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20.31% Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest! / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: The Meeting Between The Creator and The Chaos Creator.

Bab 11: Chapter 11: The Meeting Between The Creator and The Chaos Creator.

'From Previous Chapter'

<<Understood.... Master it is specifically designed to summon you and it seems the summoner is Star King Dragon Veldanava.>>

>>Veldanava huh.. I should answer it. He is probably made his decision and wanted to confront me.<<

Ok then let's go. Finally it's time to meet you, Veldanava.


'Veldanava POV:'

Right now I am here on my mountain, the Gods mountain. Now I am thinking of summoning him because it's been 4000 years since I am watching him. And so far he didn't do anything unusual or bad things.

He is just like the person that I saw in the future when I had my Omniscience. If I am correct then he should have been reincarnated after 20,000 years later of my daughter's evolution into True Demon Lord.

That time I just wanted to see that the future is good or what. That's why I look one last time in the future and there I saw that I got married to a human. Her name is Lucia I think. Then I also have a daughter her name is Milim but sadly I make a dumb rule that said that 'God must love equally to everyone' and because I loved my daughter and wife more than anyone I got killed.

I know that after knowing it I can change the rule before giving up my Omniscience and Omnipresence and Omnipotence. But if I do that then there is a chance that I won't be able to marry Lucia and and have Milim. So that's why I didn't change the rule and let it be.

Even if I die after Milim's birth I am ok with it. Because as long as she she can live a happy life it doesn't matter that I live or die.

I don't care if after my death this world remain peaceful or enter in chaos or I don't care if this world get destroyed either because as long as my daughter can live a happy life then there is nothing that I want. And I am sure that he will make sure that she lives a happy life then even if it means he needs to save the world then he will do it because I know that he will, so I don't have anything to worry about.

I am ok with it as long as my daughter is safe and fine. Right now she is not born yet but still I love her she is my daughter after all. I also saw that in future she will lose her friends and go on the rampage and awaken as a True Demon Lord.

I know that it must be painful for her but in this world if you want to live you need to become strong. She will be strong from the birth because I am a True Dragon and also she will receive my power, but she won't be able to use that power till she awoken.

And I saw that when she awoken as a True Demon Lord she really become strong, strong enough that if she go all out without holding anything back then no one can beat her until he will born.

I saw how she was lonely for nearly 20,000 years but after this much time he born with potential to even surpass me. And he became best friends with my daughter and make her happy again. If I remember correctly then his name is Rimuru. I was happy for her.

But 4,000 year's ago a soul suddenly travelled from future to past and reincarnate here as a primordial demon. When I first saw that soul I was surprised because it was the same soul as Milim's best friends soul.

First I was shoked that how is this possible that The Voice Of The World reincarnate him as a primordial. If I remember correctly then he was supposed to reincarnate as a slime and not a demon and at that a primordial one. It's too early for him to born. I know that's him because I can see that he still has potential to become stronger than me.

First I thought that he is someone else but then I thought that the Voice Of The World must have fulfilled his request to reincarnate in the past or something like that. So that's why I started to watch over him to make sure that he is the one that I saw.

At first he lived a normal life like a human but when he met other primordials his demon part showed and he started to fight them.

He was pretty strong for a primordial but then in a fight with Noir and Rouge he suddenly evolved into an Demon Peer which should be impossible for a primordial who doesn't have a name yet.

After that I was sure that he is the one. But still I decided to watch some more time. And after that he was summoned few times and he fulfilled his contract without any problem and he didn't even kill humans for a body.

And then he met Veldora. First I thaught that it was a coincidence but then he befriended Veldora. And he even got a name which is Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest and evolved into True Demon Lord.

That time I was hundred percent sure that he is the one that should be born in the future. And he even take Veldora's Dragon Factor.

That time I knew it that he is planning to evolve into True Dragon. But he didn't evolve instantly he waited and after one year he faught Velgrynd and Velzard and took their Dragon Factors too.

Then I understand that he want to analyse all True Dragon's Dragon Factor and then evolve. If he is the one that I know then I don't have any problem with him analysing my Dragon Factor, and I don't have problem with him analysing my Dragon Factor because in this way he will become strong and able to protect my daughter and make her happy. So it's a win-win situation for both of us.

But I won't let him take it for free. I will fight him and make sure that he is worthy to analyse my Dragon Factor. And I am also bored because I don't have anyone who will give me a good fight apart from Ivaraj and he is also don't have ego just a mindless beast. And right now only Rimuru is strong enough to give me a good fight.

But I will make sure that he will be friends with Milim again. And that's why I decided to summon him. Right now with me are Velzard and Velgrynd and I am sure that when I will summon Rimuru, Veldora will sence him and come here.

I have prepared a body made of Hihiirokane matel. Right now it's the strongest metal in this world if we didn't include my sword which is Genesis class. But hey it was made when I was born you know. That's why it became so much strong. The body I have prepared is mythical grade. It will make him more durable which will make our fight more interesting.

Now it's time to summon him.

'Rimuru POV:'

Just as I accepted the summoning, I was teleported somewhere. It seems this spell is different from the previous summoning spells that I know.

Just as I teleported I appeared in some mountain. And I can sence three strong peoples here. I know two of them they are Velzard and Velgrynd then the third must be Veldanava and I after senceing him I can tell that he is a monster. Compare to him Velzard and Velgrynd are nothing. Even though he is suppressing his power I can still sence it. He is absolute beast, I am not even tenth of his power.

After senceing them I turned around to see them and there I saw Velzard and Velgrynd standing with a man. He must be Veldanava.

And there he is standing in front of me. He is 6ft tall in height with galaxy black hairs which had some white dots on it, I think they represent stars. He have blue eyes, two horns on his head with wearing a bluish black robe and a cape on his back.(AKA Veldanava's LN form)

"Hello, Rimuru it's been a while!!!" Velzard greeted me as I turned around.

"Yeah it's been a while." Velgrynd also greeted me.

And I can sence that Veldora is also coming here.

"So we finally meet huh.. You must be Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest. It's nice to finally meet you!!" Veldanava said to me as he take his hand in front of me to handshake.

At this point I am not even surprised that he knows my name.

"Yes I am Rimuru, Rimuru Tempest. And you must be The Star King Dragon Veldanava, the creator of the World. Yeah and it's nice to meet you too." I greeted him while we shake our hands.

"There are few things that I would like to talk with you." He said to me.

I knew it!! I knew it that he want to talk with me. Well it's not like I don't want to, I also have some things to talk with him.

"Yes I also have some things to talk with you. For example why are you watching me for past 4000 years?" I asked him.

"Don't worry, I will answer all of your questions. But first take this body as a medium to stay in material world." He said while a body appeared out of nowhere.

>>Hey Ciel this body is also same matel as my sword, right?<<

<<Yes master. This body has made of the Hihiirokane metal which is mythical grade metal.>>

>>I see.<<

"I would love to take this body, but this body is to valuable to simply give me like this. So what do you need in exchange for this ?" I asked him, because I know that he wouldn't give me this body for nothing.

"You are a sharp one huh.. fine I will tell you I want you to answer all of my questions in return for this body " he said to me.

I knew it. He is suspicious of me and I don't have any problem with answering his questions either. So it won't be problem for me to take this body.

"Fine I will answer all of your questions but I also have some questions for you, will you answer them ?" I asked him.

I have some questions for him and it would be good if he answers them.

"Yes, I will answer your questions. I don't have any problem with it. And one more thing I would also like to fight you and I want you to give your all in fight." He said all the time smiling.

This dude.... Is he serious. Does all the True Dragons are short on brain or what ? Why all of them wants to fight me ? First Veldora then Velgrynd and Velzard and now Veldanava. Why it's always me ? Did I even stand a chance ?

>>Ciel how many chances I have of winning if I were to fight Veldanava?<<

<<I already have analysed every skill of master so now it's possible to use them to it's fullest. And individual Veldanava is not in his prime state because of this master have total 35% chance of winning.>>

(A.N. It's because Rimuru have [Void God : Azathoth] which is strongest skill in existence and also Veldanava is not in his prime he only a fraction of his power compared to his prime self. And Rimuru can his increase magicules using [Turn Null] energy but he also can't use this energy to it's fullest yet.)

>>And what if I evolve into True Dragon Then how many chances are there of my victory?<<

<<If master evolved into True Dragon in the middle of the fright then master has total 50% chances of winning.<<

>>I see then I should accept the fight but before that I should make a deal with him just like Velgrynd and Velzard. But I am not sure that he will accept it tho.<<

<<Master there is another way to analyse the Dragon Factor of individual Veldanava without absorbing him.>>

>>And what is that ?<<

<<If master able to create a soul corridor with individual Veldanava then it will be possible to analyse his Dragon Factor via soul corridor.>>

>>I see. Then I will ask him about it.<<

"I will fight you with only one condition." I said to him.

"And what is that ?" He asked me.

"I want to make a soul corridor with you." I said to him. And it seems he is caught up to what I am thinking.

"You know when I created the world I lose nearly almost all of my power. And also that time my Dragon Factor is also gone to the Void." He said to me.

Well that was not good. But hey it's always ok to try you know.

"I see, so you know what I am planning to do huh." I said to him.

Because if he knows then there is no need to hide anything from him.

"Yes I know about it. And don't worry because I have a link with my Dragon Factor even it is not with me. So you can create a soul corridor with me and analyse it." He said to me.

Well that's good to hear.

>>Ok then Ciel your up.<<

<<Understood, creating a soul corridor between master and individual Veldanava..... successfull. Soul corridor with individual Veldanava has been established. Starting analysis of individual Veldanava along with the Dragon Factor of individual Veldanava.>>

>>Hey!hey! What do you mean by analysis of Veldanava didn't you just wanted to analyse his Dragon Factor<<

<<Yes. But I think he has some useful skills that's why I am going to analyse him. I am doing this only for masters sake does master have any problem with it ?>>

>>Well I don't have any problem with it. But from the next time you should ask them first before starting to analyse them.<<

<<Ok. hehe>> (a smug face)

>>Hey did you just make a smug face!!!!>>

<<No. It's just master imagination.>>

>>In all this year's I had learned that whenever you say that line there is always something.<<


Huh... Why did I see my life flashing in my eyes ? Why do I feel like I am in danger ?

<<It's just your imagination.>>

>>You know what, do whatever you want.<<

>>Hehe mission analysis of all true dragons accomplished. Plus new skill to play for. Hehehe.>>

(In a small voice)

I was going to talk with Veldanava but one idiot decided to make his arrival known.

"Rimuru how are you my friend!!! It's been a long time since we last saw each other!!!!" Veldora came shouted towards me while transforming into his human form.

"I am fine Veldora. How are you buddy!!" I asked him.

Even though he is a problem child I still miss him.

"I am fine. I see that you have acquired a permanent body." Veldora returned my greetings and started to analyse my new body.

"That's it Veldora. Veldora right now I have some things to talk with Rimuru. You can talk with him later. I know how about this Velzard and Velgrynd why don't you go and spend some time with Veldora and in the mean time I will finish my talk with Rimuru here." Veldanava said to Veldora.

He also gave slight glance to Velzard and Velgrynd clearly trying to say that don't interrupt us when we are talking.

"Yes Veldora let's come with us. We have lots of things that we like to teach you." Velzard said to Veldora in a sweet tone and a smile on her face which didn't reach her eyes.

"Yes, yes come with us." Velgrynd also added.

After seeing them Veldora tried to run but they catched him and dragged him somewhere.

Rest in peace Veldora I will remember you. You were a great friend. You may find peace in afterlife

"Now that they are gone come let's talk." Veldanava said to me while gesturing me to come sit in front of him on the rock.

"So let me ask first why are you watching me all this time ?" I asked him first because I wanted to start the conversation first.

"I think it would be good if you tell me everything about you and in return I will tell you what I know. I am pritty sure that if we do that then we will get answers of our questions." He said in a calm voice.

What does he mean by everything ? Didn't he keeping watch on me from the beginning or when he said everything about me, that mean he is talking about my past life ? I should tell him because I don't see any problem with it.

"Well for the start I am a reincarnated person before getting reincarnate...." Long story short I told him everything about me. Leaving the part of my skills and about Ciel hidden. I don't think it will be a good idea to tell anyone about my skills.

"I see now that's the case. Now everything make sense like you getting reincarnate in here in the past." He said and looks like he found out all the answers of his questions.

"What makes sense I didn't get any answer of my questions at all. Tell me everything that you know." I said to making him remember that he also have to tell his part of the story.

"Well I have answers of all your questions. So listen....." He started to tell his part of the story.

Long story short before giving up on his Omniscience and Omnipresence and Omnipotence he thaught of looking in the future for one last time to see that everything is going on good or not.

There he saw that in the future he got married and have a daughter but sadly he died after the birth of his daughter. And his daughter's name is Milim.

He died because he made a rule that said 'God must love equally to everyone' what a stupid rule to make. I am starting to think that all True Dragons have some problem with their brains.

And because he loved his wife and daughter more than everyone he died. And when his daughter is taking birth he lost nearly all of his remaining power because his power went to his daughter Milim.

And that's why he wasn't able to revive himself because of his power is went to Milim the Voice Of The World mistook Milim to him. And that's why Voice Of The World didn't let him revive himself.

After that he told me how Milim lost her pet and go berserk and went on rampage and in that process she evolved into True Demon Lord. And to stop her the first Demon Lord Guy Crimson who is actually Rouge is in the future fight Milim and with the help of the Sprint Queen and Velzard he was able to stop Milim.

After that Milim remain sad because she don't have anyone and after 20,000 years later I was supposed to reincarnate as a slime and later become friends with Milim. He said that after I became friends with Milim she became happy again. And he didn't saw any more in future from that point because he was happy that his daughter become happy.

Well I don't mind being friends with her. But the questions is what should I do in order to not to change the future too much ? And is this even true ?

>>What do you think about all of this Ciel?<<

<<Master I think that what Veldanava is saying is true because if master didn't wished to become a primordial demon then there is 80% chances that master was reincarnated as a slime. So I think what Veldanava is saying is true.>>

I see even Ciel is agreeing with Veldanava.

"I see this answer all of my questions but there is one more question and that is what should I do from now on in order to not to change the future too much ? I mean my presence alone has changed too much." I asked him because I don't have any idea.

"Well we can't do anything about that. Now all we can do is let the time pass by." He said to me.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him because I don't understand what is he saying.

"I mean exactly what I said. We can't do anything now because you are already reincarnated here. So you only have to do one thing and that is wait until my future daughter born. But you have to make sure that not too many peoples know your existence. And you can meet my daughter only after she will evolve into True Demon Lord." He said to me.

"Well I can do that. But why she needs to evolve into True Demon Lord? You know that I can save her pet dragon and won't let her go on rampage, right." I said to him because I don't understand why is there any need for her to evolve into True Demon Lord.

"Well you see even if she recive my power she won't be able to use it until she evolve into True Demon Lord and also here in this world the first rule is 'Survival is the fittest' and if she evolve into True Demon Lord it will be good for her and you can also save her pet dragon right. I also have this feeling that in future she will need it and it's not bad to become strong, right?" He said to me.

Even though she is not born yet he still wants to make sure that she will have a good life what a great father.

"Well I can certainly do that but I have a question who is strong the current me or your future daughter ?" I asked him.

"Well based on what I saw as of right now you are stronger than her but if she go all out without holding back anything then I am not sure who will win." He said to me.

"I see. That's good to know. So now I just need to evolve into True Dragon so in this way I will become stronger than my current self and able to take her under control even if she go on rampage." I said to him.

"So I ask you again Rimuru Tempest will you take care of my siblings and my future daughter in the future." He asked me while bowing.

I can say for sure that he is a good father and brother.

"You don't have to bow for that you know. I am already friends with your siblings and what are you saying is true then I would have been friends with your daughter in the future. So I will gladly become friends with her again. So rest assured I will take care of you siblings and your future daughter." I said to him.

Honestly I don't have any problem with it because right now I am friends with dragon siblings and if I was reincarnated in future and become friends with Milim so I don't mind being friends with her again.

"Thank you for that. Now let's fight."

Well its time I guess but before that I have one more question.

"Hey Veldanava before we fight I have a question that is bugging me for some time. So will you answer it?" I asked him.

"Yes aks away." He replied to me.

"Well my question is why did you need to set the rule that 'God must love equally to everyone' even after knowing because of this rule what is going to happen in the future? Aren't you were a Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent being so it wouldn't be problem for you, would it?" I asked him my question.

Actually it didn't make any sense for him to even after making this rule knowing what is going to happen.

"Well your question is a valid one and the answer of your question is very simple and that is, current me is not as strong as my previous self and I don't want to take any chance when it is for my daughter's happiness." He answered my question.

Now that I think about it what Veldanava said makes sense. I mean he was aware of what is going to happen when he had his Omniscience, Omnipresence and Omnipotence and when he gave up his Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience he lost most of his power so he can't see what is going to happen with her daughter in future. So in order to everything goes as he saw he did as he saw. It makes sense now.

"Well if you get your answer then let's fight now."


And that's it for today's chapter.

Next chapter will be;

'The Creator VS The Ruler Of Void'

Tell me how is this chapter in comments. It really motivates me to write more.

Veldanava's current stat's(suppressed):

Name: Veldanava.

Race: True Dragon {Supreme Divine Sprit} [Digital Lifeform].

Title(s): Star King Dragon, The Creator, Will of God, Holy Will of Nature.

Existance Value (Suppressed): approximately 350,000,350 (350 M)(infinite with Stardust)

(A.N.Veldanava can freely manipulate and use Stardust like it's his own power. Also this is not his total existence value because he is suppressing his power.)

Intrinsic skills: Dragon Spirit Haki, Universal Sense,Universal Shapeshift, Information Partical Manipulation.

(A.N. skills will be explained later in seperate chapter)

Ultimate skills;

1. Justice King : Michael


(1) Armageddon.

(2) Castle Guard.

(3) Regalia Dominion.

(4) Ultimate Dominion.

2. Judgment Lord : Sandalphon


(1) Dispel.

(2) Eraser.

(3) Judgment.

(4) Necrosis.

(5) Remove.

3. Salvation Lord : Azrael

(Information is unavailable/No known information)

4. Judgement Lord : Israfil

(Information is unavailable/No known information)

5. Dominion Lord : Melchizedek

(Information is unavailable/No known information)

6. Purity King : Metatron

(Information is unavailable/No known information)

7. Hope King : Sariel

(Information is unavailable/No known information)

8. Creation Lord : Ahura Mazda

(Information is unavailable/No known information)

(A.N. his other skills are given to other's like True Dragons and Primordial Angels. Also he gave up on his skills like Uriel and some of his other skills because they were taking toll on his soul. He also have all the data of Virtue series and Sin series skills along with Angelic and Demonic series skill and some other skills.)

Magic: Primitive Magic,

True Dragon Magic,

All Magic. (Expect Void Magic.)

Nullification: All types of Nullifications.

(A.N.Can take damage if [Turn Null] is used.)


(1) Sword.

Name: God's Star.

Grade: Genisis Grade.

Existance Value: 40,007,020 (40 M)

'Rimuru's current stat's:'

Name: Rimuru Tempest

Race: Primordial demon{Spiritual being.}(Devil Lord)

Title(s): Chaos Creator, Primordial Silver, Progenitor of the Silver, True Demon Lord.

Nickname: Argent.

Existance Value: 275,505,050 (275.5 M)

(73M Rimuru+ 2.5M Sword+200M True Dragon release)

73,000,050 (73 M)

(+2.5 M sword, +200 M True Dragon release.)

(75M Veldora+ 60M Velgrynd+ 65M Velzard)(A.N. They are not in their prime yet. they can still become strong. Also Rimuru's body is constantly absorbing the [Turn Null] energy that's why he is getting stronger without doing anything.)

Intrinsic skills: Magic Resistance, Material Creation, Possession, Infinite Regeneration,Universal Detect, Demon Lord's Ambition



(1) All of Creation.

(2) Alteration.

(3) Analytical Appraisal.

(4) Attribute Conversion.

(5) Chant Annulment.

(6) Food Chain.

(7) Future Attack Prediction.

(8) Law Domination.

(9) Parallel Operation.

(10) Synthesize/Separate.

(11) Thought Acceleration.

(12) Thought Domination.

(13) World's Knowledge.

Ultimate Skill:

1. Void God : Azathoth


(1) Soul-Gluttony.

(2) Imaginary Collapse.

(3) Imaginary Space.

(4) Food Chain.

(5) True Dragon Release [Storm, Scorch, Frost].

(6) True Dragon Nucleation [Storm, Scorch, Frost].

(7) Eyes of Distruction.

(8) Space-Time Manipulation.

(9) Reality Manipulation.

(10) Life and Death Control.

(11) Multiple Parallel Existence.

(12) Law Domination.

(13) Multi-Dimensional Barrier.

(14) Teleportation.

2. Harvest Lord : Shub-Niggurath


(1) Skill Creation.

(2) Skill Duplication.

(3) Skill Gifting.

(4) Skill Storage.

Extra skills: Hell Flames, Black Lighting, Thought Communication, Perfect Memory. etc.

Magic: Elemental Magic,

Nuclear Magic,

Poison Magic,

Death Magic,

Dark Magic,

Void Magic,

Storm Magic,

Scorch Magic,

Frost Magic.

Nullification: Pain Nullification,

Infinite Soul Regeneration,

Physical Attack Nullification,

Spritual Attack Nullification,

Natural Attack Nullification,

Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification,

Abnormal Condition Nullification.

Word Count = 4.8k

God_RimuruTempest God_RimuruTempest

A.N. Guys my story mostly follows LN and a tiny bit of WN. it's like 98% LN and only 2% WN like some of skill and stuff for example Rimuru's [Traveler] skill. And so Veldanava in my story there is no origin skill present and only ultimate skills are present.

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