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100% Owning A Mythic Item In Fairy Tail / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Fairy Tail Finally Knows

Bab 5: Chapter 5: Fairy Tail Finally Knows

'Shittt...' Shiki stared at his two options for a long time, unsure, 'Full Counter is really good and overpowered... but a blank card! Ahhh, I don't know!' 

He then wondered if he HAD to choose now, when, much to his joy, the system said [Reward can be stored for later. Duration: 1 Week. Y/N] He stored the reward, with the system then telling him it will remind him daily so as to not forget about it accidentally.

'Now, let's see if Raizel's done his job' He wondered with a smile, standing up and heading back to the place of his now finished job.




"M-MMM!" Shiki arrived to see the elderly couple tied up by some rope and some tape covering their mouths, "MMM!!" 

"So, what do you wanna do with 'em?" Shiki asked Raizel, standing beside him as they looked at the frightened yet angry elderly couple, 'I was taught to respect my elders, but I can make an exception for this'

"This isn't enough..." Raizel stated, unsatisfied with just tying them up and silencing them, wanting to do much, much worse to them.

"..." Shiki glanced at Raizel for a bit before walking to the couple and crouching down, reaching eye-level with them, "..."

"MMM!" The old man muffled a shout, his eyes full of hatred as he switched between looking at Shiki and Raizel.

"Haa..." Shiki let out a sigh, standing up as he said nothing to the elderly couple and walked back to Raizel's side with his hand in his pocket, "Yo, Raizel"

"Yes, boss?" 

"..." Shiki was gonna refute his new title given by Raizel, 'Actually, I kinda like it so I'll allow it', "Here, don't drop it" He pulled his hand out of his pocket, a familiar lacrima in his hand as he passed it to Raizel.

"What is this?-" Raizel looked at it with interest, "-I know it's a lacrima, but why are you giving it to me?" He clarified.

"It's a dragon lacrima-" Shiki answered, until he got cut off by a loud shout by none other than Raizel himself.

"WHAT!?" He shouted in shock and surprise, looking at the lacrima in his shaky hands, "W-Wait... y-you're... not giving me this, are you?" He asked.

"Yup, go ahead. Just place it in front of your chest and it should work" Shiki said, patting Raizel's shoulder with a smile.

"..." Raizel was silent for a few seconds, before stepping back and kneeling, one hand placed on his chest, "Thank you, boss! I'm forever grateful! Whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it! Your word is my word!" He exclaimed wholeheartedly before standing up and placing the lacrima in front of his chest, "Like this, right-?"

The lacrima then pushed itself into his chest, a weird but interesting sight to see nonetheless.

"Wow... all this power..." Raizel shook in joy, looking at his hands before clenching them, "Can I try it out, boss?" He asked with a smirk.

Knowing what he was planning to do, Shiki nodded, "Go ahead. You're now an Ice Dragon Slayer, welcome to the ice slayer squad" He joked as he watched Raizel walk over to the couple who tried to scurry away but ultimately failing, unsurprisingly.

"This is my revenge..." Raizel crouched down, grabbing hold of the old man's right hand, "I'll start with this hand!" He turned his hand into a solid ice block, "HAH!" Before punching it, shattering it as the man's hand was now completely gone.

"MMMMMM!" Tears fell down the man's eyes, "MMAMMAAHMMM!" His wife scream was muffled, her eyes full of horror and fear as she watched Raizel moving his eyes to her.

"Now... we'll start with a leg for you" He then did the same thing he did to the man's arm, but to the woman's leg.

And so, this went on until there were no longer 2 humans, but merely ice shattered all over the floor - which Shiki gladfully ate

"Ahhh! That tasted good" He sighed in satisfaction, producing a small burp as well before turning to Raizel, "Well, now you only have 2 things left to do to become a guild master, in name" Shiki reminded with a smile.

"Shouldn't you be the one to design a logo, boss? And a name" Raizel asked, causing Shiki to agree, "Oh yeah. That's 3 things then. You can help though, I'm not that creative"

After a few minutes of back-and-forth logo designing, the two eventually agreed on one. [Image - the blue is gonna be empty/have holes, and the white colour will change depending on what colour guild mark people want]

"Now a name..." Shiki and Raizel began to name drop anything they could think of

"White... Dragon...? No no, that's not good"

"Ice... or, Blue- wait, no, Blue Pegasus already has the word 'blue' in it, can't do that"

After a few minutes of trying to come up with a name, "I give up!" They groaned simultaneously.

"A logo, strong guildmaster and members is all that's needed for now anyway!" Shiki stated angrily, taking a breather to calm himself down before realising, "Ah! Shit!" [A/N: Suggest Names]

"What is it, boss?" Raizel asked, worried that something might be trouble his new boss.

"I need to get back to the guild" Shiki said, "You stay HERE, got it? I'll buy a communication lacrima crystal for the both of us and bring one to you tomorrow or something, so stay put" He stood up and started heading to the train station to return to Magnolia

"Yes boss!" Raizel saluted.

Suddenly, he stopped walking as he turned around and said "Ah, right! And try to teach the guys (The bandits - 9 of them having decided to stay with Raizel) magic, if they're unable to, get them to learn a useful skill like blacksmithing or something, understood?" Shiki ordered.

"Sir yes sir!" 

"Good, see you whenever, then!" Shiki waved goodbye to Raizel as he headed to the train station to take the train back to Magnolia.




Arriving back in Magnolia, the first thing Shiki did was instantly head over to the Fairy Tail guild where he walked over to Mirajane at the bar.

"I've finished the job" He said, showing proof by revealing his bag of 200,000J.

"Wow, that's impressive!" Mirajane complimented, a little surprised, "Most new members usually take at least a whole day or 2 to complete a mission, and that's with another person with them. Congratulations!" 

"Thank you, Miraj-" 

"Mira. Just Mira's fine" Mira stated firmly, not taking 'no' for an answer as Shiki simply nodded his head.

"Thanks, Mira" 

"Wow, the girl's already got you wrapped around her finger, ay, newbie?" A shirtless Gray came over and sat beside Shiki, patting his back whilst laughing.

"Gray, your shirt" Said Mira, sighing as she wiped a beer mug clean.

"Ah! Where'd it go!" Gray did a 360 as he tried to look for his shirt, before giving up and sitting back down, "Whatever, it's not like I need it" He shrugged, "Say, if you don't mind me asking, what magic do you have? You never answered" He asked, his arm resting on the counter as he looked at Shiki.

Suddenly, the guild went silent as they listened in on the conversation, wanting to know Shiki's magic as well.

"Oh, did I not?" He asked, thinking that he had, "Well, it's-"

"GUESS WHO'S BACK!" Natsu burst through the door, breathing fire out of his mouth in excitement.

"Again! Aye!" Happy followed up.

"Haa..." Beside them was Lucy who gave a sigh. It was a sigh of both tiredness and disappointment as she felt useless during the Macao rescue mission.

"GODDAMN IT, SQUINTY EYES, SHIKI WAS JUST ABOUT TO ANSWER WHAT MAGIC HE HAD 'TIL YOU CAME AND RUINED IT!" Gray shouted angrily, walking over to Natsu with his fist on his other hand's open palm, ready to use his magic.

"YEAH!" Behind Gray was the support of the whole guild, rallying against Natsu who had his arms crossed with a confident smirk on his face.

"Haha!" Natsu laughed, "Bring it on, droopy eyes! And all of you-" He challenged them all, just to get absolutely ganged up on and sent flying to the other side of Magnolia, "WWAaahhhhh-" His scream could be heard until it was muted after flying too far.

"Haaa...!" Gray slumped himself back onto his seat beside Shiki, who chuckled as the 'Natsu vs Fairy Tail' show had now finished, "Could you finish your sentence?"

"Sure, it's-" He cut off his answer

"NOT AGAIN!" The whole guild screamed and cried, not wanting Shiki to get cut off for the third time now, just for him to break into a laughter.

"Hahaha! I'm just fibbing with you guys!" He said, a tear dripping down his face from laughing so hard at his own little joke, "Ahhh... that was funny" He wiped it away, finished with his laughter as he watched the angered faces of Fairy Tail.

"Can you say it now!?" Cana shouted impatiently, the beer getting to her head as she slammed her beer mug on the table she was sitting on.

"Yeah yeah, my magic's similar to Natsu's: It's called Ice God Slayer Magic, cool, isn't it?" Shiki looked around the guild for everyone's reactions, just to see their mouths wide open and them all being utterly speechless.


"So can you eat ice like Natsu eats fire?!" Over half of the guild rushed Shiki, barraging him with questions about his magic, "Yup" He answered, balancing himself so as to not stumble and fall.

"Is your magic stronger than Natsu's since you slay God's and his is for dragon's?!" Another asked, "Technically, yes" He replied

And so, for the next 5 minutes, Shiki had to answer all the questions of the guild members until they were eventually satisfied with what they knew.

"Wow... you're even more impressive than I thought, Shiki" Mira said, wiping another beer mug clean with a towel, "God Slayer Magic, huh? I've never heard of that until now"

"Yeah, it's a lost magic like Dragon Slayer Magic, so it's not a surprise" He replied as he sat back down in his seat, glancing at Gray who had been staring at him for the past few minutes, "Yeah...?"

"Can you tell me what my ice tastes like? I've been curious ever since you said you can eat it" Gray asked, causing Mira and Shiki to drop on the floor comically.

"Is that really what you've been staring at me for for the past few minutes?!" Shiki asked, lifting himself back onto his seat.

"Yeah...?" Gray asked with a raised brow, thinking he had done something completely normal, "So...?"

"Sure, I'll eat your ice. I'm kinda curious myself as well to be honest" Shiki said, standing up and walking away from the bar.

"You don't have to do that, you can sit down and eat it" Gray suggested as he used his ice-make magic to create an ice cake slice on an ice plate, "Here" He pushed the plate forward in front of Shiki who had sat back down.

"Bon Appetit" Shiki took hold of the plate with the cake and brought it to his mouth, "What's that mean?" Gray asked, to which Shiki just shrugged him off and said "Nothing", eating the ice plate and cake in one massive bite.

Loud crunching could be heard coming from him for a few seconds until he eventually gulped it down, a satisfied smile on his face, "Ahhh~ That was some good ice" He said, "You think you can make some more?"

"Hahaha! Anytime!" Gray laughed, resting his back on the bar counter with his hands behind his head before asking, "Say, what do you think about taking a mission with me tomorrow, newbie?"

"You wanna be one broken duo, don't you" Shiki smirked, holding his hand up.

"Absolutely!" Gray gave a smirk of his own, dapping up Shiki's hand.

"Oh boy... this duo might have the most potential to be the strongest in the guild-" Mira commented, thinking about the fact that Shiki practically has infinite magic when Gray's around - at least, until Gray's own mana ran out.

"I'm a temporary member, remember" Shiki cut off to remind her, a playful smile on him as he took the easy opportunity to joke around with Mira a little.

"Mou~!" She gave him a small pout, "Let me finish my sentence at least! Spoiling my fun" 

Shiki laughed, him and Gray leaving Mira as they walked over to the job board together, "So, what job have you got in mind?" Shiki asked.

"This one!" Gray ripped a job from the board, handing it to Shiki for him to read, "Whaddya think?"

"'Hunt down Ice Yeti's on **** Mountain, Reward: 300,000J'" He looked at it, turning to Gray who had a scheming face, "I see what you're doing here... let's go!"

"Tomorrow morning, it's late now" Gray said, heading to the door of the guild, "I'll meet you here at 10am, if you're not awake by then I'll just knock your door down, yeah?"

"Got it, see ya tomorrow" Shiki said his goodbye, watching Gray leave the guild to head to his place before bidding the guild members still at the guild and finally heading to his room where he jumped onto his bed after throwing his clothes away.

'Welp, looks like I won't be buying and giving Raizel the lacrima tomorrow... maybe the day after if I'm free' He thought as he walked up to his temporary room and entered it, 'Once I get the money from tomorrow's job, I'll have 350,000J total (If Gray and I split it 50-50). That should be enough to buy 2 communication lacrima's and find a place to rent and stay at... or maybe I should just move in to Raizel's place, but having to take an hour train there and back every damn day is gonna be so long and boring in the long run...'


A/N: So, whaddya think?

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