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Machine Man 63 Not another Ninjas

Back in Hell's Kitchen, amidst the chaotic gunfire and explosions, Ghost, the Terminator who have face many battles have undergone multiple upgrades from Skynet has been notified by the Mlitech Robots about a particular disturbance that the police cannot handle.

Looking at the robot that is mimicking Specter, it can no longer be simply called a T-950 due to the nanite upgrades it have received as well as the predator technology incorporated to it.

As of now, it is patrolling the streets in the Arkham Batmobile and its heading towards the disturbance in one of the docks.

With the precision of a machine designed for stealth and urban warfare, Ghost steered the vehicle towards the source of the commotion. The night was tense with the sounds of explosions, gunfire, and flames shooting up into the sky. From a distance, Ghost watched the chaos below, trying to make sense of what was happening.

Down in the docks, a fierce battle raged between law enforcement and a mysterious group clad in ninja garb carrying katanas and guns, like a mix of modern special forces and ancient ninja warriors, their foreheads is marked with a distinctive foot symbol. The police were clearly outnumbered, even with the help of the Militech Robots, try struggling to maintain control due to limited firepower.

Running his algorithm and looking for the best solution for the current problem, Ghost sprang into action. Utilizing the ejector seat of the Arkham Mobile, he soared through the night sky with the grace and agility even with his heavy robotic body.

Darting from one container to the next, Ghost, moved with the silent precision of a machine. Unseen and unheard due to sound absorbing materials, he closed in on the group of Foot Ninja, numbering around twenty. With a swift leap, he landed amidst them, materializing as his stealth cloak deactivated.

With a swift motion, he unholstered his smart pistols. As he pose in a T-shaped stance, he unleashed a barrage of gunfire, dispatching four of the ninjas without hesitation. The scene looks almost theatrical, with every movement calculated due to the battle data installed by Alex himself.

The remaining ninjas, startled by Ghost's sudden appearance, quickly turned their guns towards him. Reacting swiftly, Ghost seized one of the ninjas from behind, as he moves his enhanced armor protecting him from their gunfire. But the ruthless efficiency of the Foot Ninja was apparent as they mercilessly gunned down their own comrade, their bullets passing through him without remorse.

Now exposed, Ghost faced a barrage of gunfire, sparks flying as bullets ricocheted off his tri-weave titanium-enhanced armor. Undeterred, Ghost assumed a gun kata stance, his movements fluid and precise. With each shot, he picked off the ninjas one by one, targeting their heads with lethal accuracy.

Despite their advanced armor and equipment, the Foot Ninja proved no match for Ghost's futuristic weaponry and embedded programmed combat skills. In a matter of moments, half of their numbers lay defeated at his feet, a testament to his formidable prowess in battle, powered by the arc reactor embedded in his adamantium bones.

Jumping up, Ghost quickly somersaulted into the air, firing at the back of the ninjas who rushed at him with swords drawn.

Another group then closed in, Ghost's left hand transformed into a plasma cannon, unleashing a barrage of energy at a group of ninjas gathered to one side.

With only five ninjas left standing, Ghost said, "Puppy-loving pacifist." His smart pistols, Skippy 1 and 2, chimed in Skippy 1, "Killing is wrong!" ; "But we already killed though," quip Skippy 2 as it said "Meh Non-lethal mode activated."

As the ninjas continued to fire at him, Ghost responded by precisely targeting their elbows, hands, and knees, incapacitating them, leaving them immobile but alive. With a swift movement, he vanished into thin air, activating his cloak.

As Specter disappeared from the police sight, they can hear small squeaky voices talking. Skippy 1 quipped, "Well, that was a blast! Get it? A blast?" Skippy 2 joined in, "Oh, shut up, Skippy." Skippy 1 rebottled, "Your Skippy your whole family is Skippy!" Ghost turned off his smart guns insistent banter and remained silent, focused on the task at hand as he continued to leave the scene.

As the police rushed to assess the situation, one of the officers quickly spoke up. "There are still five of them alive, sir."

"Damn Specter, always one upping us Police whenever he can." One of the police remarked.

The officer in charge nodded, his expression grave. "Take them into custody and have them treated. We need answers as to why they're stealing chemicals."

Another officer chimed in, "This world is getting crazier by the day. Now we're facing ninjas."

A colleague added, "Thank goodness for these Militech Robots. Without them, we'd be in serious trouble." He gestured towards the two robots, their distinctive glowing circular eyes visible in the dim light.

"Indeed," another officer agreed. "But it's a shame we only have two here. If we had more, we could have easily overwhelmed those ninjas instead of remaining passive."

As the police moved to secure the remaining ninjas, they cried out, "For the foot clan!" before collapsing.

An officer nearby reported, "Sir, they've committed suicide. It seems they ingested poison."

The chief in charge clenched his fists in frustration. "Call the damn forensics team and secure the area!" His voice echoed with authority as the officers scrambled to carry out his orders, the urgency of the situation weighing heavily upon them.

As Ghost, the T-950, transmitted his report about the new players in town to Alex, the latter's interest was piqued. Intrigued not because of the potential threat, but because of the technology they might carry like the mutagen. He even wanted to go back to New York and personally investigate, but he has his hands full right now.

Despite his curiosity, Alex exercised caution. He instructed Ghost to continue the investigation but warned against direct confrontation with the enemy. The last thing he wanted was to risk losing the formidable T-950 and potentially unleashing rogue Terminators upon the world.

With his orders given, Alex awaited further updates from Ghost, prepared to take decisive action when necessary to protect against this new threat looming on the horizon.

------In Savage Land------

Back at Savage land, underneath Antarctica; the base buzzed with activity as Alex and his team worked tirelessly to clean up the aftermath of the intense battle. Skynet hummed softly, orchestrating the deployment of Squiddy drones to clear the battlefield while overseeing the maintenance of the base by the remaining Terminators.

"Skynet, how are the drones faring?" Alex inquired, his voice laced with urgency.

"The Squiddy drones are operating at optimal efficiency," Skynet replied smoothly. "They are swiftly securing the area and repairing any damage dealt with the perimeter."

Alex nodded in satisfaction before turning his attention to the Praetorian guards. "Well done, Praetorians. Your efforts have helped subdue a significant portion of the enemy forces. Now, we must focus on the next phase of our operation."

Some Praetorians, can't help but scratch their heads since most of the enemies were scared off by theirs Emperor power.

Some are proud for subduing the ones running away, capturing them, As the clean-up process is underway, they replied in unison to their Emperor. "By your will Emperor." ; "We stand ready to serve," one of them responded, his voice tinged with fanatical determination.

As the Praetorians continue with their work, Skynet secure the captives and have the T-800 guard them.

"Skynet, how are the captives?" Alex inquired, his brow furrowed with concern.

"They are all secured Father, all are given ample amount of food needed for basic survival," Skynet replied. "I'll be sure to thoroughly guard them so they won't cost any troubles."

Satisfied, Alex turned his attention to the disposal of the deceased enemies. "Ensure the bodies are properly disposed of, Skynet. We cannot leave them rotting, as for the ones with intact body use them for cyberware research." he commanded firmly.

"Understood, the bodies will be incinerated, others will be utilized for research purposes," Skynet affirmed, its efficiency unwavering.

With the cleanup underway, Alex addressed his Praetorian guards. "Rest up, Praetorians. We have a challenging battle ahead of us. Prepare yourselves, its finally time to deal with Sauron."

The guards nodded in agreement, they can no longer tolerate this insolence of attacking their base and provoking them. Their determination renewed as they anticipated the next phase of their mission.

On the following day, Skynet completed the elaborate ceremony to prepare for battle. Despite Alex's insistence that such ceremonies were unnecessary, Skynet persisted, arguing that it was vital for maintaining their authority and prestige among the Praetorians. Reluctantly, Alex relented, allowing Skynet to proceed with the ceremony as it saw fit.

Alex stood at the heart of the base, surrounded by his Praetorian guards moving with disciplined precision. With a solemn demeanor, he called forth Rico, Shanna, and Byakko to select a hundred Praetorian guards to accompany them into battle.

"Prepare yourselves, my loyal Praetorians," Alex declared, his voice resonating in the underground Savage land. "Today, we march forth to confront our enemies. They attack us even when we are not hostile, we have learned about their king's atrocities! We will free them from the grip of Sauron's tyranny! We will bring freedom to the people of Savage land!" his hands slamming into his floating throne, creating a metallic sound enforcing his will.

With determination etched on their faces, the Praetorians rallied around their Emperor, their weapons gleaming in the artificial sun of the underground base. As they boarded the Pelican ships, tension hung in the air, replaced only by the anticipation of battle.

"For the Emperor," they remarked, their voice filled with resolve. "For honor and glory!" "Rip and tear!" They screamed as they prepare for battle.

As soon as they board the Pelican Airship, some Praetorians talk about the recent encounter, "Let's hope that this time, we will have the opportunity to test our new toys in combat."

"Right? The Emperor's power was so overwhelming that the enemies chicken out." Another Praetorian chimed in.

Another Praetorian laughed and added, "True, let's just hope the Emperor saves some for us this time."

Meanwhile, Skynet, in her android body, took command of the Berserk Fury, preparing it for flight alongside the Pelican ships. With a few commands, she activated the squiddy drones, attaching aerial wing mods and boosters to the Berserk Fury, ensuring that she could follow the team into battle.

"Father, everything is in place. We are ready to depart," Skynet reported, her voice resonating in the chamber as she prepared to join the fray.

Alex nodded, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. "Very well, Skynet. Let us show our enemies our technological might," his words echoing through the underground expanse.

Alex then gave his orders, commanding the rest of his Praetorian guards. "Barrert, Vincent, Strief, Cid" he called out, singling out the trusted leaders among them. "Remain at the base and defend it. Our base must remain secure in our absence, continue the mining operation."

As the designated defenders nodded in acknowledgment of their orders. They understood the importance of their task and pledged to carry it out without hesitation.

With the defense of the base entrusted to his loyal Praetorians, Alex settled onto his floating throne. Boarding one of the Pelican ships alongside the five Aerians clad in gleaming silver armor, he prepared to lead the charge into enemy territory.

Together with the 100 Praetorian guards, led by Rico, Byakko, and Shanna, stood ready for battle. With the Berserk Fury flying by their side, they soared through toward Sauron's Pteron City.

As they approached the enemy city, anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the Praetorians' unwavering determination to emerge victorious in the coming battle. With their Emperor leading the charge and their comrades defending the base, they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they journeyed deeper into enemy territory, Alex's pondered the unusual lack of resistance along their path. It struck him as odd that they encountered no traps or obstacles, considering the stakes of the impending battle.

"It seems Sauron is overly confident in the strength of his forces," Alex mused aloud, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism. "He probably believes that his previous army is still engage and are winning."

Beside him, the Aerians and Praetorians exchanged knowing glances, their expressions reflecting a shared understanding of their enemy's arrogance. They were well aware that Sauron's reliance on brute force would ultimately be his downfall in the face of their advanced technology.

With each passing moment, their confidence in their ability to overcome any challenge grew stronger. The Praetorians, bolstered by their unwavering loyalty to Alex, stood ready to unleash the full extent of their military might upon their adversaries.

As they approached the towering walls of Sauron's Pteron City, anticipation crackled in the air, fueling their determination to emerge victorious. The stage was set for a showdown and the Praetorians were more than prepared to rise to the occasion and prove their superiority on the battlefield.

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