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25% Halo Earth's Guardian's / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Visit
Halo Earth's Guardian's Halo Earth's Guardian's original

Halo Earth's Guardian's

Penulis: Krota456

© WebNovel

Bab 1: Chapter 1 The Visit

Authors Note: Hi y'all I like to introduce you all to one of my newest stories.

If you are wondering what it is about, I'll just fill you in on it. First it's very clear. Halo is obviously a part of it. Second, majority of the characters are OC'S, all except others who is already cannon.

Third if you guys are thinking who Michael Bjorn is, he's a main character from a CANNON book I've read. Please give it a try so you can better understand who he and the others are in these fic of mine.

The book's name is called ( A Michael Bjorn Book) Shadow Pack is the start of the series. Give the book a try y'all. It's an amazing one.

One other thing, there will be some of the fantasy Tv Shows I might add into the fanfic to make it more interesting and fun. The first two shows I'll be using would be Wolf Pack show from paramount plus, and possibly the famous Teen Wolf show.

And so that is all for now.

Please leave a comment and likes, enjoy reading.

--- Halo's Earth Guardians ---

It has been about an hour passed, and nine-fifteen was nearing in the morning. Not much was going on around the town, yet.

But that doesn't mean that the townsfolks aren't already up. Some had even woken up early in the morning to get prepared for whatever usual thing they do every so often in the mornings.

As the day proceeded forward a truck, well, a futuristic-looking version of a Ford Raptor. This particular truck though was quite different than its other brethren. Instead of just four thirty-five-inch or thirty-seven-inch wheel sizes, this truck had six installed in it.

This gave the vehicle a good ride on the road for sure. On the side rear of the truck were three gas tanks strapped closed and tight in case they might've fallen off. Another acquisition of this truck was its four doors of course in case the driver has three or five passengers, though the driver doubts that'll ever happen soon for he rarely has anyone with him in the car. Which was good for the spartan, or Leo that is, prefers to be alone.

As he neared the white line on the road, Leo saw the flashing light of yellow, knowing what that meant he slowly put his left foot down as the truck came to a full stop. As the other cars were going by on the green light, Leo took a look from the left side and then to the right side.

As he does Leo sees a white Honda Toyota coming to a stop just on his right. Looking to the front Leo was just waiting for the light to turn green, the driver of the Toyota who the spartan was a man turned out to be a woman of about in her mid-twenties.

She was getting ready for some unknown reason and glanced to her left. Seeing the rather ridiculous-looking truck, the woman spoke out to the spartan in praising his vehicle.

"Nice truck!" Says the woman.

Hearing her the spartan nodded down and responded. "Thanks,"

Expecting the man to try and talk to her at the time being, the woman just sat there but got nothing out of him. It was funny because, usually as a park ranger men would frequently try having a conversation heck even try flirting. Talking she could do, but the flirting she would always avoid, why, well one, she was on the job and two, she wasn't really into a relationship, just not after she had been through one with her previous boyfriend.


Leo rolled up his window not wanting to get into a conversation with the civilian or woman that is.

As he took a right at the second intersection Leo continued driving for almost another twenty minutes till eventually, he arrived at his destination.

From where he sat Leo saw the twelfth-story building of magnificent sight. Instead of the ones like the type a CEO or any company has, this building was built with a mix of wood and cement. The windows weren't more than seven feet tall and square wide, it was about five and a half feet square wide all except for eight windows.

From where he was Leo could see the figure of an old man who seemed to be having a conversation with another man, though he didn't see the other person, Leo knew that the old man was talking with someone else.

Stepping outside his vehicle Leo grabbed his backpack. Inside he checked to see if he had everything he had packed up before his trip here.

After completing his survey the spartan the. Continued up the stairs well and proceeded past the doors. Just from the corner of his eyes, Leo could see from the reflection on the window a familiar Toyota parking just across from his truck.

"Hi! How may I help you?" the voice of a woman said speaking up.

"Hi, im here to see Mr. Bill... Is he available, im supposed to see him for an interview," Leo said answering her.

The Secretary woman was quite surprised to see the new guy. She thought she would be seeing the average height of a man standing at around six foot three. Yet here was an exception. The man in front of her stood up past her head, her head could only come up to his stomach.

"By god. How tall are you!" Asked the woman bewilderingly.

"Seven foot seven ma'am," Leo answered.

"Wow!... That's quite tall for a man like you. You'll have to forgive me, we don't usually get customers or visitors who are as tall as you. Though we only have one, he's a giant of a man, but not as tall as you, don't tell him I said that," the woman said jokingly.

"Alright," Leo said responding to the woman in a simple tone.

"You'll have to find your way up on the top floor. You can either use the stairs or, you can make it easier for yourself and take the elevator," The secretary said to the spartan as she was pointing to the two signs indicating where he wanted to go.

Nodding in thanks to the Secretary Leo then decided to take the stairs. He could've chosen the elevator, the reason why he chose the other option was that he wanted to take a nice stroll and stretch his legs. Super soldier or not, Leo wanted this.

After having been in cryo sleep for fourteen years tends to make his bones a little numb. And when having been woken up by the doctor he was advised that it'd be best for him to stretch and recover to let his body get used to walking once more. And so here he was, and to be frank, Leo kinda enjoyed it more than he had expected.

It had taken him almost seven minutes for the spartan to arrive at his destination, and once he did reach the twelfth floor he walked towards the door and was about to open it, yet before his hand touched the doorknob, Leo remembered something and reprimanded himself for almost forgetting to do what most people when entering their bosses room.

Knocking on the door three to five times the spartan then took two steps away and stood there waiting. He didn't need to see who it was behind the door for when it opened a man wearing a park ranger outfit held the door out and gestured for him to enter.

Leo thanked the man as he walked in, once inside another person, or to be more precise, an old man in his early fifties sitting in his chair motioned for him to take a seat next to the other man.

When he had taken a seat Leo mentally thanked himself for if he had worn his MJOLNIR armor, this chair would've crumbled in mere seconds due to the thousand-pound weight.

"So, you must be our new hire?" The old man said speaking up.

Leo turned his head to face the old man and responded. "Yes sir,"

With his hands interlocking the old man sets it on the table and shoots the spartan a smile. "Can I ask why you've wanted to work here as a park ranger Mr. Leo? And why I should hire you?"

Leo considered telling him about his past but reckoned that wouldn't have been very smart. And so he went with something made up one that he hoped the old man Bill would believe.

"Retired army ranger sir. Served there for fourteen years. After my service in the military, I wanted to find work, I did not want to linger in my house for too long. I wanted a job, so, with my aunt's help, she introduced me to Job Corps sir," Leo said answering Bill with a composure that of a readied man.

"Heh, I've got to say, you are one young youthful man," Bill complimented thinking about how someone like Leo could have stayed that young. "Tell me, how old are you exactly?"

"Thirty-two sir," Leo said answering him.

"What is your name?" The man who was sitting next to the spartan said in question.

"Leo sir. My last name," when he had said that the spartan had almost forgotten his real last name, it wasn't about a memory problem it was just that he hadn't spoken it for more than forty years. Though it only took him a few seconds to remember it thanks to his quick thinking. "My last name is Kornesean,"

"That's quite an odd last name, but not as odd as the big man on your side," remarked Bill as he could see a slight smirk on Michael Bjorn's face. "Anyhow, rather you are good to get on with my group, I'm afraid you'll have to get along with two others. I'm sure you've seen on the website that we needed three new park rangers, the two others- Well speak of the devil! They're here,"

Curious about who they were both Leo and Michael turned around and saw two people walking into the room. One was a guy, standing around six foot one, it was clear to the three in the room that this one was an Asian male. Usually, Bill would've told the new hires to wear a clean and undirtied outfit when coming into his building, but seeing as how he had checked the weather this morning, Bill couldn't blame them for humans can't control when the wind and rain would ensue.

The other one though, both Michael and Bill knew of. She was the niece of a village elder who lived somewhere far from the town. She could've finished her third year at Harvard College but for some unknown reason, the young woman returned to her hometown.

Michael was visited by the mother to let her in on the three listed hiring. At first, the man wondered why she had come back when he knew full well that the young lass was one of the smartest people he knew, though he wasn't one to judge, for he knew that wasn't his problem. After a week when the young woman returned home, he chose to let her on the list as the first hire. The Asian-looking man was the second one they got. But for the third one, Michael had a feeling that there wasn't something right with him.

"Why hello there Karhu, it's good to see you again young lass!" Bill said to the woman to which she greeted the old man by walking over and hugging him.

"I could say the same to you too old man Bill," quipped Karhu.

"Hey, don't call me old. I'm only forty-seven," replied the old man.

"Oh please, it's not like your back isn't hurting, you should see my grandmother, she's sixty-five, and yet she's still walking around like a woman in her thirties," responded Karhu in a remark.

Laughing along with her bill Thompson didn't chastise her and responded by remembering the woman's grandmother. "Speaking of grandmother, how is she? I heard she was attacked the day before you returned,"

"She's doing fairly alright uncle. Though, as much as I wanted to find out who hurt her, I knew that she wouldn't want me to waste my chance and told me to come join this gang of yours," Karhu said and stood next to the Asian kid. As Karhu does she also gives Michael a greeting hug.

"Heh, it's good to see you too karhu," Michael said as both of them departed from one another.

"Back to you as well Uncle,"

Bill notices the awkwardly-looking Asian kid and feels bad for having to keep the kid waiting. "And who might you be young man?"

Straightening himself the kid directly bowed down but was stopped midway when Bill raised his right hand.

"Please, there is no need for you to bow down to me kid... A simple introduction is enough,"

"Sorry sir. A force of habit... Anyways, I'll tell you. My name is Joseph Lang, son of the Lang family. You might know who my parents are, they own a restaurant in the town sir," Joseph says as he stands back up straight.

"Well kid, it is nice to have both of you here. And that goes for you as well Leo," Bill said having gotten Joseph, Michael, and Karhu to glance at the Spartan.

"Thank you, sir," Replied Leo.

"Okay, now that the three of you are here, I believe it's best that having three of you trained would be your first assignment," Bill said aloud to whom the new hires gave their full attention.

Raising his hand Joseph quickly spoke up. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, when will that be?"

"Today... You three are hired, and as for your first initiation, Michael here will help you fit in" Bill told them whereas the other man sighed heavily and stood up.

"Come, you three follow me,"

As they were leaving the room Joseph and Karhu were both stunned by the spartan's seven-foot-seven height. Josep who was the closest one to Leo had almost banged his head on the nearby lamb and was stopped by the spartan who held him by his right shoulder.

"You should watch where you're going, kid," Leo said to him as Joseph smiled while thanking him for the save.


It was not long after the four of them had left the elevator when they left the building and were on the way to their vehicles.

The other two new hires were quite surprised to see their giant of a new partner walking toward the six-wheeled Ford Raptor truck, one that the two of them had marveled at when they had arrived in the parking lot.

"I didn't think you were one of the new hires here," A woman's voice said speaking.

With his hand on the car's doorknob Leo halted and gradually turned around to see the same woman he had met in the intersection. Standing there as she leaned on her truck with both hands in her pocket, the woman once more spoke.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there and stare, or are you going to talk," The woman said staring at the spartan.

"Sis, will you leave him alone," Karhu said trying to draw her sibling's eyes away from Leo.

Without saying anything at all to the woman Leo gave her only a second of a look and then opened his car door and hopped inside.

Karhu and her sister heard the call from Michael saying they should leave right now and immediately entered the grey-looking Toyota truck and began after Michael and Joseph's cars.

Karhu's P.O.V.

"So, what is he like?" The sister spoke.

"Really Rieka, first you didn't want me to take this job, and now you want to know about the new guy," Karhu said incredulously as she shot her sister a look.

"Oh, I don't want to know him like that. Let's just say this sense of mine is quite the helper... And it says the new guy is not who he says he is," Rieka replied indifferently with a look of queries.

"And what Rieka would that be?" Karhu questioned.

"Nothing much, but me being a preternatural being can sense that the new guy seems to show a darker aura, and I can't help but figure out what he truly is... Like you know how my abilities work right," Rieka said to which her sister was pondering over what she said.

"Yes, you've learned of the way of reading about people due to the ambiance of aura surrendering them... Which is funny, you are one of the only other people in the village who has clairsentience abilities in this godforsaken world. How can you not read through the new guy?"

Holding onto the steering wheel Rieka slowed down from the flashing yellow light and proceeded after Joseph's car. "Honestly, I do not know. I mean as good as I am at reading through people with their aura, I couldn't seem to have gotten through the new guy. I mean there weren't any color of aura's that seemed to be surrounding him. Gold, yellow black, red. Hell even green or any other colors. I'm telling you, he's an unknown enigma. I've tried reading through him and all I got was nothing. It's almost like his an alien out of this world,"

In this world, preternatural beings are beings that exhibit abilities that normal humans don't know even existed. Like for example, an individual who can hone a considerable amount of abilities such as sorcery mysticism, and one that the outside world seems to dote on, like that of the shows they watch, like the supernatural TV show and a multitude of fantasy shows.

Karhu hated how some of the humans portrayed her kind. Heck even her sister sometimes teases her about the book-turned movie called Twilight. Shapeshifters were one thing that the people who made the movie got right, but the vampires on the other hand, she was just glad that they weren't blood-sucking freaks, and knew that the vampire covens around the world hated the movie for how they were portrayed by the actors.

"So what, you think this guy is the one who attacked our grandmother the night before?" Karhu said to her sister questioningly.

"That I do not know. If he did, Uncle Michael would've smelled him with that nose of his. Besides if had attacked Grandma, Michael would've hunted him down... Besides, he and some lady had only arrived in town the day before you did," Rieka said answering her sister.


Leo P.O.V.

After driving on the road for a good fifteen minutes Leo was the last one to enter the parking lot, seeing that there wasn't any spot open near the other four people he decided to take the one near the exit.

As he exited his truck Leo saw Michael Bjorn and the three others waiting for him at the entrance of the store. While grabbing his wallet his head tilted up to see two white vans parking just across from the store. Thinking nothing of it the spartan put his wallet in his pocket and the car keys and closed the door after he had pressed the locked logo on the truck.

"Jesus, what took you so long," remarked Rieka.

"Had to get my keys," Leo said to the woman.

"Well now that we are all here, why don't we partner up into groups and go find the clothes we need for work," Michael spoke up... "Rieka and Karhu, you two are with me, we'll need to find clothes that fit your sister. Leo and Joseph, you two are new, im sure you both won't have trouble finding your own,"

"Yes, we won't have any problem with that," Joseph said responding quickly.

"Leo, you okay with it?" Michael told him to see if the spartan was okay with it.

"Yeah, it's fine," Leo said replying without an issue on it.

Afterward, Michael and the two women left for the other direction opposite the path that Joseph and Leo took.

It was not long that while the two of them were walking the newly graduated Joseph felt awkward around the tall and quiet Leo, so to get himself out of that situation he settled on sparking up a conversation with him.

"So Mr. Leo. If you don't mind me asking, where do you come from? You know like country, state. Or do you come from another small town?" Joseph awkwardly asked.

Thinking of a made-up state, Leo decided to go with one that he and his aunt had agreed on telling. It was one that he read about before during his time in UNSC space. "New Zealand,"

"Oh, New Zealand! My father is from there. You know, my mother was there on vacation. And one day she happened to have pumped into my father. After having been living there for a while I and my parents moved here to America so that my mother could be closer to her hometown, and bam! We made her dream restaurant happen... What about you Leo? What are your parents like,?" Joseph said, but as he asked that question, he swore he saw a look of contempt plastered on the spartan's face.

"Don't know them," Leo said without a hint of sorrow on his face.

"Oh- im sorry. I should've been more careful," Joseph said feeling foolish of himself for he knew what the spartan meant by his answer. "Wh-what about anyone, you know like relatives?"

"My aunt," Leo said simply because the woman was like the only blood relative he knew of, and that she was the youngest of her siblings.

"Aunt, hey at least she's there. Can I know her name?" Inquired Joseph.

"Her name is Rosa Kornesean," Leo said as he knew what was to come out of the kid's mouth next.

Pondering over who that was, Joseph couldn't help but seem to have heard that name from somewhere. Though it only took him a few moments to suddenly shoot up loudly. "Wait! You mean to tell me that your aunt, Rosa! The Rosa Kornesean, as in the famous CEO of Reach Company!"

The people around the mall shot the two of them their attention after the loud Joseph covered his mouth out of shame for his stunt.

"Lower your voice kid," Leo said looking at the uncle who was scolding his nephew when gave the kid the hush treatment.

"Sorry... But you have to admit it, that's quite a feat. I mean she barely talks about anything related to her family. Everyone in town had never seen the woman walking with a kid of her own, or anyone in her family for that matter. And here you are... Man, I can't believe that you are her nephew," Joseph said while lowering his voice so that no one could hear him.

"Just don't tell anyone about me, I am not a fan of big crowds," Leo said whispering.

With his finger, Joseph mimicked a zipper and shut his mouth in a hush. "You got it, I won't tell anyone,"

What the kid was true. His aunt Rosa was the CEO and the creator of the company. When he asked her why she chose to name the company after Reach, she told him that one day reach was the first planet she and her siblings were born in when their parents chose to stay. Reach was after all the very planet he and the other spartan two's had trained on, far from any nearby cities and towns that is.

"Here, we might find something worth our size," Leo said as both he and Joseph entered a certain room where work uniforms of different sizes could be seen everywhere they looked.

"I'll go look for mine," Joseph said which he then stopped in track and turned towards him. "You good on your own man?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Leo said answering him.

Even though he could go on and find some shirts that fit his large size Leo did not need to do it, for before leaving for the interview he had already gotten the outfitted uniform needed for work which was inside his truck.

Looking around at the countless other stores in the mall Leo could not help but let out a huff through his nose. If he was to be honest, this wasn't his kind of stuff. Being around civilians who once in a while glance his way with looks of awe and fear along with being apprehensive towards him.

When he entered the mall, Leo saw how the people would frequently glance at him thinking he wouldn't see them. And to be truly honest with himself Leo didn't have any problems with it. Because back in unsc space, whenever normal civilians first laid eyes on him and the other spartans, they would think differently of them. Some would even try pulling their children back from even trying to walk up to the spartans they are.

While standing there, Leo was taking in the scenery of the mall. It was like the complete opposite of what he was used to. Buildings destroyed by war. Hell, not even a single library or flower shop would survive being bombarded by missiles, bullets, and plasma.

This whole place was very uncommon to him. He understood that during his cadet years of training as a spartan two, there wasn't any alien trying to commit genocide on humanity. All he and the others ever did was study hard and train vigorously to hone their minds and bodies to an extensive level to the point that if a single one of the members of a team makes a mistake they'll be fed no lunch and have to wait for tomorrow.

And when the thought of lunch came to his mind, Leo skimmed through each of the stores to look for any fast food restaurants or food shops.

Finally, he spotted one, and his eyes moved up slightly to see a large letter M. This one was what his aunt used to talk about the most during his first week of arrival on this earth.

It didn't take long for him to order a single, no, two double Macs with an addition of a large sprite. He was thankful that there weren't any people waiting in line or else he would have a couple of eyes looking at him like he was some animal in a zoo.

Stopping from eating his burger for a moment, Leo lifted his right arm and rolled the sleeve up to check the time. It was about five fifteen until it turned into five sixteen. As he was just about to roll it back down and eat his food a loud bang resounding that of a gun transpired.

People around the mall screamed. Fearing for their lives, some of them scattered for the nearest exit. Mothers, fathers, and families rushed to get their children out to safety as quickly as they could.

Leo simply put his burger back inside the small box where it first came from. He then was about to deal with it when from his right he saw Joseph hiding behind a bunch of large clothes. Bringing his index finger to his lips, Leo gave a sign of keeping it quiet to not make a sound.

First, the spartan glanced to his right seeing people running out to the only other exit that was a hundred feet away from where he was. From the corner of a clothes store a mother and her two children were turning to the left and running to the only other exit he saw.

He noticed just from the big silhouette walking after the mother and her kids that whoever it was was holding in his one hand a twelfth-gauge shotgun. The man brought it up and aimed it at the back of the mother.

His finger was near the trigger and was about to pull on it. But from his right, the man saw a flower pot coming at him, his eyes widened, but he was too late to move and the pot struck his head so hard that his head bent to the left side.

The mother hearing what happened halted in her step. Leo wondered why the woman stopped for some unknown reason and spoke out loud enough that she could hear him. "What are you waiting for, go!" He said pointing to the exit.

The woman thanked him and led her kids towards the exit.

The spartan understood that this masked man wasn't the only hostile in the building. He strolled forth as the man was dazed while he tried to get up to his feet which he eventually succeeded in.

The masked man blinked a few times and looked to his side where he saw a blurred figure of a man. Wiping dripping blood off of his face, the man saw the large size of the spartan and reacted quickly, yet he was too slow when trying to bring the shotgun up to shoot. He was surprised to see that Leo held the long nose of the twelfth-gauge gun and so attempted to pull it back. Seeing that didn't work the masked man went for the trigger and instead was shocked by how easily the spartan yanked the gun away from his hands.

Failing to do that the man held out his jacket and pulled out a fourteen-inch blade and didn't get the chance to use it when Leo smacked him in the head with the butt of the shotgun.

Leo didn't want to end him with the shells, so he preferred that a hard enough swing with the weapon would do enough to crack the masked man's skull.

"Kacy! Where the hell are you at man!" Spoke to one of the hostiles.

Leo knew that another one of the masked hostiles was coming his way thanks to his augmented hearing.

That was one of the many reasons he appreciated Doctor Halsey's work, for if he didn't have any of it he was sure he wouldn't be able to perceive the sound of the man's footsteps.

The man exited from the right hallway with his rifle in hand. The moment he saw the spartan the masked man brought his gun to fire but was hardly able to do so when Leo smacked the side of the twelfth gauge on his head. The man was stunned and tried to push himself off the wall when again he felt the spartan's boot camp strike him in the abdomen.

All the men felt next afterward was the large arms belonging to Leo. He pried the arm off of his neck and couldn't seem to do so when the last sound was the sound of a snapping neck.

"Pssst. Leo, where are you going?" Joseph said whispering.

"Stay there, and keep quiet," Leo said replying to the kid and quietly leaving his spot.

Michael Bjorn P.O.V.

Minutes Before The Occurrence

Far on the other side of the mall, Michael and his two unblooded nieces were strolling along in the walkway of the hall they were in. Karhu was in her typical spirit. Occasionally she would always talked about something that she couldn't understand. Like how she had dealt with some of them in her life.

Michael who was walking alongside her rolled his dejectedly. He didn't mind the two girls, though as much as he didn't like to admit it, both of the young women were the daughters of his old friend. And he wouldn't do anything to break the promise he made with their father and mother.

But now, somehow he wishes he had gone with the other two new hires. It was not like he despised Karhu and Rieka but the things that they talked about were what bored him almost to the point he wanted to stay six feet away from them.

Rolling the left long sleeve of his shirt Michael checked the time on his 2006th leather watch. The park ranger was busy looking at the watch when from his side Rieka said his name out loud for the third time in a role.

"Hello, Uncle Michael! Ya there,"

Michael apologized as he responded. "Sorry about that, I was just zoning out for a moment... What is it you wanted to ask me about?"

"It's about our two new hires, you know the big one," Rieka said flatly low where he could hear her.

"Yeah him, well, I do not know really. He just arrived today?" Michael said half-heartedly.

"It's just that I can't help but read him the moment I laid eyes on him. I mean it's like my ability in clairsentience seems to just go right through him," Rieka said responding.

That statement however caught Michael's interest. No humans were able to hide their aura away from those with clairsentience ability, at least he thought that was it. But to hear how rieka could not be able to read the new hire Leo, it made him curious.

Perhaps the guy was preternatural, yet if he was Michael would've been able to pick up on it in an instant. His nose could catch the scent of other preternatural and supernatural beings from a mile away if he so chooses to.

Yet, when the Leo guy arrived at the building first thing in the morning Michael had smelled the spartan before he could even open the door to bill Thompson's office. The spartan's scent was just like that of any living human he'd seen. And as much as he knew, Michael still couldn't help but feel something wasn't right about the new guy...

About fifteen minutes later of having to go from store to store, Michael and the two girls were headed toward one of the nearby fast food restaurants. But before the three could get one more step on it a gunshot arose as not long after screams of people occurred all around them.

"What the hell was that!" Said a surprised Karhu.

"What do we do!" Exclaimed rieka.

"You two go and hide over there, now!" Ordered Michael as he rushed them to a room.

When arriving in the room Michael went to push down the silver screen door, yet he was stopped by Karhu who came to him and asked.

"What of you uncle? Are you going to deal with the shooters?" The girl said sounding concerned about her uncle blood or not she cared for him.

"I'll be fine, you two already know what I can do, just stay here and keep quiet... Rieka, call the cops" Michael said replying in a hurry as he closed the screen door.

Afterward, Michael slowly headed for the hallway in his east. As he reached the hall he sniffed his the air and right across behind a couple of tall plants were three individuals dressed in combat vests, ones that seemingly looked like the cops would be seen wearing.

Though he could rush them, Michael knew that it would be a stupid idea and that the guns of the three terrorists would for sure put some very bad end to him.

In an immediate act, he grabbed a piece of broken metal and bent it into a sharp edge like that of a spear's head. While the three men were distracted they didn't see one of the civilians pulling out his pistol. The first and second shots the man managed to shoot went from one of the stores the same clothed individual exited the rifle and aimed at the downed veteran.

The man gradually followed the crawling old man and shot the veteran from the back then to the neck.

Michael quickly hid behind his corner when one of the men looked his way. He heard one of them speaking out loudly while shooting at a fleeing man.

"Come out here, I know you're there big man!" the lead man said piercing the very halls with his voice. "There's twenty of us, you killing three of my men would be your biggest mistake, so do me a favor and show yourself. Or else I kill more people,"

"Twenty, that's too bad, I would've loved to be the one to have killed your men but im afraid you got the wrong guy... So why don't you do yourself a favor and turn to the nearest police station!" Michael yelled roughly in disdain for the kind of man they were.

"Funny guy, I like that. Tell me, how much do you love your two girls, I saw them walking with you. I wouldn't mind putting a bullet in one of them," The depravity man said replying without care.

One of the goons ran up to his leader and informed him of something significant. "Boss! The cops are here!"

"Shit! Tell the others to lock up the whole mall, and make sure no one leaves these damn building. Now!" the lead man shouts watching as his henchman runs off to do as he was told.

"It looks like to me, you and countless other people in this Mall ain't going nowhere. So why don't you do yourself a favor and walk out of the corner!"

As the lead goon said that he quietly signaled for one of his allies to move forward to Michael's position.

When the goon reached the edge of the corner he slowly crept with his pistol head first, and then immediately he moved out into the opening and fired carelessly.

"There's no one here man! He's gone!"

Unbeknownst to the goon he was too busy scanning the area, as he did the man caught sight of two other people hiding behind the large sixteen-foot-long couch. He aimed the pistol at the two couples and was about to Michael dropped down from the ceiling he had climbed and knocked the man down.

The goon felt as if his right shoulder snapped in like the same sound as that of wood breaking. The man grunted in pain and moved his head to look for where his gun was just three feet away from him.

He moved his arm forth trying to reach for the handgun, but Michael's boots came slamming down on his forearm breaking his bone.

"God damn it! I swear I'll kill you myself you fu-"

Michael didn't allow the man another word out of his mouth as he just stepped forth and wrapped his hands around the goon's neck and then proceeded to snap his neck.

In his head, Michael counted nineteen more of them left alive. However, he thought about who killed the other three of the terrorists. And not even a thought passed by when his mind thought of Leo. After all, Michael and his boss Bill Thompson have been told by Leo that he served in the military as a ranger for fourteen years.

Though, he figured out that the other new hire, Joseph a fresh out of high school graduate wouldn't be in so much trouble since he was with an ex-ranger.

"Lane! Are you there, come on man, answer!"

Michael hears the voice of one of the goons went directly for the pistol and fires at the knees of the man. The goon let out a painful scream and grabbed his torn knee. Looking for who had shot him the goon tried bringing his gun up to fire but got a bullet to the forehead.

"That'll be eighteen," Michael said to himself.

Cops P.O.V.

A couple of a lot of vehicles blared up in red and blue light as it flashed, and outside walked many officers, some had their safety off just in case they needed to use it if necessary.

"Sir any reports on the civilian inside?" Officer Bella spoke as she walked up to her boss.

Chief Deputy Holland heard the woman and turned to answer her. "I don't know how much. But I can tell that almost all of the people had vacated the building. I'd say the ones who didn't make it outside are being held captive inside... Fucking bastards are forcing the people up against the doors,"

"It's pretty smart though," Commented Bella.

"Sir! Swat has arrived," One of the cops said announcing the arrival of one of the town's best enforcers.

"Good, tell them to meet me here as fast as they can... Go!" Chief Holland said.

"Yes sir," says the rookie officer as he left.

"Any idea on how we can deal with the terrorists without hurting the civilians?" Bella said as she and every officer in the area heard gunshots occurring and ducked immediately for cover.

"God damn it! Officer Jayla! Tell Sergeant Kras to hurry it up. Before shit in there gets even worse!" Commanded Holland as he crept up to take a peek at the entrance of the mall.

"Holland, sorry we're late. We had to deal with some issues!" Sergeant Kras said as he and his swat team jogged towards him.

"You can explain it to me later, right now we have a problem with the hostiles. Damn bastards are using people as meat shields," Swore Holland as he didn't want things to get any worse.

"Is there any way we can reconcile with our guests inside in freeing the civilians?" inquired Kras.

"We tried that already before. It appears to me that the leader wouldn't let that happen any time sooner," answered back Holland.

"Sir," One of the officers said announcing himself.

"What is it, Officer Vellen?" Holland responded.

"It's Jack, he managed to hack into the building's camera, we got visuals on all the hostiles from the inside," Officer Vellen stated as he and Jack handed the chief deputy a sizable laptop.

Both Holland along with Sergeant Kras and Officer Bella were watching the screen on the laptop. On the screen were multiple cameras that are now put all around the interior of the building. Every hall they checked was filled with broken art stuff, such as stores that looked like they had been raided for cash. On one other screen, they could see an elderly lady who was being held at gunpoint by one of the masked men.

On the video screen, they watched as the poor lady was startled when the man pointed at the ground near her leg and pulled the trigger. The woman who was just about to hand him the money jerked to the left for fear of getting shot.

Deputy Chief Holland and those around him grimaced at the sight of the masked man who smacked the lady in the mouth, it was apparent to them that the bastard only did it when she had dropped the cashes that were laid on the ground everywhere.

After the masked man kicked the woman in her abdomen he slowly stepped toward her and pointed the barrel of his pistol down at her.

"We gotta do something!" Kras exclaimed in trepidation for what was to come.

However, to Holland, Bella, and Sergeant Kras's surprise, they saw that the masked goon was just about to shoot the poor woman when from behind him a metal pole struck him from the back of his head.

"Huh! What was that?" Kras muttered out of shock as he watched the man drop down on both knees.

The camera across from the other hall turned and spotted the one responsible for the killing of the goon. What the deputy chief and those around him saw was a man who was currently in a fight against three other masked fellows. Jack was asked to get a closer look at the stranger and he gladly did it without question. As he does soon he and everyone see Leo as he is helping the woman up on her feet and lightly pushes her aside when one of the men shoots in their direction.

The deputy chief and those around him thought that was the end of the spartan but soon turned into a shocking event when Leo ripped a piece of flat metal desk and threw it straight in the shooter's direction with his head slammed against the wall behind him.

Everyone who was watching this event was shocked beyond exhaustion. What the Spartans did next made them question him for he should've felt depleted after having been shot three times. Yet they watched as Leo effortlessly put down the three men without much trouble.

"I don't know what to say, but boy am I glad that wasn't me," Jack exclaimed with a tinge of pity for one of the goons who just got kicked so hard that he was sent crashing through one of the store glass doors.

"Quick we need to rush in now while they are distracted... Go!" Holland said ordering sergeant kras.

---Part Two Will Come Next Chapter---

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