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Machine Man 64 One sided battle

As the Praetorian army stood poised for battle, Alex stepped forward, his voice booming across the front gates of Pteron City. The majestic mountain upfront create a distinct sound as his voice echoed throughout the valley.

"Sauron, surrender now and spare your people from further bloodshed," he demanded, his tone firm and unwavering.

But there was no response from the enemy forces. Instead, they stood defiant, their weapons raised in defiance against Alex and his Praetorians.

The Aerians clad in Silver armor surrounding Alex clenched their fists in frustration, cursing the enemy's refusal to surrender. "Damn those heathens!" one of them muttered under his breath.

The Praetorians, fueled by their loyalty to their Emperor, were ready to unleash their fury upon the enemy. "We shall massacre them!" they cried, eager to vanquish their foes.

But Alex raised his hand, commanding his army to stand down. Despite their defiance, he knew that slaughtering the innocent civilians would only result in further loss. He got plans for Savage Land, big plans, a city forever clad in the night.

With an excuse he said, "We cannot afford to squander our resources on senseless violence," his mind racing with calculations.

Turning to Skynet, he issued the command to unleash the Berserk Fury upon the temple where Sauron had taken refuge. "Skynet, target the temple. Destroy it," he ordered, his tone resolute.

Skynet the crimson princess in her for fitting armor, took command of the situation. With a calculated precision, she piloted the Berserk Fury, a fearsome bio-mechanical creation, to unleash its devastating power upon the temple where Sauron sat enthroned.

"Activating Particle beam cannon," Skynet announced, its digital voice echoing across the battlefield.

With a savage ferocity, the Berserk Fury roared as it anchored itself firmly to the ground, its colossal form dominating the landscape. Crafted from precious and rare materials, its mutated metal-organic bones creaked and groaned as it readied itself for the onslaught.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's like a mythical a beast," one Praetorian murmured, his voice tinged with both awe and fear.

"More than that," another replied, his eyes wide with disbelief. "It's like a powerful force of nature created by Princess Sky's brilliance."

As the Berserk Fury's maw began to glow with an ominous dark purple light, gathering a potent charge particle within its depths, the air crackled with anticipation. The top two tripod-like beam projectors on its back swiveled into position, adding to the spectacle. Its tail straitens as it opens the flap on the tails commencing the charge. With a deafening roar that echoed across the mountains, the creature unleashed its power, a blinding flash of light erupting from its jaws as three devastating beams combined into one huge, thick beam of dark purple energy. Hitting the temple it made a blinding light, a circular explosion suddenly appeared and a huge booming sound drowning the whole of savage land.

The Praetorians stood in stunned silence, their awe mingled with a primal fear of the power before them. The enemies, witnessing the destructive force unleashed by the Berserk Fury, trembled in terror, realizing the futility of opposing such a monstrous foe.

"Sauron's temple is no more," Skynet declared, its voice ringing out with authority. Although the top of the mountain had been flattened out by Berserker's Fury's destructive power, Skynet's scanners told a different tale. "Proceed with caution. Sauron is still alive; he seemed to have survived by taking cover behind his throne, made of an unknown metal composition."

Alex nodded in agreement, "He will be desperate now."

As the dust cleared, revealing the shattered remnants of Sauron's once-mighty temple, now gone. The eerie silence that followed was abruptly shattered by the enraged roar of the tyrant himself.

"My temple! My sanctuary!" Sauron's voice thundered, his words laced with fury and desperation. "You will all pay for this!"

Emerging from the rubble like a vengeful specter, Sauron's form was a grotesque parody of its former self. His once-imposing wings lay in tatters, jagged and torn, while his body bore the scars, battered and bruised from the devastating onslaught.

With a feral snarl, Sauron turned his gaze upon the Praetorians and the unsuspecting citizens of Pteron City, his eyes burning with a malevolent light. "You dare defy me?" he hissed, his voice a chilling echo of malice. "You are nothing but insects to be crushed beneath my heel!"

Like a predator stalking its prey, he descended upon the helpless masses, his twisted form radiating an aura of primal menace. With each step, the ground trembled beneath his feet, echoing the fury that raged within him.

As the citizens of Pteron City recoiled in terror, Sauron's outstretched claws sought out his victims with ruthless precision. "Submit to your master!" he commanded, his voice a venomous whisper that sent shivers down their spines.

Some citizens tried to resist, their voices raised in protest as they struggled against Sauron's grip. "Stop! Please, have mercy!" they pleaded, their words falling on deaf ears as Sauron's hunger drove him onward.

With a cruel twist of his talons, he tore into their flesh, draining their life force with a voracious hunger. Their anguished cries echoed through the air, a chilling testament to the depths of Sauron's depravity.

"Attack! Destroy them all!" Sauron bellowed, his voice a chilling command that sent his minions into a frenzy of violence. Scared of Sauron's madness and power they have no choice but to follow their kings order and rush through and fight with their kings enemy.

With a grim determination, Alex surveyed the chaos unfolding before him, his gaze hardening as he prepared to face the onslaught. "Prepare for battle!" he ordered, his voice cutting through the din of the battlefield. "It seems the coward won't even face me!"

Rico, his eyes blazing with determination, rallied his fellow praetorian guards to his side. "Stand firm, brothers and sisters! With the Emperor by our side, we will be victorious!" he shouted, his voice filled with fierce resolve.

As Sauron's uncountable number soldiers closed in, their weapons raised and their eyes filled with malice, Rico and the praetorians stood ready to defend their Emperor to the last. "For the Emperor!" they cried in unison, their voices echoing across the battlefield.

Rico's command echoed through the chaos of battle, his voice laced with authority and determination. As he activated his weapon modifications, a series of compartments and launchers on his forearm sprang to life, unleashing a barrage of high-mass energy bullets, energy beams, and rockets upon the enemy ranks.

With devastating firepower, Rico's weapons found their targets, tearing through the enemy lines with deadly efficiency. Energy beams lanced out, carving through flesh and make shift armor alike, while rockets streaked through the air, detonating in fiery explosions that left devastation in their wake.

"Conditional tracking missile, release!" Rico bellowed, his HUD lighting up with multiple targets. With a swift motion, he unleashed a torrent of missiles from his shoulders, each one finding its mark with deadly accuracy. Smoke billowed in their wake as the explosions ripped through the enemy ranks, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

Inspired by Rico's lead, the Praetorian guards followed suit, activating their long-range weapons with precision and skill. Energy rifles blazed with searing light, while rockets streaked through the air, seeking out their targets with unerring accuracy.

Despite the enemy's best efforts, none could withstand the onslaught of the Praetorian guards and their advanced weaponry. Even the formidable Vibranium shields and weapons of their adversaries proved to be no match for the sheer firepower and tactical prowess of the Praetorian guards.

Even as their numbers fall the enemies with their cold weapons rush towards to where the praetorians are, hoping to come close and attack them. Even with the volley of rockets and energy beams raining down on them, some made use of their Vibranium shields and fallen comrades' body hoping to close in the gap.

Rico's voice cut through the chaos, commanding and decisive. "Praetorians, switch to ranged assault formation! Keep your distance and maintain your firing lines!"

With practiced precision, the Praetorian guards swiftly adjusted their positions, spreading out to create a wide arc of fire while keeping a safe distance from the encroaching enemy forces.

"Stay focused you apes! Keep those guns up and rain hell upon them!" Rico's voice echoed across the battlefield, urging his troops to unleash the full extent of their firepower.

The Praetorians responded with unwavering resolve, their energy rifles humming with power as they unleashed a relentless barrage of laser fire upon their adversaries. With each precise shot, enemy combatants fell, their ranks thinning under the relentless assault.

"Keep them at bay! We need air support, don't let them get any closer!" Rico's commands were met with unwavering obedience as the Praetorian guards continued to hold their ground, their disciplined volleys of fire tearing through the enemy ranks with deadly accuracy.

"Roger that Commander Rico this is Echo 1, our Squad are inbound, please clear the battle field." A group of Praetorians operating Pelicans responded to Rico's command. These fighter jets, powered by hydrogen fuel cells and capable of flying at Mach 5, soared through the skies with unparalleled speed. Their plasma weapons blazed with ferocity, striking down the Pteron with precision.

As the battle raged on, the Praetorians clashed with the Pteron on the ground. Their cybernetic enhancements gave them strength and reflexes far beyond that of ordinary soldiers. Yet, even they found themselves challenged by the overwhelming numbers of savage land.

As Sauron's army is fighting they heard a distinct sound above their heads, one Pteron lookup and saw the looming metallic frame of the Pelican aircrafts, can't help but mutter. "What are those.." gulping he continued. "Be careful! They got Metal Birds under their control!"

Amidst the chaos, those equipped with Vibranium shields stood resilient against the Pelicans' onslaught. They weathered the plasma blasts, their shields absorbing the energy with remarkable efficiency. "Run! Run!", a lizard kin screamed his over drowned by the horrific sounds of the battle field. A beastman who's just as scared as him replied, "But, there is no where to run…" as the scrupled looking for cover. Others, not so fortunate, sought cover behind whatever shelter they could find – rocks, debris, anything to shield them from the storm of destruction unleashed by the Pelicans.

"Plasma beams are not working Echo 1", Echo 2 said, "Lets switch to antilottery fire instead." Echo 1 replied. The group then change their weapons to something more destructive. An old way of fighting but still effective.

The Pelican aircraft swooped low over the battlefield, dropping bombs and launching missiles at their enemies below. Explosions rocked the ground, sending shockwaves rippling through the ranks of the Sauron's army.

But they were not easily vanquished. With primal fury, they fought on, their Vibranium weapons gleaming in the dim light of the battlefield. Against the might of the Pelicans and the resilience of the Praetorians, they stood as a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who refused to bow to the dictates of fate.

Skynet seeing that the ground troops might be overwhelmed by numbers rush to the Battle Field. Piloting the mighty Berserk Fury she said, "I am going in Father! Let me lay waste on these meatbags!" As she rushes on the battle field with maniacal laughter.

With a deafening roar that echoed across the battlefield, the Berserk Fury lunged forward, its massive frame hurtling through the air like a steel juggernaut. As it descended into the heart of the enemy ranks, the ground trembled beneath its weight, sending shockwaves rippling through the throngs of adversaries.

The enemy forces, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, scrambled to react as the Berserk Fury unleashed its devastating arsenal upon them. With each thunderous step, it unleashed a barrage of energy beams and missiles, sending explosions rippling through the enemy lines with devastating force.

As the Berserk Fury swung it tail into their midst, flinging the enemy ranks like they weight nothing, the once-confident warriors now reduced to quaking in their pelted boots.

"F-fall back! Retreat!" one of the enemy commanders stammered, his voice trembling with fear as he struggled to maintain his composure. "That thing... it's unstoppable!"

"Steady, men! Hold your ground!" another shouted, his words barely audible over the recurring explosion and gunfire. But despite his brave facade, the fear in his eyes betrayed his true feelings as he watched the Berserk Fury carve through their ranks with ruthless efficiency.

"By Gaia, what is that thing?" a soldier whimpered, his vibranium shield trembling in his grip as he struggled to maintain his stance against the onslaught. "We can't fight that... we're doomed!"

Yet despite their fear, the enemy forces knew they had no choice but to stand their ground, their vibranium weapons shaking in their hands as they did their best to withstand the relentless assault of the Berserk Fury.

Surrounded on all sides by a sea of foes, the Berserk Fury fought with primal ferocity, its adamantium claws tearing through flesh and bone with merciless efficiency. With each swipe of its razor-sharp claws, enemy combatants fell, their ranks thinning under the relentless assault of the mechanized beast.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against it, the Berserk Fury pressed on, its determination unyielding as it carved a path of destruction through the enemy ranks. With each passing moment, its fury grew, fueling its relentless onslaught as it battled against the tide of adversaries that sought to overwhelm it.

Amidst the chaos of battle, the Berserk Fury became a towering symbol of defiance, a relentless force of nature that refused to be tamed. With each enemy vanquished beneath its feet, it drew closer to victory, its roaring defiance echoing across the battlefield as it fought tooth and claw to defend its Emperor.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into the air, Rico's commanding voice rang out, cutting through the silence like a blade. "Cease fire!" he ordered, his tone firm and resolute. With a single command, the torrent of firepower from the praetorians ceased, leaving only the lingering smoke and the scattered remnants of their fallen foes.

"One enemy left," Rico declared, his gaze narrowing as he surveyed the battlefield. "Only Sauron remains."

Sauron, battered and bruised, stood amidst the ruins of his decimated army, his once-mighty forces reduced to naught by the relentless onslaught of Alex's elite warriors and the monstrous power of the Berserk Fury. Despite the devastation that surrounded him, a defiant glint gleamed in his eyes as he faced his adversaries.

"You may have defeated my soldiers, but you will never defeat me," Sauron sneered, his voice laced with bitterness and defiance.

But Alex, unmoved by Sauron's bravado, rose from his floating throne and strode forward with purpose, his eyes fixed upon the tyrant before him. With each step, the ground seemed to tremble beneath his feet, echoing the determination that burned within him.

"Enough talk," Alex declared, his voice cold and steely. "If you have any ounce of honor left in you, face me in single combat. Let us settle this once and for all."

Sauron's eyes narrowed as he regarded his adversary, a cruel smile curling upon his lips. "So be it," he hissed, his wings unfolding as he prepared to meet Alex's challenge head-on. With a defiant roar, he launched himself forward, ready to engage in a battle that would determine the fate of them all.


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