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"Agh! Fucking hell!" I gasped, my eyes snapping open as I try to get my breathing in check. Raising my body in a hurry, I tried to get a grasp of where I was. As my blurry vision slowly began to clear, I realized something was amiss.

I looked left. There was only darkness… I looked right. Still the same… I looked up. Where the hell are the stars…? I looked down. I nearly pissed myself.

"HOLY JESUS CHRIST!" I shot to my feet, only to lose my balance because of the inky darkness below me. It looked like I was standing in air, which was something I am NOT accustomed to. "Oof!"

My chin ached, the impact from falling a bit harsh.

"Ughh…" A groan escaped my lips. Feeling for the invisible ground, my palms stabilized me as I pushed myself upwards… Very slowly…

It took a few more seconds before I was on my knees, and a little more before I was on my feet again. Now, where the fucking hell am I?

"Ah, finally. I've been meaning to meet you." A voice behind me caught my attention, my body spinning instinctively to look at the source, only for the invisible floor to once again offset my balance. "Please, if you have trouble standing, I suggest you sit down."

"Go fuck yourself…" I glared at the figure standing before me. He wore a business suit and had no facial features whatsoever. Like, he literally had a blank face. I would liken him to a copy-paste of that horror figure, Slenderman.

And then I realized I insulted the being. Well, shit…

As my brain caught up to my one-kind of a fuck up, I prepared myself for death, not like it wasn't already looking for me since that stupid ass card game.

I closed my eyes and waited for the end, only for laughter to grace my ears. Opening them, I looked at the figure with a shaky frown, heart beating like an engine on overdrive.

"Well, you are quite an interesting one, I admit." The figure sounded amused. I still have no idea how he can talk without a mouth, but I'll chalk it up to supernatural bullshittery. "And no, sadly. Fucking myself isn't quite something I can do, even with my current set of powers."

And now I was just confused. Like… How was I supposed to react to that?

A chuckle escaped the figure's lips as he approached me slowly, his footsteps echoing throughout the dark void.

"Now then, a question for you." The being bent down, his face coming dangerously close to mind. "Who do you think am I?"

"… Uh…" My breath hitched, heart pumping even faster now. "Uh… Umm… God?"

"Ha! That old stick in the mud?" The figure snickered, right hand going over his nonexistent mouth, before slowly straightening. "No thanks."

Somehow, I sensed that there were things better left unsaid about their two's relationship.

"Uhh… So who…?" I bit back the urge to snark, not wanting to further insult the being.

"Well, you already have a name for me, right?" The figure looked like he grinned, despite not having anything on his face.

"… ROB?" I said shakily.

"Ding ding ding. We've got a winner." ROB announced, clapping mockingly. And then suddenly, he vanished.

I blinked.

"It is kind of amusing how the minds of mortals…" The figure's voice echoed behind me, and I quickly turned behind. "Are able to imagine what the universe is capable of, even without proof or evidence."

"Are you saying everything that humans write, fiction or otherwise, is real?" My attention was piqued, my voice no longer quivering like a leaf in the wind.

"The Multiverse Theory is a thing, my dear player." The figure turned his palm up, a giant ball of light hovering over it. "Anything that exists, whether it be imagined or otherwise, is reality in one universe. One prime example being the current world you're in."

And then I remembered what happened. For some reason, I had forgotten the events after what happened with that rigged card game.

I was in Remnant… Met Ruby… And then…


"Oh you." The figure's voice took a sultry turn. Instead of getting my hormones all acting up, all it did was drive a shiver down my spine. "You're thinking that on a scale of 1 - 10, how fucked are you? Or more like how fucked are you because you almost died to a beowulf, a creature for all intents and purposes, is one of the weakest hostile entity to ever grace the show."

My heart skipped a beat. No, I wasn't afraid of the fact that he can read my mind. I was afraid of the fact that he was right.

In the show, beowulves were considered cannon fodder. That makes me what then? Seeing that I nearly died to a single beowulf if I wasn't lucky enough to get in close and strike it with my hatchet.

"No need to fuss." The figure chuckled, its voice sounding garbled. My eyes drifted towards the faceless entity, breath shaky and hitching. "Just do what comes naturally, and you will survive. Just like you have back in your own world."

I saw the figure raise it hand, and then with a snap of a finger, he vanished.

And I felt myself falling.


"Bwah!?" I gasped, body lurching forward and eyes wide open. I placed my palm on my chest, fingers gripping the sheets covering my body tightly. "What the fu- Where am I?"

My eyes erratically moved from one corner to another, looking for any kind of clue as to where I currently am.

The first thing I noticed were a pile of neatly folded clothes just directly to my right, on top of a dresser next to the bed I was in. Taking a closer look, I realized that the clothes weren't mine, and a quick glance down brought my thoughts to a halt.

Bandages… Bandages covering the upper half of my chest. Explains the slight pain I had right on my side…

The side where that beowulf got a good hit on me…

"Ah, shit. Now I remember." I groaned, not at all pleased with my current predicament. My palms met my face as I relived my first experience with that piece of shit Grimm. "Fuck… I'm weak…"

And ain't that the truth?

Here I was, prancing about the forest the fucking ROB deposited me in, head full of dreams and visions of triumph about being the next big shot because I had a System.

And then a beowulf bitch slaps me into reality. The lowest of the low of mobs in the RWBY universe. Hell, they were fucking cannon fodder in the show! They swarmed in the dozens, only to be cut down by a single huntsman within seconds!

And don't get me started on the main cast. Ruby was literally zooming from one beowulf to another, easily decapitating or dismembering the Grimm by the second.

Looking back on myself, I cringed. What the hell was past me thinking? Get into Beacon? I stand much less of a chance then Jaune did and he was at least more useful than I in real life. What did I have?

Nothing, that's what. I'm a fucking overweight dude with not enough exercise. Jaune may look like a scrawny noodle at the start of the show, but hell did he have more stamina than I myself had.

I doubt I could even outrun a Creep, the lowest of the low of Grimm.

Shit… This just gets worse and worse by the minute.

As I stewed in my spiral of descending thoughts, me ears caught footsteps coming from behind the door. Eyes turning upward, I stared at the door and watched it open, revealing a somewhat tall figure from behind.

He wore a doctor's coat that looked baggy enough that I couldn't tell whether the dude was a lanky guy or just had normal build. His eyes behind his eyeglasses focused on me and the man gave a smile.

"Good, you're awake." The man, presumably the doctor, closed the door behind him and slowly made his way to me. "You've been unconscious for a few hours. Ruby was quite worried when she brought you in."

"Oh." I frowned. Well, this just sucked. Now, one of the main cast knew how vulnerable I was in a fight. In their eyes, I was just a civilian.

Shit, I need more good rolls. The fight with the Beowulf was a harsh reminder of how dangerous this world is for the unprepared mind. I might be in over my head, but damn it if I'm not fighting against the cruelties this world can offer.

"Now, as for your injuries, you're fortunate Ruby got you here quickly." The doctor said as he motioned to an x-ray picture of my chest. "You have a few broken ribs, which aren't uncommon, but the concerning part was a puncture in your left lung."

I winced. Yeah, that doesn't sound too good.

"Luckily, this clinic is well-equipped to handle injuries like yours, especially given its focus on training huntsmen and huntresses." The doctor tapped on the clipboard he was holding, an analytical gaze hovering over it. "Even more fortunate is the fact that the puncture wasn't extensive in size."

The doctor adjusted his glasses, studying the x-ray with a practiced eye. "Your left lung sustained a puncture, likely from the impact of the attack. Fortunately, we acted swiftly. First, we stabilized your breathing and ensured there was no immediate threat to your life."

I nodded, absorbing the information, though a dull ache reminded me of the trauma.

"We inserted a chest tube to evacuate the air from the pleural space, allowing the lung to re-expand." The doctor explained, pointing to the faint outline of the tube on the x-ray. "This procedure helps seal the puncture and prevents further complications. It may have felt uncomfortable, but it's crucial for recovery."

My hand instinctively went to my side, feeling the dressing over the chest tube insertion site. It was sore but not unbearable.

"We monitored you closely to ensure there were no signs of infection or other complications." The doctor continued, a slight smile on his face. "Thankfully, the puncture wasn't large, and your lung is responding well to treatment."

I sighed in relief, grateful for the timely intervention.

"Now, the broken ribs." The doctor motioned to another image. "We've provided pain management and immobilized the affected area to promote healing. You'll need some time for the ribs to mend, but with proper care, they should recover."

I winced at the thought of the broken ribs but appreciated the thorough explanation. The doctor went on to discuss a treatment plan, emphasizing the importance of rest and gradual rehabilitation.

"As you recover, we'll closely monitor your progress. If all goes well, we can discuss your readiness to return back to your normal life." The doctor's reassuring words were a balm to my worried mind. Despite the pain and discomfort, a sense of gratitude welled up.

I'll have to repay both Ruby and the doctor when I can finally get some Lien.

And that thought brought a horrifying implication. I'm broke, and I'm getting treated in a clinic…

What the hell do I pay them!?

"No need to be alarmed." The doctor chuckled, probably guessing my thoughts. "Taiyang Xiao Long, Ruby's father, will be footing the bill for your treatment and future medications as you recover. Do make sure to give them your gratitude once they come see you."

I sighed in relief. Okay, now I just need to think of a way to repay Ruby and Taiyang instead of desperately searching for money to pay a hospital.

Hospital bills are fucking scary.

"Thanks for telling me…" I groaned, the uncomfortable feeling in my side taking over my thoughts for a moment.

"You're welcome." The doctor nodded. "Anyway, I suggest you lay down and take some more rest. Brothers know your body needs it."

With a parting word, the doctor left me alone to my own devices in the room, the cushion behind my head surprisingly soft for a standard clinic pillow.


Name: Jack Alano

Title: Unlucky Sunovabitch

Race: Faunus (Tiger [Retractable Claws])

SP = 10

STR: 6

VIT: 9

END: 10

AGI: 6

DEX: 9

INT: 9

WIS: 3

"Where did I get those status po- Oh, right, my quests." I facepalmed. "Okay, uh… what were my rewards again?"

Quest complete!

[Tutorial: Where's my damn compass!?]

[Objective: Find a way to civilization]

[Rewards: 5 stat points, 1 perk point, 1 item roll, (Redacted)]

Quest Complete!

[Tutorial: I'm no pussy!]

[Objective: Fight off the Grimm]

[Bonus Objective: Kill at least 3 Beowulves] (x)

[Rewards: 5 stat points, 1 perk point]

[Bonus Rewards: 10 stat points, 2 perk points, 1 item roll, (Redacted)] (x)

"Okay, not bad. I'm still worried about that redacted thing. What the hell is it?" I frowned. Even after getting it, I still had no idea what the hell I got. Maybe it's in my perks or skills?



[Retractable Claws] - Gained from the Faunus Race. Can extend or retract claws at will. Affected by STR, END, and DEX. (Gained from Race: Faunus)

[Night Vision] - Have increased vision in the dark. (Gained from Race: Faunus)

[Iron Belly - You won't get sick from eating raw food. Still tastes like shit though.]

[Good Lookin' - You look good. That's it. People will find you more attractive.]

[Rapid Regeneration (System Version) - Increases your body's regeneration capabilities by a factor of 10. System Version - increases it by another factor of 10, gain a very high resistance to harmful toxins, and sleeping will cleanse your body removing all form of debuffs from your body.]


Holy Jesus. I just hit the motherload of perks…

IAmGuavaFruit IAmGuavaFruit

Again, friendly reminder to hop into mah discord if you are interested to roll for Jack's perks/items.


Also, shameless plug for patreon if you want to read ahead for my fictions (Note: No new chapter for this fic as of posting this chapter)


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