns as the paramount and most potent fighting style in all existence.

Currently, only three individuals possess the capability to wield this style: myself, Ciel, and Veldora.

I also learned how to properly utilize my eyes. Once, in a moment of irritation with Veldora, I inadvertently activated my [Eyes Of Destruction], resulting in the destruction of two billion timelines and fifty thousand Omniverses. However, it was swiftly rectified by Ciel, who restored everything to its previous state.

Following that incident, I delved into the depths of the Void to refine my eye's prowess, fully aware of their staggering power. Unleashed without restraint, they hold the potential to unravel the very fabric of existence, including the Void's immutable presence.

Anyway, now I can utilize my eyes as I see fit. Even in moments of extreme anger, I can activate my eyes without fear of destruction, as long as I don't intend for it to occur.

However, when I directed my eyes towards Veldora in an attempt to silence him, merely to intimidate, the sheer intensity of my gaze left him trembling, on the brink of collapse. Though no destruction ensued, the latent potential to unravel existence remains ever-present.

It's an unparalleled tool for intimidation. I'm certain that anyone below the True Demon Lord level would faint solely from the mere presence of my eyes, without even requiring their activation. This underscores the incredible potency and aura of my gaze.

Over the years, Veldora has matured significantly. While he no longer acts impulsively all the time, there are still moments when he behaves in such a manner. Despite his growth, he retains elements of childishness and idiocy, as well as a tendency to exhibit tsundere traits, albeit to a lesser extent than before.

But it's ingrained in his very essence to behave this way, perhaps due to his nature as the embodiment of a storm..

Through our years of living together, we've developed a habit of giving each other nicknames. I often refer to Veldora as "buddy," "breeze dragon," "Gullidora," "otaku dragon," and "old man."

He doesn't mind when I use those nicknames for him, and typically, he addresses me by my name, "buddy," or "bro." Despite not being biological brothers, we still regard each other as such. Veldora holds the same significance and value to me as Ciel does.

I also gave the nickname Velzard as Velz and Velgrynd as Grynd because it sounds good, and they're fine with it. As for Veldanava, I just call him Velda since his name is too long. In return, they all address me by my name.

One time, driven by sheer boredom, Velda and I decided to visit Ivaraj. During our excursion, we found him in a separate dimension, where only he and some other things that Velda had created exist, devoid of any signs of life.

He was still a mindless beast and attacked us, so I had no choice but to kill him. However, like us True Dragons, he resurrected himself. When he came back to life, I was prepared to erase his concept of existence, but Velda intervened. He wanted to observe what would happen if, in the future, Ivaraj were to develop an ego.

So, I suggested to Velda that he put Ivaraj in another dimension and seal it, and he promptly did so. He then issued his first servant order to watch over him.

I've never met this servant, but I believe Velda mentioned his name as Roadway... Falseway... Birdway, or something along those lines.

His name is weird.

Centuries ago, Velda encountered a mad Titan whose sole desire was to bring about destruction. While formidable, he wasn't quite on par with Velgrynd in terms of strength. If Velgrynd were to take him seriously, she could dispatch him without much difficulty. As for myself, Velda, Veldora, and Velz, he doesn't pose much of a threat to us.

When his rampage became too severe, Velda engaged him in combat and split him into three separate entities. Despite this, the middle one persisted in his desire for destruction and chaos, leading Velda to seal him away. As far as I know, the other two are establishing their kingdom - the kingdom of Giants.

A few centuries ago, Guy was summoned into the material world for the first time.

Upon his summoning, he swiftly laid waste to two nations and underwent an evolution into a True Demon Lord. His unique skill, [Pride], also underwent a transformation into [Prideful King: Lucifer], an ultimate skill from the Sin series. Following his evolution into a True Demon Lord, he attained a level of strength comparable to Velgrynd.

(A.N. In my story, Guy has achieved remarkable strength, surpassing even Velgrynd and capable of holding his own against Velzard, who is also stronger than her cannon self. This enhancement stems from his earlier naming in the underworld, granting him the status of a Demon Peer prior to his summoning. As a result, he has transcended the limitations of his cannon self and attained unprecedented power.)

I have access to this information through our soul corridor, which grants me insight into the abilities and existence values of individuals connected to me.

Guy's ultimate skill is notably formidable. Over time, he further evolved his [Space-Time Manipulation] into [Space-Time Domination], bolstering its power. Additionally, his skill possesses the unique ability to replicate others' skills, along with a range of supplementary sub-skills.

Overall, his skill is like this:

Prideful King: Lucifer


(1) Thought Acceleration: Accelerates the user's thought processing speed up to a factor of a million.

(2) Analytical Appraisal: Analyzes and assesses the target.

(3) Chant Annulment: Eliminates the need for chanting when using magic.

(4) All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

(5) Skill Copy [Consumes 8% Max Magicules]: The ability to copy others' skills just by looking and understanding them. It can even copy ultimate skills. (Excluding God level skills.Understanding skill will become easy by using Analytical Appraisal)

(6) Space-Time Domination: It allows the user complete control over the Elements of Space and Time, allowing them to perform Space-Time Connection and Instant Motion easily.

(7) Law Manipulation: It enables the manipulation of the laws of the world from either a magical or scientific perspective. How effectively it is used depends on the user's abilities. If the user is not in possession of sufficient affinity for the respective laws or not in possession of enough knowledge about the scientific or magical laws and the way they operate, they will not be able to fully bring out the skill's power.

And after following his newfound strength, Guy, perhaps in a moment of overconfidence, challenged Velda, believing that his acquisition of an ultimate skill would grant him victory, akin to my own experience. However, unlike myself, Guy's single ultimate skill proved insufficient against Velda, who effortlessly emerged victorious.

It's worth noting that while Velda may be weaker than me, it doesn't diminish his status as a True Dragon and a God.

Even after relinquishing his Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence, Veldanava remained the pinnacle of strength until my emergence. That's why he was called "The Holy Will of Nature: The Star King Dragon: Veldanava."

Despite Guy's defeat, Velda was impressed by his potential and offered him a unique role - that of the world's mediator. In this capacity, Guy enjoys the freedom to pursue his own endeavors while ensuring the maintenance of world balance.

Upon learning of Guy's newfound connection with Velda, Velz sought him out and engaged him in battle. Despite Guy's considerable strength, Velz emerged victorious, albeit with some effort.

Following her triumph, Velz chose to accompany Guy, and they now reside together in the northern reaches of the world. Additionally, Guy summoned Rain and Misery to serve him as his loyal servants.

Interestingly, prior to Guy's summoning, when they all resided in the underworld, Rain and Misery challenged Guy to a duel. The terms were simple: the loser would become the winner's servant. Ultimately, Guy emerged victorious, and since then, Rain and Misery have faithfully served him.

Over the course of several centuries, Guy's strength has undergone remarkable development, now enabling him to surpass Velgrynd in combat prowess and offer a formidable challenge to Velz, though he falls short of defeating her outright.

Upon Guy achieving the status of Demon Lord, Velda took a human named Rudra under his wing, instructing him in various martial disciplines and guiding his growth. Rudra's journey culminated in his transformation into the First True Hero, hailed as The Hero of the Beginning.

Velgrynd, intrigued by Rudra's accomplishments, engaged him in combat and was astonished to find herself defeated by him. Subsequently, she opted to align herself with Rudra, and together, they dwell in the eastern part of the world.

Meanwhile, Velz and Velgrynd have cultivated a friendly rivalry reminiscent of sibling dynamics, adding depth to their relationship without turning adversarial.

It's understandable to wonder why Velz and Velgrynd didn't show the same level of interest in me, especially since I've fought and defeated them before.

It feels unfair to me!!

<<Actually master, they stayed with you for trillions of years, and I can't see anything unfair here.>>

Alright! Alright!, I understand.

I also speculate that their rivalry may have been influenced by their interactions with the Hero and Guy.(Wrong Assumption)

(A.N. After reading the above sentence, it's important to note that Rimuru isn't portrayed as dense in this story. Their relationship will begin to develop in the next few chapters.)

Following their departure, Velda also found companionship with the sister of the hero, Lucia. Initially reserved, he mustered the courage to confess his feelings after a conversation with me, ultimately leading to their marriage. They now reside alongside the hero.

With everyone gone, only Veldora and I remained behind. We relocated from the God's Mountain to the Great Jura Forest, where I constructed a smaller replica of our previous home.

The absence of our companions left a void in our daily routines, particularly in maintaining the household chores. Initially reluctant, I persuaded Velzard, Velgrynd, and Veldora to share the responsibilities. However, their departure left Veldora and me overwhelmed.

To alleviate the burden, I decided to summon a demon from my lineage. Although I initially considered summoning one of my servants responsible for managing my territory, I recalled my promise to Diablo.

After summoning him, I accepted Diablo as my subordinate. Initially hesitant due to my promise, I ultimately decided to summon him to prevent potential future annoyance.

In the underworld, Guy and Diablo were evenly matched in strength. However, upon entering the material world, Guy surpassed Diablo in power.

Despite his initial weaker state upon summoning, I took it upon myself to train Diablo, alongside Veldora, to alleviate my boredom. Through our training regimen, Diablo's strength increased, though he remained slightly inferior to Velgrynd.

But some years ago driven by curiosity, I conducted an experiment to explore the potential of individuals capable of evolving into True Demon Lords but lacking a demon lord seed. To this end, I created and bestowed 100,000 (100k) souls upon Diablo. Remarkably, he successfully evolved into a True Demon Lord, attaining power on par with Guy.

Before his evolution, Diablo had acquired another unique skill, [Seeker]. During his evolution process, Ciel intervened, merging his two unique skills into the ultimate skill [Temptation King: Azazel].

With his newfound status, Diablo's ultimate skill became one of the most potent in existence. His mastery extended to his evolved [Space-Time Manipulation], now [Space-Time Domination], and [Law Manipulation], now [Law Domination].

Despite not possessing a God series ultimate skill, Diablo's proficiency with his ultimate skill has elevated it to a level comparable to those in the God series, making him a formidable presence in the world.

Overall his skill is like this:

Temptation King: Azazel


(1) Thought Acceleration: Accelerates the user's thought processing speed up to a factor of a million.

(2) Analytical Appraisal: Analyzes and assesses the target.

(3) Chant Annulment: Eliminates the need for chanting when using magic.

(4) All of Creation: The ability to comprehend any non-concealed phenomena in this world.

(5) Universal Sense: Universal Sense allows for the perception of nearly all things within a wide radius. It is an enhanced version of Magic Sense with superior sensory capabilities, allowing the user to perceive not only light and sound but also smell and heat in an extremely wide radius.

(6) Demon Lord's Haki: It combines the effects of the Extra Skills Haki and Magic Aura and allows the user's aura to exert a powerful spiritual pressure over their targets and inflict them with potentially lethal magical effects. It is possible for one to immediately perish if they are too weak, or cause one to lose their sanity.

(7) Law Domination: Gives the user absolute control over all laws of the world, magical or scientific, from the five basic Elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, and Space, down to the properties of gravity, heat, and inertia, etc.

(8) Space-Time Domination: It allows the user complete control over the Elements of Space and Time, allowing them to perform Space-Time Connection and Instant Motion easily.

(9) Multi-Dimensional Barrier: It is a barrier-type skill that achieves Absolute Defense through the utilization of an always active Multilayer Barrier in combination with Dimension Fault, the upgraded version of Distortion Field. It boasts a foolproof defense against physical, elemental, and emission-type attacks. While there are attacks that could potentially break it, if the user is able to analyze the nature of the oncoming attack, they can adjust the barrier to block it. Its performance is above that of even Uriel's Absolute Guard.

(10) Temptation World: Originally, it allows the user to affect the target's consciousness and spirit, but it was further developed by Diablo to materialize a virtual world which the user has total control over.

*Reality Exchange: Allows the user to twist the truth and switches anything that happens in the virtual world with the real world.

(11) Charm Domination: It allows the user to hypnotize and temporarily control the thoughts of their target with suggestions. It can be 100% effective on the people who do not possess an ultimate skill. And on the ultimate skill holders, the effect will be decreased.

(12) Punitive Domination.

He also possesses the ability to draw upon a small portion of [Turn Null] energy from me through our soul corridor. Though limited in quantity, this infusion significantly bolsters his strength, enabling him to contend with Velz with relative ease. However, exceeding this threshold risks the collapse of his existence. Yet, with each exposure, his body gradually acclimates to the [Turn Null] energy, hinting at his potential to harness greater power in the future.

Currently, Diablo stands as a formidable force, surpassing Guy in strength and rivaling Velz in power. However, should Guy's ultimate skill evolve into a God series ultimate skill, he too would ascend to their echelon of power.

Notably, both Guy and Diablo possess the ability to traverse the Suspended World, signifying their status as [Digital Nature] beings.

In a moment of nostalgia, I paid Guy a visit, longing for the companionship of Velz, whom I dearly missed. Though our relationship remains platonic, our bond teeters on the brink of a deeper connection, akin to a burgeoning romance. The same sentiment extends to my dynamic with Grynd.

I recall an incident, the accidental encounters of witnessing them in a naked state, an unexpected occurrence, to be sure.

As I wandered through the corridors of our abode, I couldn't help but notice an open door leading to their private quarters. Intrigued by what lay beyond, I cautiously approached, only to be met with a scene that left me momentarily stunned.

Their casual nudity, though unintended on my part, offered a glimpse into their vulnerability and a reminder of our shared humanity. Despite my inadvertent intrusion, they responded with understanding and grace, dispelling any notion of discomfort or embarrassment.

Reflecting on this peculiar incident, I'm reminded of the unique dynamics that define our companionship—a blend of camaraderie, respect, and lighthearted humor. It's moments like these that add depth to our relationship, fostering a sense of closeness and mutual trust.

I wonder if in the future, we'll develop such a romantic relationship. Either way, I'm open to it.

<<They're worthy of being with you, Master, so I concur. If they wish to be by your side, they're welcome.>>

Now even Ciel is also in agreement. Well, I'll ponder that later.It seems that Guy is becoming a bit too ambitious, so I'll need to bring him back down to earth.

Velz also mentioned that Guy and the hero Rudra are engaged in a peculiar game on the grand stage of the world. Rather than direct confrontation, they manipulate others as pawns to outmaneuver each other.

It's akin to a game of chess, but in this scenario, living beings serve as pawns, and the world itself becomes the chessboard, a grand stage for their strategic maneuvers.

Following that, Velda and Lucia welcomed their daughter, Milim, into the world. But tragically, they both passed away not long after her birth.

I've yet to meet her, but I've sensed her going on a rampage. To prepare, I've told Ciel to gather her pet dragon's soul as a precaution.


And that's the end, that's all for this chapter.

Tell me how the chapter is in the comments. It really motivates me to write new chapters.

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