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Tulis ulasanOrginal name ? Hdhdhshsgsgsgsgsgs shhdhshshdhdhehehegeggdgshshshshshhsdhhxhdhdhyxyxyxhxhyxydysydyydydydydyydydydydyydydydhdhdydydydhydhd
ok so I managed to get this original name - 人在实教、 大反派竟是我自己 translated - In real teaching, the big villain is myself thats all I managed to get but I still cannot find the novels raw or in any other translation so if anyone manages to do it plz share
Orginal name ? Hdhdhshsgsgsgsgsgs shhdhshshdhdhehehegeggdgshshshshshhsdhhxhdhdhyxyxyxhxhyxydysydyydydydydyydydydydyydydydhdhdydydydhydhd
ok so I managed to get this original name - 人在实教、 大反派竟是我自己 translated - In real teaching, the big villain is myself thats all I managed to get but I still cannot find the novels raw or in any other translation so if anyone manages to do it plz share