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22.72% Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest! / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: The Birth of The Fifth True Dragon: The Void Dragon.

Bab 13: Chapter 13: The Birth of The Fifth True Dragon: The Void Dragon.

'From Previous Chapter'

<<Don't worry master because analysis of individual Veldanava's True Dragon Factor has been completed. And also integration of master's skills is also completed. Now evolving into True Dragon is possible so would you like to evolve into True Dragon ?>>

>>If I were to evolve right now then I will be able to take this attack head on, right ?<<

<<Yes. It will be an easy task.>>

>>Then start my evolution into True Dragon.<<


<<Understood. But master I suggest to undo the [True Dragon Release] and restore master's magicules to it's full count.>>

>>Why is that ?<<

<<In doing that master can reach to the optimal evolution.>>

>>I see. In that case create a communication link between me and the three dragon siblings.<<

<<Understood. Creating link between master and three dragon siblings.... successfull master can talk to them while using [Thaught Acceleration].>>

>>That's good.<<

'Hey guy's can you here me ?'(Rimuru)

'Rimuru do something or else the world will be doomed!!!!!'(Veldora)

'Jeez calm down Veldora.'(Rimuru)

'Yes calm down Veldora. And Rimuru do something about it we can't do anything now you are the only one who can do something.'(Velzard)

'Yes, yes. Big brother has lost his mind do something hurry up!!'(Velgrynd)

'Calm down guys, I will save all of you. This attack is nothing. I just want you guys for something.'(Rimuru reassuringly)

'What is it?'(Velzard)

'I want to undo the [True Dragon Release] and restore my energy to it's full. So you guy's just have to return to me '.(Rimuru)

'Wait!! All this time you are fighting with being low on energy ?'(Velgrynd)


'And how actually we returning to you make your energy to it's full?'(Velzard)

'Actually when I absorbed you the three True Dragons that time I (Ciel) completely analysed you and turned you into my energy and ultimate skills. And if I (Ciel) didn't convert you into ultimate skills you were dead already and need to resurrect again like you naturally should be. But because I converting you into an ultimate skill you can live even after dieing through using my energy as your own. But it is possible to take you back and restore my energy to it's full count.'(Rimuru)

'So basically we are using your energy all this time ?' (Velgrynd)

'Yes and No.'(Rimuru)

'I don't understand anything!!'(Veldora)

'It's like this Veldora, I have analysed you and turned you into ultimate skills which work like your heart and the energy that I gained when I absorbed all of you is essentially yours. It's just like I am giving the energy that I absorbed from you giving back to you and after using [True Dragon Release] you can use that energy however you want you can also grow strong, get skills and become more stronger than before. So basically that's it.'(Rimuru)

'I see now I get it.'(Veldora, Velzard and Velgrynd in unison)

'Then I would like to undo the [True Dragon Release]'(Rimuru)

'Well don't worry you can count on me!!!'(Veldora)

'Well I guess we can do that.'(Velzard and Velgrynd unsure.)

'Ok them I am going to undo the [True Dragon Release]'(Rimuru)

>>Ciel do it.<<

<<Understood, undoing the [True Dragon Release].>>

When Ciel undo the [True Dragon Release] Rimuru's magicules suddenly increased but they are still less than Veldanava's.

Veldanava's current existence value is 660,505,800 and it's still constantly increasing because of the Stardust energy.

While on the other hand Rimuru's existence value is also increased drastically by undoing the [True Dragon Release]. His total current existence value is around 325,805,500 and it's still constantly increasing because of the [Turn Null]energy.

(Rimuru 125,805,500+200,000,000 True Dragon Release)

Just as Rimuru's energy reached to it's full count Ciel started Rimuru's evolution into True Dragon and at same time one announcement was heard by the whole world be it heaven, hell, spritual world, material world, outer world or whatever place is it in the Tensura World and that is,

{Notice: The birth of the new True Dragon the fifth True Dragon in existence and first True Dragon of nothingness. The embodiment of nothingness 'The Void Dragon' has been born.}

That's what the Voice Of The World announced to the whole Cardinal World.

'Rimuru POV:'

What is happening why is the voice of the world is announcing my evolution. I just made promise with Veldanava some time ago and now the Voice Of The World made this announcement!! How am I gonna keep my identity secret now???

And why didn't Ciel stopped the announcement??? Did she intentionally let the announcement go on??

You know what screw everything!!!! I don't care anymore!!!

Well one thing is good and that is it didn't announced my name.

'Third Person POV:'

And with that Rimuru's evolution of True Dragon started and his body started to glow.

Just as the voice of the world announced that, it continued but this time it was only heard by True Dragons.

{Changing species from Primordial Demon to True Dragon.... successfull.

Merging Material(Physical) and Spritual bodies..... successfull now individual Rimuru Tempest can stay in spritual and material world without needing any physical body.}

{All physical abilities has enhanced greatly. Magical capacity has enhanced greatly.}

{Acquiring intrinsic skills of True Dragon species.... successfull. New intrinsic skills Dragon Spirit Haki, Universal Sence, Universal Shapshift has been acquired. Acquiring True Dragon Magic... successfull. New True Dragon magic 'Void Magic' has been acquired. Integrating previous 'Void Magic' into new 'True Dragon Magic: Void Magic'...successful. Requiring all previous skills....successfull. all previous skills required. Requiring all previous nullifications..... successfull. All previous resistances and nullifications has been required. Acquiring additional Mental Attack Nullification..... successfull Mental Attack Nullification has been acquired.That concludes the evolution.}

But it seems Ciel has some different plans,

<<I on the name of Manas: Ciel order you the Voice Of The World to grant a Dragon Form and a gender: male to individual Rimuru Tempest!>>

{Request confirmed acquiring (True) Dragon form.... successfull now individual Rimuru Tempest can change between human form and Dragon form freely. Giving gender male to individual Rimuru Tempest.... successfull.}

Just as Rimuru's evolution completed his magicules skyrocketed. Right now his magicules count is greater than Veldanava's (suppressed) magicules count and it's still constantly increasing by [Turn Null] energy.

And after evolving into True Dragon he can use the [Turn Null] energy as his own energy just like Veldanava uses his Stardust energy.

After finishing his evolution Rimuru started to release a aomounous aura which screams Death, Despair, Destruction, Dominance, Power and authority. Which started to shake the whole world violently. But Ciel managed to retract his aura as much as possible.

Now the light is died down we can see Rimuru floting in the air. Now he has a pair of draconic wings sprouted on his back and a sword in his hand and a calm expression on his face.

His appearance is also changed. His face now more looks like a male his body is also become more manly than before. His height is now also increased it is now 183cm (6 fit.). He appeared to the age between 18-20 male. with long silvery bluish colour hair. Long enough to reach a little more than his lower back.

Right now his main outfit consists of black pants and a black sleeveless long shirt accented with white boots and white stripes respectively. The arms have black detached long sleeves with golden ornaments at the top as well as a golden collar piece around the neck. The white rope-like belt has a metal loop at the back for the purpose of tying the scabbard of a sword.(AKA True Dragon outfit from LN.)

All in all he became more beautiful and handsome than before.

His sword also has three different coloured diamond like things in it. This things are [True Dragon Nucleation] one of Rimuru's skill.

Right now Rimuru had turned the three True Dragon's Veldora, Velzard and Velgrynd into Nuclear crores and combined them with his sword.

Right now Rimuru's sword is strongest sword in the world. His sword has reached the same rank as Veldanava's sword a Genesis grade sword. The existence value of his sword alone is 230 M.

(sword 15 M+215 M True Dragon Nucleation)

(True Dragon siblings get some boost in power because of them being connected with Rimuru and Rimuru's evolution.)

In addition to that his body is also become as strong as mythical grade metal.

Just as the light died down Rimuru brought his hand in front of him and said these words in a calm voice as if the attack which is heading towards him, which could destroy the world if he dodged it is nothing,

"Devour all things, [Void God : Azathoth]"

For the first time in this world, the ultimate and most powerful skill in entire existence bared its fangs in this world.

The attack that could destroy the world in matter of seconds was completely devoured in just tenth part of a second.

<<Devoured energy has been stored into [Imaginary Space]. Turning stored energy into master energy..... successfull.>>

And just like that Rimuru's magicules count is increased by almost 100,000,000(100 M).

Seeing this Veldanava was completely shoked because he was sure that he can defeat Rimuru with this attack . But he completely forgot about his shock and started to laugh wholeheartedly.

At this point Veldanava has realised that Rimuru has already surpassed the current him(suppressed state). And he can no longer defeat him by using offensive moves. So he decided to use [Castel Gaurd] for the time being and wait for the opportunity.

But sadly he don't know that [Castel Gaurd] is no problem for the current Rimuru.

>>Hey Ciel is there any way for me to break Veldanava's barrier ?<<

<<Master after completing the integration and masters evolution into True Dragon master's ultimate skills has been strengthened than before. Now one of the sub-skill of [Azathoth] [Eyes Of Destruction] can destroy, Nullify/Erase anything. And if master uses that skill then master can destroy the [Castle Guard] of Veldanava easily.>>

>>I see, thanks for the help partner. And one more thing I love you.<<

<<...>>(Ciel's exp. has stopped working.)


After finishing his talk with Ciel Rimuru closed his eyes and looked towards Veldanava and smirked.

"I guess it's time for me to get serious huh.. it was a good fight Veldanava but it's time to end this battle." Rimuru said.

As Rimuru said that he opened his eyes and a strange red pattern appeared in his golden eyes.

Just as Rimuru opened his eyes Veldanava's [Castel Gaurd] shattered like it's made of glass.

Seeing his unbreakable and strongest barrier in the world [Castel Gaurd] shattering in front of his eyes Veldanava was shoked. Because it's the first time that anyone has managed to break the [Castel Gaurd].

Now Veldanava understand that he don't stand a chance against the current Rimuru. Maybe if had tried before his evolution he will be able to defeat Rimuru or if stop suppressing his power and stop holding back then he can also defeat Rimuru but he won't because if he did that then the world will get some serious damage and even Rimuru can recreate the world Veldanava didn't want to take risk about it. So he decided to fight in his this state and see what is going to happen.

Even though Veldanava has this kind of thoughts but he is unaware that even if with Rimuru's evolution into True Dragon his existence value is lower than him but with his evolution his battle/fighting prowess has increased by unimaginable times. So even if Rimuru has less existence value than Veldanava's overall existence value but still Rimuru can defeat him.

And Rimuru can defeat Veldanava despite having less existence value is because in this world once existence value doesn't determine how strong they are or the outcome of the battle, because if someone has less existence value and more experience and fighting prowess than his opponent then he can defeat his opponent who has more existence value than him and here is the same case.

But even if this is the case, Veldanava's pride won't allow him to admit defeat so easily that's why he drew his sword once more and prepared to fight with Rimuru once again.

But he suddenly stopped because he remember something that might be useful. Thinking along with this lines Veldanava said to Rimuru,

"Yes you are right Rimuru, So far fighting with you is a fun and I really enjoyed this fight but it's time to end this battle!!"

The chances are very slim but not zero so he decided to go with it. With this he made his move. And activated [Time Stop].

This is an Art that utilizes the power of Time Manipulation to stop the flow of time entirely for a short duration. It costs an immense amount of energy to keep active but it's not a problem to Veldanava because he have nearly infinite amount of magicules. It also offers nigh absolute victory against those who cannot "move" in the stopped world.

Just as he activated [Time Stop] the flow of time is completely frozen for all over Tensura World, resulting in a place where the laws of physics don't fully apply called the Stopped World/Suspended World. In this place only Information Particles can move freely and without any restrictions.

With this everyone arround the world freeze to their place because at this time only two beings can move in the suspended world and they are Veldanava and Ivaraj.

(A.N. even though Velzard have ultimate skill which allows her to move in Suspended world she didn't mastered that ability yet. That's why she can't move in the suspended world yet.)

Now seeing that Rimuru is unable to move in Suspended World Veldanava started to move towards Rimuru to attack him.

'Rimuru POV:'

So cool!!!! this new eyes are soo cool!!!!

I guess evolving into True Dragon and upgrading my skills does make me stronger. This fight is fun so far.

But sadly I have to end this battle now because if we don't stop then the world might get destroyed.

"Yes you are right Rimuru, So far fighting with you is a fun and I really enjoyed this fight but it's time to end this battle!!" Veldanava said to me.

I guess he also wants to end this battle. That mean this attack will be our last attack.

With that in mind, I readied my sword. Decided to finish this fight in the next move but,

The moment I heard Veldanava's Voice, I stopped moving. No, it wasn't just me who stopped.

The whole world had stopped. I can feel it but I can't move at all.

What is happening ?

>>Ciel do you know anything about this ?<<

<<It seems that individual Veldanava has stopped the time. Yes this is definitely the ability called [Time Stop].>>

Hah?!!! Hah!!!!!

We can't win like this! This is a foul!!

It may be acceptable in manga or anime, that we can win even if opponent can stop time, but in real life, it's just shocking and a inevitable defeat.

Because those who cannot reach the 'suspended world' are no match for those who can no matter how strong they are.

In fact, there was nothing I could do. Besides feel that time has stopped.

I thought that after gaining this much power, after becoming stronger than Veldanava I will not lose. But I guess it's inevitable when the enemy can stop time.

Wait a minute,

>>If time has already stopped, then how are we even having this conversation?<<

<<That's because I am part of master and exist in master's soul and not outside in the world.

And thanks to gathered information from Veldanava we can now recognize a suspended world! I am also trying to find a way to move inside the suspended world.>>>

>>Seriously! As expected of my Ciel!<<

<<hehe>>(a smug face)

>>Well what kind information you get from Veldanava anyway ?<<

<<I get all the information of Virtue series and Sin series skills along with some other skills. Along with the ultimate skill [Creation Lord Ahura : Mazda], also I have analysed Stardust energy and now it is possible to use that energy but because of master having [Turn Null] energy master didn't need that energy.>>

<<I see well this creation lord skill sounds pretty strong and what is exactly Virtue series and Sin series skills anyway ? And please keep it simple.<<

<<Understood, Virtue Series Ultimate Skills are a skill that are based around the seven virtues. It seems to be using words analogous to both the Four Cardinal Virtues and Three Theological Virtues, and also from the second set of Seven Heavenly Virtues that are meant to oppose the Seven Deadly Sins.

While on the other hand Sin Series Ultimate Skill are a skills that are based around the seven deadly sins. They are considered to be the most power of the Ultimate Skills that an individual can obtain, only inferior to the ones having the label 'God' in them.

Sin series skills have their counterparts in Virtue series skills and also Virtue series skills have their counterparts in Sin series skills. Their counterparts are;

(1) [Knowledge King Raphael] = [Gluttonous King Beelzebub]

(2) [Covenant King Uriel] = [Pridefull King Lucifer]

(3) [Justice King Michael] = [Wrathfull King Satanal]

(4) [Patience King Gabriel[ = [Envious King Leviathan]

(5) [Charity King Raguel] = [Greedy King Mammon]

(6)[Hope King Sariel] = [Slothfull King Belphegor]

(7) [Purity King Metatron] = [Lustfull King Asmodeus].>>

>>Damn.. I have both Sin and Virtue series skills from the beginning. Is there any difference between Knowledge King and Wisdom King Raphael ? And a quick question what are the top three strongest skills ?<<

<<Yes Wisdom King Raphael is better version of Knowledge King Raphael. And the top three strongest ultimate skills in Virtue series is;

(1) Knowledge/Wisdom King : Raphael

(2) Covenant King : Uriel.

(3) Justice King : Michael.

And the top three strongest Sin series skill are;

(1) Pridefull King : Lucifer.

(2) Gluttonous King : Beelzebub.

(3) Wrathfull King : Satanal.>>

(A.N. this is based on my opinion.)

Hey wait a minute how is my filed of vision returned suddenly ? And I can hear things. Is this someone flying?

<<It's because I am manipulating the information particles which are unaffected by time or space and can transmit information to any point in time. This means that they can transmit information even in a suspended world.>>

>>Could you tell me in a less complicated way, please ?<<

<<Humph. Okay in short, the "information particle" is not affected by space-time, so it can move in any situation. That's why, by interfering with the information particle as a substitute for magicules, we can maintain our vision and share our information with others.>>

>>In other words, interfering with the information particle is not enough to move in this situation.<<

<<Yes, but worry not master because I am analysing Information Particals and trying to find a way to move in Suspended World.>>

>>I see then I should try to buy some time for you.<<

"Damn.. Veldanava I didn't thaught that you could able to stop time." I said to him.

After establishing a 'telepathy net' with him.

Right now what I am doing is, I am putting my intention on the "information particle" and hit the other person. In this case Veldanava.

Ciel could now interfere with the information particle, so it's possible to do that.

The reason why I could see what was going on around me now is because I wasreflecting the information particles.

I wondered whether or not the speed of the information particles was constant in this 'Suspended World' though?

"You.. how can you talk in Suspended World but can't move ?" Veldanava asked me it seems he is confused about it.

"Well I am interfering with Information Particals in the surroundings and putting my intentions on it and hitting you that Information Particals. It's quite simple thing." I replied coolly to him.

"You!! Rimuru you are full of surprises. No wonder Veldora decided to become friends with you." He said to me in a jovial voice.

<<Master analysis of Information Particals has been completed. Now it is possible to evolve into a 'Digital Life Form'. Would you like to evolve into 'Digital Life Form'?>>


<<Understood, starting masters evolution into 'Digital Life Form'.>>

Just as Ciel said that to me, my fingertips starting twitch and little by little, I felt my senses returning from all corners of my body.

Truly it's a blessing to have a partner like Ciel whom I can count on any time.

And before a second could pass I was able to move my body again.

"I guess I am really full of surprises. Now let's end this battle." I said to him.

'Third Person POV:'

Just as Rimuru said that he moved from his spot and readied himself to confront Veldanava.

While Rimuru was doing that Veldanava was completely shoked and surprised by Rimuru. He was shoked and surprised because how fast Rimuru can adapt to any situation. This fact alone him terrified of Rimuru.

Now he understand that why Rimuru have potential to surpass him.

Veldanava knew that at this point of battle keeping time stopped will be just a waste of energy. Because if opponent can also move in the stopped time then there is not any advantage of keeping time stopped. So he released the suspended world and the time started again.

But this didn't even affect Rimuru. As he charged towards Veldanava. And they clashed once again in a deadly swordfight.

Veldanava knew that at this point he can't win this fight no matter what then even if he release his all power. Because right now Rimuru has surpassed him in every way possible.

But his pride won't allow him to get defeated so easily that's why he engaged in swordfight with Rimuru.

After some time they separated. Veldanava had some bruises on his body while on the other hand Rimuru don't have a single scratch on him.

Rimuru had enough of this fight now his desire for battle also fulfilled. And that's why he thaught that this is the time to end this battle.

"This was a greatest and the tuffest fight I ever had in my life, my friend Veldanava. I am grateful to you that you decided to fight me and because of that I am able to learn many things in this fight and I have became very strong too. But this is the time to end this battle. But to honer you I will show you the greatest sword technique I have ever made!!! So prepare yourself to die because I will be the one who will rise as a victor!!!!" Rimuru said to Veldanava showing respect to him for giving this good fight to him.

"This is also the greatest fight I ever had Rimuru. I am also grateful to you for giving me this much of good fight." Veldanava also show his appreciation to Rimuru.

"Now this will end this fight, "Void Collapse : World of a Thousand Blooming Changes." Rimuru said and attacked Veldanava.

This attack is where he coated his sword with a lot of [Turn Null] energy. And attacked with such precision and showed such mastery over his sword that no one would tell that he is using this attack in a actual fight for the first time.

Rimuru and Ciel made this attack when they were bored and nothing else to do. So they combined bunch of sword techniques from different mangas and also created some techniques from the scratch and created this technique, the deadliest sword techniques to be ever created. And it made it even more deadlier by adding the [Turn Null] energy.

As if in courtesy to those who would soon perish, Rimuru generously revealed it to the world for the first time.

It was a terrifying technique.

The trajectory of the sword changed in thousands upon thousands of directions, slicing through the enemy who is right now Veldanava with elusive movements.

It's power is impeccable, and it scattered the target like a flower. It was out of the realm of human's and any Demon Lord's reach and seemed impossible for even True Dragon.

The toughness of a True Dragon, combined with the mastery over the technique, must have enabled him to achieve such an incomprehensible sword technique.

Veldanava realized that his body was disintegrating. And before he had time to think about anything his body started to turn into light particals.

Rimuru appeared in front of him and said,

"Anything you would like to say before you die ?"

"This is the greatest battle I ever have in my life. Thanks for giving me this fight." Veldanava said to Rimuru.

And just like that Veldanava's soul left his current body and went some distance from there.

But before the remaining energy that is remain after defeat of Veldanava could completely diapers Rimuru brought his hand infront and said,

"Devour all things [Azathoth]!!"

And just like before all the energy that was left behind which was around 500,000,000 (500 M) and the released magicules in between Rimuru's and Veldanava's fight were absorbed by Rimuru.

And that's how the fight between The Creator Of The World VS The Ruler Of The Void ended.

This day was known throughout the whole Cardinal World as a, "The Battle between God's".


And that's end.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

And about why Veldanava's soul leave his current body and went somewhere else to get resurrect. I will tell you about that in the next chapter.

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